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Capt PPRuNe 9th Jun 1999 17:55

Mini PPRuNe Conventions
There are about to be two mini PPRuNe conventions (well, excuses for a meeting and a pint or two) over the next two days.

First one is to be at the Forte airport hotel at Dublin tomorrow. Starts early PM but finishes fairly early too due to flying comittments (eary start the next day). Anyone wanting to say hello and PPRuNe on about anything that interests us is free to show up. Just ask for Capt PPRuNe at reception.

Second one is to be held at the Forte airport hotel at Glasgow on Friday the 11th. PPRuNe Towers and I will be there. One of those rare events like a total solar eclipse where both our rosters match up and we end up nightstopping at the same location.

We'll be the ones walking around with flak jackets and bullseye targets on our backs with "CX management aim here" printed in Mandarin! ;)

Again, any time from early afternoon just ask for me at reception. Places are limited so don't be shy or late!

Capt PPRuNe

[This message has been edited by Capt PPRuNe (edited 09 June 1999).]

BusyB 9th Jun 1999 18:39

I think they are becoming allergic to shooting people in the back. Wish I could be there to buy you both a beer.

McD 9th Jun 1999 19:46

Wow, two events in a row, and I have to miss them both http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/frown.gif I am impressed, though, that you AND the Towers will be in Glasgow at the same time!

Wishing you and all that show up a fantastic time. Note to all who are thinking of attending: You WILL have fun :)

What_does_this_button_do? 9th Jun 1999 20:53

Both locations are in a Forte hotel - any chance you guys have done a marketing deal with them?

4HolerPoler 9th Jun 1999 23:08

Thanks Danny, will be there in spirit, and have a few spirits to lift mine ;) think of our brethren in the FH on the 11th.

ginger 10th Jun 1999 01:31

Thanks, be there in spirit-hope its a good get together. have an idea which ties in with you trying to raise money to pay for the use of the server, some people suggested a subscription however what if you got some pins/clips/wings made for jackets ties so we could recognise one another at these functions. ill leave the design to the more artistic

PPRuNe Towers 10th Jun 1999 01:35

Wonderful thought 4 holer. We will indeed raise a glass. Bear in mind it is a proper PPRuNe meeting though. After all the furore over changes in colour schemes we thought we really ought to get around and interface with our public. A full focus group after several pints of heavy should really come up with the goods - one way or another.

Regards from the Towers

[email protected]

mallard 10th Jun 1999 02:28

You might find the beer disappointing at GLA unless you enjoy nitro-keg.
Across the road the airport has a Tap and Spile real ale bar if you find the fizz gets too much.

Hugh Jarse 10th Jun 1999 13:35

Damn, and me stuck in cosmopolitan Armidale (Oz) Friday night. http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/frown.gif

People are like Motorcycles: Each is customised a bit differently.

Taildragger 10th Jun 1999 13:47

Not really my place to say, but shouldn't someone be using a bit of initiative here and getting Scottish and Newcastle on emergency standby in Paisley, and going into 24 hour production.??
I could arrange some emergency aid from this part of the world if you can arrange an official UN request....just a thought.

10W 10th Jun 1999 16:16

Friday 11th, let's see if a little bit of juggling of domestic rostering works out....looking good. Catch you there hopefully ;)

10 West
[email protected]
ICQ 18043595

Captain R. Sole 10th Jun 1999 16:31

Don't forget to let us know if you plan to ever visit here in Oz. Maybe Uluru could arrange something similar in the future sometime. Just a thought.
Enjoy! ;)

PPRuNe Towers 10th Jun 1999 18:35

Excellent news 10W, anyone who can make it is very welcome. Just bring your own chubby crayons for logo designing while under the influence. Well we couldn't do any worse could we?

Sorry Jarse and co. Can't make it to your hemisphere during this roster period at least. We will get there in the end.... just as soon as we've checked out Taildragger's latest location.

Regards from the Towers

[email protected]

[This message has been edited by PPRuNe Towers (edited 10 June 1999).]

Irish Steve 10th Jun 1999 22:48


Anyone thinking of going to Glasgow tomorrow, read the note about the nature of this forum that's at the bottom of the Page.

Looks like the forum security is totally compromised, and this thread was a COMPLETE and UTTER WIND UP.

I've wasted the better part of 6 HOURS on this today, and the Forte at Dublin know NOTHING about this at all, as late as 1915.


10W 11th Jun 1999 00:22

Hi Steve,

Sorry to hear about your wasted trip. Hope you didn't ask where the PPRuNe Convention was being held, otherwise I suspect it's no wonder they would not know anything about it. They are informal affairs in the bar rather than a function suite. Did you ask reception for Danny by his real name per chance ?

