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Magplug 7th May 2002 16:45

WWW ChrisDarke.com
The arrogance of this man is appalling.

We have been calling for a members internet forum from BALPA for the last 18 months but CD can produce one in five minutes where self-publicity is required. With the threat to his position and that of his cronies, the prospect of losing an 85k salary seems to grab his attention.

Perhaps the workings of HQ BALPA are not very visible to the majority of members but the level of support given to reps is appaling. It is only through their continued motivation and dedication that second-rate results are achieved. HQ BALPA is a very comfy little Golf Club, Ta very much!

In the ten-year reign of CD we have seen an increase in membership - Fantastic - can't have a Monarch without an empire..... But look at the issues.

- Flagging out.... Little or no progress

- Work permits for non-EU citizens while we have pilots on the dole.... Remains rife

- The Atlas/GSS debacle continues to create bad feeling on both sides of the Atlantic

- Slowly but surely our T&C have been eroded to the point where the job has suffered wholesale devaluation.

I am no fan of the BA Company Council but as major shareholders in BALPA they have identified the rot and decided to move for 'a new broom'. They do not seek to put 'their man' in place as any more than unpaid caretaker, but rather to 'Head-Hunt' a suitable Rottweiler for the job.

I have been a BALPA member ever since I started in civil aviation with a charter company ten years ago. In my time the leadership has gone from moderate to poor and our T&C have followed. Like it or not BA leads industry trends - What happens there today happens to the rest of us tomorrow

The regime at the top of BALPA must change or it will not retain me as a member.

BOAC 7th May 2002 17:50

BALPA GS elections
I've been away for a few days, but have not seen the ballot paper nor any manifestos yet. Has anyone? Has John F produced one?

Notso Fantastic 7th May 2002 18:02

In case you've wondered why BALPA has been so poor in representing our interests for the last 10 years (since CD took the helm), maybe one may question whether the helm has been manned as much as it should! All the questioning about the helmsman's remuneration makes you wonder if he's trying to drive another ship as well as this one! Take a peek at: http://www.competition-commission.org.uk/
then type in ....... about/christopherdarke.htm

I don't know whose ugly mush that is-ignore the picture, but it makes you wonder where the poor membership come in the list of priorities, and why the GS's financial control of BALPA has, at best, been so second hand!

thought we paid an official full time rates for full time work. It seems we have a part time official for full time rates. I may have missed it, but he doesn't seem to mention anything about 'Competition Commission' duties in his website http://www.chrisdarke.com/. I am not allowed to do other jobs apart from fly for BA. I am paid a (alleged) full time salary to make BA my one and only. Under CD's leadership, we have all fallen so our one and only income now seems like a part time income in International terms!

Are there any other duties to distract him from BALPA matters (finance in particular)? Of course, to be even balanced, poor old John Frohnsdorff does have a full time flying job to do! I deeply regret after 32 years I will leave BALPA unless there is a change of direction.

Notso Fantastic 7th May 2002 18:06

This is the manifesto John has produced. I know he is away on a short trip and will be back in a couple of days to answer any questions:

I am a serving BA captain with 33 yrs in the airline & have been active within BALPA in various roles during the past seven years. I am currently in my third year as a member of the NEC, chairman of the BALPA Pensions Committee & also a member of the BALPA Finance Committee and BACC. I therefore feel well placed to comment on both the management & effectiveness of BALPA during the last five to ten years, ie the majority of the period of office of our incumbent General Secretary.

It is my NEC role, with the background knowledge of our internal workings, which has led me to stand for the post of General Secretary. WHY ?

Effectively to trigger an election so that we could all examine Chris Darke’s record & future plans for his next 5yr term. He has already served two 5yr terms, the last one uncontested. For us to just rubber stamp his next 5yrs of employment (pay, £ 85K) is not healthy in a democratic union like BALPA.

Some background.

The NEC were asked to nominate CD in closed session. He is an NEC member but chose not to be present at any stage. It was therefore completely impossible to question him on his record & future plans for this union.

