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bungacengkeh 1st Dec 2010 18:14

How about getting the vet to euthanise you fellas? Better way to be put to sleep:zzz:

Fair.Pilot 3rd Dec 2010 16:26

This article sums up the thread:

On Selective Prosecution and MSM?s Selective Reporting and Spin

Fair.Pilot 3rd Dec 2010 16:41

Someone writes about Melayu:

Melayu Are Stupid

Teg Bahadur 3rd Dec 2010 17:36

F.P.....there is much truth in the article and it is an eye-opener for most. However the title is racially inflammatory and I would caution against posting the article with such an incendiary title. It can hurt our cause.

Sampan Angkasa 8th Dec 2010 03:01

The title of the letter/article is definitely inflammatory. I hope the posters and ppruners are knowledgeable enough to see through the shallowness of this article's title. I wish Fair. Pilot will play fair and place some footnotes explaining the inappproriateness of the article's title.

Kentot Gemuruh 6th Jan 2011 20:37

Well the MAS issue is whitewashed over.:{ See this :

MAS Scandal
But the public did not see that happening in the MAS Scandal. Why is that so? Why the big cover-up in MAS? Instead, the public saw a most frightening scene where the key persons investigating the MAS Scandal were brought down in a most brutal fashion.
The Director of Commercial Crimes, Dato’ Ramli Yusuff, was stripped of his Commissioner of Police rank, and then tried in the media on false accusations of being “The RM27 Million Cop”. In the end, the charge against Dato’ Ramli was nowhere near the much publicized RM 27 million but for some small change and for using an aircraft while on official duty in full uniform.
The public saw another frightening scene when a senior lawyer of a premier firm, Rosli Dahlan, was brutalized, publicly paraded in handcuffs and charged for defending Dato’ Ramli. Both the trials of Dato’ Ramli and En Rosli have disclosed some very disturbing and repulsive conducts of the officers of the AG’s Chambers and the MACC in fixing up a bad case.
Both were acquitted without their defence being called and with some damning statements being made by the Judges against the MACC witnesses. Despite the court findings that there were no crimes committed, AG Gani Patail immediately appealed? Why? Was that to serve some ulterior evil motives?
As a matter of priority, wouldn’t tax payer’s money be better spent to detect and apprehend the real crooks in the MAS Scandal? Why did the MACC and AG Gani Patail spend valuable time, resources and funding to so vociferously go after a Police Director and a lawyer who were unraveling the wrongdoings in MAS? Was that because Dato’ Ramli Yusuff and the CCID under him had recommended that Tajudin should be charged for various offences. This is one big screw up where the good guys got canned and crooks go scot free.
All in the Family
In the report lodged with the MACC by Shahari Sulaiman, the Managing Director of MASKargo, Shahari stated that the main front-man for Tajuddin is Shahidan Shafie who is the first cousin cum adopted brother of Rizana Daud. Tajuddin had appointed Rizana as the Company-Secretary of MAS in order to cover up all his tracks.
Tajuddin trusted Rizana because she is married to his brother, Bistamam Ramli. She is Tajuddin’s sister-in-law and by extension, that makes Shahidan as Tajuddin’s in-law (the Malay word is ipar-duai). Tajuddin’s web of deceit in camouflaging his interest in the companies that fleeced MAS have already been unraveled in the chart provided by Shahari to the MACC which surfaced sometime ago. The links and connection are so clear as follows:
That Shahidan is Tajuddin’s proxy is also clear because Shahidan has been named in various court documents filed by Tajuddin’s lawyers where Tajuddin is trying to do another deal with the Government. Tajudin is blackmailing the Government to settle or he will open a bigger can of worms. Tajuddin’s lawyers specifically mentioned Shahidan’s name as the new shareholder of Naluri Berhad which Tajuddin’s former corporate vehicle.
This is just another cover up disguised as a court sanctioned “ Global Settlement”. The following is page 2 of Tajuddin’s lawyer’s letter which had already surfaced earlier. And yet the MACC did nothing.

Fair.Pilot 20th Jan 2011 06:20


Sequel from this thread:

Let truth be told

Mat Sapu 31st Jan 2011 00:06

Oi, semua bodoh punya MAS flyboys..........have a good read of this and ask yourselves what have you done and what can you do to bring those culprits to justice.

The resignation of Tan Sri Robert Phang from the MACC panel (READ HERE) was actually something that was waiting to happen, two years in waiting to be exact. To understand this issue, plus to understand why the ex-Director of the CCID, Ramli Yusuff, and his lawyer, Rosli Dahlan, became victims of the MACC, AG and recently retired IGP, you have to read what we wrote back in 2009.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

In 1994, when Tan Sri Tajudin Ramli took control of MAS through his company, Naluri Berhad, Malaysia’s national airline had a cash reserve in excess of RM600 million. Seven years later, in 2001, when the government bought back MAS for the same price that Tajudin paid, the national airline had accumulated losses in excess of RM8 billion.

