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Kirstey 10th Jan 2002 15:41

Knows - What if he'd have landed on someone and killed them?? still a hero then??

and why should the bloke be a hero to me? his efforts in the Falklands are beneficial to me in exactly what way?

Hot 'n' High 10th Jan 2002 16:25

knows - Have to agree with your comment re: Kirstey, and I also have little sympathy for Speed Twelve. All very frustrating I'm sure.

We may never know exactly what happened on this flight. However, I can only hope that should either Kirstey or Speed Twelve ever suffer from such an illness, as that is what it is, in their lives, that perhaps someone will be there to help them before it is too late. Oh, I know Kirstey, you will say that it will never happen to you ...... And I hope for your sake it doesn't. Truth is, such things often come out the blue - as all illnesses can do. Like getting Cancer, you will have no choice in the matter I'm afraid. You can only pray that such illness is caught in time and that there are people who can help you before it is too late.

So perhaps we should remember with sadness the victim, the exceptional P1 who will have to come to terms with what happened on that flight and any family/friends involved. Everyone knows/accepts things such as Cancer are dreadful diseases. While I am not saying suicide was the cause here (not my place to make ill-informed judgements), mental illness affects a huge slice of the population. Kirstey and Speed Twelve, you raised this issue I believe. I hope you and your families are spared the devastation of such illness.

H 'n' H

Danza 10th Jan 2002 16:36

If anyone wants to know a bit exta about this guy, I strongly reccomend getting hold of a copy of his autobiography (See Airbubba's post at the top of this page), Freefall by Tom Read. It's a real eye opener. The bloke was going attempt the world longest/highest freefall, when he suddenly just cracks, and loses it, tries to kill his wife.
Anyway, long story, just read it yourself.

A_Pommie 10th Jan 2002 16:45

Frankly I’m appalled by the tone of this thread, it does not matter if he lost the plot or jumped to save a loved one, He died that’s what’s important. Suicide is always selfish the people left behind are always hurt. If the biggest problem in your life is being delayed on a train then you should be grateful.
As for if the Falklands war benefited you or not so what, I’m not even sure if the war was justified but that’s a political issue, the people who went and fought the war are heroes because they chose a profession where they would risk themselves for the benefit of others. As an ex SAS member how do you know that in the past he has not stopped the plane you fly from becoming a hole in the ground.
I fly for fun not for money and generally I have a lot of respect for every one who works in the airline industry but this thread is bellow contempt comparing the relative selfishness of how some one tops them selves. A few years ago an ex BA captain was hounded to the point were he ended it all it wasn’t funny and if I suggested it was I would be lynched, what’s the difference?

My sympathies to the family and friends of the deceased.

Greg Baddeley 10th Jan 2002 18:34

bluskis - yes, that was the lady in question; and I must admit I thought it was Denham, but it was a long time ago (mid-eighties, I think?) Obviously this guy is well respected by many, and it's a most tragic occurrence. I did not mean in my earlier posting that it was easy to fall out of a 172 by accident, I overlooked the 'inadvertantly' in the previous message - mea culpa, as a humble engineer I have a problem with long words.....

Grim Reaper 14 10th Jan 2002 19:00

Maybe he was just trying to drop something to a mate waiting on the ground when he lost his balance and went with it.

bow5 10th Jan 2002 19:01

Kirstey, your last post on this thread was totally out of order.

[quote]and why should the bloke be a hero to me? his efforts in the Falklands are beneficial to me in exactly what way? <hr></blockquote>

Regardless of what has happened in this incident, this guy put his life on the line to fight for his country. The country of which I presume you are a citizen. Your attitude sucks and sums up just how much of an ignorant, selfish directionless and fragmented country this has become. <img src="mad.gif" border="0">

If you really lack the intelligence to come up with something more constructive than that then I feel sorry for you.


[ 10 January 2002: Message edited by: bow5 ]</p>

PPRuNe Pop 10th Jan 2002 19:13

Kirstey, I personally find your post re 'Nish' Bruce highly offensive. Your references are ill judged and completely opposed to common decency.

