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fling-wing_1 10th Oct 2009 05:40

Crazy Idea Maybe?
I'm looking at a possibility of taking a contract in Southern Europe. Hard work but good pay and time off.

I've a little two place piston popper heli that is almost done with a complete refurb. The thought has occurred to me to perhaps container it over and on time off do a little flying. Maybe do some flying with co-workers and/or nationals who might want to show a bloke their country from the air.

I know there would be the usual fees, etc. but the question is, would this even be doable with an N-registered aircraft? Since my time off would afford good leeway to travel every couple months it theoretically could be based in any number of countries and flown there. What countries might offer the best shot for doing something like this? What would be the big concerns?

The thought of perhaps being able to tour a few countries in Europe in my own a/c is intriguing to say the least.

Runway101 10th Oct 2009 07:19

Except the cost, I don't see a problem.

I'd still do a quick math of how many hours you want to fly and then compare shipping cost to bring and return the helicopter, insurance cost, import tax/vat if you stay longer than 180 days in the EU and all that to the hour rate if you rent a helicopter at your destination. Europe is expensive, but I've done the import myself and it's not gonna be cheap. Of course if you rent, you might have to get your license converted first, which means learning, a couple of tests and a checkride, plus paying for all of that.

There are lots of N registered ships in Europe, also owned by non-Americans (who need an American friend or a trust company managed by an American national to be on the register).

Make sure you have a service center or some other mechanic available where you are planning to fly. You will still need FAA approved folks to sign off your annual inspection if I am not wrong (100hr should be fine).

I'd say the easiest would be UK if you do things by yourself, because of the language. Otherwise you could speak to a company to handle things for you. They will have to take the rotor blades off in the US and put them back on in Europe anyway... not sure what your make of helicopter is, but if it's an R22 I know people in Switzerland and Germany that can help.

If you relocate to Europe, you might be able to bring your helicopter without paying tax. At least if you'd bring your own car it would be that way. The Denmark route is another possibility without pay tax.

hoistop 10th Oct 2009 08:24

Here at my place you should not have problems with N registered aircraft, also maintenance for Robbies is available - under EASA regulations, of course. Generally, Europe is considerably more expensive aviationwise compared to USA (fuel, etc.) but there are huge differences between countries/regions. If you are looking for diverse landscape and good cuisine and wines, maybe you shall come overe here to Slovenia - from 9000ft Alpine peaks to warm Adriatic sea you will fly in about 40 minutes:ok:. Croatian coast with thousand islands is nearby, and Venice is also not far. Six months ago, an American, Eric Raymond, that built his own sucessful solar powered plane Sunseeker II, was here and he returned in May and extended his stay. You might also want to check with Woman Soaring Pilots Association, (WSPA) that held their annual conference here in May - first time ever outside USA.
If you are interested more, PM me.

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