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fhchiang 11th Jun 2004 03:19

MAS Shortage Of Pilot.. discuss CADET scheme

i believe mas is in need of CADETs

but... are there enough Cadets Applying?

Also If MAS Is shortage On Pilots... And MAS is run by the government

the government should re-review the medical standards and lower the vision requirement.....

currectly, it's 6/9 in each eye with or without correction. correction not excedding -/+ 3 d. Atleast 6/60 without correction.

well i think they should lift of the dioptress limit....

certainly.... it would be better to lower the visual standards rather than lowering the academic standards......

i don't see anyone who can see clearly with corrective lenses will affect the safety of the plane compared to someone who has good eyesight but bad academics....

for example.. XXX dad knows mas director. his son got in the cadet. he has perfect eyesight but very bad psyhics and maths basics.

YYY on the other hand couldn't get in because of his eyesight(he could see perfectly with corrective lenses). but he has some pretty solid psyhics and maths basic...

now tell me, who be pose more threat to Air safety?

hmm.. how many Applied for MAS CADET PROGRAM and made it through?

nameisnotimportant 11th Jun 2004 17:06

MAS are not owned by government per se, its a public listed company thus making policies for MAS are not the government's responsibiltity. its the management's responsibility. try and read up about the company first before throwing yourself in blindly.

Eearlier this year MAS advertised its pilot cadet program and most of the candidates by now had finished the psychomotor test. A few batch had already been called for the pyschometric test and according to the HR manager, less than half of the candidates passed the psychomotor test.The first batch will be flown to adelaide most probably in july.And from what i heard, this shall be one of the largest intake of cadet pilot MAS ever done thus making it probable that they won't be taking in any intake for quite sometime....but i am not sure about it. According to the HR manager, they are taking in 200 cadets for the expansion program and to prepare current pilot to drive the a380 which will be delivered in 2006.This could be bull**** or not but its what i heard anyway.

regarding the xxx's dad a friend to someone in MAS's case, eventually it all boils down to the psychomotor test and the pyschometric test.You can score 150% in all your subjects taken in SPM but that won't show that you are a good candidate for the pilot program (its only good for the preliminary elimination). The test are currently computerised and they are using PILApt program, its traceable thus making it a little bit harder for any foul play to take place. Psychomotor test won't be depending on whatever knowledge you have prior to the test. Its a test for an inborn ability to pilot an aircraft and the psychometric test is an IQ test and a visual spatial test that also does not depend on your SPM results. I have a friend who scored 6As in SPM but have an IQ of about 100 to 110 (90-110 is the population average). There are people who only scored 2As in the SPM but have an IQ of 126 and above.... MAS are not looking for bookworms but they are looking for bright, skillful people thus for me its understandable why they lowered the academic qualification(malaysian education sucks anyway)...its safer for them to take in people with high IQ and high hand-eye coordination and good eyesight rather than taking in scholars.

Virtual Reality 12th Jun 2004 10:01


1. Good posting but you are talking about "virtual world" rather than "real world". 75% of the candidates probably have to go through the process but the rest somehow managed to slot in by using connections somewhere. Please admit that this is "Bolehland" and there are few living proofs flying around in MAS now.

2. Public listed company? Yes, that is true, but who has the golden share and the final say? Just food for thought .....

"Lived long enough to understand the all the bullsh!ts in MAS":cool:

fhchiang 12th Jun 2004 10:28


MAS's pilot training in Adelaide?

which school?

because i think they train in MFA ,Malaysia Flight Academy.

in Adelaide i think the only school available is BAE SYSTEM flight training...

and they do train pilots for airlines but MAS is not stated

Qantas, Cathay Pacific, China Airlines, South African Airways, Dragonair, Emirates, Air China, Zhejiang

nameisnotimportant 13th Jun 2004 17:16

chiang, its what the HR (a man by the name Haji Azman i guess) said. I know about the BAE training school and from what i heard for this particular batches (they will be sending many batches) its going to be the BAE training school. no more MFA. It might be a recent event and maybe there are no black and white just as yet. As this is a rumour's forum, i think its no harm if i post what i heard.

