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TwinAisle 26th Apr 2002 21:34

I wrote my epistle above in a fit of anger, having come off the 7806 (just as SLF, but some of us care!) and having seen some cabin staff who I've come to know over the years (I'm a BA CWL regular) having to smile and do their job in their usual pleasant and efficient way, knowing that the sword of Damocles was hanging over them.

That's what got me mad.

I put down - here and now - a challenge to BA CE management.

I work as a management consultant, and we do a lot of airline work. We could make the routes from Cardiff pay. No question. If the management at BA CE want to talk to me, I look forward to their email. Client confidentiality would not allow me to give out any details to anyone. Go on. Email me. What are you afraid of?

Being proved wrong?


Barcli 27th Apr 2002 09:57

Amazon Man is quite correct , there is no question that the club class pax from Southampton will not pay club class rates (£400 ish) for a dash 8 on the business service to/from Dublin and Brussells...
the other side of the coin is that BAA at Sou where very happy being a jet BA hub serving the outer London , reading , Woking , Basingstoke catchment areas, to this end they have resisted any proposals from Go, Easy etc as they (a) werent needed as competition and (b) BRAL would have threatened all sorts to the BAA management to resist it , being the main operator from the hub .....
Now Southampton can become a free for all as BA have just shot themselves in the foot with both barrells...
just wait and see...

Rider of the Purple Sage 27th Apr 2002 17:41

Its all about politics, politics and politics. It has NOTHING to do with profitability. Like politics, no-one ever takes the blame, and targets are always met - because otherwise there would be no performance related pay being handed out.

Christ knows where we will end up with all this, we've got mainline pilots trying to shaft us from above, all in the name of helping us. We've got Management trying to shaft us every which way, in the name of their bonuses, and of course giving us a secure profitable stable future (hollow laugh).
We've got the lo-cost boys chasing us off some of our routes, and the bottom feeders (Aer Arann etc) just waiting to bite our sensitive bits left dangling, on other routes in the name of their own future. It really is enough to make me change my mind about a lot of things, from Mr Scargill's actions in the 80s. to British Steel, to Shipbuilding, to carmaking, to financial services........
The world is basically a jar of worms, with everyone trying to squirm to the top, and being pushed down by their neighbours. Even BALPA, our so-called union, has an axe to grind. Politics with BA, politics with Granshawe, Darke etc, and now Frohnsdorff chucking his 2 pennorth in as a supposed white knight!!

Who are we supposed to trust or believe?
The GPWS I guess, but it's been hollering 'Pull Up' for a long while now.

Rant over,

Disgusted of Manchester

Just Another Number 27th Apr 2002 17:52

This is just a case of history repeating itself. Cambrian Airways is a name that comes to mind!

AOG007 28th Apr 2002 07:45

Having already suffered at the hands of the BA Sh*ty Express Management, this new saga is of no suprise.

With 5.5yrs service with Brymon prior to my departure, I never came across such pathetic excusses as I did during the last few months. Now this was all from the then reigning BRAL contingent of useless mangement. But why, they had all been running a profitable airline before the merger, so how did they get it so wrong?

Simple, they wanted all the glory themselves! Thats why there are no ex-Brymon managers in the new set-up. These BRAL managers knew their business, but not Brymon's, and therefore have made a huge mistake during their attempts of a merger!

Operations/Crew Control - what a mess! Incredibly unhappy staff, and why? The management! Shambles! Don't know there a**e from their elbow. Island mentality.

Engineering - Two maintenance bases being Isle Of Man and Manchester? Why? Manchester makes perfect sense for the main maintainance base for the company due it central location, but trying to manouevure around Manchester makes it somewhat awkward. IOM, nothing goes there! Nobody goes if they can help it. So, during this period of saving money, lets spend a bucket load of time and resources sending AOG spares to that Rock, and then sending them back out around the country when it all goes wrong. Then lets spend a hek of a lot of money on unessesary fuel to ferry aircraft back and forth for maintenance inputs. How silly of me, all the above makes perfect sense if you want to protect the Rock!

