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JTobias 19th Jul 2009 19:44

Yo JP,

You were missed!!!
Could have done with your help!


biggles99 19th Jul 2009 19:52

good for you Joel
It's a point well made:

some of do it because we love it, not because it is our job.

Often, we need a mission, and the Pagent is a perfect example.

For my next mission, I'll be heading off to the German Helicopter Championships at the end of August. Anyone want to join me?

I for one know how privileged I am to be able to fly anything, let alone a helicopter.

By taking people flying, we are letting others share in our passion.

And it is inevitable that this will engender good feelings from non-flyers and flyers alike, and SOME of these guys will end up learning themselves.

Just like that short bloke on Top Gear is doing right now.

More work for those who teach flying helicopters for a living, therefore. The Hampster is no threat to the CPL(H)-ers in the UK - he just wants to learn to fly and buy a helicopter.

Which, surely, is a GOOD THING for the industry as a whole, and not something to be bitchy, jealous, suspicious and devisive about.

Big Ls,

JTobias 19th Jul 2009 19:57

Thanks Biggles

Support much appreciated.

Joel :ok:

misterbonkers 19th Jul 2009 20:53

here here!

Jarvy 19th Jul 2009 21:21

OK you have told me the facts and I will say sorry. As for my real name I am know as Jarvy and plenty on here know of me. It even says Jarvy on my car reg.

jellycopter 19th Jul 2009 21:24


Fair enough.

Rant over!

Normal service resumes.


JTobias 19th Jul 2009 21:51


No harm done.
Very admirable that you've apologised.
Thanks and Regards,

Joel :ok:

Mike Bathurst 19th Jul 2009 23:08

Had a great day at CPOP with my son and bravo to all heli pilots who attended. Just a quick thanks to the ATC guys - very cool service at a busy event.

Whirlybird 20th Jul 2009 07:46

My one gripe is about the arrangements - or rather, lack of them - for heli arrivals to cross the track to get to the rest of the show. 20 minute wait till there's no cars, oh come on now! If you want us to fly in, organise something better than that.

Nearly There 20th Jul 2009 09:35

20 minute wait till there's no cars,
Hardly a lifetime Whirlybird! it was the same at all the track crossing points....
So who where the celebs, I must have been walking around with my eyes shut as I saw none (apart from Angelica Housten, but she was staying in the Castle)....and I had a pass for all areas!

It was a good day though.

JTobias 20th Jul 2009 10:17

I agree with WhirlyBird that waiting 20 mins to cross the track was a bit of a pain. I guess they know that now though. I'm in touch with the organisers so I'll let them know.

I've put a small report regarding the celebs on my blog www.jetbox.wordpress.com but don't get over excited as there was no one madly special. Very, very pretty but that's about it.

They based themselves in the VIP marquee and never moved from there afterwards. They were all dressed in party frocks though and given the weather I'm not sure I can blame them.


1helicopterppl 20th Jul 2009 10:46


thanks for starting the post, we did manage to attend flying from EGBW.

considering the weather it was a good day although I noticed most heli visitors were 'locals'.
were you flying your J/R yourself ? if so that was one scary 'lift' near the trees.......
our flight 'home' was a big learning curve for me dodging some huge weather fronts, all in all though a very enjoyable day & we did not get wet !

some pics posted; graemelovell.fotopic.net

1helicopterppl 20th Jul 2009 10:50

Dear Whirlybird,

I thought the arrangements were pretty good....especially the event privileges afforded heli visitors......

my 'gripe' would have been lack of windsock......

JTobias 20th Jul 2009 11:41

Hi Helicopterppl

I shared the flying with a pal of mine throughout the day, but the "scary lift" was mine. I regret it's not my usual standard or style but ATC advised me that there was an R44 immediately behind me so I chose to lift and transition away, only for them to remind me that I shouldn't overfly to the West.

I chose to turn away and from the area and it left me flying towards the tress. I knew they were there and I was light with plenty of power but it didn't look good and I'm not happy about it. In hindsight I should have continued because I would still have been clear of the area or waited and used the FATO.