Virtual, thanks for opening my eyes. I wouldn't be surprised if there are some parasite using those connections but i wouldn't be too harsh to say every MAS's relation made the cut. MAS as we all know stands for Mana Ada System but i guess we just have to deal with it as people like me and chiang have no other choice (apart from the VERY stringent SIA) to realize our dream.On the other hand, AirAsia's place for cadets are still very limited and it would be very hard to make the cut.

It makes me wonder why you yourself go for MAS in the first place.The grass is always greener on the other side i presume.

whatever it is, from my honest point of view its still a public listed company and government are not to be blamed for every single mistakes that the Mana Ada System made. In the context of higher or lower education requirement, i still think its the management's responsibility and not the government. I could be wrong as i am young and still learning the curves and bumps of working life.

In any case, thanks for taking the time to respond.

Virtual Reality 14th Jun 2004 05:17


1. "It makes me wonder why you yourself go for MAS in the first place." - A simple answer is I was so naive before and no nothing about the real world and now I lived long enough to understand the all the bullsh!ts in MAS.

2. "The grass is always greener on the other side i presume" - I think I don't have to tell everyone whether I am in or out of MAS.

3. If you are still trying to get a place in MAS, Good Luck, treat it as a stepping stone for further progression. If you are already in, keep you nose clean, get the rating and hours and chow whenever you have a chance.

"I am patriotic to $ sign only:cool: "

SmoothCriminal 14th Jun 2004 08:35

Do they take FO's from overseas.... like Cathay
Or is it only DEC's and local FO's ?!?!

Thanks in advance

Smoothie :ok:

Ramboflyer 1 14th Jun 2004 10:28

If you want to leave CX to go to MAS you will certainly fail the psyche test.

nameisnotimportant 14th Jun 2004 13:03

thank you virtual, will treat that as an advice and a reminder. :D

nameisnotimportant 14th Jun 2004 17:06

oh and another thing, i have posted this at the wannabe section before and will post it here one more time. just in case

chiang, a VA of more than 6/60 will be registered as BLIND in the UK. 6/60 VA can be computed as loss of visual acuity of 80%. in my honest opinion, if you can wear refractive lenses chances are you are not blind.

kindly click here for more details http://www.tiresias.org/guidelines/visual.htm

so when MAS asked for a 6/60 visual acuity as a minimum, i guess what they meant was they don't want a blind person as a candidate for their cadet. I can't quite see how MAS would lower the visual requirement more than that.

jebat 21st Jun 2004 13:36

it's true what nameisnotimportant said, Haji Azman the only HR guy in MAS in charge of the Cadet Pilot thingy (no wonder the process took ages) said that the first batch will be going to Adelaide in July. That is what I heard when I went for my psychomotor test on 27th May.

When I went to check out my result on 17th June (which I didn't get it because he only had the result for candidates who took it until 7th Mei only) he said that some big shot want the training to be held in MFA instead of Adelaide to prevent lots of money (200 x 100k = 20 million ringgit) from going out of malaysia but still not confirm whether it's in adelaide or MFA, batu berendam

pilotflies.********.com has his father to help him out in his quest to become a pilot but wetwetwater.********.com is one of a good example where talents does matter, make it to the interview without pulling any strings...

as for myself and others still waiting our results and chances for psychometric test and the interview. hope that i'll make it :)

p/s: Air Asia is taking 500 cadet pilot this year....wonder if it's true

fhchiang 21st Jun 2004 14:33

MAS is not asking for 6/60

but rather 6/6

look at this
Basic Requirements:

