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insider 27th Oct 2003 01:17

A shortish reply to meddoc and dtk
Just a short reply to meddoc and dtk's postings.

Meddoc, you quoted the law. SO? did you check when this law came into force? strange huh? Even if it was there for years, it was never enforced. FACT- Spanish and Italian spotter a/c were based at MIA all summer (YES, that includes June) but all of a sudden a letter was hand delivered stating all this had to stop. That same June the mentioned operator started flying. Looks to me as though the Law was amended/enforced to suit this person.
In July anybody can fly out to spot Tuna, guess what? this guy than stops flying...his contract is specifically for June.
Sounds fishy to you? I does to me.
One guy took a picture of an a/c belonging to the mentioned operator and published it on a politically oriented newspaper. What did he get? NOTHING....apart from threats from some gov officials he happened to come across in a bar (they recognised him!!! he had never seen him).
On one of these flights the owner of the a/c (a pilot himself....another wannabe) actually had a government official (from the office of the Prime Minister) on board, who was duly picked up from the VIP area then dropped back off earlier than predicted; as ATC called the a/c back as someone from the office called ATC and asked them to call this person back as he had an important meeting to attend. Kinda gives you an idea of the level of favouritism.

dtk, Shame on those Maltese who bash about their island? What else do you want them to do? remain silent? or speak up publicly thus giving away their identity? In a small country like Malta, if you do that you can rest assured that you will be served in some way or another. Just try it, then try getting some service from that same department!!! Should supply you with hours of fun.

Hostie from Hell 27th Oct 2003 02:57

Hey Dtk !
What an interesting first post ... always nice to see first time posters on Pprune.

Presumably you started at the beginning of the thread and summised that something had gone horribly wrong for some foriegn pilots working for a certain company ?, and presumably you realise that this is an aviation forum ? how would you feel if you went abroad to a new employer in good faith, and were treated in this way ? bet you would have something to say on the subject ..now go and read the whole thread again.

Certainly.. there are some people here more annoyed than others, and some people here with more of an insight than others.. but if you read it very very carefully you will see a lot of people looking for some answers, the backdrop to that is the likelyhood that this whole affair is about to be buried because of it's rather awkward political nature.

People have been hurt financially, professionally and personally .. allegedly there have been threats to life and limb, there is a deafening silence in the press, no statements, no investigation.

So if we take your advice and put our heads in the sand, it will be business as usual.
Some people feel that this is wrong... and the discussion continues.

Jetset320 27th Oct 2003 05:48

<<there is a deafening silence in the press, no statements, no investigation. >>

Doesn't this strike you as suspicious, to say the least? Who ever started this thread has started only a rumour, and nothing but a rumour at this stage. No hard facts have been presented here. To me it seems possible that someone may have ulterior reasons for starting this "trial by internet".

Even the fact that it has not hit the press from day one, like any minor misdemeadour does here, makes me really suspicious that anything underhand happened at all, especially with all these conspiracy theories, which have gone to the ludacrus extreme that the Police, the Government, the Law Courts, as well as the Civil Aviation (DCA), are all involved in covering up this alleged scam. How powerful do you make this guy out to be?

I have no idea if what is alleged here is true or not (nobody does it seems), but the derogatory fashion with which this thread has developed, simply does not convince me.

Perhaps we should all just come back down to earth, and get our heads out of the clouds

Nerik 27th Oct 2003 16:34

Well said RobinZ.......

privateer01 28th Oct 2003 04:37

From what I have heard from both U.S. AOC holders involved with E2000 the allegations here are entirely in keeping with E2000 operating practices and policy.

There have been at least three groups of pilots....

First group that got the aircraft to Malta....
All gone.. Over the same type of problems expressed here.
(The Maltese pilots should post a comment here)

Second group to replace the first.....
All Gone.....
(the Frenchman who went should post a comment here)

Third group to replace the first....
All gone arrested or threatened out of the country.....

I have never met anyone with anything nice to say about R. MiCallef or his practices.

This is a small company that he was initally running out of the basement of his house. I think it very possible that this whole operation is just under the Maltese authority's radar. I think it has stayed there with the kind of help described in the above posts. A friends comment or suggestion here or there to the right person etc.

I think the Malta aviation company Medavia is still owed money by E2000. If you doubt the claims here maybe some one should ask them about non payment and bounced checks.

