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-   -   Yellow Sea King needed (https://www.pprune.org/rotorheads/432842-yellow-sea-king-needed.html)

js75 5th Nov 2010 11:45

Yellow Sea King needed

I'm completely new to Rotorheads, but was advised to join by Dave brown at PDG.

I'm a Photographic Producer, and I currently have a potential (Print, not TV) project that requires the use of a Yellow Sea King, in the UK.

The helicopter itself can be shot static on the ground and we will shoot the other elements seperately. However, we may need the option of photographing the craft in a hover too. Our requirements are pretty straightforward. We would bring a small crew (this is print not TV) to your location and we would require about 6 hours for the shoot.

We realise of course that we would be on an operational base with all of that entails, so we would be happy to work within your schedules, restrictions and HSE considerations.

Does anybody have any suggestions of available vessels and the related costs?

Any assistance is greatly appreciated.

Kind regards,

Agaricus bisporus 5th Nov 2010 13:09

The only yellow SeaKings are the (few) RAF SAR ones. Why not contact the units themselves, or the RAF publicity/PR/press office. Two minutes on a websearch should provide the info.

TorqueOfTheDevil 5th Nov 2010 13:52

(few) RAF SAR ones
Since when was 25 large helicopters "few"?! Valley is the best bet, with 5 aircraft; the others are scattered around the RAF SAR bases or in deep maintenance. Best bet is to try the SAR Force Executive Officer in the HQ at Valley.

js75 5th Nov 2010 14:35

Many thanks for your response.
I have emailed the MOD press officer all the relevant information, and now have to await a response - which could take a couple of days (concept approval.......etc.)
In the meantime I did contact a couple of bases directly, but they said it all had to be approved by MOD PR.

We shall see..........

I did find a great scale-model at RAF Cosford though!

Many thanks,

Earl of Rochester 5th Nov 2010 14:49

Or .. just pay a miniscule royalty to one of the numerous world-class aviation photographers on airliners.net (or numerous other sources) and have your photo delivered watermark free with publishing rights within 30 mins - just like the media do!















Literally hundreds more images all over the web!

Earl :ok:

Earl of Rochester 5th Nov 2010 15:09

Applying the addage "I've started so I'll finish" I offer the following which couldn't fit onto the previous post!















heliwanab 6th Nov 2010 08:19

amaz pics guys, surely the daddy of the SAR world:D:ok:

Tallsar 6th Nov 2010 23:51

Yeah they sure are....particularly when you consider at least one pic was taken in 1978 and then they come rightup to date.....and note the squadron badges....22, 202, 203 all there...only 78 Sqn Falklands missing = haven't these cabs been looked after well.......good for another 35 years IMO!:D:)

BTW the handsome radarwinchop holding his yellow hat so proudly is Ron Webb.....more SK SAR hours than anyone in the universe(was on No1 RAF course in 1977) and the finest and most professional yet modest SAR person you are ever likely to meet!!:ok:

Earl of Rochester 7th Nov 2010 05:01

With love to Tallsar .. and my apologies to the 78!



L-R; Master Air Crewman Duncan Tripp, Flt Lt Steve Johnson, Lt Brew Brooman (Squadron mascot also in evidence!) at the Mt. Pleasant SAR base, Falkland Islands


Westland Sea King HAR3, XZ586 of No.78 Squadron Royal Air Force Search and Rescue unit wearing the Squadron's 75th Anniversay markings at Mount Pleasant, Falkland Islands, 29th January 1991


HelipadR22 7th Nov 2010 07:59

May as well join in and add my own :)




Call me for a price ;)

Tallsar 7th Nov 2010 15:45

Thanks Earl ...your "love" is much appreciated.....and great pics too....Tiger Tiger as they say!! Sorry to be pedantic...but check your ac reg details XZ586 (SK3 No 2 off the original 15 ac production line!!!:eek::sad::8 ----I have a horrid feeling XD586 was a Whirlwind 10 at 2FTS when I did my rotary training mmmmm sadder still!:O:)

sycamore 7th Nov 2010 19:05

Tallsar,XD586 was in the Vampire T11 series,but not allocated; you may be thinking of XD186,or even XK986,or even XR486,but that was a QF a/c,unlikely,as it was withdrawn in `67...

