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Heathrow Harry 22nd Aug 2012 14:58

"an increase in actual Tax revenue and NI every year since 1964."


And standards of living and salaries haven't gone up either since 1964 no?

fireflybob thinks flying is being "unfairly targeted" - I think anyone who pays any sort of tax feels the same - why is it "unfair"???

the IoD is banging on about cutting CT, the RAC & The Mail about cutting road taxes, the Tory Party about Income taxes, the oil companies about the Special Levy they pay etc etc - even sportsmen from abroad at the Olympics wanted to be free of tax on any income they earned here

Everyone wants taxes cut - but only the taxes WE pay of course

Get real - the Govt needs the money and its coming from an easy, cheap to collect source - end of story

FERetd 22nd Aug 2012 16:34

Harry, Harry, Harry!
Harry, Still missing the point, still dodging the issue, still sounding like a soft touch.

fireflybob 22nd Aug 2012 17:22

fireflybob thinks flying is being "unfairly targeted" - I think anyone who pays any sort of tax feels the same - why is it "unfair"???
HH, then why aren't the government applying "green taxes" on travel by boat or railways?

Joetom 22nd Aug 2012 19:46

ffb... give it time.

Tax income/streams are great tools, lots of people looking at the best ways of getting nice easy Tax.

Just accept it.

One UK Tax I don't like, insurance Tax, take car insurance in the UK as a great example, Honest Joe insures his car for all the normal reasons, he/she pays 8% I think, but un-insured drivers pay none, if they get caught and processed, they get fined, think it's about £120 on average, most don't pay the fine.

Lets just chill out and be happy to pay Tax...... !!!!!!

Northbeach 22nd Aug 2012 21:12

Every addict has an addiction demanding to be fed!

Get real - the Govt needs the money and its coming from an easy, cheap to collect source - end of story
Every individual overcome with an addiction/dependency feels the“need” you wrote about, sometimes the “need” is so overwhelming that they will do anything, including kill, to satisfy the craving. I completely reject your premise that the “Govt needs the money"; no the government wants the money, and may believe they are entitled to every increasing demands on my wages, but they don’t “need” the money.

BALPA’s position seems to be that the government is addicted to our money (important point; our wages, our money it does not belong to the government{At least on this side of the Atlantic}) and that same government is “killing” the aviation industry to satisfy their ever increasing addiction. That is a shortsighted policy indeed, but then again few believe government takes a healthy long term view.

Addicts don’t think about the future or consequences, only the “need” now. The Government is addicted to spending, they have a spending problem, not a revenue problem. A basic tenant from my undergraduate studies in Economics says: “Expenses always rise to meet income”. It is true for individuals and it is true for governments.

The honourable Harry took time to research and post tax receipts histories;shameful isn’t it that even during economic hard times, some of our pilots took a 35% pay cut, the Govt tax take increases. We live on different sides of the Atlantic, but face the same problem over here.

..end of story
It is the end of the story if you don't vote the addicts out of office. They want your money and will take as much as you allow. Impose your will through the vote, or they will impose their will on you! End of story!

**Interesting side note The Sun ran a story yesterday about how GB has the highest tax on automobile petrol; some 60% of your cost at the pump is tax. Never enough is it?

FERetd 22nd Aug 2012 21:41

A fine pair
joetom and heathrow harry, you lot make a fine pair.

Why don't you just open you wallets and say "here take what you want"?

Your whimpish attitude illustrates where the "Great" in Great Britain has gone. Quote:- "just accept it" and "be happy to pay tax."

You appear to be quite happy with incessant demands of tax in one form or another and seem to be unbothered about the hundreds of millions given away in foreign aid and EU contributions.

Leaving the EU would save £45 million a day (and let the people of this country determine their own course.)

Harry, I too watched Sky News today. I note that in July the government borrowed £600 million - it gave the EU twice as much!

So, if you want to increase revenue and not increase taxation (perhaps even lower taxation, lower fuel duty and remove APD) the solution is simple. But do you have the stomach?

joetom, you said in a previous post "The sooner all Euro APD charges are collected by BRU and handed out as they (BRU) see fit the better it will be !!!" I guess you don't have the stomach.

To those with a backbone, I apologise. To those without, you get what you deserve.

Heathrow Harry 23rd Aug 2012 10:33

aahhh now we have it - a Europhobe............ :}:}

In 2009 the NET per capita contribution to the EU from the UK was 71.55 euros - say £ 60 per person per year - is that a lot of cash ???

and what are you going to cut from the UK Budget?

Pensions 131.1 Bn
Health 126.2 Bn
Welfare 116.4 bn
Education 97.2 Bn
Defence 46.3Bn

Total 2013 677Bn (includes local authority spend)

Nice graphic here

Government spending by department, 2010-11: get the data | Visualised | News | guardian.co.uk

esa-aardvark 23rd Aug 2012 17:02

Hello Harry,
I wonder where you get your figures & how accurate.
Since 1974 I pay my own medical costs, not too dear.
I have a miserable pension from the UK, and a good one
paid by my own contributions.
Welfare ? what's that, I see lots of people who have no
apparent means of support except for the state. Maybe they could try to work.
Education, doesn't really seem to be what it should be (and I have a couple of PHD's in the family)
Defence, would willingly pay a lot more if the other stuff was reduced. Really this is not much to do with Defence Aviation which I would happily support.
BTW Heathrow, what a pest of an airport !!!

fireflybob 23rd Aug 2012 18:54

Ok here's a suggestion, let's abolish income tax completely!

On the face of it a fatuous suggestion but maybe not so stupid. We could then sack the army of civil servants who produce nothing. Boatloads of cash pumped into the economy and people having more incentive to work!

Suggestion no 2:- Pay all people between 18 and 65 years £10,000 per annum (from the government coffers) and then completely abolish the benefits system (ok maybe special cases such as physically impaired etc) What folks do with the money is entirely up to them and if they earn more from a job or business they still get the money.

By completely abolishing the benefits system we don't need an army of civil servants administering the system or the thought police checking up on those fiddling the system.

Nobody would be able to complain they didn't have basic subsistence to survive. The £10 k per year would be index linked.

FERetd 23rd Aug 2012 19:02

The Guardian!!!!!
Ahh Harry, I see you quote from the Guardian. I may be a Europhobe, but we now know (as I suspected) what you are.

The trouble with liberals is that they are too liberal with everybody else's money.

Harry, you state "In 2009 the NET per capita contribution to the EU from the UK was 71.55 euros - say £ 60 per person per year - is that a lot of cash ???"

Err, £60 per person X 60,000,000 (population) = YES, YES, YES!!!!!

Keep on paying Harry, but leave me alone.

esa-aardvark, a good post, likely to fall on a couple of deaf ears.

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