Nerik and Robin Z,

I see that both of your locations are in Malta
Go ask Trevor Crow (DCA) what he thinks of European 2000.

Let us all know what you hear......

Nerik 28th Oct 2003 04:44

That's nice pirvateer01. Let us drag in Mr. Crow and get his comments on the issue. What if that would threaten HIS job then? Not a wise thing to do me thinks.............

Freccia 28th Oct 2003 05:07

I have been following this tread for quite some time now and having been to Malta for a few days, having met some friends, who are into aviation, I have come to the same conclusion as RobinZ. I do not wish to put down all that was said to me but to all followers of this forum I wish you to know that as I had suspected the stories are very unreliable. What happened to the attempted murder? Very funny!!
I have to agree with dtk when he says that the same people are using different usernames. From the information I have those posting have an agenda that has been going on months before all this started. But anyway I find it very disturbing to learn that dirt is being thrown on a country which has changed very much since my days accusing police, justice etc etc. and all this to justify the “silence”, when most probable all what is said is simply not true but a personal desire to see this company or may we say threat fall to pieces. Please state your agenda before writing…things will look much clearer :ugh: :ugh:

As to privateer01 regarding the Maltese pilots to post their comments...do you think they know about this forum?:suspect:

Jetset320 28th Oct 2003 07:41

None of us here are defending European 2000 or it's CEO; it's just the manner Malta's name has been thrashed in this debate with all these allegations of scams, corruption, attempted murder, that I object to.

Unless we hear anything more reliable, at this stage, these are all rumours. On the other hand the FACTS are that Malta is a full JAA state, with our laws in line to join EU in six months time, besides being a great place to invest and do business in.

If European 2000 owes money, it won't be the first, and it won't be the last.......United owes more than twice our island's total annual budget.

If their office is a basement, so what? Southwest didn't even have an office when it was set up on a piece of tissue paper in the seventies. I guess it's a struggle for all companies initially.

It's only the illegal stuff you should be concerned with, as we will all be, once (if) these allegations get past the stage of.........allegations.

pirill 1 29th Oct 2003 02:01

Here's my hundredth Euro worth before this tread sizzles out

To all the conspiracy theorists: gimme a break, this E2000 outfit couldn't fix a parking ticket let alone muzzle the courts, press, aviation authorities and girl-guide movement.

The Malta bashers: sour grapes cause you don't live in the land of sun, sea and honey.

Those with a (not so) hidden agenda: take the dummy out, it gives plug teeth.

Nerik & Robin Z: shouldn't you be studying for your next sim?

Nerik 29th Oct 2003 04:04

Sim is done and dusted....been a few weeks now. Want to know what's on the programme? Send me a few $$$ and I will tell you. After all we are living in Mexico with a British influence aren't we! lol

fimtek 30th Oct 2003 22:42

The CEO of this scam company is a fake.

The CEO of this scam company should be investigated by the Maltese civil aviation department on exactly how he got his license and how he built up his flight experience.

Sources in Malta have described how Mr. Big Shot pilot here used to conduct “Illegally” flights on a Piper Navajo with another Maltese cowboy pilot who killed himself and 5 other innocent passengers. At the time Micallef held a PPL from the UK CAA and the other had “issued” for a fee of $500 a FAA CPL.

I urge anyone flying to Malta NOT to use his ground handling services. He will rip you off !!!!!!!! and don't buy any airline tickets from his company !!!!!

You've been warned !!!!

Flap operator 1st Nov 2003 17:40

The CEO a fake ??? surely not.

heres my euro's worth (and its going to another country.. confirmed)...

Malta knockers ? sounds like a spot of paranoia from one post wonders: It's beautiful country, great people.. BUT....

So yer man was flying with the single engined merchant who the authorities turned a blind eye to was he ?

Now that hardly suprises me.
If the Malta CAA were prepared to allow this to continue until people died, and then said "Oh we were just about to investigate him" what level of authority is one supposed to trust?.

A previous post implied that this would be brushed under the carpet, and others say this is some dark anti Maltese theory.. my euros worth is :

I have seen it happen before on this nation state the size of the Isle of Wight, and I frankly doubt that this thread is as devisive as some would prefer to think it to be.
Wrists get slapped and palms get greased, but then the national attitude is a very insular one.... who is Malta accountable to ? and the greater question is.. will EU membership be seen as an opportunity to get the house in order ? let's see huh ?