Our Chairman’s opening words were along the lines “this will only take a few minutes gentlemen, I believe Chris has a good record etc,”
The hammer was about to descend when I supported by three other NEC members said, “hang on, this post is for 5yrs, he was rubber stamped last time, we need to discuss this in some depth”
A lively debate followed !!! At the end of which we had a vote which went 7-4 in CD’s favour. We were no nearer getting to the truth of his future plans so the dissenters decided we should propose a “stalking horse”, & let you, the members, decide.

Why are we unhappy?

1/ The main role of the Gen. Sec. is to take charge of the admin. & finances of a multi million pound company (turnover £3.5M).


Last year BALPA was allowed to get into a position of running a £500K deficit (15% of turnover, greater than BA’s !!!). The reps spotted the problem & after much hard work have probably reduced this shortfall to about £150K. If you look at the audited data for the last 4yrs our operating deficit has widened from £100K to almost £600K.

Why has the Gen. Sec. not been managing our finances as required under rule 28 (iv)?


Over the last ten years since Mark Young’s untimely death we have lost strong cohesive Leadership & Direction. At least 6 full time officers -Lebrecht, Fowler, Hayes, O’Donnell, Sparham, Aikens- have been decimated, most of whom have gone straight to the opposition, unforgivable. We have had some good replacements but the disruption this causes takes years to recover.

Why does he spend so little time at New Road? We have noticed he is almost never available.

2/ Interfering with reps negotiations.

When the BA LHLC resigned on mass over the 777 rest issue CD’s prints were all over that fiasco. I don’t wish to re-open that issue, but this & other examples has led to considerable disillusionment.

Our industry terms & conditions have slipped steadily by international standards, & there is a widespread feeling that the “Guiding Principles” (a partnership approach with management) championed by the GS, has exacerbated this decline, with BA for instance held to little if any accountability for repeated transgressions.

What other airlines have had similar appeasements?

3/ We are also very unhappy about the Gen. Sec.’s position on holding replacement elections, eg the 777 saga mentioned above,

He took the view “as we will get the same people back I don’t intend to
hold elections until memories have faded”. (said to me and a fellow NEC member). He lobbied the former NEC to take this view. So, for nine months we had an inquorate BA LHLC. with little representation for 25% of our membership.
Hardly the approach he now expounds in the Log “I am determined to see we don’t forget what this Association is for, namely to represent you the members.”

Shades of Zimbabwe.!!!!

My Aims & Role.

My sole objective is to “Hand BALPA back to its members” by:

1/ Creating an election in which the incumbent is required to outline his position.

2/ Acting as a “stalking horse” so that the deep disquiet which I believe exists widely
may be expressed & thus give us the opportunity to actively seek a replacement well versed in the handling of today’s industrial scene. We will head-hunt the best.
For those who are not represented by the BA part of BALPA, please do not think of this as an attempt to effect some kind of take-over of BALPA. We are aware that our level of membership is significantly exceeded by non-BA members and equally recognise this has to apply throughout our structure.

However, we do believe that in many areas BA is looked upon as an important part of UK “bench-marking”; hence any relative decline in BA pilots' terms and conditions are likely to eventually affect the remainder of the UK industry. When I speak of handing BALPA back to its members, I truly mean ALL members in ALL companies.

It is for you, the members, to decide. Please think carefully about this post, the Gen. Sec. role is hugely important in an organisation in which the reps. are part time.
I believe his disdain in not proposing an election is unhealthy & undemocratic. All the reps. stand for re-election regularly. This is democracy, it must apply at all levels within BALPA.

I make two pledges:

1/ I will not take a penny piece as General Secretary
2/ I will stand down immediately the objective in 2/ above has been met

I seek your vote please.

skiver 7th May 2002 20:14

BigBrutha <<My membership card is on its way to the bin...>>

If CD survives this vote... that makes at least two of us. :mad:

BOAC 7th May 2002 20:21

I wait with interest tomorrow's post so I can read the incumbent's mainfesto too. Thank you 'Not-so'.