What happened to the RM600 million in cash? How did MAS lose as much as RM8 billion over just seven years after showing a profit before that? And why did the government buy back an almost bankrupt airline for the same price that it was sold to Tajudin?

We are talking about a plus of RM600 million down to a minus RM8 billion. Yet there was no discount on the share price. Tajudin got back every cent he paid after ‘bleeding’ the national airline to the tune of almost RM9 billion.

One man decided to launch an investigation into the affairs of MAS to get to the bottom of the whole thing. This man is Datuk Ramli Bin Yusuff, the Director of the Commercial Crime Division (CCD). And this man is now on trial after getting arrested for allegedly abusing his authority and for not declaring his assets.

The basis for launching the investigation was because MAS had earlier made two police reports. The police reports are Dang Wangi Report No. 347/02 dated 4 January 2002 and Dang Wangi Report No. 12532/05 dated 4 May 2005.

READ MORE HERE: http://mt.m2day.org/2008/content/view/23997/84/



READ MORE HERE: http://mt.m2day.org/2008/content/view/24040/84/



READ MORE HERE: http://mt.m2day.org/2008/content/view/24085/84/



READ MORE HERE: http://mt.m2day.org/2008/content/view/24137/84/



READ MORE HERE: http://mt.m2day.org/2008/content/view/24183/84/



READ MORE HERE: http://mt.m2day.org/2008/content/view/24190/84/



READ MORE HERE: http://mt.m2day.org/2008/content/view/24191/84/



READ MORE HERE: http://www.malaysia-today.net/archives/24192-the-untold-mas-story-part-8

The Ramli Yusuff story: the real reason why he was brought down

Apparently, the AG was very unhappy that Ramli had sent the Prime Minister a letter recommending that those involved in the MAS scandal should face prosecution -- as this ‘undermined’ the AG Chambers that had directed that the case be referred to the Securities Commission for the offence to be compounded as a minor ‘technical offence’.

That was when they decided that Ramli had to be brought down.

Three charges for purported non-declaration of assets was brought against Ramli at the KL Sessions Court plus another charge in the KK Sessions Court in Sabah -- and the trials were conducted simultaneously.

The charge in KK was for Ramli’s alleged ‘abuse of power’ in using a police Cessna for his private use. It was also widely publicised that the charge named two civilians on board. That has since been dropped and that part of the charge has been amended.

It was also conveniently concealed from public knowledge that, at that time, Ramli was fully uniformed and on official duty as a police Director plus duly escorted by other uniformed police officers while attending pre-arranged and well-documented official meetings with a specified itinerary.

That the IGP appeared as the Prosecution’s 75th witness to give evidence against Ramli strengthened the allegation that this was a conspiracy to eliminate him. This is buttressed by the fact that even the judge remarked that the IGP’s evidence contradicted many of the evidence previously given by other senior officers and Directors.

READ MORE HERE: http://www.malaysia-today.net/archives/archives-2010/33666-the-ramli-yusuff-story-the-real-reason-why-he-was-brought-down

a345xxx 31st Jan 2011 03:47

Hey Mat Sapu... take a chill pill against the MAS boys and girls... they are only employees! If at all you want to take a swipe then take a swipe at the Powers that Be and not at the small fry!

chintanmanis 1st Feb 2011 08:19

Small fries or not, by their very silence and apathy they are deemed to be complicit in the debacle. As some wise man said quite sometime ago...the evil in this world pervades not due to evil men but because the good ones do nothing. Earlier in this thread some one had called for MAPA to take the lead in agitating for an RCI to investigate and bring the culprits to accountability; nothing but pig silence ensued.

a345xxx 1st Feb 2011 09:45

If you are Malaysian why don't you write directly to the MACC! You yourself said evil happens when good men do nothing! Go to the Police Station file a report!

Why wait for MAPA and MAS pilots put it in the papers yourself... Get the whole country behind you...better yet get Anwar behind you! Wait a minute that might not be such a good idea.... Get Nurul Izzah and Karpal Singh behind you!

chintanmanis 1st Feb 2011 19:01

Hey smart arse, what makes you think I have not done that? I have made representations to certain quarters and they are taking it up. No, I have not contacted MACC; I reckon that to be futile exercise. With other NGOs, yes I did but here is not the place or time to reveal the cards. The only grouse is that we need more NGOs to get into the act. Nurul and Karpal? Well, the very NGO that I am in contact with is closely working with them but I have no direct access.

a345xxx 2nd Feb 2011 00:26

Must have hit pretty close to home! Go NGO! Go PKR! Go Chintanmanis! Ha Ha Ha LOL!!!:ok:

babasinkeh 2nd Feb 2011 05:35

What a dumb ass! Just look up his posts all over the other fora...for once I agree with bungacengkeh, this fella need to be euthanised! LMAO!

a345xxx 2nd Feb 2011 06:11

Posting on PPrune against a MNC of fairly reputable standing against a government which is democratically elected is about as st#$pid as it gets... Good luck guys!

