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Wizzard 2nd Nov 2010 20:01

CHC are managed by Canadians who are in turn being directed by Americans :\

weedwacker 3rd Nov 2010 12:07

Sorry, I should of said, wolfs disguised as sheep ! :suspect:

Heliringer 3rd Nov 2010 12:11

Rumour has it CHC have won the Woodside contract and will be looking to employ staff shortly. Any truth in this?

nonac 14th Nov 2010 09:33

CHC have a few more casualties in Adelaide to put through the wringer first. The remaining Adelaide operations will shortly be under the same spotlight as that their collegues recently experienced. Unfortunately for the people invloved, the decisions have already been made, there is just a bit of role play remains to take place.:sad:

Shell Management 14th Nov 2010 15:06

It is clear why CHC brought in an outside manager, and one who was even outside CHC, to push this through.

nonac 15th Nov 2010 00:28

Well they had a perfect opportunity to utilise some heavily experienced staff in the suggested process of ramping up H1 ops and save a bucket load of money in retrenchment payouts. Funny that they decided not to. I'd hang my hat on there being nothing in the romour you have heard.

nonac 17th Nov 2010 09:44

Those that have been affected were not able to demand any pay rise each year, they had been subjected to a pay freeze on more than one occasion in the past and simply had to be grateful for the 2-3% they were given from time to time. whilst those around them on EBA's managed to squeeze double figures.

You get dead wood in any organisation. Although the dead wood you refer to often pulled a rabbit out of the hat to save the day, when all appeared lost.

My predictions are not based on any scientific theory, more simple facts from a couple of people very much in the know.

Only time will prove me right or wrong. I am not a betting man, but if the bookies were taking bets, I think even a scientific theory would be backing my prediction.

prehar 20th Nov 2010 07:51

Woodside Contract to CHC
Hi Guys ,

The Woodside Energy contract has been awarded to CHC . If you go to the jsfirm website , CHC has advertised for AW-139 IFR Captains .


Heliringer 20th Nov 2010 08:24

Re AW139 Captains.

Won't they need to advertise in Australia first before they start looking at overseas contract pilots?

There are no Australian based pilot jobs advertised on the CHC webpage at the moment.

MyTarget 20th Nov 2010 08:36

Its not the only location CHC global operate AW139's. So who said they are advertising for the Oz contract?

Heliringer 20th Nov 2010 11:04

The fella above my last post was sort of making that connection by mentioning the Woodside contract and AW139 Pilots being needed. At least that's the way I read it.

AS332L1 20th Nov 2010 20:14

The CHC website only asks for IFR Captains Touring no mention of Australia :=

Mark Six 20th Nov 2010 21:21

CHC Global will not be recruiting or supplying pilots for the Woodside contract. This is an Australian contract and as such CHC Australia will be responsible for it. I would be very surprised if CHC Australia advertised for or recruited pilots from outside Australia for this or any other contract.

drop lead 20th Nov 2010 21:55

Prepare to be surprised, Woodside is very much a Canadaian run global project.

Variable Load 21st Nov 2010 02:02

Prepare to be surprised, Woodside is very much a Canadaian run global project.
I disagree, there's a very simple reasons why Australian contracts will be manned by Australian citizens - they can! Government rules and union agreements will tie the hands of any company who thinks they can bid low on the basis of cheaper overseas labour.

Only if demand outstrips supply can a company then apply for work permits.

This ain't unique to Oz either, it's the same the world over. There are no touring GO pilots in Europe, there are no CHC Scotia pilots in Norway, there will be no CHC GO pilots in Australia unless there's not enough qualified and experienced Aussie pilots to man the aircraft.

CHC GO exists because they operate in countries that don't already have sufficient pilots/engineers/managers to run an operation.

It's not a bad time to be an offshore pilot in Oz, things are looking up :ok:

spinwing 21st Nov 2010 02:32

Mmmm ...

And anyway .... there are now quite a few Aussies/Kiwi's qualified on the 139 and who could make themselves available ....


MyTarget 21st Nov 2010 06:55

And there are a number of Oz pilots working for Global already who could easily change business units from Global to CHC Australia.

