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Gipsy Queen 11th Oct 2019 21:14

Originally Posted by Airbubba (Post 10591410)
Actually I was replying to an earlier post that I had quoted suggesting that this guy could have harmed himself or the aircraft while climbing on the various probes. For some reason the earlier post and my quote of it were removed without comment. :confused:

I responded to your earlier post and my contribution suffered the same fate. Not for the first time recently. Curious.

Gipsy Queen 11th Oct 2019 21:40

Originally Posted by sixchannel (Post 10592105)
I do wonder who are the Paymasters - the 'money' - behind them?

Well, one of them is Christopher Hohn who reputedly is worth 1,2 billion and directly gave £50,000 to the extinction people. Via a charity in which he is involved, he donated a further £150,000 to this same bunch of anarchists. He is reported as saying that he provided this cash "because humanity is aggressively destroying the world with climate change and there is an urgent need for us all to wake up to this fact". His money could have been more wisely spent.

Like the bulk of those engaged in this spurious exercise, he concerns himself with the consequences of human action, not the principal causal factor which is world overpopulation.

Summer Lovin 12th Oct 2019 01:00

Get airborne and see how strong that glue is.

mrdeux 12th Oct 2019 02:14

Would he have come off at bug speed?

Foxcotte 12th Oct 2019 06:02

I am very curious about something. Regardless of whether he bought a ticket or not, but how the hell does anyone (visually, physically impaired or fully able bodied) get onto the top of a plane?

A maintenance scaffold I can understand, even a crane. But to walk up to the door of an airliner either on a gantry or air bridge or steps .., how DO you get from there to the top of the fuselage without either some serious assistance, gymnastics or other equipment?

fox niner 12th Oct 2019 06:30

Originally Posted by sixchannel (Post 10592021)
Quite so. No JSA etc unless LOOKING for Work
BTW - I wonder how they all got there?

How is he going to look for work, if he is visually impaired?

His dudeness 12th Oct 2019 06:58

Originally Posted by Blue_Circle (Post 10592031)
Why do so many people persist in believing the myth that all these protesters are unemployed or unemployable? Just because you or I wouldn't give up a day or two for it doesn't meant that there aren't plenty of people out there who would.

Wether they are employed or not is maybe harder to tell, that they are unemployable is quite self evident IMHO. Unless you are in the anarchy business, then these people are just what you should be looking for.

hoss183 12th Oct 2019 10:04

Ive seen them do this on the trains in India to avoid buying a ticket, but i dont think it works for planes ;)

763 jock 12th Oct 2019 10:44

Should have de-iced it Hot mix 75/25.

lomapaseo 12th Oct 2019 13:48

Originally Posted by Foxcotte (Post 10592447)
I am very curious about something. Regardless of whether he bought a ticket or not, but how the hell does anyone (visually, physically impaired or fully able bodied) get onto the top of a plane?

A maintenance scaffold I can understand, even a crane. But to walk up to the door of an airliner either on a gantry or air bridge or steps .., how DO you get from there to the top of the fuselage without either some serious assistance, gymnastics or other equipment?

If you somehow figure this out please keep it to yourself

DaveReidUK 12th Oct 2019 19:50

Originally Posted by IBMJunkman (Post 10592211)
What type of glue? Or am I a weirdo for wanting to know?

Presumably wallpaper paste. :O


Fonsini 12th Oct 2019 20:26

Someone should follow this guy around until he takes his next TUI flight to Malaga for his hols.......

SOPS 13th Oct 2019 04:45

Just follow him until he gets into his car, makes a phone call, turns the lights on in his house... you get the idea ...

Raffles S.A. 13th Oct 2019 06:52

They should have just gone ahead with the flight with him glued to the plane. These people are challenged. If they feel so strongly about the subject, why don't they go plant trees in the Sahara desert, or go protest in China, or tell dicaprio and associates (who pay lip service to "climate change") to stop using their private jets, yachts and other CO2 toys?

Webby737 13th Oct 2019 11:52

Originally Posted by Foxcotte (Post 10592447)
I am very curious about something. Regardless of whether he bought a ticket or not, but how the hell does anyone (visually, physically impaired or fully able bodied) get onto the top of a plane?

A maintenance scaffold I can understand, even a crane. But to walk up to the door of an airliner either on a gantry or air bridge or steps .., how DO you get from there to the top of the fuselage without either some serious assistance, gymnastics or other equipment?

