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toptobottom 17th Jan 2011 16:54

Remember when Top Gear was good?

Looks like it's about to get better... Starts Sunday 23rd at 20:00 on BBC2.
Anyone own up to being the pilot before then? Hope your Rule 5 exemption is ready :E

RVDT 17th Jan 2011 17:00

Do you need Rule 5 to land on an airport as well?

Poor sods.

Need money 17th Jan 2011 17:19

I thought it was Q from HeliAir

Hughes500 17th Jan 2011 18:22

Why rule 5 exemption, looks like he is going to try and land, but is it normal aviation practisce ? :ok:

FLY 7 17th Jan 2011 18:29

Looks like a caption competition ;)

Apparently there's another item where they drop a car from a helicopter - do you need a special exemption for that?

yme 17th Jan 2011 20:21

You need to be flying a real aircraft for rule 5:E

ShyTorque 17th Jan 2011 21:59

Apparently there's another item where they drop a car from a helicopter - do you need a special exemption for that?
If you're talking UK rules.....take a wild guess...... :ok:

RVDT 18th Jan 2011 06:42

Top Gear,

Pointless yet entertaining!

Tarman 18th Jan 2011 07:00

I thought that it was only gliders that needed a tow to get airborne :}


oldbeefer 18th Jan 2011 07:56

I remember when we used to drop a car on every families day at Odious, always preceded by " will the owner of red whatever please remove his car, or it will be airlifted away". Ah, the things you can get away with when flying military registered!

topendtorque 18th Jan 2011 09:35

Looks like it's about to get better...
It may do, yes it may do. No helmet on the pilot, looks like the limo is already loaded up with camera gear and a reasonably heavy landing apparatus on top as well. For the size of that car a fair load to lump onto it, probably would put it beyond its max AUW. Attach points of the apparatus don't look speccie either, but a bit hard to see.

I hope fopr the sake of the helicopter owner that he has his t's crossed if it goes pear shaped.

I wonder what that helicopter does for it's day job, with an instrument panel that would look more at home in a mack truck, and those landing lights, be gees,the pilot must have a night vision probelm?

Pandalet 18th Jan 2011 10:30

Actually, if that's the R22 I think it is, I believe it's used for training. It's one of the old IMC trainers, although only used for VFR these days. I may even have done some training in it a year or so back.

ShyTorque 18th Jan 2011 10:36

I remember when we used to drop a car on every families day at Odious, always preceded by " will the owner of red whatever please remove his car, or it will be airlifted away". Ah, the things you can get away with when flying military registered!
Oh, what I would give to be able to fly under military rules once more - how much easier my job would be (yours too, probably).

500e 18th Jan 2011 11:11

Idea for New London heliports ?

readgeoff 18th Jan 2011 11:20

From the picture here that is almost certainly Q from HeliAir in G-OCOV which is owned by HeliAir and currently based out of Wycombe. Looks like a fun challenge... wonder if it was in autorotation which would have made it considerably more difficult.

787-1 18th Jan 2011 11:50

From the picture here that is almost certainly Q from HeliAir in G-OCOV which is owned by HeliAir and currently based out of Wycombe. Looks like a fun challenge... wonder if it was in autorotation which would have made it considerably more difficult.
I thought it was G-DMCD which has the IFR panel?:
Heli Air | Robinson Sales - Pre-owned | G-DMCD R22 Beta

readgeoff 18th Jan 2011 13:52

Hmmm it could well be.

Its hard to tell in the picture whether its a big black jacket that Q is wearing or the large instrument panel. To me it looks more like a jacket.

Ill see if I can find out when I am in on Saturday.

JimBall 18th Jan 2011 13:54

As the organiser for this shoot, can I just step-in before the barrack room spins out of control?

Car manufacturer design engineers (VW) consulted on loadings, mounting points, CoGs etc. Platform built and installed by the world's best film "action vehicles" engineers. CAA consulted and approvals obtained.