Tallsar 8th Nov 2010 07:19

Sycamore....I stand rightly corrected...I was after all only grasping at fading memories......but on checking my log book it was indeed 186.....and now all is as it should be.....Thanks

More to the point.... JS75....Have you had any success with that fine Welsh officer at SARF HQ at Valley re your photo request?

Bertie Thruster 8th Nov 2010 07:34


Heli-Ice 8th Nov 2010 21:51

Hi Earl.

What flag is this on the nose of the Sea King in one of your pictures?

Tallsar 8th Nov 2010 22:19

Hi Heli-Ice
The flag is that of the City of Durham.....often carried (certainly in the past) by at least one aircraft allocated to Boulmer. 202 Sqn received the Freedom of the City of Durham in (OMG was it 93 or 94).....and somewhere there are pics of a three ship overflying the glorious cathedral to help celebrate too. It should have been a 5 ship -one from each of the Flts (Yes 202 had 5 UK Flts in those days!)...but op committments (and unserviceabilities) played their part in preventing it.:D

Earl of Rochester 9th Nov 2010 04:01

As PPRuNer 'Tallsar' states, the Sea King with the 'flag' on the nose is in fact wearing the shield of the City of Durham.

Here is some history behind the meaning of the shield and its colours:



The ancient arms of the City of Durham were recorded in 1615. The white cross on a black shield stands for St. Augustine, founder of the Church of England. On this placed a red cross to represent the link between Durham and the Church. The red cross is also said to represent St. Oswald, first Christian King of Northumbria.

When the new, larger, city was formed in 1974, Garter King of Arms added a crest and supporters for the larger area. The crest has the distinctive mitre within a ducal coronet of the Bishop of Durham. This is lifted by two arms, representing the people of the city, uoholding all that is good in the city.

The supporters are two gold lions, ducally crowned. They are the symbol of St. Oswald. The miner's lamps, are for the traditional coal-mining of the area.
The motto "Faith, Foresight and Industry" was used for many years by Durham Rural District Council.

(With thanks to Laurence Jones for this information).






Tallsar 9th Nov 2010 06:46

Ah Well - never mind Earl.....and life could have become so colourful! :{ TTFN!...and SPLOT --- up so early......"Semper Vigilate!":)

js75 9th Nov 2010 08:30

Sea King needed
Dear All,

Many thanks for all of your responses regarding our search for a Sea king.
I received clarification from the MOD Press Office yesterday that, unfortunately, we would not be allowed access to any MOD Base to take pictures of a RAF sea King, as it would imply endorsement of the product.
We suspected this may be the outcome.

Unfortunately, purchasing 'stock' shots is not an option either, as the angle we see the aircraft is very specific.

Once again, many thanks for all your posts.

Kind regards,

forget 9th Nov 2010 08:49

... as it would imply endorsement of the product.
I'm known to be a little simple. Someone please explain.

Who's being paid, and what, to make decisions like this? Any vacancies?

forget 9th Nov 2010 09:31

... as the angle we see the aircraft is very specific.
You never know, if you explained here just what you want it may just happen by coincidence. You might even be told, before hand, where and when?

Where's crab@?

... as it would imply endorsement of the product.
Still baffled.:confused:

Bertie Thruster 9th Nov 2010 13:16

Any specific angle?



Heli-Ice 9th Nov 2010 15:55

Earl and Tallsar.

Thank you for your explanation. The reason why I asked was that from the distance, this shield carried a bit of a taste of the Icelandic national flag.

On the second picture in post #17 the Sea King is well equipped for deep water ops, wearing Wellies and all... :D

Tallsar 9th Nov 2010 17:14

No probs Heli-Ice...a pleasure.

JS75......I am suprised you are being fobbed off in this way so directly unless your specific request for photography is to do with advertising a commercial product.....your last reply suggests it is.

That said, there are many precedents where this has hapend before, but it invariably means that you had to edit out the RAF branded bits on the ac...you will find quite a few companies do it this way.

That all said, I still think it is worth you following previous advice and contacting the RAF SARF Chief of Staff at Valley. I am sure he will give you a hearing and if he feels you have a case, will advise you accordingly.


Heliport 9th Nov 2010 19:28


I'm a Photographic Producer, and I currently have a potential (Print, not TV) project that requires the use of a Yellow Sea King, in the UK.
You haven't told us why you and/or your client want photographs of a yellow Sea King.

If they are to be used in connection with advertising some product or service then the MoD response seems entirely reasonable.


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