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piper_cherokee 26th May 2010 17:08

ATR rating.
Hi guys i am planning to get my ATR rating done.i have a few questions regarding it .

1) Is the AATC (Asian ATR Training Centre) good to get the rating done?
2) What will be the cost of the total course?
3) How much time does it take to complete the course?
4) Is it true that ATR 42 and ATR 72 have a common rating course?
5) Do i need to clear my DGCA tech specific exams after my rating?
6)Looking at the current scenario is it a good choice for a fresh CPL holder to get ATR rating or should i go for 737 or A320?:confused:

Looking forward to your opinions.:)

shanx 26th May 2010 17:28

Before getting any Type Rating on your own, do some homework and research on the job scenario.

It obviously involves a good sum of money, so spend wisely.

You'll ofcourse get a lot of different views and opinions on this topic (and rightly so). I'll tell you what I have learnt from the past 3-4 years.

Getting your own type rating is risky if you have no pulls or connections in the industry (or political connections).

Dont be surprised if after you go get your own SSTR, an airline comes out with an ad for freshers and some kid with just 200 hours gets preferred over you because he/she happens to know the VP/Chief Pilot/Director/Minister/bureaucrat/other big people in MoCA etc.

Has happened in the past, has happened recently and very recently too.

Also, make sure you are financially VERY VERY comfortable.

Do take into account the very likely scenario that you, say get a B737 Type Rating, and an airline comes out with a vacancy for A320 or ATR etc. (for which you'll have to cough up another 15-20 lakh rupees and bond).

And regarding your question about which type rating to go for .. viz A320, B737, ATR etc .. I dont know. Maybe someone with some "inside" info will be able to tell better.

If you're planning to get an ATR or B737NG Type Rating after seeing the Ad on Jet Airways website, be advised ... there are kids of Jet Airways management and Commanders who are well on their way to get the Type Rating already.
However, as with most things in this industry (and life in general), dont take anything for granted and dont rely on hearsay.

Judge for yourself in the end.

piper_cherokee 26th May 2010 17:49

Hey thanks shanx for your reply..

I am economically comfortable at the moment.i do not have any strong contacts in the industry,just one or two weak ones:ugh:.
But i was advised by a senior pilot that there are very slight chances that an opening for a fresh pilot would come up in the near future.And right now instead of sitting idle i feel its better to get myself type rated on an a/c which seems to have a scope in the near future (looking at the Alliance air and Jet vacancies).Moreover i feel that there are not many ATR type rated pilots out there.(please correct me if i am wrong)
Another thing i feel is that after getting type rated i'l have more chances of getting recruited than tha chance i have of getting recruited right now.

Can you provide me with some info on points 1-5 please.Thanks again

picollo 26th May 2010 18:17

Please do not pay for your type rating. It has already brought down the terms and conditions at various companies.

If you are looking for a flying job, look at Africa or look in to getting your instructors rating.

piper_cherokee 26th May 2010 18:25

picollo could you please pm me of any job opening in Africa for a fresh pilot.
i tried to search for bush pilot jobs in Africa a couple of months back online but couldn't find any.

bombayhues 26th May 2010 19:03

Picollo, I would appreciate help regarding jobs in Africa too ... tried my luck a few months ago but came up with nothing ... Most countries need either 500 or 1000 hours because of insurance terms and conditions ... and places like Maun where low timers have a shot are saturated ...

(Sorry piper ... I have no input on your questions - which is what this thread is for)

picollo 26th May 2010 19:41

start here
Call them on the phone and then buy a ticket to go there
Persistence is key.

here is a worldwide directory
Search Air Charter Operators

For what its worth, you guys are not in a unique position. ALL of my pilot buddies were in this position for a long time. Heck I did not see the flightdeck of a jet until I had 5000hours.
Do whatever you can to stay in the field, fuel airplanes, load bags , anything that will keep you near an airplane.

good luck

bombayhues 26th May 2010 19:57

thanks for the advice :)

piper_cherokee 27th May 2010 11:03

Hey thanks picollo for that link.I mailed them my CV and got a quick reply back from Namibia that they have no openings right now.

