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Marcellus Wallace 11th Jun 2004 13:21

Working with MAS has its plus and minuses. We always got to fly shiny new planes....some even got sent for factory courses round the world. Armed with all the experience and ratings that we have garnered - some of us seek greener pastures. We are indebted to MAS to some degree but we have also paid our dues. It has been great working there..all the friends along the way and all the good and bad times experienced.

No one should think they are indispensable. There will be others who will step up to take your place. It has always been the case. That's life. For those who remain - maybe something positive will come out of this exodus. For the younger ones, their numbers are moving up the list.

MAS has never had consistent policies and long term vision. This can possibly be a source of frustration for some. Remuneration can definitely be better. Excellence is something which is hard to strive for especially after a severe financial crisis - just thankful to be surviving. Maybe someday leaders with vision will helm the airline.

Guys - make me jealous for I'll never be able to use the "Malaysian" call sign ever!

MASsenger 12th Jun 2004 07:03

Fair comment MW, although I`m not exactly sure if u are still sipping the Anchor beers. U imply the lack in excellence directly due to recent financial crisis. Having been an insider ( not at the present moment ), I totally disagree on this point of view. This is exactly the excuse give by the cronies, or, a more appropriate word would be, deadwood! These `experts’ have filled up all levels of management. The best brain in the company are consistently denied a future. As a result complacency to the highest degree had set in. This the reason for the company to be brought to the brink of bankruptcy & had to be rescued by the Government. Unfortunately, the penny has not dropped. The same scenario exist till today.

It is racism MJ, but not the type u are harping about. It is subtle & directed at the locals. Yup, strange it may seem! Only certain ethnic group of locals are given the rope up any larder. This is regardless to ability or any form of capability. All others are just staff numbers. I `ve seen a total outsider ( unrelated to aviation) become a Manager of a dept. where aviation skills were curtail. This is the practice the company is besieged with. So don`t expect excellence by any standard. The government ensures the wheels keep turning. That is the sad truth, cos the same scenario of yesteryear still exist, and will continue to do so!

To those who aspire to make something for themselves,I have only one word..................Leave!!!


The Rage 12th Jun 2004 17:20

Slavery, thats what its like, cadets in MAS are bonded for 15 years and even if they were to leave they have a bond to settle. But thats the funny thing, here a pilot is bonded for 15 years and at the same time they are required to pay of the amount spent on them, so why should MAS pay them a proper salary, as long as they are bonded they cant leave unless your father happens to be a million air an wouldnt mind paying of the bond. Modern day slavery! Type bonding is something unheard off, u pay 150% if u leave in the first 1 1/2 years and 100% for the other half. I wonder if this were to stand up in the court of law. Anyone know what happened to the pilots who left with a type bond, were they ever taken to court and if the bond still stands. I have been told that it dosent stand in court.
About time pilots went out to try their fortunes else where, all the best of luck guys, u have my support.:ok:

Heard 4 more guys put in their resignations this week. And management have push the panic button, saying they would call the other airlines to tell them to stop pinching our pilots. All i can say is, if the guys want to leave let them go, or raise the salary with immediate effect. but that would mean the bosses dont get their bonuses this year!:ugh:

Pilots are not happy here anymore, so let the othere airlines take them, why bother what MAS has to say to these airlines. Its the pilots choice not MAS's.:{

fhchiang 13th Jun 2004 02:28


do u think other airlines would listen to their nonsense???

lol... if there's pilot.. they'll take them....

damn.. why cann't MAS think!!?

Iso 13th Jun 2004 03:43

Who wants to know!
hehehehe....so familiar, this gripping, this vasilation over leaving, why can't YOU guys realize what a wunderful job you have got, NOT! Be thankful, and tell Datuk what a wonderful guy he is. The small general and his staff are just so thick with the concept of perpetuating the purity of the chosen, they will not realize that they are steering MAS into A major shortage. However many sons are coming to fill the slots. God Bless them.