Heliringer 28th Jan 2011 07:56

Have CHC Australia started recruitment for the Woodside contract. I have seen the criteria on the CHC jobs page but has anyone been called forward for testing and interviews, or since I have not heard anything should I assume I've been unsucessful on this occasion?

GreenerGrass 29th Jan 2011 07:50

Heard a bunch of the HNZ blokes have a gig.

spinwing 29th Jan 2011 08:43

Mmmmm ....

I have it on very good authority that , Yes ... some have been asked
to interview and be psych tested.


Also heard of the Kiwi rumour ... and also that there was a sign on bonus .... surely that can't be right ???

.... Interesting eh :}

catseye 29th Jan 2011 11:18

new ems boss
heard rumours of a new boss for ems coming? any truth in the rumour:)

overpitch 6th Apr 2011 22:42

So anyone know if the jobs for Woodside are actually filled?

Did they even employ outside of the 'available' pool of qualififed drivers (excepting 225's) as per the above posts with HNZ....

Were the spots filled already - CAPT & FO, regardless of the advertised positions?

Just curious this has gone quiet for a while.


F4GP1L0T 14th Apr 2011 02:55

I've heard that they had an MRT team planned after shutting Adelaide hangar and laying people off and had even employed people to work the MRT team and then turned around and told them they changed their mind. Would CASA refuse to endorse a mobile repair team as it is not a fixed maint base location?

F4GP1L0T 14th Apr 2011 02:58

I heard that HeliOne bought HeliTech?

John Eacott 5th Sep 2017 09:58

Helicopter firm CHC hit by fallout from training scandal

The largest commercial helicopter operator in Australia has — like Qantas — been hit by a national air safety audit that exposed a serious training bungle at TAFE SA that could have endangered the lives of air travellers.

CHC Helicopter, which employs more than 400 people at 22 bases across the country, yesterday said some of its aircraft maintenance engineers were affected by the training scandal at the Parafield Airport campus of TAFE SA.

As revealed by The Weekend Australian, about 90 aircraft maintenance engineers, who work to ensure planes and helicopters are safe to fly, have had key parts of their licences suspended “until further notice” amid an investigation by the Civil Aviation Safe

Andy Johnson, CHC Helicopter regional maintenance manager Asia Pacific, told The Australian that TAFE SA was engaged for a “small number” of engineers to advance their skills and for a “handful” of basic licence training exams.

“The licence restriction removal training and exams were to extend certification coverage, but required further, as yet uncompleted, training on specific types of aircraft to be granted certification privileges,” Mr Johnson said.

He said the bungle had not affected the company’s day-to-day operations.

This comes after Qantas said the airline would not recognise or approve the training qualifications undertaken by a “small number” of its engineers at TAFE SA while CASA continued its investigation.

Yesterday, South Australian Skills Minister Susan Close confirmed a routine audit by CASA earlier this year found the TAFE SA students were not assessed to the correct standards and exams had raised questions as to whether they were taught the right skills. Dr Close was informed of the matter in April but did not tell the public.

She said the government was “looking at the legal advice on what kind of liability that TAFE has and what kind of compensation might need to be offered”.

“If we’ve done the wrong thing we need to be honest about that,” she told ABC radio.

Opposition spokesman David Pisoni and Greens MP Tammy Franks called on Dr Close to direct an audit of all TAFE SA processes and qualifications. However, Dr Close said this was unnecessary as “professions are audited in the appropriate way by the accrediting authority”.

A former student of the suspended aircraft maintenance course at TAFE SA yesterday said CASA was investigating allegations that many of those doing the course at Parafield Airport had not completed the practical component, and when it was offered it was fast-tracked, with some material already assembled to enable students to pass quickly.

He said CASA also was examining whether some students were advised to sign enrolment and attendance logs to obtain practical qualifications that they would not be undertaking, in order to provide evidence of compliance. It also has been alleged the course was designed to allow as many students as possible to pass exams, with little emphasis on learning the theory or practical components.

A CASA spokesman said he could not comment on that aspect of the investigation “at this stage”.

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