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Whirlygig 22nd Feb 2011 13:34

Whilst the 66 take off and landings might have been better done further away from onlookers

Each time we pilots climb into a helicopter we are aware of the risks involved and make an informed decision to continue.
What's with the "we"? - it's patently obvious that some pilots (past, present and future) aren't aware of the risks and do not make informed decisions.

My view is that the take-off as seen on the video earlier was not big and it was not clever: not a good advert for the company and not setting a good example. And if anyone want to call me a po-faced namby-pamby, then bring it on! :p



goldeneaglepilot 22nd Feb 2011 14:03

Peter Principle,

Now lets think - new name, defending SB and his actions, no public profile. Could it even be SB ??????????


toptobottom 22nd Feb 2011 14:10

With respect, you're talking nonsense :=

It matters not a groat whether the crowd is a public gathering or not - the point is, the 250+ invited audience was instructed to stand within 20m or so of the aircraft when the pilot unexpectedly decided to do a towering t/o. Members of the audience could have moved away but (i) I'm not sure where to since the closed hangar was behind them and (ii) I doubt they could have moved more quickly that the debris flying of a crashed R66!

This thread is about what's going on at Heli Air, not a Heli Air/SB bashing session. Given that Heli Air has worked so hard to present itself as a professional organisation, it was a shame to see that discredited with such a crass display of airmanship, particularly after all the rumours about the way it's treated its long serving staff, that's all. I would have been a lot more impressed if the towering t/o was performed 100m away in Echo, the transition was a lot less aggressive and SB didn't go IMC in front of his prospects. Cool? I think not :cool:

hands_on123 22nd Feb 2011 14:24

someone posted earlier that video reminded them of this..

YouTube - Wedding Helicopter Take Off.. with a twist

Cows getting bigger 22nd Feb 2011 14:53

Thanks, I was having an embedding faff. :O

Yes, it does bear similarities.

finals06 22nd Feb 2011 16:07

Heli Air Silverstone
In response to 1helicopterppl..

I asked the question 'what is happening about Silverstone' earlier on in this thread simply because HELIAIRSILVERSTONE are responsible for delivering a heliport at the circuit during the F1 GP event. There are plenty of rumours but no official word regarding the heliport, slots or landing fees. Any problem they (Heli Air) might have could soon become a problem for the rest of us!

1helicopterppl 22nd Feb 2011 17:02

TTB, an excellent post, agree with you 100%.

1helicopterppl 22nd Feb 2011 17:10

Heliar Silverstone
Heliair Silverstone have always understood there will be changes to a) the Heliair FATO & b) the GP FATO 2011 due to the ongoing upgrading of Silverstone circuit.

I understand that both FATO's will remain inside the circuit for 2011 but at different locations to 2010. Perhaps we should wait until after the meeting at Turweston on 1 March when hopefully Silverstone Circuits will reveal all the information required for Heliair to manage the GP FATO & announce full details for the GP in Jully 2011.

hands_on123 22nd Feb 2011 20:54

I bet Heliair management are loving this thread.

goldeneaglepilot 22nd Feb 2011 22:44

Lets hope they can step back from the "I know best, I am the best and I will show everone how good I am" attitude which has been the downfall of many businesses and can address the weakness and build on the strengths. If I was CP then I would wonder how much the action of others is undermining and devaluing (my shareholding) in what had been a great business rather than enhancing it.

Heliair historically was a good company, it appears from the posts of many to be having a rough time now, lets hope they can learn and turn that around before its too late. In my experience, the greatest asset to a company is how they react to criticism and move forward from it. Ego has no place in a good company, it should depend on a good team capable of listening to what is being said and adopting and growing from it.

People will never totally agree as to the best way to do something, a skilled business man / manager uses the skills of a strong team to take direction, always respecting the most important person in the equation - the customer.

A professional, consistant approach will always pay dividends (and save a lot of money due to law suits over dismissals or disgruntled clients). I am speaking in general business terms rather than speculating that this is happening at Heliair.

