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Shamrock 602 7th Jun 2005 16:48

Out of court settlement in sight?
It's now being reported by RTE's website that a deal between the parties is being negotiated.

It says that lawyers for Ryanair told the judge "that the two sides hope to agree terms for a settlement by this evening. The two legal teams will reconvene before Mr Justice Budd at 11am tomorrow morning" [1000Z Wednesday 8th June].

Shamrock 602

Flying Mech 7th Jun 2005 18:01

Is this another case of FR settling on the steps of the court & paying John Goss €250,000 to go away and retire and FR to admit no liability. As usual the Lawyer Vultureswill make a nice fat slice of comission which John Goss will have to pay FR's costs as well in this scenario as he took the high court action in the first place, or is Ialpa funding this challenge behind the scenes?

FlyingIrishman 7th Jun 2005 19:10

Everything JG went through to fight for what's right, and now we're - yet again - down to an out of court settlement by the looks of things and thus another victory for Molly and his gang. I hope for everyone's sake, particularly the -200 gang in Dublin, that it's not true.

One Step Beyond 7th Jun 2005 22:11

out of court settlement by the looks of things
Say it ain't so. What a disaster if so. Surely JG, having gone this far, is not going to back down now? We can only hope so.

DFC 7th Jun 2005 22:38

Perhaps now we will see if JG is in this situation because of and simply for JG........or if there is some puppet action going on.

I believe that the Justice was very wise to suggest such an outcome which I beleive would reveal if this was JG v Ryanair or simply a cover for A. Another v Ryanair using JG as the potential fall guy.



the grim repa 7th Jun 2005 22:47

it might be a sensible solution.lets just wait and see what the outcome is before gobbing off.

Camel Killer 7th Jun 2005 23:50

With respect, DFC, you miss the point entirely:confused:

Perhaps now we will see if JG is in this situation because of and simply for JG........or if there is some puppet action going on.
JG is in this situation because of MOL's now pretty stupid looking decision to make an example of him "pour encourager les autres"

NOT because of any actions on John's part
NOT even because of any Ialpa actions, except to back him to the hilt, and, obviously, that came AFTER the event.

The only puppet or proxy action is MOL taking on JG to try get rid of Ialpa. They haven't gone away, you know.............

atse 8th Jun 2005 06:07

John Goss a puppet? Not from what I have heard! What a telling comment from DFC.

GGV 8th Jun 2005 07:07

Camel Killer

Based on DFC's earlier contribution to this thread and the cynical interpretation he provides above, I would not bother taking his post - or his bone fides too seriously.

A pilot, respected by all, was accused of behaviour nobody believed he was, or could be guilty of. He defended himself and he may have decided to come to a suitable arrangement (though I notice that nobody has said this is a fact). I don't see any puppet strings here. The cynical suggestion that there were "puppet strings" tells you all you need to know about DFC. Image putting yourself into that position as a "puppet"! I think somebody pointed out earlier in this thread that to acquire the DFC medal requires personal attributes which our current DFC does not appear to possess. He also dodged the explicit request to condemn the threatening Ryanair memo near the begining of this thread that Leo Hairy and all the other Ryanair apologists refused to condemn. ‘Nuff said??

the grim repa is actually speaking the most sense. We just need to wait to hear what the real situation is.

One Step Beyond 8th Jun 2005 11:49

Ryanair and pilot settle High Court case

08 June 2005 12:37
A High Court case taken by a Ryanair pilot against the airline has been settled.

Captain John Goss had challenged Ryanair's attempt to invoke disciplinary proceedings against him.

He claimed he was being victimised for his trade union activities. Ryanair had denied the allegation.

Under the settlement Mr Goss will continue to fly with the airline and will be trained to fly its new fleet of aircraft.

It is understood that Mr Goss and the Irish Air Line Pilots' Association will not pay costs.

Mr Goss has withdrawn his complaints against Ryanair, while the airline has withdrawn allegations which originally gave rise to its attempt to hold disciplinary proceedings against him.

Mr Goss said he was pleased to be returning to flying duty with Ryanair.

He said that he was delighted that his good name was vindicated but expressed regret that his difficulties with Ryanair management had to be resolved in the High Court.

Ryanair's Director of Flight and Ground Operations, David O'Brien, said he was delighted that Mr Goss had withdrawn and abandoned his claims against the airline, and described the settlement as excellent.

So thats it. Now what?

Shamrock 602 8th Jun 2005 12:58

Video of reaction
Links to reaction from Capt Goss and Ryanair, and a more detailed report, are on RTE's website. (You need RealPlayer).

If Ryanair are paying their own costs and at least part of the other parties' costs, that is as close as you will get to an admission they were at fault.