And atlast i did get a reply from Toulouse regarding the program stating that

"Due to high simulator occupancy in AATC Bangkok and taking into consideration the enormous demand for ATR type rating courses, no training availability is possible before the month of September." (I guess it's full of sons/daughters of 9W commanders :p )

They are recommending me to do my training in KL or Toulouse. I find KL as a better option.

They are not disclosing the cost of the program and they are not even confirming that if i will be taken for the training.They'll be shortlisting the pilots according to their applications.I don't know what they'll be looking for in a pilot who is just interested in getting a rating and paying them for it.:ugh:

Can anyone tell me what will be the estimate expenditure on this rating?

Does anyone know any other training centre accepted by the airlines and DGCA .

And do i need to give the examination for Tech Specific and Performance.

ZFT 27th May 2010 15:20


I think you will find AATC Bangkok is not full of sons and daughters of 9W but RTAF and Indonesian carriers crews converting.

No one answered your original query re common type rating for 72 & 42 but dependent upon whether PEC or non PEC, the differences course attached to the basic type rating ranges from a simple classroom course to a 2 hour sim detail per crew.

piper_cherokee 27th May 2010 16:49

hey ZFT ..sorry to say buddy but i didnt get the term you used PEC.Could you please explain what you meant.

I got a mail from ATC stating that my IR has lapsed so i cannot undergo the training until n unless i get it renewed OR DGCA permits me to do the type rating with and expired IR.

Can anyone tell me if DGCA issues NOC for this purpose.Or i need to get my IR renewed.:confused:

pablo2973 28th May 2010 00:59

HI Piper My experience on ATR TR.......
I finished my ATR TR course 3 years ago , found my first ATR job just last year what means I had to pay for 2 type rating renewals 3000euros each .
ATR42/72 share the same type rating if the TRTO offers a course difference with it , and do a certain number of simm time as well during training .The cost of my training was 23.000 Euros 3 years ago including 6 take offs & 6landings in Denmark .
You have one option more to do it in spain through global training in Madrid and finally dont think because you have the TR you have lots more chances to get a job ,usualy airlines require some hours on type , maybe if you check doing a Type rating in a cheaper a/c like Beechcraft 1900 its a lot cheaper and the hours would be logged the same , multicrew , turboprop.... and you will learn the same basics .
Good luck

takeoffpowerset 28th May 2010 03:18

the basic requirement for going for a type rating on any a/c is that ur medical and IR should be current , if it is expired you better get it renewed before going , and ofcourse refresh all your IFR procedures !!!! they will not teach you the basics ... so make sure you have a good grasp on that...

All the best

piper_cherokee 28th May 2010 06:10

takeoffpowerset n pablo thanks for your reply.

I know i shoud go through all the basics procedures and all tha CPL stuff before starting my training.But i am confused by the statement by ATC that

" your IR ME is not up do date. Consequently you will have to make it valid before starting your Type Rating; except if your Authority allows you to start a Type Rating without an IR ME that is not valid anymore."

So if they let me do the rating without it , it will definately save me a lot of time.

Please can someone help me on this?
Will DGCA give me the permission to do the same?

silent_scream 28th May 2010 08:09


1. It don't matter.

2. Last I heard it was around 12 Lac INR.

3. Type rating course is about 14 sessions on Full Flight SIM. Can be done in 14 days, might take 2 months.

4. 72 & 42 have a 2 hour differential course on the Simulator along with a briefing session.

5. No

6. There are Type rated pilots on the ATR, 737 and 320 currently unemployed in India. So it's the same either ways.

7. Airlines do not care which training center you completed from.

8. PEC is propeller electronic control. The ATR 42-320 series (Alliance air) does not have it. There's a longer procedure to get the 42-320 series typed after the 42/72 -500 series.