You obviously didn't know 'Nish' otherwise you would not make such immature utterings. He was a very brave guy, and it was a pleasure to know him. He did suffer from mental anguish which was very sad to see in such a person, bought on no doubt by his devotion to the SAS and his country. He was certainly NOT a selfish person either.

I suggest that you take the opportunity to edit your own post by moderating what you surely didn't mean. It is right that you should don't you think?

The alternative is that I will do it for you.

Goodbye Nish, nice to have known you.

PPRune Pop
[email protected]

[ 10 January 2002: Message edited by: PPRuNe Pop ]</p>

LGW Vulture 10th Jan 2002 19:17

Do we want to instigate a Falklands conflict on pprune, I hope not.

This thread has generated into a free for all knockabout, on all angles.

And those of you who say Falkland heroes "died for the UK" please get a grip. If you imagine the Argies trying to take Jersey / Guernsey, then you know how they felt about the Islands that were rightfully theirs! And yes, I am UK born and bred!

Sovereignty is in the eye of the beholder.

TomPierce 10th Jan 2002 19:37

Is it doing that? I don't think so. Just forget what he was, and where he fought. Just think about the man. It is tragic!

bow5 10th Jan 2002 19:55

I'm sure if the Argies tried to take Jersey/Guernsey i'm sure they could. This country would just sit back and be walked over, like we are the whole time.

Like others have said though, this is not the point. Someone died in an aviation accident and that is tragic.

Base leg 10th Jan 2002 19:56

After an incident like this my thoughts go to his family. I hope they dwell on the good times and not the bad.

LGW Vulture 10th Jan 2002 20:01

I agree that its a sad way to go, no doubting that.

However, is one death a tragedy when it was instigated by the same individual?
1,000 accidental deaths are a mere statistic are they not.

Please grasp the nettle, perspective please!!!

If the last thread on pprune regarding the CL604 is anything to go by, someone will be screaming about delays caused by the AAIB in clearing the body, to allow the local farmer to plough the land that his rightfully his!

Please come down from your own a"""holes.

TomPierce 10th Jan 2002 20:14

Are you completely without compassion *** Vulture?
Everyone know what you mean in your first sentence which is about as good as your last.

There is enough written above to give you a vital clue about this particular "statistic" as you coldy call it.

Referring to the farmers field is another indication of your demeanour. The AAIB and Police can of course prevent anything they want in the interest of finding cause. But I expect you really knew that didn't you. <img src="frown.gif" border="0">

LGW Vulture 10th Jan 2002 20:30


Completely missing the point aren't you!

My third para shows the apparent lack of thought sometime awash on this network. When that 604 went down, barely were those bodies cold when someone complained that BHX was closed for too long. These guys had no choice about their exit...

For whatever reason, this guy did have a choice even taking into account his state of mind!

If he was unstable, he shouldn't be up there, it wasn't just him aboard remember...

bow5 10th Jan 2002 20:43

This thread SHOULD NOT turn into a slanging match but LGW, what the hell rattled your cage?

Don't you think you're being a little premature decrying this guy? No one actually knows that it was suicide.

Bejesus man, clam down.

JJflyer 10th Jan 2002 22:23

Kirtey, you duass. Thawas not very nicely said now was it. Man was fighting for your country so that you can drag your fata.s in to office every morning, sip your tea and do your, oh so essential job.
Like it or not man deserves respect.

Chuck Ellsworth 10th Jan 2002 22:43

Some of you people here are appalling and discusting.

How can you make such statements about your fellow human beings who die, especially knowing nothing of why they died.

As to the SAS anyone who speaks so negatively about arguably the best trained and bravest military group on earth can not truly be a British citizen in my opinion.

And as far as mental illness goes where do you draw the line, it makes one wonder reading some of the comments here.

Bigears 11th Jan 2002 00:02

Lets give the man some RESPECT.

For me, he deserves some;
1) He was in the SAS
2) He has died, and people are making assumptions about how
3) He was involved in aviation.

I never knowingly met him, but I am saddened by his passing.

KERDUNKER 11th Jan 2002 01:17

I knew Nish when we were both in green, panic? never, though he would always be up front during a caper.


[ 10 January 2002: Message edited by: KERDUNKER ]</p>

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