-Malaysian citizen.
-Grade 1 in SPM with six (6) credits including Bahasa Malaysia and minimum of C3 in Mathematics, Physic and English taken at one sitting. Higher academic qualification will be an added advantage.
-For candidates sitting SPM from year 2000 onwards: six (6) credits including Bahasa Malaysia and minimum of 3B in Mathematics, Physic and English taken at one sitting.
-Between 18 to 26 years old.
-Fluent in English.
-Mentally and physically fit with good eyesight without optical aids and not colour blind.
-At least 163 cm (5 ft 4 in. ) tall.
-Prepared to undergo vigorous training up to twenty months.
-Prepared to sign training bond.
-No criminal record.

now.. the 6/60 eyesight IS THE MINIMUM requirement for a Malaysia Class 1 Medical

and nowdays..... ppl with spectables are a lot....

take my classmates as example...

my class has 20 students... and only 5 of them have perfect sight....

others including me are shortsighted.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

that makes 15..!!!!

15/20 * 100 =75% of myopic students!!!!!

nameisnotimportant 21st Jun 2004 15:09

dude you are wrong. I still have the paperclips that advertised the MAS cadet program and it said 6/60. The website ( where i assume you copy the ad from) is old and not updated.

chinyuan81 22nd Jun 2004 09:20

Hi Jebat,

Refering to your calculation methodology ;

200cadets x 100k = 20 million ringgit

I am assuming that MAS is taking 200 cadets this round.

However, The 200 figure remains an assumption, and no body actually knows the real figure.

I was wondering if Tuan Haji Azman actually mentioned 200 cadets intake this year to you personally?

Thanks. =)

MASsenger 22nd Jun 2004 10:48

Good posting, I must say, n/n/impt. I`m awfully glad u cleared the air on Bolehland Parasites, cos I was about to come in blazing with afterburners. Bear in mind the parasite scheme will always be there & not only at the flight deck. As I have spit out before, the company is besieged with this at all levels, hence the dismal performance. The legitimate schemes are just an eyewash.

Had enough of this b/s & took a hike many moons ago. Best thing I`ve done in 25years. U bet the grass is greener on the other side! Better believe it buddy, a`int no lie in that!!! However, being a Malaysian, my heart is here & that`s why I keep pockin on this thread. Having been all over the globe, a`int no place like Malaysia, truly home! I will return finally one day, to hang ma boots.

jebat 22nd Jun 2004 12:40

hi chinyuan81,

yup, Haji Azman personally said that it would be 200 cadets this year. I send in my application a few days late. I personally called him and met up with him at MAS Complex B and submitted my application by-hand. I managed to have asked him a few questions and one of it is about a media statement made by Capt Dato' Nawawi the Director of MAS Flight Operation. He said that MAS would take 200 cadets this year. I just want to confirmed whether it's true and Hj Azman said that it would be exactly 200 cadets.

Heard an interesting thing about Capt Dato Nawawi. He refused to be used as 'cable' by anyone that wish to be a MAS cadet pilot. One of the most reknowned story about him told by a friend currently in MFA is about his nephew. His nephew have a friend that want to be a cadet pilot for MAS. So his nephew came to him and said that his friend want to be MAS cadet pilot. Dato' Nawawi just said "Apply-lah". :)

fhchiang 22nd Jun 2004 13:09

can u do me a favour?
jebat can u do me a favour?

can u call encik Haji Azman and ask him about next year's intake?

i'm preparing to apply right after my SPM results next year...

taking SPM this year...

if i can't get into MAS's program..

i'll finish my a-levels and try SIA's...

if still cannot... i'll self sponsor my training in AUSTRALIA

jebat 22nd Jun 2004 15:15

I'll be seeing him next month, will ask him next month. This is his direct line number 78402605 - Haji Azman, try ur luck, only 1 in 100 will be answered hehehe because most of the time he's not at his place because he still conducts psychomotor test.

Sorry that I can't help u much but seriously it seems like impossible to catch him on the phone.