The title of this thread has been in need of change for some time.

Shamrock 602

maxalt 8th Jun 2005 13:22

Captain Goss stood up to Ryanairs bullying and saw them off.
He retains his job and rank at FR.
He gets his conversion course.
They pay his and IALPAs costs.

Thats a win for the good guys! :ok:

Now, on to Round 2 - the real issue - Representation.

The_Bean_Counter 8th Jun 2005 13:47


The facts are somewhat different to your account

Ryanair have agreed to pay a sum equivalent to 50% of the complainants costs, meaning JG is not out of pocket but IALPA are.

JG has agreed to sign the conversion course letter in its original form, ie with the 15,000 bond intact and the representation clause intact.

Probably as close to a nil all draw as you could get at this point.


delwy 8th Jun 2005 17:02

Sources tell me that the TV3 news in Dublin is saying the Ryanair costs are around €1,000,000 and IALPA and Captain Goss paid no legal costs. An interesting contrast to the Ryanair spin!

Does anybody know how to get a link to the TV news report from TV3? Apparently the report is delivered by a rather nice "lady in red!"

maxalt 8th Jun 2005 19:25

The RTE news at One said Ryanair were hit for the costs. Whats your source?

And by the way, anyone worried about IALPA's funds shouldn't be too concerned. They are affiliated to IMPACT which is one of the largest umbrella unions in the country.

i_need_cider 8th Jun 2005 21:45

Hope the other -200 pilots were looked after in the deal


Ryanair pilot Captain John Goss has reached a settlement in his High Court action against the airline, the high Court heard today.

Mr Goss brought the court action to challenge disciplinary procedures against him, which were instigated by Ryanair over claims he made intimidating calls to fellow pilots in Stansted.

Mr Goss had said he was being punished for trying to involve the Irish Airline Pilots Association (IALPA) in negotiations between the company and pilots - a claim denied by Ryanair.

Ryanair would not comment on the details of the settlement but it is understood the company was pleased the matter had been resolved.

Sources said the airline would not be paying costs under the terms of settlement but would be making a contribution towards legal fees of up to 50 per cent.

Under the terms of the settlement Captain Goss withdrew his claims against the company, including claims of intimidation.

The pilot has agreed to undergo conversion training for the new 737-800 planes under the terms of the original offer made last November.

Mr Goss will be guaranteed a Dublin-based job flying the planes and Ryanair will pay for the €15,000 training, subject to a five year bond, sources said.

He will undergo the retraining shortly.

Today David O'Brien, director of flight and ground operations for the airline, said he was delighted with what he described as "an excellent settlement".

delwy 9th Jun 2005 08:39

The Bean Counter
I take it your statement above on costs is a deduction, as IALPA sources are emphatic that neither IALPA, IMPACT or John Goss are liable for any costs, now or in the future. There is to be a meeting sometime next week, so more may come out then. Since my posts above the range of costs to Ryanair cited by the media have been €750,000 to €1,000,000, depending on the source.

maxalt 9th Jun 2005 11:45

Leo's gone all quiet again.

I've seen these kind of 'deals done on the steps' before, and one thing they tend to have in common is a 'gag' on the plaintiff - in this case, John Goss and IALPA - preventing them talking about the settlement.

This allows the losers - in this case Ryanair - to save face by putting a positive spin on the settlement to the media.

I've listened to a Mr.D O'Brien (of Ryanair) on the radio almost falling over himself to declare how happy he is with the settlement. As clear a case of positive spinning/damage limitation as I've heard.

The media are probably ill-informed and not a good source for the facts. Nothing new there then.

Lets wait and see.

Leo Hairy-Camel 9th Jun 2005 12:28


The pilot has agreed to undergo conversion training for the new 737-800 planes under the terms of the original offer made last November.
Objective accomplished.

This allows the losers - in this case Ryanair
And you accuse Ryanair of Spin? Max, you are truly the pinup boy for hypocrisy, and a credit to dementia. This is a stunning victory for Ryanair and those of us within it who hold the prospect of union recognition in the same boundless joy usually reserved for pancreatic carcinoma.

We should take a moment, though, to thank the good lads and lasses at Aer Lingus flight crew, without whose deep pockets and staggering appetite for futility, the unfortunate Captain Goss and his REPA puppet masters, might not have achieved their fifteen minutes of infamy. How must MOL feel, I wonder? Reflecting on the experience of being savaged by a ferocious guinea pig, I expect.

maxalt 9th Jun 2005 12:43

IMPACT has 50,000 ferocious guinea pigs Leo.
We're comin' to eat ya! :E :E :E :E :E

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