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CDRW 22nd Feb 2009 11:35

jollyt - to the SQ board, the world is falling down when they cannot beat the previous years profit!! The world has come to an end when there is a likelyhood of a loss!!

southernmtn 23rd Feb 2009 03:53

ULH, does it matter if I have never lost a job or have lost a job? Is that going to help you? Or can the local standing up for you help in any way? "No i don't think so." Moaning and crying that you have to leave your job and friends with such short notice and having to pack lock, stock and barrel to return home with no income, is wasting your energy. Sounds harsh? You'd better get used to it. It's a hard world out there; and nobody's going to help you but yourself; and only the fit will survive.

I have been through about 4 of such economic cycles affecting people like us in the front line; and this will not be the last. It looks like you are experiencing this for the first time as a foreign worker away from home and your ultra extreme attitude is not helping you to learn anything; and this BA of yours is probably to blame for your contract not being extended. If you don't already know it, a person with a bad attitude is very obvious to those around him and is known to his employers.

If you don't come away from this experience any wiser and more mature, then you will certainly see history repeating in your own life until you change your attitude.

rdr 23rd Feb 2009 05:23


in these times, its a risk to downsize others, no matter how correct you maybe.
its still early days in this type of economic downturn, so dont count your chickens just yet.
you may not have 16 locals or Ryan Goh to help you out in a few months.

ULH Extreme 23rd Feb 2009 23:11


You don't get it, do you. Your going higher up the mtn with your holier than thou attitude,giving us all another lecture which we don't need at this time in our lives.
With the way you put things, i don't think you are an expat on an expat contract, maybe on local terms. 4 economic recessions, that's only the last 11 yrs in SIA, so you are a new boy who has risen to fame and most likely a CRM nightmare poser.
Now I've just done to you what you did to me, not nice is it when someone badmouths you with no idea who you are.
So stop the lectures. I'd say most of us on this post were expats when you were in nappies, so lay off kid.

CDRW 24th Feb 2009 11:03

So southernmtn - what counsel have you got for the 22 Australia based pilots who have just been terminated.??

Like to hear your thoughts!

Flaperon777 24th Feb 2009 12:43

In regards to your posts # 130 AND post # 137.........my good friend,I couldn't agree more......!!!! Hear hear. Kudos! :ok::ok::ok:.
Make yourself indispensable the best way you can and the company shall NOT dispense with you. It IS a buisness after all,and as in all buisnesses,the strongest (and sometimes luckier too) shall survive! Its all up to you,and only you, how strong you would like to make yourself. Alternate B......sit in a corner and sniffle on this forum.
IF my statments seem to appear inappropriate then the next time you're due for an upgrade,why don't you just let your competitor take the promotion,instead of giving him a fair fight and proving your worth to the company.Same principle aplies here.Its not rocket science.
As far as possible please keep seeing the glass half full rather than otherwise.Half empty's the easy way out for the weak man with a weaker head.
CDRW.....if you or any of your colleagues had been shortchanged supposedely by the company and had not been given "adequate notice",then they had their reasons! I am quite sure. Moreover,if you found yourself on the wrong end of the barrel,why didn't you say so when you were being given your walking papers.Rather than wimper away on this forum like a hyena with his tail in between his legs AFTER accepting your pink slip.Pun intended!
Address the issue when it was still on the table and you probably would have gotten an answer.Address it when its off the table and you probably won't even get sympathy on an anonymous forum.Besides all the bad karma you are emmitting.
Think about that.
Great post Southernmtn........:D

zekeigo 24th Feb 2009 13:35

Southernmtn and Flaperon777,
What a duo you two form…
If you know how to keep the centerline and don’t do hard landings in first place this company wouldn’t need any expats, and it is not rocket science.
Just two scared Kiasu wannabes…

winglet_fever 24th Feb 2009 14:58

well, since you have gone this way...

Through my very short history in SQ, i've been scared s*** by the bounce induced by white boy on the left couple of times now.

Now, get back on the center line. We are humans.

winglet_fever 24th Feb 2009 15:11

And by the way, expats has always been here to make up the numbers. Guess you haven't work out the fact that there's only 4 million people capable of saying "lah" fluently and a fleet of about 100 widebodies to mend.

