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RadioFlyer 5th Jul 2001 20:12

Latest reports from Hong Kong: three pilots were sacked today -- one of them an AOA Committee member.

I think more than Typhoon Utor is going to hit Hong Kong tomorrow ...

The Resistance 5th Jul 2001 21:38

By this malicious action (which will be overturned), CX management have ENSURED a response from us that will result in the closure of the airline. The bedrock stance of the AOA is this: NO SETTLEMENT WILL BE AGREED TO UNTIL A-L-L OFFICERS TERMINATED ARE REINSTATED WITH FULL BACK PAY. There is not the SLIGHTEST chance that we will settle on ANY terms until this is done. There is NO COMPROMISE on this.

FL390 5th Jul 2001 22:07

That's awful.......I wonder what sort of mentality this "management" has? Unbelievable!

They'll be sorry tomorrow morning! Even they must see that this sort of thing is only going to compound the problem........no chance of easing the situation at all!

However, if the pilots involoved did cross the mark, then the company is well within their rights to sack them. Having said that, it would have been a far better idea, if the matter was a trivial one, for the "management" to let the issue pass as a good-will gesture.

Absolutely unbelievably and incredibly stupid "management"! I hope they rot in hell (along with a ruined company).

FL390 5th Jul 2001 22:20

Very well said Resistance. I am very pleased to see that CX is not going to give way one little inch here! Keep up the sturggle, and it will be a struggle, and you will succeed! :)

411A 6th Jul 2001 00:12

Wonder if FL390 is waiting for an interview at CX.....hoping guys will quit? OR, be sacked. Has been tried before by others (at other companies), with NO success. Beware of "friends" bearing gifts.

FL390 6th Jul 2001 01:35

Well, in answer to your question 411A, I am not waiting foran interview with CX at all. I know a pilot that does work fo them.

I would love to go to an interview with CX, however, I migh need to complete my education first!:P

Perhaps you could answer me this 411A.......why would I want anyone, not just pilots, but anyone in the world to get sacked? Why would I want someone to lose a job that they absolutely love, and are willing to put themselves up against complete arrogant stuck up tossers that couldn't give a damn about them or their lives???? Why would I want someone to lose their job because of some ignorant management after many, many years of hard work getting to where they are?

I am EXTREMELY insulted by your remark that suggests that I would like someone to lose their job (through resignation or sacking) just so that I could become a pilot! When I have completed my education, I will work my hardest to make sure that I become a pilot through my own successes and not because someone has been sacked. I don't care how long it takes, but I will become a pilot through my own determination and decency rather than putting someone else out of a job! I suppose, of course, that you are at the front of the queue when it comes to stabbing others in the back just to get their job.

What I say in my posts to the Cathay pilots I sincerely mean. I can see, through some of the posts here at PPrune, what they are going through. How would you like to be in their situation?

I suppose, though that youare the perfect angel bearing gifts that would blow up in your face. I really, really wish you would just go away and crawl back under your stone..........please?

Kaptin M 6th Jul 2001 02:59

...three pilots were sacked today -- one of them an AOA Committee member.

A "feel-good" move by an obviously desperate management - and so early - in what looks like being an extended campaign. The cracks are appearing already!

It would seem (that) CX's current management are the company's worst enemy - NOT the pilots!

exeng 6th Jul 2001 03:21

Kaptin M

I'm really appalled to hear about the 3 pilots sacked.

What are CX management thinking about? Not a lot like the rest of the worlds airline management I guess.

What has happened to your airline, it seems to have gone from a world leader to a world loser.

We in BA are looking at this and you have our moral support for what it is worth.

To be honest it is about time we all got together and helped each other in the fight against shockingly appalling management. They are ruining our respective companies. I'll happily chuck a few quid into your pot!

We will be next.

Any ideas and e-mail me at [email protected]

The Prisoner 6th Jul 2001 05:58

From todays SCMP on the mainland Cathay chartered aircraft:

Four of the chartered planes are from China Southwest. A China Southwest plane crashed into a field in February 1999 killing all 61 people on board.

Two of the others are from Air China, which has had two near-misses in the past three years. One near-miss, in 1999, involved a pilot pointing to the wrong place on a map, sending his jumbo jet into the path of a Korean Air plane, which had to change course to avoid it. The same year, an Air China cargo jet took a wrong turning after landing in Chicago, narrowly missing a packed passenger flight that was taking off.

