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addinfurnightem 16th Aug 2001 03:16

Well David, if there is a genuine possibility that things in Flight might change can you start by using feet as a measurement of altitude/height and knots as a measurement of speed please? No harm in using the metric measures in brackets - if you have to show them at all.

Cheers, Addin.

jan alblas 16th Aug 2001 07:44

FlightPlanman, Sops, Cyclic Hotline and other
( paying) subscribers to Flight International
( FI ).

I cancelled my ( company's )paid subscription over 6 years ago when I discovered that FI was ( and still is ) distributed at no charge ( FOC ) to hundreds of pilots at Indonesian operators/airlines,some of which are no longer in business and/or who's pilots are no longer on their payroll.
Hence,piles of FI issues are dunped into the wastebaskets of Indonesia every week..........

I presume that the same "policy" is applied to other developing countries,where hundreds of aviation personnel receive their weekly issue "with the compliments" of the (G)Reed
boys at Quadrant House.

The reason (G)Reed is so generous is simple.
In order to impress the advertising agencies of Boeing, Airbus etc.( who are paying top dollar for having the privelege to advertise in FI ), they distribute a "so called" media kit to these agencies which shows a impressive readership profile
broken down by continent, business / industry
and job level which includes the civil / military "decision makers of the industry".
The circulation of FI is ( supposed to be )
controlled by BPA International publication auditors who then confirm that the these numbers are correct.

These numbers obviously also impresses the hell out of the ad budget controllers at the Boeings, Airbusses etc. which is why a truly
professional magazine named ASIAN AVIATION
( which was distributed FOC to the industry in Asia, and therefore had to generate its income mainly from the ad sales ) was forced
out of business in ,97 after approx 15 successful years, due to the cyclical downturn in the aviation industry, the mergers taking place reducing the number of manufacturers ads,and they could'nt produce the readership numbers as were being claimed by FI.

So boys and girls,next time you drive past the Quadrant House, you will appreciate that the "contributions" you have made over the years were well invested, and the pilots in the developing countries are grateful for the free subscription to what once was a (reasonably) good magazine.

I have been subscribed to Aviation Week for over 33 years, and still consider that the best value for the dollar.

Happy landings to ye all.........

" It is hard to make a living out of the air"

Dr. Albert Plesman / Founder of KLM

DrSyn 16th Aug 2001 13:11

It is a shame that some of the foregoing posts could not make an effort to give constructive criticism instead of just slagging-off. Whilst I am a life-long transport pilot, I have an interest in all aspects of aviation, not just my immediate environment. I can't get too excited about simulator or missile directories, admittedly, but I do follow issues concerning defence, space, technology, business, etc, as part of the "dreaded" broad picture or just plain enthusiasm.

All periodicals, on whatever subject, have good and bad editions. I still find that FI gives a good weekly briefing on the aerospace industry. Some weeks it just takes less time to read than others. As has been pointed out by several posters here, probably unwittingly, if your needs are more parochial, there are other mags out there to suit you. I read some of those too. The vitriol is unnecessary and does not enhance our image as pilots - but that's PPRuNe for you!

With respect to Offchocks' comment about jobs, I too have been in the game for 33 years but, conversely, found the back section of FI very helpful when leaving the RAF during a serious airline recruitment slump. It alerted me to an excellent contract in Oman (4 yrs).

Later, it alerted me to recruitment at my present airline (14 yrs now) which had kept me on file but declared me "too old" (35) on a previous occasion. At end of contract in Oman, I had 6 months to fill before joining them. Picking up a copy of FI as I passed through LHR T3, I saw a local job advertised which matched my quals, made a call and by the end of the day was working for InFinRetirement out of Biggin (happy days, IFR!). I doubt that companies would still be using FI for job-ads unless they got returns.

As for mallard not being bothered to lift the mag out of the rack. How else would you be able to comment on the present content, Sir?

Meanwhile, as one of the few people on this forum to use his real name has bothered to reply honestly, how's about trying "constructive", folks? As a counter to the negativity here, I have subscribed to FI since '66 and will renew my 3-year subs next time it comes up. After posting this, Dave, can I get a free sub? :)

World Traveller 16th Aug 2001 16:01

perhaps part of Flight's problem is the internet. Up to the minute news is now available from various sites such as PPRuNe, making Flight much more out of date at publication.

David Learmount 16th Aug 2001 21:25


Your reply's on P5 of the "airline pilots lack skills" thread.


BoeingBoy 16th Aug 2001 21:49

KawanLama, thanks for your posting regarding the distribution of FI in the far east. It clarifies very well why I have been noticing an obsession by FI journalists to please the Asian market. If I had to read one more six page article on some insignificant Asian airline or manufacturer I was going to scream!

In the last two days I received my tri-annual subscription reminder from Alan Winn. When this Gentlemen became editor I wrote to him welcoming him to 'The worlds most boring magazine'. He replied that after having sat down and looked through many back copies he thoroughly agreed with me.

He went on to print a handfull of articles that were educational and entertaining to those of us who actually fly airplanes, but it didn't last long. We were soon back to the endless dribble about 'Scruggs units and woffle bolts being fitted to the latest version of a far eastern turbo prop that no-one wanted to buy!'

So take this as my reply Mr Winn. Thanks but no thanks, I won't be renewing my six years of subscriptions, and I won't bother lifting the magazine off the shelf in Smiths either.

This magazine has had endless warnings that the people who WANT to buy and read FI are the people who FLY airplanes, not those that build, paint or put furnishings in them. Until the magazine favours articles about 'flying' aircraft, rather than building them then it will decline.

Happy redundancies to you all at Quadrant House!

[ 16 August 2001: Message edited by: BoeingBoy ]

Airbrake 16th Aug 2001 23:10

Flight has been a bit thin lately, but BALPA members can subscribe for less than £1 a copy! Not bad for any mag.

boris 17th Aug 2001 03:06

further to feet as a measure of height and knots for speed, can we revert to nautical miles for distance please. After all, what was good enough for the great explorers and navigators has not changed and we all use these measurements on our current nav equipment.
This bending to what seemed to be the new scientific order several years ago has never quite worked and probably won`t yet awhile.
Oh, just another thing, almost everyone except you uses lbs for thrust including manufacturers.

mallard 20th Aug 2001 00:29

I feel qualified to comment because people leave Flight lying around crewrooms.
I don't need to have a surreptitious look at the back pages in W. H. Smiths.
The Internet is the new Flight et al.

MissChief 20th Aug 2001 10:51

What about a "Glamorous Hostie" section to pep up FI? Mind you, not so many about these days! And I'm not kidding! :D

jan alblas 21st Aug 2001 06:28

Tcas Climb

I am pleased to see that also the "developed
world" is apparently on the mailing list for a free subscription.

Makes one wonder about the credibility
of BPA International who endorses FI's
( audited ) readers profile for the benefit
of the advertisers...........

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