I take it you know JF? Perhaps when JF returns he could put himself up for a few questions? It seems there are a few!!!

On the face of it, if CD is the great guy that we are told he is, he would surely be the person selected for the post at the end of JF's short tenure of post?

Notso Fantastic 7th May 2002 22:32


You make it sound so tempting! Just to drive home what has been happening to BALPA leadership over the last few years (like 10?), our Gen Sec is some sort of official in what we call a Quango (Government jobs for the boys) called the Monopolies & Mergers Commission, or now fashionably renamed the 'Competition Commission'. In the time of presiding over BALPA, he appears to have made himself an expert in Cows Milk. Nice little earner I'm sure, but he was supposed to be doing an effective job in sorting out my T&Cs!Go to:
and checkout page 18. I despair! British Pilots now have a chance to elect someone who will ensure EFFECTIVE leadership, not some expert in bloody farm products to run their union!

(The bit missing in the link is org.uk.review/cc2000.pdf)

Funny it is not mentioned in his manifesto!

Mr. BOAC- John will be back Thursday. I hope he will bring me oysters- lots of them! Even a dozen don't seem to work that well these days.

Captain Jumbo 8th May 2002 08:30

Just wanted to confirm that John has my vote, and that I am lobbying all I fly with to do the same.
If CD continues, then BALPA will be worse off by my 1% ! :mad:

N2000 8th May 2002 08:57

BALPA GS "other" jobs
It would appear from http://www.competition-commission.or...ases/38-00.htm that Chris Darke has also being doing another job for the Competition Commission.

"Stephen Byers, Secretary of State for Trade and Industry, has asked the Competition Commission to look into the proposed acquisitions by Gannett UK, Johnston Press and Guardian Media Group (GMG) of the newspaper titles and related assets of Regional Independent Media Holdings Limited (RIM)............Paul Geroski, one of the Commission's members, will chair the inquiry. The other members of the group are Christopher Darke and Charles Henderson. They will be joined by Joyce Hopkirk and Charles Wilson who are members of the newspaper panel appointed by the Secretary of State."

I want BALPA to be less of an Association, and more of a UNION!!:mad:

N2000 8th May 2002 09:03

BALPA GS "other" jobs part .......
There appears to be another entry for Chris Darke and the Competition Commission, http://www.competition-commission.or...ases/02-01.htm


......Dr Gillian Owen, one of the Commission’s members, will chair the inquiry. The other members will be Dr Gillian Owen, one of the Commission’s members, will chair the inquiry. The other members will be Mr Christopher Darke, Mr Richard Rawlinson and Mr Martyn Webster, Mr Richard Rawlinson and Mr Martyn Webster


foggy duck 8th May 2002 09:23

Busy chap isn't he ?

kippa 8th May 2002 09:48

The rubber stamp seems to be his mark. BA pay agrement 2000 went trough very quitely witout the membership agreeing the settlement. C.D. + M.O. seemed to have a very cosy relationship with the BA.

Can we have a leader who will promote a union with teeth.

Roobarb 8th May 2002 09:51

Wakey wakey!!!!
I have to agree that sadly, our union has been completely impassive during the wholesale destruction of our terms, conditions, and status over the last ten years. During that time some of our union officials have turned gamekeeper, whilst others have let management off the hook – particularly in 1996 with BA.

At Big we were sold New Bidline Rules which have significantly affected our lifestyles for the worse, and entered into an agreement known as Guiding Principles, which has made a laughing stock out our profession. Principles are tenets adhered to by gentlemen, a rare commodity in BA management. New joiners to BA have been sold down the river, very sadly by our most senior colleagues who sacrificed the rookies salaries to retain their own more generous remuneration.

To be offered simply more of the same is not acceptable to me as a BALPA member. It is frankly an insult to assume that we are so indifferent to the decline of our profession that we will simply rubber-stamp the re-election of a man who has failed to deliver a second time.

