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sky9 5th Aug 2008 19:28


I really am a little concerned, is that the sorry word I heard you meantion?

glad rag 5th Aug 2008 19:33

Rules are for the guidance of wise men etc..............:ok:

Pontious 5th Aug 2008 20:58

The consolation is a little late in the day, however the DFO at the time of the incident retired on the grounds of ill health & the Director of Engineering resigned BEFORE this matter was brought before the courts.


itwilldoatrip 6th Aug 2008 02:14

Well thank you for that vote of confidence (and totally stupid remark- that has earned you an ignore)!

Given this statement time to kiss ass

Please let us not have engineers deciding what we can do onboard!

Forgive me there are two signatures in the tech log for flight release, the Captain and the other who is certainly not the purser.

Now an engineer is trying to decide how much the pilots can handle? Funny it was a double engineering failure, yet 2 engineers start accusing me of not being safe? Gross!

Engineering failure of the A/C yes. now tell us where the spares were this is the real problem. Regarding engineers telling you how to operate if you know more about the system than me go ahead and certify yourself. Loose count the number of times am called back to an A/C to 'Explain' a system defect.Regarding not being safe think your posts and lack of knowledge proves that.

Rainboe looks like your the smoking hole in the ground at the moment. Don't know you but I can visulize walking into the cockpit and you're the obiqutous dinosoar sitting in the left hand seat ruling over all you survey with the new junior S/O and chums hanging on every word because they don't want to have a bad report. Even more worrying is your lack of CRM. Can't even admit your wrong very bad karma. Mr Boeing has shown you for what you are a very dangerous pilot. I must say I love your type of guy in the left hand seat can have great fun with you, bring it on!!!!!!!!!!!!

Moderators can we have his 'warning toxic' handle altered to add 'and very arrogant and stupid also'. :D

Facelookbovvered 6th Aug 2008 02:34

There are only two questions (ever)
1 was it safe? well it wasn't unsafe because (on this occasion) it didn't crash..............

2 Was it legal....NO it wasn't and that why they have been fined (not enough in my view)

There is a world of difference between flying back to base with a nav light out (that might under the MEL) deck the aircraft and setting off accross the pond with the aircraft in this state, the pilots might have had to work a little harder (what a joke) what would have happened if they had lost a donk mid pond, and Globespam and their sub lease have had a few donks die.

Xyears and 20k hours puts you nearer the one that will kill you, after that amount of time you ought to know better, but who am i with only half that time!!!

AMEandPPL 6th Aug 2008 12:22

been there, done that . . . . . . . .

We now have a complete and utter buffoon (Rainboe) making it quite clear . . . . . . . .
Oh no, here we go AGAIN ! Can't something be done about these two ?

20 mins later - above comment now deleted ! Who knows, there might now just be a wholesale outbreak of COMMON SENSE !

tested satis 6th Aug 2008 16:12


Ple tell me that you are acting like this just to wind the other guy up!
If not then you are acting as if being a pilot ( and a LONG HAUL pilot at that !)gives you and only you the divine right to decide what is safe or not.

The MEL/MMEL is not a document that you are qualified to discuss. You act within it until you are told in writing that you can act outside it. You have no say! Only the CAA can decide that for you , and unless you have a part time job that you hav'nt told us about then that does not mean YOU! As Captain you can choose not to fly an aircraft that has been granted an exemption but not the other way around.

And the 'My plane is bigger then your plane' attitude is a tad childish don't you think!

AMEandPPL 6th Aug 2008 16:32

the original thread subject . . . . . . . .

the 'My plane is bigger then your plane' attitude is a tad childish don't you think!

Now then, about those "Engine Pressure Radio" gauges . . . . as most of the mass media have called them ! That's where the debate should really be.

Wee Willy McGorbals 6th Aug 2008 23:15

This sorry case is just a symptom of the loco culture in the UK where the imperative to get the job done at all costs is more important than anything else, including flight crew/engineering licences. £5 000 for breach of the ANO, what was the judge smoking?:ugh:

fireflybob 7th Aug 2008 00:32

This sorry case is just a symptom of the loco culture in the UK where the imperative to get the job done at all costs is more important than anything else, including flight crew/engineering licences.
Wee Willy McGorbals, that statement is totally untrue (I could use much stronger words).

Terraplaneblues 7th Aug 2008 09:48

Crew workload
Earlier in this thread I eluded to additional crew workload taking MEL items beyond acceptable risk category (promptly shot down in flames by somebody???), but a good example is (757/767) one auto cabin pressurisation controller u/s. Obvious one is manual control operates normally and the crew workload control item - one autopilot must be operative.

Say again s l o w l y 7th Aug 2008 10:55

Wheelbarrow, surely life is better since the break up of the Joe show? Or is that just wishful thinking?

fireflybob 7th Aug 2008 16:04

This sorry case is just a symptom of the loco culture in the UK where the imperative to get the job done at all costs is more important than anything else, including flight crew/engineering licences.
I took this as a generalised comment of ALL locos in the UK! In which case I still assert that this is not true. There might be the occasional bad apple but please do not apply this to all locos in the UK.

AerospaceAce 10th Aug 2008 16:25

I agree with Skyhigh-Ulster, a couple more zero's on the fine might make Globespan realise that rules are not there to be broken, 5K is pathetic.:ugh:

Pontious 10th Aug 2008 21:39

Say again slowly

Things are a lot better & slowly getting a little better & more stable every roster issue.


If you don't like it then go somewhere else because I'm sure the door is always is open to people who don't want to be at GSM. It's a pretty bouyant job market out there for 737 skippers.

What would a larger fine have achieved?
The CAA would have known that the individuals concerned were no longer in the company & that the new team had their full backing. People further up the food chain had their knuckles rapped & tea leaves read by the Authority. So I ask again, what would a larger fine have achieved?

mach79 11th Aug 2008 09:47

You mention "New Team".I've heard thus far the DFO and the Director of Engineering have gone.
What about the Chief Pilot-is he new as well?

Pontious 11th Aug 2008 14:54


No, it's still the same CP & he's a very good one. What is your point?

Pontious 11th Aug 2008 19:02

Have I read some inference into your question that is unintended? If so I apologise, I thought your question was 'loaded'. It's just hard to spot the anti-GSM snipers in the trees sometimes.

wheelbarrow 11th Aug 2008 23:42

Come on Pontious RTFQ! At least brush up on our sops! Not a shed now ya know he he.

Cya during the week mate :p LOL


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