It's not totally impossible but I wouldn't think that anyone would be able to impersonate the illustrious PPRuNe Brothers on the site. As I have definite plans to go to the GLA gig, could Towers or the Captain e-mail me privately to confirm. If not, I'll give you guys a bell tomorrow before setting off. Thanks.

10 West
[email protected]
ICQ 18043595

McD 11th Jun 1999 00:50

Hmmmm....maybe the good Capt and Towers made a minor semantic error by referring to it as a "convention". Trust me, it is the REAL Capt PPRuNe who is in DUB tonight as well as in GLA tomorrow with the Towers. But don't look for anything formal or advertised....just do as Danny said in the opening paragraph and ask for him at reception (or find him/them in the pub).

Also (in the rare case as does happen in the airline industry ;)) there is a chance that their flight was delayed, cancelled, etc. which would have caused a short-notice change of plans....seen it happen before!

[This message has been edited by McD (edited 10 June 1999).]

Irish Steve 11th Jun 1999 01:03

I asked at the reception area that many times, I think they were beginning to get suspicious. They knew nothing, and there was no evidence of any system to let people know what was happening.

I'm still not best pleased some 3 hours later, I made the effort to go because I thought it would be worthwhile and it turned into 6 wasted and totally frustrating hours

Capt PPRuNe 11th Jun 1999 02:02

Well, what can I say! I left a mesage with reception that people may ask for me as either Danny OR Capt PPRuNe! I was in the bar from 1800 until 2000 having a few quiet jars of Caffreys with Capt Sensible before being invited back with full Irish hospitality to his home for a cooked meal and some more PPRuNe'ish banter.

Hamrah never showed up! http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/frown.gif

I am about to head back to the hotel and I shall have a word with reception about the deplorable serveice!!!!

So, Irish Steve, I am as disappointed as you that the Forte hotel at Dublin cannot get their act together and find me. As I said, I was registered under my real name Danny Fyne AND Capt PPRuNe. So apologies and hopefully I'll get a half hearted and feeble excuse from reception in about 15 minutes from now.

Just to confirm to the rest of you that the Glasgow venue is still on!!!! ;)

Capt PPRuNe

Irish Steve 11th Jun 1999 02:36


If that's the case, then the reception needs to be blasted from here to the middle of the next millenium, as I *did* ask for both Danny Fyne, and Professional Pilot Rumour group as well as PPrune , several times!

FWIW, the last time was 1915 Local, and according to them, you're not even registered on the computer, although I'm not sure I got the spelling of your surname 100% accurate, I may have given them FynNe

In passing, for future reference, even allowing for the normal Irish flexibility on times, 1800 is stretching the definition of "early" PM somewhat, I'd taken that to mean 14-16 ish.

Oh well, looks like it might be a while before we get chance to meet, I'm guessing that your company/rostering system doesn't send you to DUB for an overnight too often.

Such is life

PPRuNe Towers 11th Jun 1999 02:48

To confirm, GLA is on. All are welcome, just a simple gathering at the bar for those intrigued enough to come and meet the sad and lonely anoraks who run this site. Good banter and a sniff of scandal promised. That's if McD gets the photos of the last one scanned and transmitted over here in time....

Coded confirmation of my identity to 10W. Set your Captain PPRuNe Secret DeCoder ring to position 3. The message reads: A night on the ale and a Curry in Prestwick.

Regards from the Towers

[email protected]

[This message has been edited by PPRuNe Towers (edited 10 June 1999).]

10W 11th Jun 1999 04:38

Thanks Towers,

Confirmed you are cleared direct to Bangor.

God we are sad aren't we :)

See you tomorrow

10 West
[email protected]
ICQ 18043595

What_does_this_button_do? 11th Jun 1999 10:11

Hmm, a reception desk at a hotel that forgets who you are and doesn't communicate your whereabouts to anyone that asks. I think that accounts for 99% of the reception desks around the world!

Taildragger 11th Jun 1999 14:03

Towers.... This is, admittedly, written whilst into my second half litre of something called aphaxocoenh
I though it was rash ointment but it certainly is relaxing.
I have made block bookings on the clapped out B737 which operates twice a week from Pusan and Seoul and organised a few local gutters for hospitality. The local girls are also organising back up from Irkutsk
and Khabarovsk, so no worries there.
See you there.
Oh by the way, I have just received confirmation...my next posting from 8th August...Athens for three years.!!
About time.... LHR, DHA, JED, POM, SIN, UUS and now ATH...yippee.
Now we are cooking with Retsina.!! Looks like the Greek Chapter of Dimitrios PPRuNos.
F.Harry Stowe