Maybe they would still have this cadet program next year. From what I heard until now not even half of the candidates that have sit for psychomotor test, pass the test. Since the number of candidates that pass is too low to cater for their plan to take 200 cadets, they have to call those who have applied last year to come and sit for the test.

For each session 4 potential cadets would be called for one hour psychomotor test. For my session I'm the only one who applied this year. 3 of them are shocked to get the call letter to sit for that test. they told me they applied may last year.

maybe u r right about how MAS are desperate for pilots as many co-pilots and captains are leaving to another airlines :)

chinyuan81 23rd Jun 2004 04:11

Hi Jebat,

Thanks for the info. Really appreciate it. =)


nameisnotimportant 26th Jun 2004 10:45

i'm not even called for the pyshometric test (yet??). hohoho...so no help from here.

if you do get through, good luck in advance mate.

nameisnotimportant 26th Jun 2004 14:23

no pain no gain mate..no pain no gain. i took it sometime in April.
hey look on the bright side...for all i know they will call those who didn't pass any of the test. Not calling MIGHT be a good sign.

yes. waiting sucks.

jebat 27th Jun 2004 01:50

nameisnotimportant: try call hj azman, my friend called hj azman and asked him about his psychomotor, he pass and will sit for his psychometric in July. As for now Hj azman only have results for test taken until 7th May. The results for 8th may and beyond is still with the management.

chriskong57: if you have sit for your psychometric and they didn't call u yet, i believe u pass the test and will be called for interview in August. For this year there's 3 batch, July, September, November, and then February 2005, April 2005 until they got 200 cadets. Try to contact hj azman to get more information.

If you have a father as a pilot or have a pilot relatives, they can make sure your turn, turn up faster.

btw, did any of you guys applied for Air Asia Cadet Pilot Scheme?

chinyuan81 27th Jun 2004 05:09

hi fhchiang,

I have been reading a lot of your posting.
It seems to me that you know much of the
"class 1 medical requirements for the malaysian standard".

Can you share some of your knowlegde regarding the class 1 medical specification with me?
I need to know more about eyesight limitations.
Perhaps you could share us all a link ( if there is one ).
Thank you.


jebat 27th Jun 2004 11:42

chinyuan81: http://www.studentpilot.net/articles/medical.html
I'm not sure if it's applicable in Malaysia :ok:

chriskong57: yup it's hard to get in contact with hj azman via phone because he still running the psychomotor test so most of the thime he is not at his place. I'm going to see him in 2 weeks time to check on my results.

I'm referring to batch that are going to MFA as cadets. Hj Azman said that the first batch is going to MFA in July. The next batch will be taken in every two months.

Well in Bolehland it's always like this, you must know somebody to get what you want. :(

chriskong57 27th Jun 2004 12:52

Zillion thanks jebat for your info and encouragement.
All the best to you and hope you will achieve your flying dreams. Nice to have someone helpful like u.

fhchiang 27th Jun 2004 13:17


this was LAST REVIEWED in 1994

Malaysia Class 1 Medical As Follow:

At Least 6/9 VA in each eye seperately with or without correction.
If correction is needed, uncorrected vision to be at least 6/60 and correction not exceeding +/- 3 Dioptress ESE.

that's for Malaysia Class 1 Medical....

well... still don't understand one thing... what does ESE mean?

alsol... gonna apply for MAS and SIA simultaneously after i get my spm result next year.

jebat 28th Jun 2004 03:17

my friend applied for SIA while he is doing his degree in MMU. After they found out that he's still studying and didn't graduate yet they told him to get his degree first and apply again next year.

Just want to share with you that SIA prefer graduate and so do MAS even though the min req. is SPM. Last year's batch there's 10 degree holder and only 2 with SPM, straight A's. My friend is one of them and their average marks for each test is 93%....

If you want to go straight after SPM make sure you got excellent grades unless you got 'connection' because there's time that I heard there's one cadets failed and become a steward in MAS because he got in using 'cable' and don't have the qualifications and qualities to undergo cadet pilot scheme.

