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-   -   800 AI pilots on strike. (https://www.pprune.org/south-asia-far-east/449937-800-ai-pilots-strike.html)

doubleu-anker 27th Apr 2011 05:35

800 AI pilots on strike.
800 AI pilots go on strike at about 2 hours notice. Load of prima donnas if you ask me.

If they were striking for a worthwhile cause, I.E., for big, immediate changes at the DGCA I would sympathise with them but it is against AI management. They employ expats, you see.

Can't see why they don't tow that dinosaur AI out to sea and sink it. Fire the :mad:'n lot of them I say.

0Punkstar0 27th Apr 2011 05:53

600 Air India pilots go on strike

Slasher 27th Apr 2011 06:40

Why don't you look at both sides of the argument instead of
just trashing the pilots?

Look at their side of the argument too before blindly running
off the rails making knee-jerk posts.

You sound like you're either a management type or a bloody

doubleu-anker 27th Apr 2011 07:19

Not guilty, on all counts

They are against the expats being employed on contract. I think even you would agree a contract pilot should be paid more than permanent employees as contracts are always short in duration. The unions don't agree. In fact the unions want all expats out, period. This is the underlying grievance they have.

Would you have worked in "Nam" on local T & C's?

cyrilroy21 27th Apr 2011 08:27

I thought the 800 pilots on strike were former IC pilots .

They went on strike because they wanted pay parity with their AI counterparts

Feel free to correct me if I am wrong.....

sonsal 27th Apr 2011 08:42

i really support the pilots who gone for the strike......i actually want eveybody at airindia to go for strike, that how the management will take some good steps to save air-india and can utilize their pilots and aircafts properly.....:ok:

Aeronotix 27th Apr 2011 10:29

These guys have multiple issues to sort out with the management and have been trying to sit across the table to sort them out since past 2 years. They even had their grievances brought to the new aviation ministers notice, but have run out of patience.

Career progression, pay disparity, duty hours, cut in wages, delayed wages, deferred increments are just some of them. Management's indifference has forced the issue on the pilot body to take this drastic step.

Don't blame them entirely. There is a limit to which something can be stretched before it snaps!


VIMANMAN 27th Apr 2011 13:56

Kudos to the IC/ AI Pilots who are on Strike.

I hope they get what they are demanding......

At least they now have Jadhav and Co.s attention now...

Good Luck

rahulred5 27th Apr 2011 14:06

Why not strike against the DGCA too ... expose the corruption rampant inside that hellhole ?

alouette3 27th Apr 2011 15:06

You must live in a universe that is very different from mine.The whole idea of a strike by an employee group is to leverage the employers into doing something for the employees.It amounts to getting your way when the employer stands to lose millions of dollars if you don't work.
How can you strike against an organization that has no stake in whether you go to work or not?


rahulred5 27th Apr 2011 15:20

I am responding to the first post where the author talked about protesting against the dgca ... and I was talking about all pilots (employed and unemployed) as a whole protesting against the DGCA not just AI

alouette3 27th Apr 2011 16:15

Riiiiight.The words protest and strike are interchangeable, I suppose, these days.:rolleyes:

Excelsior100 27th Apr 2011 19:12

There is zero public sympathy for this strike and for pilots in general in India with good reason, following recent findings. And there is a complete sense of being fed up with AI and staff attitudes in particular. Ex IC Pilots are not exempt from this sense of being fedup Im afraid.

If management takes a stand on this issue and even brings in fresh expats to replace sacked pilots there will be zero public sympathy for AI pilots. EX IC pilots should realsie that a majority of stajkeholders would rather see AI shut down than bleed everyone else to death as has been happening for 5 years now. In these circumstances making demands on pay is just silly, especially when we dont even know how many of the stirkers are ""pilots"" in the sense that most of the professional world understands the term

By the way this would also be true of the other airlines of India should they take recourse to these silly measures, in the current public mood.