CDRW 24th Feb 2009 20:23

Flaperon777, a gloriously confusing missive, with lines being virtually cut and pasted from southernmtn's ramblings, however, your writings come through with this odd statement, "CDRW.....if you or any of your colleagues had been shortchanged supposedely by the company and had not been given "adequate notice",then they had their reasons! I am quite sure." So its quite OK not to be given "adequate notice"?? Let's get this strait. You get get your walking papers without " adequate notice" - you would address the issue there and then, as it's still on the table! How would you go about doing that? Take SIA to court? Well, the company had it's reasons, so why address it? Hyena and tail come to mind.

I cannot quite see your analogy of doing ones upgrade and having a "fair fight with your competitor". By competitor you mean another first officer, who has also been selected. By fair fight, you mean you got to beat the other chap, as there is only one slot. By giving your competitor a fair fight ( for ones command) the company will regard this act as a great form leadership and command potential. Luckily most of the hierarchy in the training and checking department can tell the difference between "rocket science" and bull****.

422 25th Feb 2009 04:27

Keep it up, boys.

This is getting interesting.

Bear in mind, loser buys the beers at "Brewerks"

gengis 25th Feb 2009 08:38

Yep. Am waiting for the beers...

ULH Extreme 25th Feb 2009 10:49

As I'm an expat on an expat contract looking down both barrels of the 4th floor, it would have to be 12-1500L, when the cost seems okay.
Those genius expats on local contracts[your next in the food chain] will want the 09-1200 morning tea session where we can be all told our faults in life.
See you all at the Mandarin next week.

Flaperon777 25th Feb 2009 14:42

My post is self explanatory.Although what that term means to a person whose IQ i could trip over,is TOTALLY another story!
Maybe you should take some diction and/or grammar lessons before you post the next time.Straight is spelt 'straight' and not 'strait'.As in the kind of jacket people like you should be in.Maybe the grammar lessons would enable you to better understand my posts...:bored:.
Until then.....
Whats at the Mandarin next week...?? Thanks in advance....:ok:.

boeingdream787 25th Feb 2009 15:08

Hahahaha.....well said Flaperon.
Totally agree with you.What with CDRW and his ramblings this post's become a personal grudge fight.It's not always about you CDRW.Sometimes there are others who breathe too..:eek:
Now slide back into that hole you came from!
All beers on me this time.

millerscourt 25th Feb 2009 15:26

Floppy777 You and Chumpbudzi are two of a kind in as much as you only seem capable of name calling and making offensive postings. In that respect you are no better than Cargojock.

By all means criticise and disagree with any postings that I and others make but once you lower yourself to the language of the gutter then it shows you up for what you are. Pig ignorant. (Oh God you have got me doing it now.:O)


Before you have a go at CDRW's spelling I suggest you look at all your incorrect ones as follows from yesterday!

business not buisness

It's not its when short for it is

statement not statment

applies not aplies

supposedly not supposedely

emitting not emmitting

As I have mentioned I never bring up the subject of incorrect spellings as we can all have finger trouble hitting a key and a lot of people do not have English as their first language but when people like you dare to criticise
others and then also add in insults to boot then you deserve all you get.

Perhaps the threat of redundancy is getting to you and your friend the Chump making your behaviour irrational or have you both always been like that?


Flaperon777 25th Feb 2009 17:37

Thanks MC for your corrections.
Now I wonder where all this venom comes from.Some other thread perhaps.
Nevertheless,I do know for a fact that your "Queen's 'enlish' dictum" comes from a much used off the stall translator off of the back alleys of Dhaka!! Please refrain from using foul words when you weren't even INTO the topic.Or so much as have a clue.I don't see anyone here who in as much as even wishes to relate to you.
Or do you want me to PM Chum again to give u a bottom whippin......lol. Again!!
So go run and pick up that soft ball game where you left off.Those teeny boppers are prolly waitin to bullrag u again tonite.....;) .
So much for your Anti SIA venom,which you so frequently spew around.Ain't gonna get u no place son.So watch it.We ALL have our POV's and yours just plain SUCKS! :yuk::yuk::yuk:
Off u go now boy.....

millerscourt 25th Feb 2009 17:57

Floppy777 ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Oh dear me, puerile posts again.I guess it was too much to expect anything different.

rdr 26th Feb 2009 02:50


Nevertheless,I do know for a fact that your "Queen's 'enlish' dictum" comes from a much used off the stall translator off of the back alleys of Dhaka!!

Yes, quite unlike the back alleys of Geylang lah where the China prostitutes hangout and are giving the local women sleepless nights.

Btw, dont pride yourself with your level of "English," its a joke. So exchange notes and bring along a translator..... from Dhaka did you say?

etops777 26th Feb 2009 04:12

Please continue this saga!!!:ok:

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