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-   -   New Japanese Airfields on Southern Kurile Islands. (https://www.pprune.org/south-asia-far-east/198770-new-japanese-airfields-southern-kurile-islands.html)

Prince of Dzun 17th Nov 2005 05:52

New Japanese Airfields on Southern Kurile Islands.
It's not going to happen. The Moscow Times dated 17 Nov 2005 commenting on President Vladimir Putin's forthcoming visit to Japan is saying the islands will stay with Russia and will not be handed back to Japan. In a gesture of defiance Russia has announced plans to spend half a billion dollars to develope the thinly populated island chain so it looks as if the Japanese with all their demanding rhetoric are out of luck. They are muttering suggestions that they might settle instead for a Russian oil pipeline delivering oil to Nakhodka on the East Sea coast and thus allow Japan easy access to oil. However Russia has said they will give priority for oil to China.
Not a good week for the Nippons and especially so if one tosses in the world wide publicity surrounding the auction of a map used to navigate Enola Gay to its target.

Prince of Dzun.

NZLeardriver 17th Nov 2005 06:56

Hello Prince

Could be interesting, as Russia's official position, stated numerous times and a matter of public record, is that the southern two do indeed belong to Japan. The handover has not been decided and may indeed never happen, but I imagine there will be all sorts of issues to deal with if they start developing land they agree belong to another country.

slice 17th Nov 2005 08:32

New Airfields ?? Where has this been reported exactly ?

Prince of Dzun 18th Nov 2005 01:44


Greetings friend I trust all goes well with you. Next week should be very interesting as we watch President Putin deal with the four islands issue. I'm hoping he digs his heels in as I've always had the feeling that the Russians have never forgotten what happened in the Tsushima Straights one hundred years ago. If that be the case then it does not bode well for the Japanese claims.

Of course the nice piece of news out of Japan this week has been the resignation of the Princess from all matters imperial. I found myself wishing her much happiness as she certainly now deserves it. Regards,

Prince of Dzun.

Kaptin M 18th Nov 2005 08:52

Not a good week for the Nippons and especially so if one tosses in the world wide publicity surrounding the auction of a map used to navigate Enola Gay to its target.
The Japan Times (newspaper) had an article on p.1 of this, this morning, complete with a photo of the cloth map.
Apparently it went for (only) USD72,000, which seemed quite a bargain considering (also mentioned in the article) that Col Tibbit's logbook sold for around USD300,000.
The map was signed and certified by the co-pilot to whom it belonged.

The newspaper article was non-partisan - which from my observation of the Japanese, is pretty much how they are about the bombings....shoganai (which translated, roughly means, keserahserah - what will be, will be.)

Prince of Dzun 20th Nov 2005 01:43

Etorofu Island which is the largest of the four in dispute is of some historical significance to the Japanese because it was at Etorofu that the Imperial navy assembled to form the task force that attacked Pearl Harbour. One has to wonder if this is recorded in Japanese history books. Probably not. I am almost in sympathy (not really) with the Japanese spin doctors who will be given the task of saving face when the "locum tenens" declare they are staying put.

Kapitan M:
Non partisan on the surface but I doubt if dismissing what happen by adopting the Japanese equivalent of an Americanised jingle is their real sentiment.

Latest reports have much Russian building activity taking place on the islands. Regards

Prince of Dzun

NZLeardriver 20th Nov 2005 22:48

A small church I believe Prince.
Interesting that even Russia can admit that the islands belong to Japan, but other bystanders can't.

Stereolab 21st Nov 2005 21:43


Still at it ehh? "Nippons" ehh? Veeeeeeery dissappointing PofD...
I thought you might have changed...

Japan is a "blip" on the radar, PofD, in terms of international issues compared to China, United States, the E.U. etc. Your hatred for the Japanese is clear...and unjustified.

Prince of Dzun 22nd Nov 2005 09:54


Pleased to see back as I was begining to wonder what had happened to you. I'm actually surprised you managed to stay away so long considering the direction of your loyalty.

Prince of Dzun.

Prince of Dzun 24th Nov 2005 02:57


Here is something hot off the press for you to consider and after you have digested it perhaps you would give me your definition of the the word " unjustified ".


" Miyako Masuda is a 23 year veteran of public schools here. Like many Japanese history teachers of her generation, she dislikes new textbooks that frame Japan as the victim in World War II. It bothers her that books claiming America caused the war are now adopted by an entire city ward. In fact, Masuda disapproves of the whole nationalist direction of Tokyo public schools. Yet until last year Masuda , who calls herself "pretty ordinary", rarely went out of her way to disagree. Few teachers do. But when a Tokyo city councilman in an official meeting said "Japan never invaded Korea" her history class sent an apology to Korean President Roh Moo-hyan - an action that sparked her removal from her classroom. The Masuda case shows how nationalist policies are creeping into the minutiae of daily life in Japan's capital city.

Masuda is now ordered to spend her days in a small room studying public servant regulations, a serious humiliation she says. She in turn is trying to fight in court. Masuda's experience shows the growing power of Japanese nationalists, and their grass-roots influence in Tokyo, analysis say". (End of quote from History News Network posted on Tuesday, November 22, 2005.)

Prince of Dzun

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