PS Im not management or a journalist, but an indepndent aviation professional with a history on the flight deck, who has worked with AI pilots on their employee buyout bid in the 1990s.

rdr 27th Apr 2011 23:06

rahulred is right. the real players in the game who should be screwed are the DGCA, the Ministry of Civil Aviation, and the pathetic politicians/civil servants, and even segments of the politicised press.

you are seeing a cry in the dark, when the entire juggernaut of the nation is to blame. it will happen in a matter of time, but at what cost and how long ??

it is important to support the pilots now, as the powers that be, are still filling their pockets at everyone elses expense.

Jazbag 28th Apr 2011 02:19

The pilots DO NOT intentionally want to destroy AI. It is an act of desparation by the pilots to gain attention because of the thick headed attitudes of the management.

If you were constantly being forced to take short cuts and compromise your profession would you prefer some attention? Here media should also explain the pilot body's views.

For too long babudom has exploited aviation and made it there new money making enterprise. It is time to sit up and change.

The world is looking at the Indian aviation mess and is wondering whether safety is going to become an issue here....

captjns 28th Apr 2011 06:42

You need to check your facts doubleu-anker. The strike has nothing to do with expats.

from the news article...

The striking pilots, owing allegiance to the Indian Commercial Pilots Association of the former Indian Airlines, which merged with Air India later, have struck work demanding parity in pay with the Air India pilots and other issues related to work conditions.
Perhaps an IC or AI crewmember could comment.

Anyway there were a few, not many, but a few AI flights operating between India and the Mid East last evening.

Hope all gets resolved by all.

thearsenal 28th Apr 2011 10:00

i'm not entirely sure about the reason of the strike but from what i have heard is that the IC part of air india have dropped 50 profitable routes and these routes are being taken over by other domestic n foreign carriers which is leading to a huge reduction in flying for the pilots which results in a reduction in pay of course by atleast 30 percent. again i am not sure if this is true. heard it through the grape vine.

doubleu-anker 28th Apr 2011 10:10


The facts are these. The union is against the management and it's decisions. Some of the management decisions, results in the employment of expats. The management like to keep some expats for when the unions call a strike and of course there are other reasons also as you are no doubt aware.. The expats are not allowed to strike and of course wont. They feel the expats are stalling their career progress.

The sad part about a strike, apart from destroying the company, is the inconvenience to the travelling public, who pay the employees wages and keep them in a job.

Old management trick in the book. "divide and rule"

av8r76 29th Apr 2011 05:08

You need to get over this expat hang up. IC does not have any expats on its payroll. It was not a 2 hour notice. I had warned my friends along time ago not to book AI due to imminent unrest. If striking was that easy, IC would never have a departure. The whole process is long and tedious and all avenues have to exhausted before such a drastic step is taken.
The core issues relate to gross mismanagement which is having a detrimental effect on their paychecks.

Atleast someone is holding these suits accountable. Instead of riling on these guys try to offer some support. For too long have our T&C's been slashed. I for one support the fact that some of us DO have a pair.

Prima donnas? I think not! You should see how management struts their stuff on the tarmac like they are well versed with daily operational intricacies sitting in their ivory towers. These guys are getting what they deserve.

Wannabe Flyer 29th Apr 2011 09:14

Why can the government not let go and let market economics and dynamics rule both from the customer perspective as well as the wage side of things. As long as they continue to run an inefficient juggernaut all will suffer. I wonder what the effect would be if the free seats, and bloated and old staff were let go!!

Boeing7xx 29th Apr 2011 09:31

2 months
the notice to strike was given to the management over 2months ago. They slept on it, hoping that it would just "go-away". Guess what... it didn't.

Excelsior100 29th Apr 2011 18:50

The strike is declared illegal the pilots want to go to jail. Lead artcicles demanding the privatisation of Air India abound. The situation is being pointlessly escalated by ICPA in my view. Most ill-advised More money from a bankrupt airline? forget it!

Abort Abort Abort!

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