It's actually very easy on an aircraft that size.
Provided you have stairs up to one of the pax/service doors.
As I mentioned in my previous post, it's probably best not to go into detail on a public forum. We don't want to be giving the idiots any additional info.

DaveReidUK 13th Oct 2019 12:41

Originally Posted by SOPS (Post 10593104)
Just follow him until he gets into his car, makes a phone call, turns the lights on in his house... you get the idea ...

Are you suggesting that we should all go back to living in caves and sending smoke signals ?

kikatinalong 13th Oct 2019 15:47

Originally Posted by DaveReidUK (Post 10593371)
Are you suggesting that we should all go back to living in caves and sending smoke signals ?

'just think of all that excess smoke in the atmosphere from all those signal fires

Raffles S.A. 13th Oct 2019 17:51

This video explains these crazy people perfectly.

DaveReidUK 13th Oct 2019 18:46

Originally Posted by Raffles S.A. (Post 10593526)
This video explains these crazy people perfectly.

I very much doubt that PJW has ever explained anything perfectly in his life. :O

Airbubba 13th Oct 2019 19:04

Originally Posted by Diavel (Post 10592016)
Just lock the bastard up and throw away the key.
It is interesting,how many people who does not want a real job, but instead decides to become “activists”. They should not be entitled to any kind of benefits, unless they work.

He's already out of jail.

From The Evening Standard:

A former Paralympic cyclist has denied climbing on to a British Airways plane and gluing himself to it during the

Extinction Rebellion protests.

James Brown, who is visually impaired, is accused of causing a public nuisance by climbing on top of the aircraft at
London City Airport on Thursday.The 55-year-old appeared at Westminster Magistrates' Court on Saturday where a not guilty plea was entered on his behalf by his solicitor Raj Chada.

District judge John Zani granted him conditional bail, prohibiting him from going within one mile of any airport in the UK.


Raffles S.A. 13th Oct 2019 19:48

Originally Posted by DaveReidUK (Post 10593554)
I very much doubt that PJW has ever explained anything perfectly in his life. :O

I agree with some things he says, but of course there are some controversial points too. I do agree with what he says about "climate change", it is a money making racket, and anyone who falls for this trap.....

601 13th Oct 2019 21:10

I was thinking more on the lines of those who glue themselves to roads, railings doors etc.
Instead of ungluing this Richard Craniums, just dig a square foot of the road surface or a section of railing and let them deal with the ungluing after being charged.

Longtimer 14th Oct 2019 03:21

My concern is not what he did or what he represents but how the hell he got airside in the first place. Just imagine if he had been someone who wanted to down an aircraft? So much for security.

Airbubba 14th Oct 2019 03:30

Originally Posted by Longtimer (Post 10593770)
My concern is not what he did or what he represents but how the hell he got airside in the first place. Just imagine if he had been someone who wanted to down an aircraft? So much for security.

He purchased a ticket and had a boarding pass. His glue container was probably small and didn't set off an alarm.

These 'activists' have been using the glue stunt for a while now.

From April of this year:

What is with climate change activists in London gluing themselves to buildings and streets? What's the connection?

Eco warriors in London have been engaged in a bizarre protest for the last two weeks in which these climate change activists have attempted to draw attention to their cause by gluing themselves to things.

Campaigners previously glued themselves to the London Stock Exchange and climbed on top of a train at Canary Wharf, but one gal took her protest to the next level by gluing her breasts to the road outside the Goldman Sachs office in Fleet Street.


dc9-32 14th Oct 2019 05:29

Anyone who gets glue airside should be treated as a terrorist suspect.

If people want to glue themselves to planes or airport infrastructure, leave them there. Tow the aircraft away to a remote location on the field and leave a couple of plod to watch them . When they come down, and they will eventually cos the f*******s will get hungry at least, arrest them, charge them and force them to pay the airline/airport disruption bill whilst that aircraft is out of service. Don't tell me this breaches their human rights. They lose that right when they break the law in the first place. Having a boarding card doesn't mean they are not trespassing.

Check Airman 14th Oct 2019 06:40

I’d have towed the plane to a remote stand and left him there to sort out his own way down.

DaveReidUK 14th Oct 2019 06:50

Originally Posted by dc9-32 (Post 10593806)
Anyone who gets glue airside should be treated as a terrorist suspect.