Close BRS engineering, payout redundancy to 80 engineers. And lets leave a three year old hangar sitting pretty much idol.

BACX, management wake up. The staff will get the company through this period of difficulty, providing you pull your socks up and start behaving like an efficent management team, because at the moment your are completely incompetant, and soon unemployed. BA won't leave you in your positions for long. I've seen it all before, and trust me, your days are numbered.

I'm sure this will upset some people, but I don't care! I have many friends and colleagues who have been affected in a huge way, by the inadequecies of the reigning masters, and I can assure you that they are even more upset than you could possibly be by my rantings!

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Itlbefine 28th Apr 2002 21:12

AOG007 your post is emotive but your facts are incorrect.

1. Second base maintenance facility will be in GLA not MAN.
2. Main stores holdings are located at MDC (Manchester) not IOM.
3. Seeing as not all aircraft requiring maintenance will terminate
at BRS, IOM or GLA there will always be a need to fly aircraft to
the relevant base for maintenance.

No one wins in a situation like this. Best wishes to all affected by the review.

PAXboy 28th Apr 2002 21:24

I have worked in telecommunications for over 20 years, across retail, local government, finance, pharmaceuticals, energy companies etc. Covering bother pemanent staff work and ten years freelance, I have visited over 120 companies, ranging from tiny to mega-corporation.

Unfortunately, what you are saying about BA is not special to BA! They are all like that. :eek:

What I mean is, that the companies that are doing it right are very few and very far between. It is not always the small ones that get it right, there is no pattern - other than that many companies are doing what other people tell them is right. Frequently it is consultants (and am I one of those myself!) but for the large companies, it is the stock market.

We are (as a country) in thrall to the Stock Market. The share price tomorrow is worth more than the share price in three months time. They will do ANYTHING to try and square the circle.

In all the posts that I have read about BA on PPRuNe in the last year, I have heard the same things about all the other major companies.

To close, one of the reasons that the UK is not doing very well (and some of us think it is going down the proverbial plug hole) is that the UK is governed by the same kind of people that are running BA! They are making the same kind of short-term decisions. Instead of the stock market, they are looking at votes but the result is the same.

Sorry to be of less than zero comfort. :confused:

AOG007 29th Apr 2002 07:14


Thanks for putting me straight on a couple of points. As I said in my previous post, I have already been shafted by the empire, and therefore all my info comes second hand from the people most affected by this latest round of cutbacks.

I hope that for the companies sake the few points you have raised are correct. Regretably though, I have absolutely no faith in the management of BACX, and therefore can see only problems created by these changes, that they have sat so long and hard to come up with.
There was one easy solution to the problems facing this company, close to Isle of Man. It is not cost effective, and they are unable to fill vacancies. The operations department is currently running several members light, and no-one is prepared to move from the mainland to work. Once again from my knowledge locals are being employed, and for all you familiar with the fictional town of Royston Vasey, this should explain the quality of candidates.

"This is a local company, for local folk, there's nothing for you here", complete muppets. Rude and insulting individuals, with no minds of there own. Its like there is a special power controlling their every move. And that is just the GM Ops.

Enough of my rantings, once again, thanks for the corrected points above.

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Pin Head 29th Apr 2002 11:58

Good luck to FSAS. Results overnight are unlikely but overall in the long run, I am confident that this will produce a sound operation.

Lets keep the show on the road and show professionalism in the job in all areas. Lets stop the bitching and give people, proposals and changes a chance. We are all still fortunate to be in a job and receive a salary every month which some folk do not.

