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New York Pilot 31st Aug 2001 06:16

Is SIA kidding????
I had a most unpleasant experience in an infamous interview on 7-7-00 which many people on this forumn have read as of 3-01 under the title "Thoughts from an almost SIA Pilot". I had given up everything to immigrate to Singapore with my Singaporean wife after having obtained my Singapore PR just to become an SIA Pilot. Yes, I had brought into all the hype and was in for a most rude awakening by the way I was treated at the tea party / final interview. The primary reason I was rejected despite over 6,000hours and airline pilot experience was that I had not been subservent enough when I disagreed reluctanatly to a chinese vice presidents opinion on the Singapore death penalty.

Well, after being told quite frankly that SIA is not keen on recruting westeners this is the postion posted today 30 August 2001 on AEPS here in the United States by SIA:


I wish anyone applying much luck, however, be forewarned that SIA is of the opinion that they can do anything they want and people will still want to fly for them. Somehow, I just dont feel that way.

anito4a 31st Aug 2001 14:21

NYP, yes, read your story through Gladys ...speaking of which, where is Gladys and Titan these days? Last I heard, Titan was going to have his day in court with SIA. Any news?

New York Pilot 31st Aug 2001 18:10

No, I have not heard from Glayds or Titan or a few others in a while. I can tell you that one of the A320 guys at my current airline called me, knowing I was married to a Singaporean, about the SIA advertisement for Silk Air on AEPS. I still love Singapore and its people, I told him, but also articulated that he should not buy into all the hype about SIA and what my experience with their interview process was like even when they knew I had given up so much and had other places I could have gone to fly.

He agreed, SIA is of the opinion that they can do anything they want and people will still want to fly for them. Perhaps, they may even become a safer airline if they just promoted based on seniority and skill level rather than skin color and national origin. Perhaps, I am asking for too much and they will just continue to hold them selves back well after my life time is over. There are just somethings in life you can bet money on. Best regards!

Gladiator 2nd Sep 2001 04:03

Where is Gladiator?

Not frustrated with present employer, being treated like a million dollers, working with great bunch of people, happy flying 737-400/700/900, just got a raise of 26% on top of the USD 100,000/yr, raising two kids, wife is happy, drinking beer (slight beer belly), life is good.

Have not heard from Titan. Cheers to all. :D

Kaptin M 2nd Sep 2001 08:06

Nice to hear from a HAPPY Glad!

BTW, Gladdie, how did Titan get on with his court case vs SQ? You said that you were going to go to Australia to lend him some support......did he have the same successful outcome that YOU achieved?

I thought alcohol was haram!!

sunrise161 19th Sep 2001 19:23

Hi Guys!! I have personally applied and been thru all the stages, even the medical check-up more than 4 months ago!! SIA has not replied in writing to me since then...and just told me verbally on the phone that I have been put on the "KIV LIST", after I called the HR. What does that mean?? Heard from another source that there is a back-log of the trainees in Jandakot now. They are close to reaching capacity in managing the number of cadets....How long more should I really hope...before the long awaited employment letter ever reach me??

Slasher 20th Sep 2001 10:38

I think everyone well knows SIAs antics by now NYP. The informed ones will stay away. And btw mate full sympathys for Sept 11. Hows the average NYer doing lately?

PS the trick to dealing with the SQ stalag chiefs is to agree with everything they say. Too right your all for the death penalty! Who cares if your being honest or not? Its not like your dealing with people of integrity who admire or respect honesty. Bullsh!ttin the little ego-freaks worked well for me during my time with them.

New York Pilot 20th Sep 2001 17:18

Yes, you are right, all the informed already know my story.

The average NYer still have not quite recovered. I live in Queens, just 5 miles from Manhattan, and we are all still so sad while this has brought the whole community so much closer. There is pain everywhere as everybody knew someone that died. Personally, a nice friend of mine for 12 years, Kevin P., a NY City firefighter and a former Private Pilot/instrument student who owns 1/3 of a Piper Archer lost his life as well as my sister in laws cousin.

While I have busy trying to get back to a normal life please allow me to alert you to a FRAUD. There is some desperate, allegadly using the name Warenn ********, that emailed me yesterday claiming to be the brother in law of the SIA CEO and wanting much more detailed information than what I had already posted on the internet. I waisted a few hours replying to his email only to realize by his most poor command of the english language and line of questioning in his replies that he was merely trying to find out what questions are possed in each interview and what to expect on the apptitude test.

Pardon me for not using harsher terms to describe this sort of individual and even mentioning a low life scum ba* like him at this most difficult time.

God bless America!!! Land that I love!!!

[ 29 September 2001: Message edited by: New York Pilot ]

old-timer 26th Sep 2001 02:10

were all thinking of you NY pilot over here
in the UK,
the service from the yankee stadium was
a nice gesture, all those pic' of the lost folk really brought home the loss :-(
you cant kill a nations spirit though,
just look at the way everyone is pulling together, still very very sad though.

Ref SIA...yup, not suffered an interview myself, but wont use their pax service anymore having had a bad experience myself.

keep pulling together folks, we can get through this,

cheers from the uk

Slasher 28th Sep 2001 08:21

Yeh thanks NYP. Only person I know in NY is my lawyer (hes a scumbag but thats why I use him). His office is in NYC but he lives over in Jersey and had the day off that day. He reckoned he dry-wretched when he went to Ground Zero 2 days later. Said the stink was horible. He lost 3 lawyer mates who worked in the WTC.
What is surprising though (according to him so I dont know how acurate it is) is how the "Palermo migrant familys" are helping out familys whove lost there bread-winners and cant pay up. Debts have been wiped clean from the slate and certain Dons have even told there consiglieres to provide free counciling to "client familys" whove lost a loved one.
If that is true than NYers have pulled together on this one alright.

New York Pilot 28th Sep 2001 19:10

Yes, New Yorkers have definately pulled themselves together on this one. However, I find your attorney's statements to be highly suspicious for the first 5 days the nearest you cold get to ground zero, barring the emergency workers, was a good solid 20 blocks. I live only 5 miles from Manhattan, the only way someone could have ever smelled any stinch was if they were an emrergency worker. Was he an emergency worker?

GlueBall 30th Sep 2001 22:01

From reading your posts it is apparent that you still haven't gotten over your SIA tea party.

There is no logic in any airline hiring process. People, personalities and corporate cultures are involved more so than individual flying ability and flying experience. Some applicants get rejected at SIA only to be hired at CX later. Ditto in the U.S. where an experienced jet typed jock gets thumps down at CAL, only to be hired later by UAL. No reason and no explanation necessary. That's the way the cookie crumbles.

Carrying a crutch and hard feelings because of unfulfilled expectations is a waste of energy. And 10 or 20 years from now what difference would it make? When you get to the end of the rainbow, you'll get to pause a moment to look back and say: "Gee, what was that all about?" :cool:

New York Pilot 1st Oct 2001 06:02


What a nice thing to say. You are right, and at this time I am just happy to be alive. Real happy just to be alive, lots of loss all around us... a sad time and one should not think of thy self...

God bless America!!!

[ 01 October 2001: Message edited by: New York Pilot ]

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