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ace1 25th Aug 2001 15:02

pyg: afraid of his own shadow!!!
heard from some pilots online that pyg wants another two hatter to be mapa boss. he's afraid that a lose cannon will cause hell on him like what he did to camel. the wheel is turning and he's afraid of the shadow lurking around.
but his latest toyboy,taliban has assured him that he will take care of him coz he knows md and md listens to him. (snake was stabbed and now living under the dons care).
taliban has been telling the whole world esp on crippled 777 about his new found friend, the md. Well... i know george bush but does he know me???
anyway, if one is so well connected, he'd be the sgm or the least, agm and not a measly fm
looks like the circus is back in town

Shintaro9 25th Aug 2001 16:20


In one of my responses I've already cast suspicion on this character. From the word go he's already been conniving. Didnt want to get promoted to 744 so that he's senior enough on the cripple 7 to be selected as IP and then senior enough to be in the running for FM. Lo and behold, soon enough FM la. This guy is showing his true colors cos his friends are running the airline now(during Camel's time, not a squeak from him). Those chiefs better watch their back, cos he's after their position next (T & D). Dino too cos his AGM position may not be that secured.

As for Pyg, he's living to my expectations. Useless, only good at looking after his own and his cronies' interests. Never mind, I believe in every dog has it's day, so...

Am looking hard at SQ,KAL, CAL and even the gulf airlines. MAS stinks and I dont fancy myself serving such an outfit. I dont see MAS becoming anything that resembles an airline worth working for.

How come this airline gives you a sense of doom? So far tak ada bright light at all..sad :(

Talking about circuses, animals and clowns are the main attraction, so enjoy the show..

I am embarressed to be a MAS pilot la. :o

tigerwood 25th Aug 2001 19:33

aisay man. I thought with the new management now I can consider of going back to MH. But with all the same bitching about the same circus but with different clowns, I begin to think twice. Eh, if I jadi balik to MH, bolih recommend me for chief pilot post?, if possible G.M. lagi best. :eek:

ace1 26th Aug 2001 15:01

:( well ****aro9..... what else can be said, the taliban is really showing his colors now, heard the other day when he was conducting the "fans" brief..... he has actually blundered himself in not connecting the pc to the ohp and when it was not avail on the screen, he blamed it on the old management, until one of the flyboys told him of his blunder... utter silence from him. (sometimes when you are so afraid of your own shadow, you'll blame everyone except yourself!!)Behold, the taliban has arrived and can assure you the venom is worst than the snake.
It is sad coz mas don't actually look at calibre but clowns to run the show. small wonder we are really in the doldrums. really thot' the camel and the don days are gone but we ended up with another circus, this time with the monkeys and lions.
As for tiger, don't bother coming back. make your pile and come back later and i can assure you there'll be a job waiting here. with the "i see a mess (icms)" and the clowns running the show, you can bet the circus and future ones will be here for a while. why aim for the sgm when you can even go for the md.... just ensure you can bring "bozo and the lions"

ace ventura 26th Aug 2001 15:23

hey flyboys..... pyg,taliban,snake,the don, it doesn't make any difference coz' it's the same circus but this time with a better plot.. they have added the monkeys and lions. :)
And the plot thickens when we have pyg with "my team" tag showing around his trademark.... i am the boss stuff. Did you guys know that one has to make an appointment to see him and you'd be lucky to meet him on time coz' he wants to show i am the boss stuff and make you wait for hours. But he'd be proud when you wait for him at the entrance door at SSB and run to his car and even open the door.... the 'siapa raja" syndrome. Behold the "kaki kipas or tripods", they'll be the new raja in town.
You can have the best mechanics with the best tools but when you have clowns running it, the result is the same :D

MAStake 27th Aug 2001 10:19

Short in stature.
Short in memory.
Kacang lupakan kulit.
Once a pygmy always a pygmy.

Bob Hawke 29th Aug 2001 03:25

Play the ball, and the not the man. It's the sistern that allows it to be that way. Change the sistern!

ace1 30th Aug 2001 06:26

right on there Bob, one can play the ball but it ain't easy when one can't play it on a level playing field. Furthermore the sistern sucks due to the man. i don't mind if merit is the criteria but to have clowns with pyg and taliban as the main cast, what more can we ask.... just enjoy the show.
by the way, the circus had it's first roadshow yesterday, wonder if we had many fans turning up... free entrance for everyone!!!
i agree with Mastake..... one's memory can be shortespecially when shorties are running the show.