John Frohnsdorf may not be intending to take up the post himself, but at least he is going to give BALPA back to its members, which can only be a good thing. Then we can have a real race with real candidates. My choice would be a gentleman of some legend, Chris Lankey, :) if ever there was a name to strike fear into the ‘hearts’ of management it would be him. They would wake in a cold sweat at 2am.

And when we do get a new election campaign, could I ask that we all get up off our fat behinds and take some interest. Complacency and indifference has got us into this mess. John’s election would give us a second chance, at least we could have the decency to take it.


I’ll take on the opposition anyday, it’s the management I can’t beat

Big Kahuna Burger 8th May 2002 10:00

Stuff this
CD knows that he is staring at a very uncertain future right now.

Dont you....

Come on Chris, you read these pages (even more over this next month hey...)

How can you claim to be the man for the job, when you are not, and have not been giving it your 100% ???

Have you ever made it public to the membership that you 'have some interests on the side'

Anything else we should know?

Might be best coming from you, instead of being found out.


Big Kahuna Burger 8th May 2002 10:08

PS.. this is not just about BA
I strongly believe that BALPA members from all companies need to take an interest in the GS elections.

It is unfortunate that an element of 'this current GS election is just a BA situation' is just not true.

Like it or not, incorrect or not (as has been debated at length else where) BA has been used as a benchmark lever for other company pay deals in the past.

A weak union, will not only not help,- BUT HARM all of us.

This is the first time I will have returned a BALPA ballot form, due to apathy in the past.

Not this time.

Cornflake 8th May 2002 10:48

I feel very strongly about this too. Trouble is, there are now several threads about CD, Mervyn, and the future generally. However, I feel strongly enough to add my little contribution to 'em all.

The writing is on the wall C.D. , get your desk cleared out.

Roobarb, hear hear - particularly about getting everyone motivated to vote Mr Darke into history!

Magplug 8th May 2002 11:54

A Doctor of Spin
By now most members will have had a chance to read both manifestos.

It is glaringly evident that CD is a student of the Blairite school of spin. His tone is somewhere between Peter Mandelson and Alisdair Campbell although slightly less appealing than either.

Despite his erudite gilding of his track record he singularly lacks the qualities we need. His manifesto is capucccino flavoured - all froth and no substance.

*** It is time to put a Rottweiler in charge of BALPA***

Maybe Chris Lankey is not such a bad idea :)

Mick Stability 8th May 2002 14:32

I for one hope John gets in. At least we'll be able to nominate some candidates that address our own agendas.

Chris Lankey, Oh my word.

Notso Fantastic 9th May 2002 12:23

Mick, Now there IS an idea! Come back Chris Lankey- all is forgiven! It's that sort of narkiness we need right now. BA needs a short sharp shock- in fact ALL UK airlines need a short sharp shock!

Rider of the Purple Sage 9th May 2002 13:00

Company Councils and the BALPA Election.
I received my ballot papers today, read both candidates' manifestos, and voted for JF. No contest.

What I would like to know, purely for interest, is how the Company Councils decided whom to support. In BRAL / BACE, to the best of my knowledge, the Company Council did not ask the membership for their views. I know this won't affect the great scheme of things now, but I WOULD have liked to have been asked for my views - my CC, after all, is supposed to be representing ME!.
I was particularly interested to see that the CCs of several major Airlines, whose pilots have been vocal on PPrune about the poor achievements of BALPA for their Ts and Cs, still supported CD. This seems rather odd to me. Virgin, Airtours, JMC, KLMuk to name but few who have at times over the last few years been very disparaging of BALPA and CD in particular. Could it be that CCs tend to 'go native' as happens in the Diplomatic Corps ?

As a footnote, it was interesting to compare manifestos. One could not help but note the wide ranging vague but lofty ideals expressed by CD, as opposed to the specifics and punchy no-nonsense tone of JF.

Good luck John!