I am sitting on the fence but guess that the next few weeks will decide the future of Heliair, SB's display has raised lots of questions about the ethos towards professionalism and the future. Most people (customers) in my experience in this situation don't make a noise, they vote with their feet and take business elsewhere, avoiding bringing controversy and avoidable hassle into their own busy lives.

cladosporangium 23rd Feb 2011 08:16


I agree with you.

It's strange (or should that be eyrie, geddit?) that everything in your last post could be written about Sterling Helicopters.

(read thread on East Anglia Air Ambulance)

They all show scant regard for the customer.:ugh:

Not clever.

Whirlygig 23rd Feb 2011 09:01

that everything in your last post could be written about Sterling Helicopters.
I think not. Sterling Helicopters' ethos is very different to that of Heliair's and the reasons behind each of their current difficulties is also very different.



Sir Niall Dementia 24th Feb 2011 13:46

Different companies, different owners but remarkably similar styles of

At last years' Spring Brief few, if any of the people I saw afterwards were impressed either by SB or his speech.

The disaster in charge of Longmint left a similar impression on another occasion.

Maninknow 25th Feb 2011 17:44

Black 44 Take Off At R66 Launch
I will comment on the R44 departure just prior to the R66 flights. Madness and insanity. A Celebs aircraft with him on board. A CPL/Instructor and previous owner of his own helicopter company who should have more sense and two other pax. Have none of them seen or heard all the previous accident reports of Bad Weather flying Killing people. I could not believe what I was seeing. And as far as I can ascertain they were back off to Gloucester where they had arrived from about an hour earlier in just as poor conditions. Plain Madness and they should know better and be ashamed of themselves.

As for the R66 Launch. Great presentation and first class catering/drinks provision. Just a shame that it was spoilt so seriously by similar stupidity of taking off in such close proximity to so many un-protected people. If it had gone wrong it would have been carnage. Show the machine off by all means but do not try to be clever and show off yourself and your piloting abilities without taking the proper precautions to ensure the safety of your invited guests.

Me personally. I stood in the Hangar behind the closed section of door. I care for my Limbs and Life.

zip 14th Mar 2011 17:28

Miserable comments
There are so many miserable comments on here ....amazing ..

The R66 is a great machine and the first truly new affordable product since the R44. Cost to run is very sensible too.

The Heli Air launch was excellent ....I do not think many people would go to the effort SB did.

Let's have some gratitude and a bit of cheer for Frank's invention !!

Heliport 14th Mar 2011 21:04


You have posted only 6 times.
Almost all those posts have extolled the virtues of Robinsons, HeliAir and SB.

The regulars on this forum aren't stupid and will undoubtedly realise that you have a very close association with HeliAir and with SB.


helihub 14th Mar 2011 21:24

zip - his thread is not dissing the R66, but there are plenty of comments about the level of airmanship shown by someone flying Europe's first R66 at an event he was hosting. There have also been various notes on his approach to HR processes.

The R66 launch event was proportionate to the profit they will likely make from the sales - "the reveal" was well choreographed, the hospitality was great and visitors came from at least as far as Cork (yes, to sample *that* weather!!). I see the other dealer is doing a tour right around UK and Eire with theirs.

hands_on123 14th Mar 2011 21:50

Once all the R66 launch fuss has died down and the 10-15 "look at me" private owners have bought their toys, will the R66 be enough to save HeliAir?

That is the $64,000 question.

They hardly sold any R44s in 2009-2010 so who are these people who are going to buy the R66?

Hughes500 14th Mar 2011 22:30


How naive you are to believe any manufacturer as to what his machines cost to run, especially those with no history.

Heliport 17th Mar 2011 07:20

What's going on at Heli Air?
Latest News
Another one gone .....

I've been reliably informed that Quentin Smith resigned from HeliAir Ltd on the 4th March and is no longer associated in any way with the company.

End of an era.
Q and Mike Smith built up a very successful company and, under their leadership, the 'old' HeliAir used to be the most consistently recommended UK helicopter school.


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