9. What that email says is, that if DGCA gives a NOC saying that DGCA will endorse the rating on your license even if you do the TR with a lapsed IR, they training center will do your training.

But do not forget that there is a check ride at the end of the type rating program which you have to pass. It is not very difficult, but not easy either.

Try the DGCA Open house on Mondays and Thursdays regarding the NOC.
Post here what they have to say.

All the Best.

piper_cherokee 28th May 2010 08:45

Thanks Silent Scream that was the kind of info i was looking out for.

I am actually leaving for DGCA right now,can't wait for Monday.

Anyways i can't get my IR renewed anytime soon as i have to do it on PA-34 and the Seneca in Patiala and MP both are down.

I hope DGCA lets me get the endorsement done without my IR.

avalanche007 28th May 2010 09:29

well i can comment on ir renewal atleast
seneca is working in chimes i guess and it cane be renewed in one
u just need one chekride
so its just a matter of 1 day and ur ir renewal will be issued in less than 15 days

atr725 30th May 2010 08:05

there are 60 atr 72-500 typerated pilots sitting
they were put on standby by kingfisher two yrs back

Capt_Lsd 1st Jun 2010 20:05

another weird bloody rule
So piper_cherokee,,
Whats the news from the DGCA regarding a type rating and Ir validity.????????????

Honestly I dont even understand why your IR should be current for the DGCA before you proceed for a type rating,think about it,your IR is for the particular type of a/c that you have endorsed on your license,and if you haven't flown an ATR before ,you obviously don't have an IR on it anyways,YOU WILL once you are allowed to get rated on it,,or does the rule state that having a current IR say for example on a seneca allow you the privilege's for Instrument flight in an ATR. I don't believe so,,coz if that was the case ,
then they wouldn't have mentioned particular a/c's on your IR section of the DGCA license.they would have just said MULTI IR/or IR..know what i mean,then that would me we could fly any multi a/c in instrument conditions ,just like we can in the states once we have a Multi /IR rating....
We all know DGCA treats each a/c as a type here in india..from C-152's to 738's..
So in that case each a/c needs an instrument check done in it to fly it in instrument conditions...SO THEN WHY HAVE A CURRENT IR ,IF YOU DONT EVEN HAVE ENDORSEMENT YET(the ATR)...beats me

Hope i make a little sense ,,and hope we can get a clearer picture on this rule,,
cheers people.,:ok:

bucks_raj 2nd Jun 2010 04:07

I typed atr on my keyboard 2 years ago.... then the motherboard failed.... the owners have not had the money to get it repaired or replaced till date...... if you are financially well at the present ou'l be better off doing 320 or 737.... they will obviously give you more op'tuniy here......

you never know with high mentainance and ops cost atr might just wind up in here......

piper_cherokee 2nd Jun 2010 06:24

Hey Capt_Lsd

I totally understand your confusion. What's more surprising is that the ME IR is required by the TRTOs and not by the DGCA. Although i am not sure on this fact too , but will be once i get my NOC by the end of this week.I enquired about the same from DGCA and they said that they don't consider the ME IR on the license. But i happened to enquire about 737 rating from CAE Bangalore and they said that they have been training many students and the DGCA NOC states that all licenses,ratings and Medicals should be valid till the end of the course. Now i don't know whom to trust so i am waiting on my NOC.I think the TRTO wants a current ME IR so they are sure that the student is in touch with the IR procedures.

Hey bucks_raj,

Yeah i am also considering type rating on 737NG and i have enquired about it from OAA and CAE .

Thanks to all for their valuable opinions:ok:

SuperflyTNT 2nd Jun 2010 09:21


I've been following this thread. You plan on getting the TR after looking at the Jet Airways career website ? Are you sure that they are going to take you into employment once your type rating is complete? Otherwise you might have to spend money every 6 months to a year on keeping your rating current as well. Good luck

takeoffpowerset 2nd Jun 2010 16:08

@ piper , you seem quite desperate to get this ATR rating .. hmmmmm ... know some big shots ????

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