For those of you contemplating a career (contract ) outside of MAS, be prepared to be treated the same as some of you treated other contractors from within. You really deserve the experience, believe me.

As for the pathetic insular MAPA, go rotate! You imbiciles are the most racist hateful individual short sighted self interested twits I have ever come across. If you spent as much time and engergy on the real issues (like gettng rid of that bonding scheme and improved pay), then you would be a true asset to all pilots. In the meantime keep an eye on the management positions you so desire and be just like the little general.

MASsenger 13th Jun 2004 06:15

They come in all sizes my friend. It`s the short ones that are generally potent, ‘macham chili padi’. U really got to watch out for these suckers! This is my fourth joint, I`ve seen them all………short, tall, slim, fat……u name it, Ive seen it! There`s one thing common with all of em, they are firkin dick heads. The one u have right now, fits the bill right to the toe! The previous one was better, although he knew more about sand and stones than flying. At least he would have a beer with you. Anyway, I see the same scenario, looking back on my trail. I`m about to jump ship again, and it would not surprise me to hit the same sh_t at my new destination. What I`m trying to get at is, when they get to the top their heads fill up with sh_t, it`s the same b/s everywhere. I drift when it suits me, I couldn’t give a damn for the short or fat SOBs. Do what u got to do.:ok:

Virtual Reality 13th Jun 2004 08:47

This is the only "POSITIVE" point about MAS that I can think of, its cabin crew (females only not the one in between lah ...) are really "HOT & JUICY" ............ yummmmmy .... Can't leave without ......

Trust me :cool:

hapimus 13th Jun 2004 15:49

Congrats Mas Pilots
would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all the mas pilots who have left and planning to leave hell.

the best part about mas is that mas found us and gave all of us a chance to become pilots. we are all greatful to mas for that but being in love only , does not keep a marriage alive and kicking.
the sex must be good both ways.

pilots never reach orgasm in mas.
being sex objects has made us tired .
we wanna break out of this chains and enjoy equal bed rights.
we wanna embrace sex in the cities.
we wanna reach orgasm and not feel bad about it.
we want more than missionary.

we wanna drive a ferrari.:cool:

geo7E7 13th Jun 2004 22:55

Mick Jagger...
Read my reply carefully, I'm no racist nor backwards as you might think. It was purely about protecting the local interests...in terms of ECONOMICS. We're no 3rd world country no more and that's WHY we need to RUN AND MAN OUR OWN airline! We do have qualified strength to man the airline but not properly remunerated... the main reason why most of us leaving! By the way the systems across the S'pore Straits are totally out of the question, scroll down on main topic and look under "SQ under political pressure" and tell me why and how the pilots get squeezed there.

P.S Emirates have "looked through" me and I'm there now!:E

Virtual Reality 14th Jun 2004 05:02


1. Agreed with you to some degree, probably the choice of word was wrong, you should write "anyone who has the right of abode in Malaysia" instead of LOCALS, I'm not sure where MJ is coming from but I haven't met any so-called expat flying for US or European airlines, even Canadians are not welcomed in US aviation world (I have lots of Canadian buddies). So what do you call that? Racist? Discrimination? Protection? Humiliation? ....etc ...... Go and have a look at some ads in Flight Intl mag and MJ should be able to see words like "Europeans only" or "Has the right of abode in EU only" etc ...... Typical colonial mentality ..................

2. Is Sam Black (SB) going to make money again by bringing Swiss pilots to MAS? What about those "LOCALS (read as anyone who has the right of abode in Malaysia)" in Air Asia, Transmile, Berjaya, GA and airforce who are crying to get a place in MAS but never get a chance or treated even worst than a pariah? Aren't they good enough? Is this the way MAS wants to keep 95% of locals in the flt deck by humiliating/victimising/mistreating non MAS cadets? Or do they have to go through SB agency in order to secure a job in MAS? .............