Just a couple more points:

Stop slagging the jetstream, oK it is not the 'ideal' turboprop at the minute but the company would go bust if we hand them back bearing in mind the huge penalties

Look forward. Lots of people are in deep depression about having to move but S**t happens now and again. Generally we have got off very lightly considering the rest of the industry is in turmoil. Are we seeing a few individuals not wanting to change because it does not suit them? Get real, we are in the year 2002 and not the dark ages. The business has to move on. There are jobs for everyone in the company if you want them.

For things to happen instantly for the good will be impossibile. E.g crewing, give them a month and you will be able to get through first time. This goes to management decisions as well. Time is key for change to work.

Duke of York 29th Apr 2002 13:07

So how come I hear there was nearly a strike at Manchester last week, with another one scheduled for this Friday? Everyone is working their sox off, especially the Emb guys, and the crewing situation, for whatever reason is getting worse. Most days, you just can't get through to them at all, and when you do, they are so busy they don't have time for you. Thats not counting the ones who are apparently new to the job, and still in a steep learning curve.
Is this strike business official, or are we starting to pull sickies again?:rolleyes:

Barcli 29th Apr 2002 13:33

"pinhead" take those rose tinted specs off and wake up eill you, I have never heard such a load of crap... the industry isnt in turmoil... BACX/BA is ? why cant you understand the basics ?

climbs like a dog 30th Apr 2002 09:26

I must congratulate you pinhead for the most subtle and delicate irony you display in your post. You surely can't have swallowed the management line so completely.....unless.......?

The heresy you utter about the jetstream not being ideal. You should be ashamed.

And you are correct about turmoil. The industry is in such turmoil that a lot of our competitors (particularly low-cost airlines - surely a misnomer) are posting record profits.

NICK HEFF 30th Apr 2002 10:09

Pin head,
Thanks for your informative mail,I will tell my 2 year old that sh3t happens,and when my next child arrives in six weeks I will be pleased to tell her that Daddy cant pay the mortgage anymore because his planes gone to BHX.
Never mind.I could always bid for the j41 with my 7.5 year seniority and displace you.
Thanks again.

climbs like a dog 30th Apr 2002 10:27

Mr Heff

Better not tell your 2 year old in quite those terms or Mrs Heff might give you a stern talking to when your 2 year old keeps repeating certain of those words.

I sometimes wonder if the people dreaming these ideas up ever think about the consequences of their decisions. I doubt it.

And pinhead. I doubt you'd be so sanguine if it were you having to consider uprooting your family. I've started making a life for myself and my family at my base and would certainly not be happy to be telling Mrs CLAD that we're moving. Also have there been consistent and messages from on high about the policy to be applied to movers in terms of bases on offer and seats available? Hmmm.

Amazon man 30th Apr 2002 10:59

There are still too many points up in the air at the moment for people to be making descisions.

I have even been told by a colleague in the fire service at Southampton that the Scottish routes are stopping also and that Ryanair or GO will once again look long and hard at Southampton as a base, don't laugh these sort of people have been an accurate source of information in the past and when as staff were we ever the first to know

I suspect that BAA management will be reviewing their descisions based on BA Citiexpress announcement last week.

Uncle Silas 30th Apr 2002 12:03


Please contact them. If you are not a member, you need to join, and you need to join NOW! :)

They are the only people with no personalised axe to grind. They know employment law FAR better than our so-called management :mad: , and from the disunited and varied information handouts, (verbal and written) the management themselves don't appear to know what's going on. Why should they care, their household's, their wives, their kids, their kid's schools aren't going to move or change. The arrogant, unsympathetic approach of the 2jet fleet management has stunned even people who were previously supporters or ambivalent. Even where a tiny bit of empathy or sympathy is displayed, (see the J41 FM, not his Deputy), there's eff all he can do about it anyway.

Talk to BALPA, NOW!!!!!;) Under no circumstances sign ANYTHING, nor agree to anything, even verbally. This lot's best trick is to impose illegal changes; then after they have been accepted, apologise because they didn't know - yeah, right.
Don't let them get away with it.