Thereby increasing the likelihood that a court will find them not guilty of any such charge.

Hmmm ...

KiloB 14th Oct 2019 07:04

There is far too much time and worry given to ungluing these people. Just Taser them and they will unglue themselves!

CAEBr 14th Oct 2019 12:43

I’d have towed the plane to a remote stand and left him there to sort out his own way down.
It would have been more fun to do a couple of taxi runs/take off aborts trying to emulate that old TV advert with the guy glued to a board with wallpaper paste :E

Wonder what thrust setting you need to drown out the screams.........

Jet Jockey A4 14th Oct 2019 13:49

Originally Posted by CAEBr (Post 10594094)
It would have been more fun to do a couple of taxi runs/take off aborts trying to emulate that old TV advert with the guy glued to a board with wallpaper paste :E

Wonder what thrust setting you need to drown out the screams.........

I like this plan!

Aihkio 14th Oct 2019 13:57

If they adhesively bond themselves to something not belonging to them I dont't quite see how somebody else has the responsibility to debond them. Leave them there and pin a note of the hourly rate they are going to have to pay.

Buy popcorn and wait ...

kontrolor 14th Oct 2019 14:08

Originally Posted by homonculus (Post 10592073)
Your judgement seems on a par with your spelling

typical self centric british colonial mindset.

Airbubba 14th Oct 2019 14:12

Originally Posted by Summer Lovin (Post 10592394)
Get airborne and see how strong that glue is.

Flying outside the cabin has been discussed previously here on PPRuNe.

From two decades ago, 'Take your Child to Work Day'.


GeeRam 14th Oct 2019 14:32

Originally Posted by CAEBr (Post 10594094)
It would have been more fun to do a couple of taxi runs/take off aborts trying to emulate that old TV advert with the guy glued to a board with wallpaper paste :E

I bet you would have had to only pull the ladder away and fired up the donks and got it moving a little bit and I'd bet he would have shat himself and been hammering on the roof pleading for forgiveness...........

This is what you need to do to these morons, instead of pandering to their stupid stunts and giving them the publicity just gives them more incentive to be idiots.

Webby737 14th Oct 2019 17:07

Nice idea, it's something I would like to see.
Unfortunately in this caring sharing age of political correctness he'd probably be suing for post traumatic stress, and worse, he'd probably win !

Airbubba 14th Oct 2019 18:40


Originally Posted by Webby737 (Post 10594253)
Nice idea, it's something I would like to see.
Unfortunately in this caring sharing age of political correctness he'd probably be suing for post traumatic stress, and worse, he'd probably win !

Here's one potential Extinction Rebellion slawsuit:

Man dressed as broccoli arrested at Extinction Rebellion protests

UK News | Published: 8 hours ago
The man, who wore green face paint, a suit and a floret-style hat, had previously been seen holding a sign reading: “I’m locally sourced and environmentally friendly”.

Robert Greener, who was in Oxford Street on Sunday evening, tweeted a photo of the protester, with the caption: “A humble broccoli gets arrested on Oxford Street”.

A spokeswoman for the Metropolitan Police said they could not comment on individual arrest cases.

More than 1,300 people have already been arrested in the protests, part of an “international rebellion” with action taking place in cities around the world.

Extinction Rebellion said dozens of activists are expected to appear in court this week, including trials connected with previous action in April.

I'd be surprised if these wackos have quit targeting planes. Years ago two groups of activists copped a walk in Ireland after vandalizing a U.S. Navy 737 since their actions were deemed 'an act of protest'.

Similarly, these Extinction Rebellion folks know that they will get a mere slap on the wrist for damaging a plane. At least up to the point that someone gets hurt.

Wed, Jul 26, 2006

Irish Protestors Found Not Guilty Of Vandalizing US Military Jet

Court Rules Damage Was Act Of Protest

This is a verdict guaranteed to raise eyebrows at the Pentagon and the State Department. A court in Dublin, Ireland, Tuesday found five people accused of damaging a US Navy transport jet at Shannon Airport... not guilty.The five were arrested in February 2003, after they used axes and hammers to beat up the Boeing 737... which was being repaired after a similar attack. All told... the jet suffered more than $2 million in damage.

Irish Protestors Found Not Guilty Of Vandalizing US Military Jet | Aero-News Network

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