I am glad that I got in and .......... but pity them who are still trying:cool:

MASsenger 14th Jun 2004 06:16

VR, I say again, man u hit the nail right on the head. Since u are in & if u are one of those MALAYS..ians, then u probably got it smooth sailing. From your thread, I guess u are not, your note seems too fair & just. I agree racism in the flying business almost the world over appears to strike KKK style. I can even live with that, but when it appears right down at ones door step by your own kind, man that blows me out! Nothing will change……….that is the policy of G.

SB is a smart cookie & has always been, ever since the single bar appeared on the shoulders. I`ve seen this fellow rise to his present stardom since then. Sure the non MAS locals are good, I`ve flown with many of em. That is not the point at all. SB being what he is, is making a fortune out of the systems own discriminative practice. Now here`s a man with vision, to line his own pocket. I tell u, u got to give it to this smooth skinny black SOB.

SSB – smooth skinny & black

The Rage 14th Jun 2004 07:13

How dare management call the pilots short sighted, what about the millions spent on the i c my ass which till today still dosent work, who is taking who for a ride there.
Why should management rock the boat, i have 2 year to retirement!- shorty
Filter everything that goes to the board of directors, tell them we are ok with pilot numbers, in the meanwhile get them to fly 900, sorry boys, im no charity organisation.
Mas pilots who have left are not traitors as management has put them to be. As far as im concerned the guys in current management are just there brown nosing, if they had ever stood up for the right of things, i dont beleive the pilots would be this unhappy, then again they only have cohonas to talk like that to pilots and not to te general.

At the end of the day....SHOW ME THE MONEY....otherwise dont even bother to try holding the pilots back from leaving.

MASsenger 15th Jun 2004 04:51

Now ya talkin Rage! Yup, money talks & b/s walks!!! Keep it up.

MAStake 15th Jun 2004 23:40

To see how much confidence pilots have in the shorty just look back at the exco when he was the president and see how many have left for greener pastures. They worked with him for the pilots but he worked for himself.
Now that the exodus has started he is again showing his true colours.

Do you think the proximity of his brain to the ground has anything to do with his reptilian nature? Or is this his background in the air farce showing itself?

geo7E7 17th Jun 2004 05:30

VR, MASenger,Rage,MAStake and ALL in favour...
Thanks for ALL the feedback and support, may the force be with you and best regards! :ok:

p/s Any latest news on the EGM? Just need to know whether I missed anything....!

hapimus 23rd Jun 2004 23:58

egm news....

mapa suggested 5% pay rise.....insulting us.
malaysian airmen pauper association.

refer to oxford dictionary=pauper.

A=One who is extremely poor.
B=One living on or eligible for public charity.

A refers to our association`s kahaunas .
B defines our future sosial standing.

new bmw x3 launch ....x3 umbrella...for all mapa members.
since we cant afford the x5 or xc 90 car.

thank god we got the computer loan scheme.
now i feel like a real airline pilot.

acegreaser 7th Jul 2004 06:20

It's the same everywhere......
I spent 5 hours roaming the whole forum.I too wanna leave. But all the rant here is the same in the SQ, EK,QR forums. So where do we go.

Maybe if we set your sights purely on money, the decision would be easier. If MAS gave a 50% payrise, would the ranting stop.

Do a search on QR and EK. It's longer than what the MH forum has to say about their airline.

But as usual, it's the same guys doing the rant. Very few positives from the forummers.


MAStake 7th Jul 2004 07:12

That's because there's very little positive about working in MAS.

hapimus 7th Jul 2004 08:29

loks like MR DATUK SGM
now knows how to ck email....AND BROWSE THE INTERNET.......


stringfella 7th Jul 2004 09:12

wtf you all bitching about. you should be happy by just having a job. no one pointed a gun in your head to join mas. the company is indeed paying your bills right up to today.i for one will never shoot the hand that feeds me.

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