(The Yeti, by the way, I would buy tomorrow. Excellent strength and load capabilities. No additional strengthening was needed and the "pad" bolted direct into the pillars that go straight into the main monocoque of the chassis. Standard roof loading no problem.)

Whole exercise rehearsed successfully in incremental stages several weeks ahead. Speeds agreed. Course agreed. 2-way radio contact between car & heli. Agreed "break, break" procedure controlled by observer in camera car talking to pilot direct.

So, topendtorque, hope you enjoy the real facts. And the 22 is an Instrument Trainer (no longer made) which spends its active life in instruction. The lights are a requirement by the UK CAA for night-flying by 22s. 44s also have similar kit for night.( When the 22 was first allowed to fly in a UK night it had to have a flare kit!)

wokkaboy 18th Jan 2011 14:17

Well said JimBall, at least somebody knows what they are talking about...


pumaboy 18th Jan 2011 15:50

the Hamster
Top Gear

Would be better if the Hamster was removed he knows nothing about cars and the stuff that comes out of that gob is remarkable!!!!!!!:ugh::ugh:

manitoubrian 18th Jan 2011 18:06

Ah Pumaboy, if it wasn't for Richard Hammond and James May providing some balance for Clarkson the show would be unwatchable. The Hamster is very funny in his own right....

pumaboy 19th Jan 2011 06:17

I mean Hamster should be replaced by that German Girl she knows more than him.

Oh and she is better looking and funnier.

Infern0 19th Jan 2011 06:40

Puma: At least you're not stuck with American Top Gear's presenters.

theaceofblades 19th Jan 2011 08:19

Get over yourself, he's a petrol head just like many of us and I believe he's qualified to fly an R44.

oldpinger 19th Jan 2011 08:37

Or Australian!!!!!:ugh:

pumaboy 19th Jan 2011 10:11

:oh:Ya his head is full of petrol explodes with just smallest bit of excitment.


Uncapeez 19th Jan 2011 10:49

Quite right.. it is Q..

FLY 7 19th Jan 2011 11:35

Cars are getting tedious.

Surely it's only a matter of time before Top Gear moves away from driving to flying.

Clarkson is a real aviation enthusiast, May has a fixed wing PPL and owns G-OCOK, Hammond has an R44 RII, G-OHAM, and even Sabine Schmitz flies helicopters. They just need The Stig's 'test pilot' cousin.

Oh, and of course, there'd be the 'fastest lap in a reasonably priced helicopter' - for Jay Kay

It's clearly the future :)

heli-cal 21st Jan 2011 01:56

a reasonably priced helicopter
Wot's one of them? :confused:

JTobias 21st Jan 2011 10:00

Is this not normal aviation practise ?
I use this method regularly to avoid the 28 day rule.
Doesn't everyone ?

Joel :ok:

pumaboy 23rd Jan 2011 14:27

Jkay do you not think they will have to learn how drive cars first before flying Helicopters especially the Hamster he scares me.


toptobottom 23rd Jan 2011 20:10

Hmmm... Well, a smirking Q in DMCD was entertaining but, disappointingly, the rest of it was mediocre at best, plain silly at worst. At least there were two helicopter appearances to keep our attention :ok:

BobbyBolkow 31st Jan 2011 13:23

Hampster's replacement?

If your hinting at the beautiful, foxy Sebina Schmitt (her wot took the 'Tranny' round the Nurnburgring), she'd get my vote as well. :ok:

Certainly like to see more of her.

..............Oooops! Said that out loud didn't I :O

SilsoeSid 8th Feb 2011 15:46

I wonder when his plane will be on e-bay?




toptobottom 8th Feb 2011 16:52

Has nobody realised that most of these things are stunts and planned?
Surely not? :eek:

Capetonian 8th Feb 2011 17:40

There obviously are people who take them seriously.

I still think it's the best programme on TV, in fact the only one worth switching the idiot box on for on a regular basis.

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