A plane belonging to a third airline, China Eastern, which is lending one aircraft to Cathay, made an emergency landing in Shanghai on Monday when a cockpit window fragmented on the way from Shijiazhuang to Guangzhou.

The other airlines leasing planes to Cathay - China Northwest and China Northern, have a clear safety record over the past three years.

The Prisoner 6th Jul 2001 06:10

From todays SCMP on the mainland Cathay chartered aircraft:

Four of the chartered planes are from China Southwest. A China Southwest plane crashed into a field in February 1999 killing all 61 people on board.

Two of the others are from Air China, which has had two near-misses in the past three years. One near-miss, in 1999, involved a pilot pointing to the wrong place on a map, sending his jumbo jet into the path of a Korean Air plane, which had to change course to avoid it. The same year, an Air China cargo jet took a wrong turning after landing in Chicago, narrowly missing a packed passenger flight that was taking off.

A plane belonging to a third airline, China Eastern, which is lending one aircraft to Cathay, made an emergency landing in Shanghai on Monday when a cockpit window fragmented on the way from Shijiazhuang to Guangzhou.

The other airlines leasing planes to Cathay - China Northwest and China Northern, have a clear safety record over the past three years.

stickyb 6th Jul 2001 06:49

from this mornings South China morning post

Cathay Pacific yesterday sacked a captain and two other pilots in a move the aircrew union believes is aimed at forcing pilots to end their industrial action over pay and rosters.
The captain, a union member with 11 years' service, was sacked for failing to show up for a delay-plagued Los Angeles flight on Tuesday without a satisfactory reason. Cathay spokesman Tony Tyler said he committed a "serious breach" of his employment conditions.

One of the other pilots, a first officer, was also on board the Los Angeles flight. He was a member of the pilots' union committee.

The third pilot, also a first officer, was not a member of the union. All were given three-months' pay in lieu of notice.

The committee member was aboard what was supposed to have been a non-stop flight from Los Angeles to Hong Kong. It detoured to Vancouver and Osaka because crew were due for rest breaks and arrived five hours late.

A pilot source said staff believed Cathay wanted to make an example of him in a bid to convince colleagues to call off their campaign. "A couple of weeks ago, a senior manager said 'what we need to do is sack 20 or 30 of them and the rest will get the message'," the source said. Cathay denies the comments.

Mr Tyler said the company had lost confidence in the union member, while the non-union pilot was sacked because he had not had sufficient rest before reporting for duty.

The Resistance 6th Jul 2001 07:29

Just to put everybody in the picture: These are some of the comments that are presently shown on our own internal bulletin board regarding one of the individuals (his name is in XXXX for privacy reasons). I believe these will demonstrate what a 'brilliant' move for management this will prove to have been.....!

XXXX, do not despair, do not fear. We will NEVER agree to 'normalise' relations until you are reinstated with full back pay, AND AN APOLOGY. This demonstrates just how venal and cruel our management has become, and it WILL NOT STAND. You have my personal assurance of support, and I will be giving a cheque to the AOA for your account within the next few days. You will be the rallying point of our efforts, and this management will rue the day they decided on this action. No XXXX XXXXXXXX, NO airline. NO compromise.

XXXX XXXXXXX. Decent, kind, honourable, righteous.

Management. None of the above.

XXXX, you have my pledge of moral, financial and emotional support. There will NEVER be a settlement until you recieve reinstatement, back pay and an apology. THAT is now our MAIN ISSUE. I encourage the AOA leadership to now focus SOLELY on the issue of XXXX and the others who have been victimised. NO TALK of rostering, pay or benefits UNTIL these men are back flying. MAKE IT ABSOLUTELY CLEAR TO MANAGEMENT THAT THIS SITUATION WILL RAPIDLY SPIRAL OUT OF CONTROL UNLESS THEY ARE BACK FLYING. It will also demonstrate to the rest of the AOA membership that the security and support of EVERY member is of PARAMOUNT concern, OVER AND ABOVE ALL and ANY other considerations

Dear XXXX and family,
Take heart mate. All of the membership and I are fully with you. You will not be left behind.

It is obvious that Cathay Pacific management do not realise the type of people that they have hired. We are loyal to our families and mates. We are also very loyal to our company if treated with mutual respect.

