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-   -   BA Pilot talks about bombing White House on open mike (https://www.pprune.org/rumours-news/249015-ba-pilot-talks-about-bombing-white-house-open-mike.html)

overstress 22nd Oct 2006 19:14

Airbubba. BA's 57 747-400s have intercom lock buttons, unless I've been hallucinating or read the FCOM wrong... :} :}

Everyone else: we use ANR headsets to help prevent hearing loss. Our SOPs tell us to do it, so we do it.

perhaps a bit more professional than swinging a fist mike in an arc by the cord? :hmm: :hmm:

Airbubba 22nd Oct 2006 19:29

A locked intercom button is a customer option on both makes
Thanks, that makes sense. I've bumped almost every switch and button over the years but I just couldn't remember that one. And, there may be a little switch to lock on the interphone on the comm selector panel, seems like I've used hot mike in the sim with googles and masks on. Anyway, I've never seen much use of interphone in the cockpit in recent years at the few places I've worked.

There was the old trick of putting the FE on O2, and convincing a new flight attendant to come up to the cockpit to talk with the space shuttle (played by the FE on intephone through the mask). Don't think I'd try that one in these politically correct post-911 times. Of course, it's getting hard to find FE's as well...

The only audio switch I use on the yoke is a rocker switch with the top part for radio and the bottom part for interphone. Or, is it the other way around, I never could remember.:)

Eff Oh 22nd Oct 2006 20:29

The only audio switch I use on the yoke is a rocker switch with the top part for radio and the bottom part for interphone. Or, is it the other way around, I never could remember.
That is the switch we are refering to. It activates the intercom (bottom part) and the interphone depending on fit, if FLT INTERPHONE selected on overhead audio panel.

Flintstone 22nd Oct 2006 20:38

Reminds me of the time I followed a Speedbird callsign from London to Paris.
He had the archetypal plum in the mouth accent (just to satisfy the anti-BA brigade in here) and was always transferred from sector to sector at the same time as us.

On one such handover the french controller (in heavily accented English) gave him about half a dozen instructions all at once. Way too much information in one go and we expected him to muff it. There was a brief pause while he took a deep breath and then read it all back, word for word. "Bravo" said my colleague and I to each other in grudging admiration.

The shine went off it though when a few seconds later we heard [Public School Voice]"D'you know, six months ago eye wouldn't hev understood a word of thet"[/Public School Voice]

fxbat 22nd Oct 2006 21:00

“”Anti-American sentiment is increasingly fashionable in the UK among trendy-lefty dorks who actually believe all they hear on the BBC.””
I agree.
Don’t knock us yanks, we have about as much say in are governments foreign policy as you brits do with your immigration policies. We are all in the same boat (or aircraft) we just go to work every day and try to provide for are families.
Contrary to popular belief your average yank does not sit around trying to figure out how to screw the rest of the world.
Are airline careers are going down the toilet, are taxes are out of control, the US dollar isn’t worth the paper it is printed on and are political system is totally corrupt.
Top that off with the fact that you are hated by 85% of the people on the planet for things that are out of your control. And maybe you can see why we have no tolerance for American haters.
P.S. if you haven’t done a pa or at least started to, over the active freq. you are very lucky.

rodthesod 22nd Oct 2006 21:21

I still cringe with embarrassment when I remember a long turnround at BFS about 10 years ago with a First Officer I'd known for many years. Neither of us wore a headset and we were just chatting while we waited for the freight to arrive. I'm afraid the conversation drifted to girls we'd known etc. Eventually we got on our way and just before leaving tower frequency the crews of BA and BMA voiced their approval of one of the ex-girlfriends I'd not named but described in intimate detail. The aircraft had a hand mike stowed half way down the column and my FO, who had swivelled in his seat, had had his knee firmly wedged against the Tx trigger switch.

The Controlller 22nd Oct 2006 22:30

Open mike

I think you find that it was a BA freighter ????

3Greens 22nd Oct 2006 23:17

No such thing. GSS operate on BEHALF of BA using largely GSS crews - with the odd BA secondee in the LHS - .

The Controlller 22nd Oct 2006 23:30

You will find they have BA flight numbers ?

Gypsy 23rd Oct 2006 02:53

As far as the original issue is concerned, if true it will just be the latest but not the last of a long line of embarrassing whoopsies (by pilots of all nationalities) on the RT and shouldn't be taken too seriously.

As far as accusations of left wing Brits goes, if that is the price of coming from a country that isn't xenophobic about foreigners and doesn't practice torture on those of a different religeon and politics to us, then I'll live with that tag.

Lon More 24th Oct 2006 16:12

Surprised no-one's brought this up, seems even the Americans can make mistakes:p

BTW, In that thread it's treated as a joke

CarltonBrowne the FO 24th Oct 2006 18:51

I have never transmitted a passenger announcement over the RT- yet!
I've read back a few clearances into the cabin though...:O

jondc9 24th Oct 2006 22:38

sam white:

bush is an ass (on a good day...at least his policies are ass like) and America is the land of free speech...not neccessarily on the radio though with a plane that could be used as a weapon.

...does anyone know if this really did happen or is it still a rumor?

jondc9 25th Oct 2006 23:09


welcome to the club...censorship...is that cricket?

either have everyone given they're say, or shut down pprune.

SILLY GOOSE 26th Oct 2006 13:07

Imagine if the flight was with an ARAB crew what would the outcome be!!!!

jondc9 26th Oct 2006 19:43

Norman S.

Thanks for the kind words about America. I have high regard for the UK and have expressed that elsewhere on this forum (which has been a little censored to truly be a free expression of aviation thoughts).

Many of us in America knew that Bush and his policies were wrong for the world and America.

More of us know now that BUSH and his views have been about as out of whack as a 747-400 with two right wings.

Had 600 votes been found for Al Gore in Florida during the 2000 election our world would probably be at peace...at least much better off than it is now. And Americans even more secure against attack.

Had the state of Ohio gone for Sen. Kerry in 2004, I think the UK and US would largely be out of Iraq by now.

We have what we call "mid term" elections coming up in America this november. Not for president, but it will allow Americans to speak their mind. I hope you , Norman, keep a close eye on it.

I do think you might be wrong about China's century. But that will be for history to decide.

Long ago, a famous band leader is credited as saying: a sudden thought strikes me, let us swear eternal friendship. a piece of music by another great composer took its cue from that thought and it is called, "hands across the sea". Later, Sr. Winston Churchill also spoke magnificently about the special bond between america and the uk.

all the best, and I would rather have a plane from the UK accidently talk about bombing the white house in jest, than anyone else!


jondc9 27th Oct 2006 00:07


I agree with you , pprune and censorship MAY COST DANNY and his staff some Pounds in LOST revenue...until PPRUNE is FREE SPEECH, I am boycotting all advertisers!


bubbers44 27th Oct 2006 00:49

We make a lot of mistakes here in the USA but I think we have helped more than hindered making this a better place to be for everyone. Hopefully the future isn't going to show us an alternative to what exists now.

Simtech 27th Oct 2006 07:49

I think that the locking intercom trigger on the yoke is compulsory on British-registered aircraft. One of the sims I work on came over from the States; it didn't have the locking facility so we had to add it as part of the work required to get CAA approval for British crews to train on the device.

Q400 Pilot 27th Oct 2006 08:44

A pal of mine broadcast his salary to London control. As we work for Flybe, that was really embarrassing!

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