Yog-Sothoth 9th May 2002 13:13

Nobody asked me. And I'm voting John Frohnsdorff. I see on CD's site, he can't even spell Brymon properly, and seems to think we have only been a BALPA Company for less than a year!!!

Spin, spin and more spin. :mad:

Notso Fantastic 9th May 2002 16:37

A short perusal of these websites would make your mind up!
http://www.competition-commission.org.uk/about/christopherdarke.htm (ignore the picture)
http://www.competition-commission.org.uk/review/cc2000.pdf go to page 19 (Adobe Acrobat needed)

I never knew our Gen Sec had the time or energy left after working on our behalf to take up all these Quango jobs!

Neo 10th May 2002 07:30

I've also read both of the candidate's manifestos, and one would have to say that Chris Darke's manifesto is much more polished and professional. However, slickness and polish are utterly irrelevant in an election where a fundamental point of principle is at stake.

I have no doubt that BALPA hierarchy have angered the membership at large, and the kind of hubris displayed inevitably leads to a comeuppance. I am sure that the magnificently acccoutred French would have been rated as the more polished and slick before Agincourt.

We live in interesting times, and I for one am not betting on Chris Darke's survival. However, with John Frohnsdorff stating that he will stand down on election, those who would seek to be General Secretary would be well advised to sharpen their own manifestos immediately.

Diesel 10th May 2002 09:58

Like so many people I object to the cosy boys club BALPA appears to have become. No, I wasn't asked who I would want as GS. This would have gone through "on the nod" if not for JF. It was no contest. Cross in the box for JF and form returned. Time for some change.

Diesel 10th May 2002 10:01

Chris Lankey for GS........now there's an idea.

AiryFairy 10th May 2002 18:25

Pardon my ignorance, but who is Chris Lankey?

Greenfinch 11th May 2002 20:44

Just relinquished my membership of IPA/IPF in favour of BALPA. Reading this thread I'm starting to question the wisdom of that move !

Crucible Flyer 13th May 2002 14:09

I have been flying commercially for nearly ten years the time
that Chris Darke has served as our General Secretary ,during
this time the standing of our profession has dropped to such
a level that we are now regarded as mere bus drivers of the
air, our salaries are constantly being eroded relative to the
ever rising cost of living and tax burden under the present
On joining the airlines ten years ago you could expect private
healthcare a final salary pension and even crew meals! Now
we work harder than ever and we can get a small discount
if we purchase private healthcare a worthless money purchase
pension scheme and we have to buy our food on the aircraft
so much for the achievements of BALPA during the ten years
under Chris Darke.
In ten years as a member of BALPA the only thing they have
negotiated for me was to have me made redundant from the
job I greatly enjoyed at Virgin Atlantic, I like most of the other
members I know remain a member of BALPA only as an
insurance policy we hope never to use, time for a change of
General Secretary I suggest lets have one who will fight for
our interests.

P22 14th May 2002 20:02

Yes CF, but you must remember that CD has been doing stirling work with such things as the aquisition by SCR-Sibelco SA of Fife Silica Sands.


flappless 14th May 2002 20:59

I'm confused !

If you go to http://www.competition-commission.or...opherdarke.htm

you get the bio of 'David Stark' (which looks like it should be that of Chris Darke) - and a picture of someone who must be Mr Stark cos it ain't Mr Darke. Maybe it is all a big mistake and Mr Darke does not participate in any of these organisations.

Mr Stark can be found at http://www.competition-commission.or...davidstark.htm and that is not Mr Darke !

Anyone throw some light on this one !

BOAC 14th May 2002 21:27

flappless - a task for you

1) Visit (as you refer) Mr Darke, competition commission and see the pride with which he refers to his 'BALPA' duties and achievements - is that him? OK the picture is of a 'fatter cat' and shaved to avoid discovery?

2) Then visit Mr Darke (Balpa) web site and see how PROUDLY he portrays his involvement with the competition commission.

Enough light in the Darke?

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