To the company: There will be no agreement until XXXX is re-instated! We will not be shaken by your pathetic attempts to bully us.

To all of the flight crews: Steady as she goes chaps. Follow your orders exactly. Work together as a single and cohesive unit. Individual and impetous gameplans will not work. Maintain a united front.

Sorry to hear what Snow White and the Seven Dwarves have done to you, but it is a HUGE miscalculation on their part. Enormous. Humungous.

Apparently it took three of management to fire the one of you. Well, The Poison Dwarf, Mr Personality and the Tiny Tot must all be well and truly scared of you.

Anyway, there will of course be no settlement until you are re-instated with back pay, interest, and a public written apology.

See you on the line a few months XXXX

It just goes to show you what cowards these people are. XXXX XXXXXXX is only several months back from a heart attack recovery. You wonder if Ken's intent was to trigger another one....? Needless to say, this despicable act won't go unanswered. You WILL be back flying XXXX....and they will apologise to you publicly. There will be NO settlement, no respite from our action until you and the others are reinstated. This is NON-NEGOTIABLE. Pathetic cowards. No surrender, No compromise.

Kaptin M 6th Jul 2001 08:10

Indeed a stupid move by CX management, and one that will galvanise the pilot ranks rather than intimidate them. Undoubtedly a thin veneer attempt to try to force the pilot group into taking rash actions.

Stay firm gentleman, you knew it was going to get rough, tough and dirty - but nothing (that) each and ALL of you cannot handle.

Anyone else feel a change of management imminent at CX? Not much of a resume for the next job application!

411A 6th Jul 2001 08:32

Have to admit, a rather poorly thought out action on the part of CX management. The sledge-hammer technique rarely works.

BackSeatPilot 6th Jul 2001 13:34

Headline just out:

"Cathay says growing number of pilots reporting sick amid dispute, number of pilot caused flight delays increasing" (Reuters)

Certainly sick of something....


OzDude 6th Jul 2001 14:17

Ahhh... I see the wise ones have decided that the beatings will continue until morale improves.

I would have thought any shareholders with even the minutest amount of common sense would be outrtaged by this pathetic move by a middle management that has absolutely no idea how to handle its pilot workforce and will be demanding that the fat cats at the top of this corrupt management structure do something to turn this thing around before they destroy this once great airline.

Why prolong the inevitable guys? All out strike until these pilots are reinstated? Stop pussyfooting around. When push comes to shove you will have to stand firm anyway. In the meantime the fat b@stards who made these idiotic decisions have time and the rest of the Swire Group on their side. Pull the rug out now and see how the corrupt managers will squirm!

Anyone who is in a union and is asked to fly a sub charter for Cathay should refuse and I advise everyone to make sure their union know about it in case their own management try and use ball breaking tactics to force them. There will no doubt be companies such as the other Chinese carriers who will do this work and we all know how democratic the Chinese government are so I would presume that the pilots flying those a/c are as subjugated as the Cathay management would like their pilots to be.

All out now in support of your colleagues. Stop the pussyfooting around and take the inevitable action. The sooner Cathay begin to hurt the sooner the shareholders will demand that the bosses take action against their inept middle management or demand their resignations.

newswatcher 6th Jul 2001 16:02

These were the reasons for sacking, as outlined in the Hong Kong Mail.

"Director of corporate development Tony Tyler told a press conference last night that the sacking of the three pilots had been "in accordance with their conditions of service and the Hong Kong Employment Ordinance''.

He said one of the pilots was an eight-year veteran and union member who had received a previous warning about his job performance and was terminated after flight CX889 arrived from Vancouver two hours 10 minutes late on Tuesday.

The second pilot, who was not a union member, was fired for not taking enough rest before showing up to fly - a serious breach according to Mr Tyler.

The third pilot, a union member with 11 years' employment was sacked after he failed to report for duty without a "satisfactory reason'' for CX883 from Los Angeles.

Mr Tyler said the firings were "related to the particular actions of particular individuals'' and insisted there was no retaliation over the industrial action that began on Tuesday."