CaptSensible 11th Jun 1999 16:19

Steve, sorry for your dissapointment yesterday, but what Danny said is correct...we were in the 'Bodrhan Bar' of the DAP Forte Hotel from 6pm until about 8pm. I also had difficulty contacting Danny through the front desk. I had phoned him at 2pm to make sure he was in town and up for a pint. I was put through on that occasion with no problem and arranged to meet him later. When I actually fronted up to the reception desk later and asked for his room number the twot on the desk insisted that there was no such person in the hotel! I had to insist back for quite a while before they finally dug out the number!
We were in the bar for about two hours, right at the bar just beside the door, so you must have walked past us if you checked the area! I assume you havent met Danny before, so maybe we should have worn our PPruNe T-Shirts!
I was rather surprised that the attendance was so poor though I must say.
Besides you and I, it appears no one else was bothered to turn up to meet our fearless leader! I wonder where Greaser was? And Chaos? (I was soooo looking forward to meeting him), Hamrah had an excuse (weak)and I could list others but I'll restrain myself.
My guess is all the guys are a little SHY about revealing their true identities.

[This message has been edited by Capt PPRuNe (edited 11 June 1999).]

[This message has been edited by CaptSensible (edited 11 June 1999).]

[This message has been edited by CaptSensible (edited 11 June 1999).]

Capt PPRuNe 11th Jun 1999 16:58

Now ensconced in the Forte GLA. DO NOT DISTURB except in emergency until at least 1700L as I'm going to try and get some kip. ;)

Reception at DUB feigned ignorance and claimed it must have been an earlier shift that screwed up with the paging (or lack of it). Sorry you were messed around Irish Steve.

Anyone looking for us if we're not in our rooms had best head for the bar and look for a bunch of pilot 'types' (go figure that one out) enjoying a talk and a drink. If you are brash enough to ask several groups of people if they're 'PPRuNers' and find us first then that's OK otherwise be prepared to be embarrased slightly until you stumble across us. It'll be worth it.

Capt PPRuNe

10W 11th Jun 1999 18:10

Or if you aren't brash enough to follow the good Captain's advice, then find a group of young ladies and divert to your alternate :)

See you guys later.

10 West
[email protected]
ICQ 18043595

[This message has been edited by 10W (edited 11 June 1999).]

Afterburner 11th Jun 1999 18:57

Gnash! wail! Boo! Hoo!,

I passed right by the Forte yesterday at about 16.30 completely oblivious to the PPRuNe-fest that was about to take place. http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/frown.gif

Maybe next time


ATC Watcher 11th Jun 1999 21:58

Taking a peek at the site while at work, I raise my cup of tea and propose a toast to PPRuNe and its masters.
(Someone has to work while you are boozing...)
Hoping to meet you another (next ?) time..

ALSAT 11th Jun 1999 22:56

I agree too, reception denied all knowledge of you guys. Watched Sky Sports on their big screen in the bar until 1700 and decided to catch an earlier flight home.
If it was a mistake hope you guys had a good night.

rogerthatone 12th Jun 1999 02:34

Anyone for an impromtu meet in Paris next week?

Capt PPRuNe 12th Jun 1999 02:34

Well, what can I say? The Glasgow Convention was a great success and there were 17 atendees at one stage with others coming and going throughout the evening.

Many thanks to those that made the effort. As you may see from the following (suitably de-identified) pictures a good time was had by all.

The scene just before departure from DUB

Approach to GLA

Various scenes from the evening

Various scenes from the evening

Various scenes from the evening

Various scenes from the evening

Capt PPRuNe

[This message has been edited by Capt PPRuNe (edited 11 June 1999).]

10W 12th Jun 1999 03:47


Can I take the black band off my eyes please !! I keep walking into the wall :)

Cheers guys, see you next time around ?

10 West
[email protected]
ICQ 18043595

McD 12th Jun 1999 05:00

I recognize a couple of chaps in those photos :)

There MUST be a way to have a mini-convention in the states sometime. Until then, keep us posted on the ones "across the pond", ok?

Capt PPRuNe 12th Jun 1999 18:28

Well I finally made it back to the sanctuary of rural Cheshire and now for some well earned R & R.

Thanks to everyone who made it to the gathering even if most were already rostered to be there overnight. A special thanks to 10w, Molesworth and 'John' who made the effort of trekking out to the airport. Also a special thanks to Capt Sensible for the DUB visit (and the very tasty meal Karen prepared for us).

Irish Steve, I'm sorry you didn't manage to find us although you got no help from the receptionists at the Forte in DUB. I can assure you that there will be other times. We have a base in DUB for the summer and I'm bound to rotate through there many more times this summer. I'll keep you posted.

Now... Friday, June 18th, Metropole Hotel, NEC BHX... any takers?

Got to close this thread due to the size.

Capt PPRuNe

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