ace ventura 30th Aug 2001 08:18

Yeah Bob.... one can play ball but one must also have the proper gear and playing field. I agree with Ace1 that one need a level playing field, not the one's made by pyg.
It was rosy at first when one was promised new things but when the dust settles in, its back to the same old sistern, only a new circus but same clowns. :confused:
The show must go on and one must strive hard to bring back the glory days of MAS. But one is served with a "roadshow" instead. If you want to talk about changes, they are none.
Taliban goes around telling everyone that what was and is still wrong now, comes from the "old management". what utter nonsense!! :mad:
Take a hard look..... there's no change in the new lineup except for AGM and CP (trng), thus... one is actually talking about oneselves incompetence.
So guys..... enjoy the show while you can and its free!!

tigerwood 31st Aug 2001 02:20

Read the newspaper few days ago. MAS loss 416 million Ringgit for the first Q. I was expecting the losses will be reduced as compared to last year's first quarter. If this is the trend, well 416 million times 4 will make 1.6 billion for the fiscal year 2001/2002. I wonder if MAS can achieve profit in 2004 as announced when new management took over few months ago.


ace1 3rd Sep 2001 11:15

you're right on there tiger.... at the rate MAS is going, looks like they're gonna lose that amount for sure. :)
latest i heard that MD has announced no new expenditure for the whole year unless necessary and they're gonna close down certain routes and selling approx 16 A/C.
Closing down routes is one thing but one must find out why they made loss on these route and find ways how to recoup the losses. They are closing down New York and SQ has just announced and gone to Chicago. Now.... that's rather odd when they can expand to east coast of USA whilst MAS is closing down the only route to east USA.
Look's like MAS is not through the turbulent wx and i forsee rougher wx ahead!! :cool:

zxamx 3rd Sep 2001 18:47

Among others factual information:

1. MAS total debt is approximately RM 10 billion, mainly due to commercial loans to purchase the new jets. This event happened during the last Empire of TR.

2. MAS needs at least 90% load per year just to break even the cost of operation, which is almost impossible !!! The best load was last year, approximately 77%.

3. MAS didn't 'hedge' the fuel price when it was low although was advised to do so by some experts in the company. Today SQ is paying almost half of what MAS is paying for the fuel.

4. MAS has almost 22,000 employees with about 80 aircrafts in fleet. CX has 70 jets in fleet with only 14,000 employees.

Therefore, who runs the company doesn't really matter now as MAS is just another RENONG. The recommended solution by some experts is to shut down and re-set up the company (hopefully it won't happen).

So guys, think wisely of your future and blaming people in flt ops only doesn't really help. Who to be blamed? Just ask yourself.............

;) ;) ;)

Bob Hawke 4th Sep 2001 05:21

Hushie, well said.

tigerwood 4th Sep 2001 11:24

Hushie, can you blame the line pilots? No, the pilots don't have a choice to decide which flight to do or not. You are given a monthly roster, to fly of course, safely, etc....

Now, what happen to those so called expert that have the authority to set-up routes and frequency? The decision how many planes should be up in the air, and where to fly to. We, pilot are just " a driver", when given order to fly, we fly. What about those who are responsible to promote tickets sale, or cargo business? Those who ensure the quality of inflight and ground service to the customers.

Singapore Airlines' campaign to be known as d' number one airline managed to convinced the world. What happen to MH "Global Airline" status? There is a big different between being Global and being No.1.


Caviar4me 5th Sep 2001 09:07

The bottom line is ,what is it we do best? Fly planes gentlemen. We can't change which aircraft MAS is buying or how a department should run. We are at the mercy of the management. Oooops I believe pilots are management level......... Then maybe we have a say.

zxamx 7th Sep 2001 06:02

I agree with you Caviar. If someone is paid to be a 'driver', just behave like one because that is what you are good at. If he thinks he can run a company or an airline, then set up your own !!! If you think that you are worth more than what you are getting now, please, by all means, LEAVE and see how much you are worth in other airlines. The trouble is we always think that we are better than others which we are actually not at all.


;) ;) ;)

ace1 13th Sep 2001 11:08

Hey flyboys........ let us give a minute of silence to those that perish in the terrible tragedy.

All forms of terrorism must stop and we must do something to stop these. :mad:

I know that security wil be tightened at all airports but will this stop them ever doing it again. We must remain virgil at all times and I hope all airlines esp MAS has laid out procedures to ensure that security will not be breached. For one... cockpit visits must be banned and all personal working at the airport must be identified and screened.
I am not being hysterical about it but my fear is the backlash from other groups that will take advantage from the whole situation.

My condolonces to all of them and let us all fellow aviators seek ways and means to prevent this tragic incident from happening again. You guys....Be very careful out there!!

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