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The Guvnor 20th May 2001 22:19

FR's O'Leary: I want compo for Foot & Mouth!!
From today's Irish edition of the Sunday Times. Interesting to note that O'Leary is demanding compo from the government - at the same time refusing to compensate pax for canx flights!

<font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size="2"> Ryanair calls for foot and mouth

Jon Ungoed-Thomas

MICHAEL O'LEARY, chief executive of Ryanair, has asked the
government to cover the cost of refunding flights cancelled due
to the foot and mouth crisis.

In a letter to the Department of Public Enterprise, he said his
company would be delighted to refund customers if the
government gave written confirmation that it would reimburse
the cost at a later date.

When the crisis was at its peak in February and March, a
number of flights had to be cancelled due to a lack of demand.
O'Leary refused to compensate customers who wanted to fly,
saying insurance against unforeseen calamities was not
included in the price of the ticket. Aer Lingus, the national
carrier, agreed to reschedule flights or refund customers.

O'Leary is in regular correspondence with the department, and
its minister Mary O'Rourke. In his most recent missives,
obtained under the Freedom of Information Act, the outspoken
businessman dealt with the repercussions of the foot and
mouth crisis.

On March 2, he responded to a letter from the department
urging airlines and ferries to adopt a "flexible policy in relation
to refunds and rescheduling during the current exceptional
circumstances". In this, he suggested that the state bear the
cost of the crisis.

He pointed out that many of Ryanair's customers had
purchased changeable tickets and would suffer no loss, while
others would have travel insurance.

Three days later, on March 5, he wrote again to the department
to say that in view of the urgency of the "current exceptional
circumstances" he would appreciate a reply.

O'Leary added that if the department was really concerned
about Ryanair customers, he was sure they would "agree to
our suggestion that the department indemnify us for the refund
of tickets.

"This indemnity need not be in the form of cash, we will quite
happily take it in the form of credit from either the airport
authority which you own or alternatively the national
broadcasting station which is also owned by the government,"
he wrote.

A positive response would allay concern that the department's
initial request to be flexible with customers "was nothing more
than the latest vacuous proposal from an inept department
which has presided over the greatest increase in costs to
airlines and customers over the past two years," he said.

The increasingly fraught relationship between O'Leary and the
department is highlighted by the response he received on
March 8 from John Lumsden, assistant secretary at the
department. He said simply: "There is no other comment I wish
to make at this time."

Meanwhile, more animals are being culled in Britain now than
at the height of the foot and mouth epidemic, new figures

On Thursday, with no new cases of foot and mouth,
slaughtermen killed 79,000 disease-free animals, compared
with a daily average of 33,000 two months ago at the peak of
the epidemic. </font>

maxalt 21st May 2001 03:17

Mick O'Leary is dead to rights. I mean, what do they expect for £5 ?? A red carpet??

Sod'em I say...good man Mick. Got another nice dig in at the crap Department of Transport too...heh heh. :)

ExSimGuy 21st May 2001 19:56


After putting my foot (& mouth http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/confused.gif ) in it regarding the proposed start date for your new line (previous post elsewhere on this wonderful board :) ) Ain't you just glad that your launch date is April next year ;)

It may not have been an auspicious time to launch this April - I wonder if you knew something mate?

(edited to get the "smilies" right)

[This message has been edited by ExSimGuy (edited 21 May 2001).]

The Guvnor 21st May 2001 20:40

You must be psychic, ESG! I was saying exactly the same thing to some people only today.

Insh'Allah! :) :) :)

Bearcat 21st May 2001 21:47

O'Leary is the bain of every one in the dept so much so that they even tried to make a diplomatic incident about O'lEARYS comments re Jordanian stopping in SNN for their wee wee stop. MO'L hates Minister O'Rouke and her lot due to their total intransigence (spelling?) re the big picture. I don't work for MO'L but I think he's the best two fingers with balls this side of aviation in Ireland and his shareholders love em.

maxalt 22nd May 2001 02:54

Abso-bloody-lutely! Isn't he great, begorrah.

I see that O'Rourke is now leaning on Knock airport to drop the 'preferential fee rates' given to FR, apparently because the government 'has to subsidise the airport to the tune of £1.5 Million annually'.

That woman is nothing but vindictive. I mean, why shouldn't FR get some tax payers money??? Didn't that load of shysters at ALT get bailed out 7 years ago??

She's even trying to force Aer Rianta to drop the favourable rates we get in Dublin!!
Sooner there's an election the better.

The Guvnor 22nd May 2001 09:11

I've long had a very soft spot for Mick - in my opinion, he's probably he most talented airline CEO in Europe at the moment. Unlike Stelios, he knows that publicity for publicity's sake isn't a good thing - so you'll never see FR starring in Airline. On the other hand, just like Benetton, he fully appreciates the value of free editorial about controversial adverts - such as the Fourth Secret of Fatima ad where the Pope (and even Mick's mum) were rather p*ssed off!

Despite selling tickets for £4.50 - and even 50p - he runs what is consistently one of the most profitable airlines in Europe. Unlike just about everyone else, he's got the Southwest formula down to a 'T' - and it shows.

He's also a good team leader, although there are a few rumbles of discontent amongst the players - despite the flight deck guys being probably the best paid short-haul people in Europe. Still, can't have it all I guess!

And, finally, he enjoys putting two fingers up at the government - and especially Mary O'Rourke - who not only doesn't appear to understand the saying about "those who fail to understand history are doomed to repeat it" and repeat what the British government did with the privatisation of BA (which resulted in the crippling of Britain's 'Second Force' airline, BCal) with Aer Lingus. Strangely, she's also adamant that Aer Rianta can't afford to offer 'deals' - yet turned down the McEvaddy's proposal to build a second terminal at DUB.

Yup, Mick's definitely my kinda guy!

bush 22nd May 2001 12:23

Obviously none of you guys work for the b*stard.

maxalt 22nd May 2001 16:59

Sez who???

sweeper 23rd May 2001 02:41

nobody think he,s losing it...
sell now!!!

maxalt 23rd May 2001 03:49

Hah...I'm buyin'!!! ;)

AEROVISION 23rd May 2001 12:49

For me, Mike has a point. I am curious to see if he takes it further.

Best regards, AV.

[This message has been edited by AEROVISION (edited 23 May 2001).]

PPRuNe Towers 23rd May 2001 13:31

I've removed the postings from Airbubba as they're up already elsewhere on the site and had nothing to with the subject of MO'L.

Regards from the Towers
[email protected]

GROUNDHOG 25th May 2001 20:05

Always thought there should be a Michael O'Leary fan club bet he wouldn't give us discounts on FR flights though! What a great guy - no I don't work for him but have done commercial deals with him, he might be as hard as granite and a b*stard to work for but at least you know where you stand! More power to his elbow....

Flight_Finder 25th May 2001 22:29

The grassroots are grumbling.........the pilots want out.......working too hard, miss the nice life.

The check-in staff need to earn £1000 a month in excess baggages etc etc.

Some commentators reckon it's the death of MOL............Nope.......I don't think so. He's delivered shareholder value, like no other. He runs, the single best airline in Europe and I'd probably say almost better than Southwest. FR, while it's offering low fares and effecient service will definately stay ontop. There's acres or pilots looking for the dough Fr offers. And a Q for shares. So as one who's been stomped on by the FR machine, I can assure you. You can winge all you like Micko and FR will be around for a very long time. Enjoy the money. You can't have your cake and eat it.


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