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Machismo 9th May 2011 04:24

I know I am going to get blasted for being a CFI but I am sure none of you on here have ever done that though. So I guess I'm a rookie, a dumb robbie pilot, insert your quip here. I am however, always willing to listen to older more seasoned pilots so I am asking a simple to the point question.

I am a CFII, AGI,IGI, as a Chief Pilot would you prefer to see these credentials and a humble attitude over just a CFI or CFII who is just building time? I honestly enjoy teaching and like seeing the "ah ha" moment when a student finally gets something. So would you in your honest opinion do I fair a better chance on getting that slot to teach versus others, or is it just good luck?

The school I am at from the sound of things will be closing their doors soon and unfortunately I do not have the hours to get a job other than teaching. Like I said I do like to teach though. I know most school like to hire their own born and bred sorta speak

Sorry for any grammatical errors and punctuation god knows I don't need that problem. Not that grammar is not important I am just just a(n) English major.


IntheTin 9th May 2011 06:38


I know I am going to get blasted for being a CFI but I am sure none of you on here have ever done that though. So I guess I'm a rookie, a dumb robbie pilot, insert your quip here. I am however, always willing to listen to older more seasoned pilots so I am asking a simple to the point question.

Mate, I don't think you need to be quite so defensive on this site when asking a question as you do on that other site that you posted the same question.

I think you'll find all sorts of pilots here with all sorts of standards without that cloak of staying totally anonymous. :ok:

Machismo 9th May 2011 08:01

True, I've been on here for a bit always just to watch. This does seem more like a community versus a free-for-all like other sites.


Gordy 9th May 2011 13:42

I am a CFII, AGI,IGI, as a Chief Pilot would you prefer to see these credentials and a humble attitude over just a CFI or CFII who is just building time?
Are you talking about getting another CFI job or non-CFI job?

For a CFI job, it may put you ahead of the curve, but certainly in my case, it matters not. It can however show a more positive attitude, but then again---if you flaunt it, it will be a detriment to you. In reality, the AGI is really just another written test---I would probably leave it off a resume and let them find out when they pull your records.

Machismo 9th May 2011 19:25


This is for a CFI related job. I never really flaunt anything to be honest I would like to consider myself a very humble person. I understand that I am a very fortunate person for what I am able to do. I know lots of people that have always wanted to fly but are unable for what ever reason and for that I am always grateful.

Guido Krane 10th May 2011 16:28

choose you path
better a good chief instructor than a mediocre pilot.
What's your final goal? what do you want to do when you grow up?
There are gazillion applications of helicopters mainly grouped in few industries:
each one has a set of requirements without which you cannot progress just choose one you like and step by step go and get the experience you need for the following step. Salary cannot be the only factor, some get rewards from saving lives, some from making passengers happy, some for putting out fires, some for flying the new machine etc.
Someone go through the Tours Industry before the Gulf or the Hems but basically no one can start in the CORPORATE unless you have a personal relationship with the employer and you are in the right spot at the right time but i wouldn't count on luck.
Utility is better in small operations where you can find a Mentor giving you the secret tips you may need when you grow up.
Just choose where you wanna be in the future and go through the steps and pay your dues. We all did and started as a CFI, aCFII a AGI an Assistant chief a Chief or the windows cleaner, the fueltruck driver, the cargo hook marshall, the radio operator the chase support truck driver.
I know you spent a bunch of bucks for your training, you took a student loan not different from a bachelor student, and want to get the first employment to be $60K/year with benefits but it is crisis for doctors and lawyers so we all accept what we can too, as long as we have a job. But you are in the right truck and willing to ask the right questions so you will make it, don't worry.:D

Machismo 11th May 2011 02:47

My ultimate goal is to be a utility pilot when I grow up. Hoping to work fires after I get long line experience that is my end goal. I don't know yet how I am going to get there, but I know I'll get there eventually. I hope to shake the right hands along the way but I know I have a lot to learn before I get to any of those jobs. From what I've seen most people what to skip all the "due paying" jobs and just get to the end goal. I'm trying to use all the jobs I do as just another tool in the box that I can hopefully use when I do get to flying fires. Guess we'll see how it all pans out in the end.

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