A personal experience was introducing a new software package to Malta some years ago, presented it to a so called reputable company who wanted it, but declined to buy.. stating that they would find another user and get a bootleg copy !!!

Strikes me that whilst everybody is keeping stuff like this under wraps for national or family reasons there will be no progress.

The PA32 accident is apparently out there in the public domain.. it happened, and the only reason the cat was let out of the bag was that people got killed.

Consider that and put this thread down to conjecture :yuk:

fimtek 2nd Nov 2003 00:50

Authority ?????? What Authority ..... Ah ... you mean the National carrier,,, who until May 2004 holds the monopoly in Aviation. Have any of you people tried to operate any type of aviation related operation from Malta ??? Then you'll know what I mean.

Greasy Palms .... hahahahaha VERY Greasy.

People this is a typical SMALL ISLAND syndrome / mentality. It all depends on who you are and who you know !!!! Like Micallef who till today insists that he is still operating and has no problems.

your right to say its a very big shame for this wonderful little island nation. People in general are very good .. except for the likes of our big shot captain in question.

EU members and indeed the Maltese Government have a lot to do over here to clean up Malta.

Maybe .. just maybe these cover-ups and scams will be a thing of the past.

pirill 1 2nd Nov 2003 01:57

Who is Malta accountable to?

Why Mas'a, I am thinking that, maybe Suh, to its citizens.

Only someone who laments the demise of the Rajah would think otherwise.

Is your Greater Utopia answerable to someone else?

Paranoia? maybe...but only when it comes to self-styled 'cognoscenti' of the local scene who print drivel just 'cause they couldn't flog a floppy.

Nerik 2nd Nov 2003 05:22

Who is Malta accountable to because some companies bootleg PC programs and there is a dodgy airline (small airline by the way, not some large carrier) operation?
Using the same reasoning who are the US and UK accountable to when they justify wars by using 2nd hand student reports and doctored figures?! Who are the US accountable to when they dismiss International Treaties and agreements. Who is China accountable to when they occupy Tibet? Every country has issues.................
We could have a list of all the "honest" dealings of any country you'd like to mention Flap Operator up in a day and believe me you'll find that dodgy dealings, deals with the governments and perverting the course of justice is more common than you'd think or than your media might want you to believe (Italy? Have you read about any recent Italian court cases involving certain politicians and companies? Also, did they ever get to the bottom of the Ustica incident in Italy or is it a cover up involving the military planes of some "honest" states? Funny you decide against Malta coz of a Piper incident but a DC-9 incident is OK for you). It is OK to have a bash at Malta and other "small, insignificant corrupt little states" but just take a look at what the big boys have been doing and you'd quickly zip it.

RatherBeFlying 2nd Nov 2003 08:48

Nerik may be on to something.

The world would be better off with Bush running Malta where he can't do as much damage:E

GDR133 2nd Nov 2003 10:22

The mention of Oscar Wyatt Jr is very interesting. Does anyone know his actual involvement?

acehigh75 2nd Nov 2003 12:54

Oscar Wyatt is a director of European 2000 and also the financial backer with every cent. Don't know if they are making any money though.

What is the interesting connection?

fimtek 2nd Nov 2003 15:21

Well readers here’s the latest….

Capt. Untouchable Micallef has ridden off into the sunset to do some damage control with Mr. Wyatt and I’m guessing with the FAA as well.

Meanwhile, back in Malta Capt. Micallef has ordered some medical monitoring equipment for the remaining Metro which is equipped with a double stretcher. He told his Medical coordinator that he had to take one of the Metro’s back to the states where he has just picked up a “3 year contract” flying passengers in the US. Lets hope our friends in the US finally see through this mans lies and stop him in his tracks!!!!!

This man is a danger to the public, aviation and most of all to the reputation of this small and beautiful island nation.

So please, can’t someone do something about this self appointed captain before he is allowed to do anymore damage??

Flap operator 2nd Nov 2003 19:16

Piril 1
So .. lets get this right.

You support breach of international copyright law ?

You support selective enforcement of International aviation law ?

These and the core topic are matters of international concern and with EU membership just months away this should be ringing some alarm bells somewhere...... obviously not. :yuk:

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