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7sex7 15th Mar 2008 14:10

FO MH to AK capts???
whats up with all the MH sfo's wanting to join AK as CAPTS...??M H no longer needs ur services???:sad: :sad: Looks like they are coming in buses mate...

AK is givin em red carpets :mad::mad:

ohh yaaah....MAYBE they are all in to con TF,get quick CMD n go??:ok:

ikan_terbang 16th Mar 2008 12:37

Natural Progression
As an aviator in a tight market , this is the natural progression. Good luck to the young boys , they deserve better than in MAS, otherwise come join us in the Middle East

tigerwood 16th Mar 2008 14:08

MH to AK to EK/SQ/KE etc...
yeah bro. after command come and visit us in the dune or kimciland. Singapore sling also not bad.

SuperRanger 17th Mar 2008 03:02

With AK Capts taking home as much as MH WIDEBODY Capts, why wouldn't they?! :eek:

QNH1013 17th Mar 2008 11:32

Get command in AK and then leave?? Leave after the 5 year RM150,000 non pro-rated Bond you mean? Unless they are seriously rich and can pay it off.

Brianigham 17th Mar 2008 16:12

:D Well, it doesn't look like MH has got anything to offer them.

I would too if I were in their shoes.

Somebody better wake up real soon over on this side of the tarmac.

If they continue snoozing ala pala they gonna be seeing MR Soo Na Mee too.:D

Sireh 18th Mar 2008 00:14

Snoozing ala pala? In years to come you will be thanking him for bring forth this " tsunami "! Think outside the box, my boy. Many misguided ones long for the days of a " strongman " who keeps you guys on leash as you lap the crumbs falling around you. He now wants to nominate the successor to his successor! Good luck to you guys when the Pekan orang besar becomes PM.

Ever wonder why we are not booming when the price of oil is above USD100? We have lots of high quality oil with low sulphur content and giant reserves of natural gas..............what happen to the revenue?
One must ask Mr Dime and Mamak about their wonderful recovery of M'sian economy after the financial crisis of 1997. A Malaysian miracle? People who believe that reallly live in lala Malaysia boleh land!!! The truth my fellow rakyat in tanah air is that our petroleum and gas futures for the next quarter century after 1997 had been bartered away for a song to bring about THAT miracle! So now, with skyhigh oil prices, your economy is sputtering along......................sigh:ugh::ugh::ugh:

Coming back to MH f/os bailing out to AK................good for them, best wishes to all. As for MH, it's going back to original humble mission. A small profitable flag carrier with a niche market promoting the " Malaysian" experience. No more big fat grandiose plans of conquering the 6 continents throwing caution to the wind.

mascamel 18th Mar 2008 02:35

Hiya brudders....it's MAKKAL SAKTHI lah! People power. Sireh, I wonder where you got that info. Back in 1999 before one of the skippers left for good he told me the same thing about our oil futures! Thought he was a nut case then; now looking back, there is definitely something to it.
I also remember he mentioned that there was an act of parliament in the 70's when Ku Li was heading PNB that for every RM100 Petronas gali from the tanah, RM1 goes to an emergency fund.....wonder where all the duit went? I am sure old timers may be able to shed light on this.

MH f/os will make fine capt's in AK; at least help rid it of the air farce nonsense.

Paishinel 19th Mar 2008 03:51

M'sian oil futures?
My dear Sireh, you have brought forth a can of worms or should I say buckets! Do not expect much comment here........the boys back home are **** scared; the SB may still be knocking on doors!

Heard vaguely in the late 90's about this oil futures barter; did not believe one bit of it until I made my way to the sandpit. One Zurich based investment banker confided in me that his bosses were instrumental in brokering that hush hush as some very controversial European interests were involved. And IT IS VERY CONTROVERSIAL and nobody dare say anything.......it is THAT CONTROVERSIAL!!! So let's be happy and leave it at that.

Mat Tongkang 20th Mar 2008 07:38

Hi guys, if everybody is going to be **** scared then there is no MAKKAL SAKTHI!!! We all have to get this FEAR out of our collective psyche, fear of SB, fear of repeat of May 13, fear of this and that! Someone once said, the greatest fear is FEAR itself!! Now guys who do know about the oil futures stuff; let's have it here. Whatever the gomen guys do will eventually affect us all, pilots or laymen. So do not for one minute believe that you can escape the effects of their selfish, misguided policies by seeing no evil, hearing no evil and saying no evil. Enough is enough!!

boltak 21st Mar 2008 08:01

With a motley gang of smiling buddha, se(e)th(ing) guy threatening everyone, a raja samseng plus the rest of the leftovers from the previous regime the clueless show continues. If they do not know their job how can they tell the aspiring captains their future. So one has to take care of oneself.