I love to talk on anything relating cadet pilot. If anyone of you have any info feel free to contact me at hafizuka at yahoo.com

chinyuan81 28th Jun 2004 14:43

Thanks Jebat and Fhchiang for your sharing, really appreciate it.

I would really like to share a thought of mine too:

I truly believe everyone in this forums are really passionate wannabes who wants to get a place in the flying school (including myself). All of you have my respect.

At least, we are all here to find our way to our dreams and am trying really hard getting information from the internet and books. Doesn't matter if we will reach there or not, at least, we have tried really hard and the rest, we leave it to God.

Therefore, i will sincerely congratulate anyone who can get a place in the cadet programme, and i really wish and hope that all passionate wannabes will get a place.

Compete among oneself, not against others.


scc 28th Jun 2004 23:08


You seem to be very well versed with what's going on in MAS.

With reference to the 'shortage of cadets' in MAS, should i go ahead and apply even though they do not have a ad posted in the papers or website? Will they consider me for the current intake?

and also, is there a specific address i should direct it to? I noticed you mention that you handed in your application personally at MAS Complex B. Is that anywhere near the Subang airport, as i would not mind handing it personally too (live in Subang).

Thanks in advance for your reply. I'd appreciate any feedback from anyone. Good Luck to whoever's applying to be a Cadet!


chriskong57 28th Jun 2004 23:40

SCC, the specific address is
You need a detailed resume, certified true copies of certificates, academic transcprits, identity card, contact telephone numbers,and a recent passport photo.
The place is on the left hand side ( if you are heading towards Subang Airport) and just before the Subang Airport. As for handing in the form now I have no idea about that but you can always go there personally to ask since u are staying in Subang, not like us need to fly across South China Sea.

Virtual Reality 29th Jun 2004 05:10


Have a look at "MAS HIRING" thread on the same Far East page. You will have all the details.


scc 29th Jun 2004 06:10

Chris & Virtual,

Thanks to both for your prompt replies!

Virtual...Yes, I am aware of the ad posted in the Star on the 19th of June. However, I believe one of the requirements states the candidates "Must possess Malaysian ATPL or Malaysian CPL/IR with frozen ATPL".

That does not seem like a roll-call for cadet pilots. Anyways, I think I will just give it a go. What hurt will it do eh? I'll probably hand it in next week. Will keep you posted on any updates

Chris from East M'sia?


chriskong57 29th Jun 2004 06:41

SCC, the ad posted on 19th june are for those who have already graduated from flying school on their own expenses, have their flying licence already and now they can try to find a pilot job with MAS.
For the cadet pilot the ad was out on 21 Feb. 2004 before SPM result was out.
No harm in trying ...
yep. East Malaysia

jebat 29th Jun 2004 10:28

yup, that's the address, just go there and try to find haji azman, ask him personally about the cadet pilot scheme. I think they still accepting application as they still conduct psychomotor test :)

All the best... sorry for late reply... busy with my work

scc 29th Jun 2004 22:45

HAha:) Seems like Hj Azman is a very popular guy and a personal friend of everyone in this forum!

What would his position be anyway?

Thanks jebat. I will look him up real soon. Or at least attention my application to him.

jebat 30th Jun 2004 06:14

Haji Azman is HR Executive I think but he's the only one handling Cadet Pilot Program for MAS. the other exec handle cabin crew and other positions....

jebat 2nd Jul 2004 14:08

I have met Hj Azman two days ago. Was following one of my friend as he is so anxious to meet him. Praise God I pass the test and will be going for psychometric on 22nd July. One more good news is that I'm going for the first test for Air Asia cadet pilot scheme on 10th July.

I have asked about next year and he said that if they failed to get 200 cadets by the end of this year most probably they will advertise for cadet pilot again next year.

Hj Azman rocks hehehhe....

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