Kaptin M 6th Jul 2001 16:06

The full article from the Hong Kong Mail is as follows:

"CATHAY Pacific Airways fired three pilots yesterday for employment breaches but insisted it was not trying to intimidate staff involved in a work-to-rule that is disrupting flights.
Meanwhile, it had more than 100 extra aircrew and flight attendants and 10 planes chartered from mainland airlines on stand-by to fill any gaps in its schedule.
Cathay said 55 of 130 flights yesterday suffered delays by 15 minutes to 90 minutes.
But it blamed the approaching Typhoon Utor for disruption of up to 20 inbound flights.
Director of corporate development Tony Tyler told a press conference last night that the sacking of the three pilots had been "in accordance with their conditions of service and the Hong Kong Employment Ordinance''.
He said one of the pilots was an eight-year veteran and union member who had received a previous warning about his job performance and was terminated after flight CX889 arrived from Vancouver two hours 10 minutes late on Tuesday.
The second pilot, who was not a union member, was fired for not taking enough rest before showing up to fly - a serious breach according to Mr Tyler.
The third pilot, a union member with 11 years' employment was sacked after he failed to report for duty without a "satisfactory reason'' for CX883 from Los Angeles.
Mr Tyler said the firings were "related to the particular actions of particular individuals'' and insisted there was no retaliation over the industrial action that began on Tuesday.
The general secretary of the Aircrew Officers' Association, John Findlay, said the firings were predictable and would not intimidate the pilots. "I don't think this will cause anything except a strengthening in the resolve of the members.''
Jaime Gomee, who arrived 3 hours late on CX700 from Karachi via Bangkok, complained that passengers were given a new excuse every 15 minutes.
"First I was told the cargo door was broken. And then I was told that they needed to change the crew. And after that they said they couldn't find something they needed,'' he said.

The 116 pilots, flight attendants and engineers booked into the Airport Regal Hotel are from Air China, China Northwest, China North, China Southwest and China Eastern - all of which have a much poorer safety record than Cathay's A+ grade. At least 306 passengers have lost their lives with the mainland-based airlines and all received an F in Airline Safety Grading published by the United States-based Air Travellers' Association, with an average of 7.24 fatal accidents per million flights since 1970.
The crash of a China Southern Airlines Boeing 737 in Guilin on November 24, 1992 was one of the worst accidents in Chinese civil aviation history. The plane hit a mountain while approaching a runway, killing 141."

Nicole 6th Jul 2001 17:13

411A, I am sorry for lowering myself to your level, but I can't hold it in any longer. You really are a complete and utter to$$er.

I have been on the sidelines, reading various pprune postings that have interested me over the years, but I have never replied to any, for I see it as none of my business to get involved in someone else's discussions unless I have a valid and relevant point to put forward.

For a while now, you have instantly hijacked various threads (mostly regarding expat carriers such as CX, SQ and EK) and have never had a positive thing to say. I doubt very much you are who you say you are as:

a.) You spend far too much time at the PC, nearly 1000 posts is surely a bit embarrassing, wouldn't you agree?
b.) Any 'manager' would find it an absolute waste of his time giving out the opinions that you heve over the last year or so.
c.) Your postings are constantly contradictory to previous remarks that you have made.
d.) Your CRM and 'manner' is beyond belief. Thank goodness that I have never had the dubious pleasure to share the flight deck with you.

Any professional pilot with any reputable carrier, in fact any professional regardless of company, would defer from the randomly targeted criticisms that you spew forth, your postings just reek of bitterness; so what loss have you suffered? Fired from one of the above expat companies? Didn't get accepted by any of the above? Somewhere along the line you just haven't made the grade, have you? Maybe you feel threatened by the existence of 'high salaried expat pilots'? Why would they be a threat to you? Come on, talk to me, let me know your thoughts, let us all know what goes on in the mind of 411A, tell us, please.

The Cathay thread that I have now hijacked to lambast you and your opinions, is about people. Good, honest, caring people with integrity and the belief that they are doing the right thing for them and their families. If you cannot hold back from giving your opinion, then please try and keep it constructive, positive and worthwhile, shall we? If you can't then pi$$ off.

I should have done that a long time ago and apologise to all the CX pilots for using their thread to vent my feelings. I feel better now!

[This message has been edited by Nicole (edited 06 July 2001).]

RadioFlyer 6th Jul 2001 17:26

If this Bulletin Board supported sound, Nicole, you would hear a deafening round of applause for you right about now. Not just from participants of this thread, but right across the board!

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