JaguhDunia 25th Mar 2008 21:34

The fear thing must be working judging from the lack of response to this explosive revelation if true.

Senior MH f/os certainly have the necessary ingredients to make reasonably good skippers in AK....international exposure and dedication to a regime of SOPs. For the junior guys who are jaguh kampungs to gain captaincy in Ak will be boon to themselves, however it will be case of the blind leading the blind.

Geragau 26th Mar 2008 23:05

I understand that Air AsiaX A330 fleet is run by an ex MH junior skipper who came back from the sandpit, hence I am sure he is recruiting MH f/os onto the baby bus with a view for rapid progression up to the bigger bus. In this aviation game, exposure and experience with the necessary willingness to learn are sure great elements in the making of a good skipper. However I don't think AK management care much for that; thay just need primate type yes men drivers to ply their bus routes for peanuts!

ikan_terbang 27th Mar 2008 03:50

Did you say peanuts......Here is a simple arithematic
Airasia Capt Salary 195X75=14625 tax free plus 15000 basic = 29625.
MAS B737-400 Capt 75X48=3600 + Meal Allowence = 3400
Total = 7200 plus basic 16000 = 23200.
Now where is the pea nut sir ????

QAR 27th Mar 2008 04:17



"they just need primate type yes men drivers to ply their busroutes"


angelgabriel 28th Mar 2008 09:56

no change
tf has not change the basic pay..new cpt starts at rm12000 b4 tax.you guys won't be able to earn rm29000 all the time.the flying will slow down.yes tf will cut the pay when times are bad....tf has already cut the cabin crew allowance on the widebody.
tf is always good for taking away things after it is given to the staff.air asia is a good place to get the hours,thats all.....mgt is....what mgt....same for aax.
get your hrs and get out....thats the best.

Brianigham 29th Mar 2008 17:59

Sireh, thank you. You are quite right. Its too easy for us younger folks to point the finger and poke fun.

All the same. MH just won't wake up.

standman 8th Apr 2008 12:21

Strange how the thread keeps getting sidetracked to politics...
I concur that if you join AK, you'd better grab a fistful of dollars, command hours and scoot asap. You need an exit strategy from their kind of ops, or you'll end up in an early grave, or at least be admiring your framed-up license on the mantle-piece. Try working 90+hrs for a few consecutive months, with next to no SOP, FTL; TF is also only a phone-call away in case you decide an aircraft needs grounding!
195 per hour is great. But is it sustainable? Heard a rumour that it came off the cabin-crew allowances (can forget the transit BJ's now...). And what the Lord giveth, Lord TF can taketh away (your association will surely stop that from happening... Oh, I forgot. You haven't any representation... Damn).
Fly high, young man. But prepare to fly away.

Mat Tongkang 8th Apr 2008 18:34

Haiya, in bolehland politics and all things business are all tied up lah! AK is a business entity brought forth by politicos to rip off the gullible. Old man mamak had a great interest in aviation for some very strange reasons; so there is no side tracking of the thread per se but a natural digression due to the jumble of mish mash of politics and business in aviation ala Malaysian style.

Mat Sabo 10th Apr 2008 12:34

My fellow Mat is quite right...politics, jobs, daily humdrum and rice bowls are all intertwined. TF got the right connections and milk the system to the hilt. The MAS buffet train has less goodies now but soon someone will top it up for the big wigs to dig in.

orangminyak 11th Apr 2008 01:47

Someone told me that TF is an operative of Opus Dei...a red herring or a conspiracy theory?:ugh:

Paishinel 19th Apr 2008 08:34

Maybe it's a conspiracy theory, but seeing how our previous PM dealt with the Vatican, Soros, Jack Abramoff, etc there might be a grain of truth there somewhere. You don't get plucked up from obscurity to make big dough without some big secret fella backing you!

wakala 20th Apr 2008 13:34

ak is air force in airline outfit...:D

boltak 21st Apr 2008 11:36

Airasia Capt Salary 195
Now that would be the benchmark that the national 5 star low value carrier should be aiming for! Sorry! they should be exceeding it not aiming for it.
Usual excuse was malaysian cost of living not comparable to world standard.
Now in their own backyard you have this salary scale. What say you now? What is mapa's response? should be interesting!

handsome one 29th Apr 2008 06:54

Did TF pay AA capt $195 per hour for april 08 pay ,is it true or just a rumour?:ouch:

MatRempit69 29th Apr 2008 14:42

Yes, it is true... any problem with that..??? :cool: Good on TF..:ok:

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