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PFLsAgain 19th Aug 2002 16:49

1st helicopter lesson
I took my first helicopter lesson on Saturday at the preview day to Sleap's airshow. We've got a new outfit starting up in a week or two doing lessons from Sleap so I took the opportunity to try out a different style of flying.

It was an R22 - very nice, but the headset wasn't too great (minor quibble). They let me lose doing straight and level and a few gentle turns - wouldn't let me anywhere near the collective though! It was a little hard to resist the temptation to shove the cyclic forward, especially overhead the runway at about 50 feet with only 20-30 knots showing on the ASI. That certainly woke me up :D

It really was great fun. I hadn't considered helicopters before, but I could really get into this. Just got to save some money and finish my IMC.....

BTW - the airshow was really great, the weather was surprisingly good except for one brief but v. wet CB. I was relieving people of their cash on the gate - I could have done without some of the general public. Why is it that OAPs with bright shiny 6 week old cars and wallets full of money get abusive because there's no discount for them? :mad:

Evo7 19th Aug 2002 18:19

Be careful, PFLs - I mean, look what happened to Whirly.... ;) ;) :)

helimutt 20th Aug 2002 07:34

Glad to hear you enjoyed it. I did a similar thing back in 1994 and look what it led to. I did the trial lesson, enjoyed it so much, and ended up going home 5 weeks later with a shiny new PPL(H)!!

Whirlybird 20th Aug 2002 08:07

Ah yes...in September 1999 I went for a trial helicopter lesson, just for something different to do, that was all. I was hooked instantly!

Learn from me and helimutt...get out now while you still can!!!! :eek: Unless you want to be doomed to a life of bankruptcy by rotation, never go near one of them whirly things again!!!!!

Glad you enjoyed it. ;) Who's starting up at Sleap by the way? I might drop down and see; it's my closest airfield.

PFLsAgain 20th Aug 2002 09:32

I hear the warnings, but I think it might be too late! :D

Mr. PFLs sighed deeply as he saw the prices and stalked off muttering about obsessions.

The new outfit is called Whizzard helicopters - they've moved up to Sleap from somewhere else, but I really can't remember where. The formal approval is supposed to be given this Friday at the AGM which is why they won't be starting up for real until after then. It seems as though it will be a formality - I hope so for their sakes because they've got all their promotional literature already printed!

Seems like they'll be doing self hire as well as PPL/CPL lessons.

Looking forward to seeing them around, but my wallet's starting to ache :eek:

sunnysideup 20th Aug 2002 11:10

Git of a mate of mine (CFI at an unnamed Whirly-thing school) kept giving me freebes during positioning flights in various JetBoxes.

Now I'm bloody hooked. Like I said, the Git.

Trouble is, after a few proper lesson in the R22, I just had to do the Turbine things. Couldn't stand the little buzzy one.

Now I fly half the time, for twice the money but 10 times the fun

I'll still run out of money soon though..............


muffin 20th Aug 2002 19:21

Yup, know the feeling. Like many, I was hooked at the trial lesson. 10 months and 10 thousand quid later I had a licence to enable me to spend yet more!

Best thing I ever did.

sunnysideup 20th Aug 2002 19:57

Now the Rotorheads are reading this given its stange move over here, I wonder how many of them have tried fixed wing?

Had a Director of a Rotary TRTO in today and the usual plank v egg-whisk banter ensued.

So we took him up and turned him upside down a little (well, a lot actually but he deserved it!).:eek!:

After sequence with a flick roll and a run and break on they way back, he couldn't shake the grin off his face and finally saw the light (ahem)!:D :D

Up & Away 20th Aug 2002 21:26

Cambridge Helicopters have come to Fenland Lincolnshire Flying the S300.
So... its much cheaper than a turbine without the limitations of the Robbo (I do think the R22 is an OK machine but its not for everybody)
Trial Lesson anybody???

Vortex what...ouch! 22nd Aug 2002 12:37

Flying fixed wing
Have to say have never tried fixed wing. I always wanted to fly rotary and have done now for about 5 years.

So who wants to do a trade? I will take you in a chopper and you take me in your fixed wing? Has to be aeros or such like as strait and level is pants ;)


muffin 23rd Aug 2002 07:29


Quite happy to oblige you with that. If you want to come here some time we can take the Cessna somewhere for a trip. I need to get some fixed wing hours in as I spend all my flying budget on helicopters these days.

sunnysideup 23rd Aug 2002 08:29


Me Me Me Me ME!!!

If you want decent aeros, it has to be a Turbine ride!!

Robin 2160 = JetBox type Extra 300 (brace yourself!!) = Gazelle!!!

:D :D

Vortex what...ouch! 23rd Aug 2002 12:41

Sounds like an offer I can’t refuse :)

I check your email.

Please be gentle though :D Never done any aeros before.

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