It may be, like me, you have been anti-union on principal in the past, but a year's subscription is VERY cheap insurance for the shenanigans going on at the moment.

And no, I'm not going to post on the Company Forum with this. If the moderator thinks it is too rude, then I guess you won't get to read it - but I think you will. Maybe we should ignore the Company Forum - prospective new joiners to BACE need to know exactly what sort of organisation we are!

Lions led by donkeys.............:rolleyes:

Nigel Nearly 30th Apr 2002 14:17

You are sooooo right. The stupid situation whereby the CAA admit our rostering pattern (consecutive earlies) is illegal, but allow us to continue with it because we've had it written into the ops manual, (which they approved), for the last 10 years, shows how the system works.

I hear the rostering and crewing situation is actually approaching genuine meltdown, with one of the most experienced rostering officers resigning as of a couple of days ago. The management just don't seem to realise that no matter how good the operational plan is, if there aren't enough bodies, it cannot work!!!

Look out for some really severe rostering disruption as they try to cope with a programme that doesn't work, and move aeroplanes and bases around at the same time. It could quite really be enough to bring us all down. Of course old Timbo, Ali McL and their mates don't give a hoot, 'cos they'll just leg it back to BA.
Its up to us, and as the previous post suggested, BALPA!

NO MEMBERSHIP - NO VOTE................no vote.......management win again.:( :( :( :( :(

Yog-Sothoth 30th Apr 2002 14:46

Nigel, Silas etc, you are bang on. Reason for this post is that I don't want to identify myself, either on Intercom, or the 'new' Company forum. As a matter of interest though, has anyone read the 'intercom'. There's some twerp called Adair who seems to think that because HE isn't a member of BALPA, the negotiations should be ignored, and there should just be a straightforward vote on Tim's offer. He (Adair) must be either stupid, naive, or a Training Captain looking for further promotion.
We all had a democratic chance to vote on whether we wanted BALPA or not. After numerous Company delays, the vote finally happened, and their was a massive majority for BALPA to come in. These guys are working their butts off. Tim is delaying, changing and cancelling meetings, and generally trying to get his way in everything, while BALPA try to find a compromise acceptable to all concerned.
Does anyone SERIOUSLY think that Tim and his colleagues have better intentions for us than BALPA? Look at how they have stitched up the cabin crew. Look at how they are trying to get us a five year pay freeze!!!! BALPA are doing a fantastic job fighting a holding action against what is an attempt to lower our own package in real terms over the next five years, just read the small print and do your sums.

Trouble is, on 'Intercom' and the new company forum, only the brown-nosers will post, so we have lost an opportunity for uncensored self-expression. BOSD, I'm sure it's not your fault, nothing personal mate, I doubt if you're anyone except one of us - but you do see why I'm posting HERE, I hope. It's for the same reason that no-one has replied to Tim or this Adair character. The latter may not get whatever promotion he's after, but putting the opposite view is sure to damage one's prospects for the future - always assuming there IS a future.

Yog-Sothoth 30th Apr 2002 14:50

Me again - oops. When I said only brown nosers will post, I meant about anything REALLY critical of Company policy. Their are plenty of good posts, but nothing with any significant meat on it, or mega-controvertial.

No offence intended,


stevobeevo 30th Apr 2002 15:09

For the attention of Amazon Man.

Do you really think that Ryanair would consider Southampton as a base seeing as though they currently fly to 2 destinations from Bournemouth Airport? The distance between the two airports is little over 35 miles and many customers who use Ryanairs routes from Bournemouth travel from Hampshire etc. I think that after having chosen Bournemouth as one of only three UK airports to host the new Frankfurt-Hahn route, that this shows their commitment to Bournemouth! Both the Dublin and Hahn route have high load factors and Ryanair have already stated that they are looking at connecting Bournemouth to other European bases.

Also, other low cost carriers are sniffing around Bournemouth as we speak! Can't say anymore as my contacts would kill me.

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