I believe elections in Malaysia will be held by 2012.... Who knows maybe you buys might actually do something constructive!

I doubt it though!! Ha Ha Ha!!! LOL!! :ok:

a345xxx 2nd Feb 2011 06:29

I would like to clarify the phrase " fairly reputable" in relation to MAS. It was in no way to diss the pilots that have come from MAS in fact to the contrary almost all I have flown with in the ME have been of good if not better standard.

The phrase was more in line with them as a 5 star carrier with budget like service standards. A bit of an oxymoron to me.

ipohmali 25th Feb 2011 18:31

This xxx fella seem more like a saifool baharin clone, to be shafted up his six. To euthanise him would be too merciful.

gerago 1st Jun 2011 21:14

Mas on this MAS debacle, senor!
Read this :

Facts About Two Airlines

acegreaser 2nd Jun 2011 06:11

I am not sure if that article talks about SIA as the airline or SIA as the whole group. SIA's engineering and maintenance is a whole different company, I think it's called SIAEC...not too sure of the name.

So, maybe, SIA has offloaded most of their maintenance cost to SIAEC and doesn't really reflect the true amount in their book keeping.

It's easy for journalists to make sensational allegations and comparisons to stoke emotions. But in auditing, I think there are a lot of other stuff involved.
Just the fact that the journalist, or rather a blogger, just took income and converted it to MYR shows his reporting as too simplistic.

Actually, just based on the table posted on that article, most of the expenses in percentage seems almost identical between SIA and MAS, except for maintenance. Also, maybe, just maybe, MAS' aircraft are much older and therefore needs more maintenance. Maintaining those 30 odd B734 must be a huge cost for MAS.

I'm not accountant, so I take it all with a pinch of salt. I've read other successful airlines' financial reports and there seems more in their report as opposed to the article.

a345xxx 2nd Jun 2011 07:45

The 330's ,777's and 744's aren't brand new either.... so they too would add significantly to MH's maintenance cost.

Telur Belacan 5th Jun 2011 19:17

Well, MAS has had a lot of creative accounting experience not discounting the possibility that SIA could possibly do the same. However from the track records of both companies, it's a no brainer as to which company is more credible.

Gerago, you probably thought that your post would have generated some discussion..........truth is nada, yeetleh, zilch. No MAS guys ever want to talk about it. They rather stick to the MAPA forum, why? In house ma; like MASEU, in house very easy to sweep things under the carpet!
Like bolehland, who cares where the f**k the country is heading as long I get cheap food, cheap petrol, cheap Indon maids ( " rogol "-able ones ), some stock market insider tips, etc. Same malaise in MAS.........

baachang 7th Jun 2011 01:32

Rogol-able indon maids? Ha ha ha I guess there are more of those within the households of Mas pilots than anybody care to admit! If rice "orphan" can do it, dmk can do it so can many gatal fellas in canland.

Mas people have a kind of cojone-less self censorship. Hear no evil, see no evil and say no evil; just dish out the peanuts or else, they get the belacan!

a345xxx 7th Jun 2011 02:40

The problem is the apathy and malaise( No pun intended)! :)

Jambu Batu 8th Jun 2011 01:28

If MAS guys don't care, how do you expect the general populace to care? Tax-payers surely must demand accountability, our children must demand accountability as the nation's riches are squandered in endless bail outs.

Mapa and Mas people think pprune is a nuisance exposing the shenanigans within Mas and Mapa. We all know about the collusion between the two, and anything put out to members and pilots at large is nothing but " sandiwara ". Most local guys want unpleasant things to be kept inhouse, otherwise " jatuh" maruah lah!

Paishinel 17th Jun 2011 00:39

Someone once wrote that MAS mirror the Malaysian society at large; I found this to be very true. Everyone over there like to pretend that all are going well and unpleasant things will go away. So what if some **** sticks one's jacket, the equatorial rain will wash it away one day!

MAS is in dire need of change, as is bolehland in general. The bad news have not been revealed yet; nicely and quietly swept under the carpet. Even when some bad stuff were leaked by some bloggers, all seem to be in a state of denial. I agree with Jambu, in private conversation with some MAS boys all the leaks over pprune, MT are all such a nuisance casting the mothership and motherland in bad light. Some even think that it's all the work of opposition cina kuis! Sigh, incurable, beyond redemption!

bungacengkeh 18th Jun 2011 10:22

Debacle or not, MAS still in healthy shape paying MAS boys good salaries and allowances. Who gives the f**k to all the rumour mongers and doom sayers who always have nothing good to say about our national airline. To the ex MAS traitors, go and bury your silly heads in the sand. With the plunging US dollar, most of you will be dying to come back!

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