I've been chastised already by my very good friend and instructor ( I do oodles of continuation training) who watched from the ground and bollocked me.

Sorry chaps, it won't happen again.


John R81 20th Jul 2009 13:53


I too was at the information stand at 11:30. Wearing yellow dayglow jacket - and asking strangers if they were PPruners!!!

Got your 'phone message on the way home - absolutely no coverage for Vodafone at that site. I did try to call you at 11:35.

I didn't realise that you followed me in - we could have said "helo" during the 20minute wait to cross the circuit. When I returned to my machine you had clearly left.

As for future "arrange to meet" - may need either (1) mobile telpehone coverage or (2) a pink carnation (or signboard!)

Still, I had a good day with family at the site. Weather was poor on the return, needed a little detour around a heavy shower. That aside, I may come next year.

John (my real name also)

kneedwondean 20th Jul 2009 15:05

I was flying one of the Pleasure flying aircraft and our only problem was from the waiting to cross the track. I know its not long to have to wait 20minutes but it was sometimes longer than that and trying to get punters across was a nightmare, and they seemed to close it without warning at the worst possible moments. Give us a bridge next year and it would be perfect! The FISO's did a great job though, well run and helped us a great deal. Witnessed some good piloting from visiting aircraft, everyone being very helpful to us. Only one go around all weekend cant be bad.

All together a nice event, although I nearly had a mid air with some ParaMotor guy who had no radio and decided to take off from the heli parking area then change his mind and come back over the FATO to land again. I was on finals and looked at him, he looked at me and I had to dump the lever to get under him. He quickly bundled up his parachute and scuttled off before I could shout at him!

I saw that "interesting" departure from the flightline, but it probably looked worse than it was from my angle and fair enough to Joel to hold his hands up. As he mentioned, the aircraft was very light so plenty of power to get over the trees, not so sure about chances of getting it down if it all went quiet though.

This really brings me to a recurring theme - how I was suprised at the number of pilots who are happy to depart straight over the trees rather than back track the FATO. For the sake of a 30second back track to give yourself a chance of making a safe landing I really cant understand why anyone would feel comfortable being 30 ft up, over trees slow with max power pulled.

Anyway, an enjoyable event and hope to be back next year.

Rotormaniac 20th Jul 2009 18:57

I got in at 11:30 ish... think you came in after me 206 jock.. I mite have been the blue 206 on your left shutting down as you dropped in ? Crappy weather but not as bad as yesterday trying to lift back to Shobdon... with no starter / gen !! side panels up in the rain with a hammer :-) and me convincing pax all's ok !!

Not a bad day, shame we didn't get chance to meet up but sure there will be plenty more...



sweatshop 21st Jul 2009 21:10

Thanks for all the messages of support guys and all the advice! Afraid my 3m brand new windsock on a 4.5m pole was 'disappeared' on Friday night by (I suspect) the light-fingered kids from the fairground motorhomes. I had to chase them off as they unplugged the generator for the ATC on Friday evening.
You're right about the bridge -the petrol heads don't want anything to interfere with their racing but I think we'll have to get a bridge or a crossing after every race class instead of every 2 classes.
We also need a set of portaloos -I felt very sorry for the ATC.
Finally a decent check in procedure -but those plans went out of the window when I found there were no marshals on the long straight and I was left having to run up and down the straw bales stopping some insane behaviour from the non-airside folks who couldn't get close enough to the Veyrons. Fortunately the organisers eventually saw what was happening and sent some dayglo chaps down to the crossing.
The award for services beyond the call of duty goes to the obvious guys mentioned in this thread who choppered in the 'celebs'. Cholmondeley will spend many years trying to repay them. Full VVIP for the rest of time I guess.
Whatever went well was because of the great teamwork, whatever didn't.. I guess I'll put my hands up.
Now that's all over I can get back to the day job and start earning again!

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