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semirigid rotor 27th Jul 2008 15:30

Booker Shooting
Has anybody heard a rumour that a helicopter was shot at about a week ago, somewhere near Wycombe Air Park? I believe the police have arrested one person. If so, well done Thames Valley Police, but a worrying turn of events.

irc1804 27th Jul 2008 16:04

Someone must have heard that Leon's name was put forward on the thread about a TV presenter/helicopter pilot :E a few weeks back.......................

And decided to take matters in hand ...........to spare us all !!!!:}

chevvron 27th Jul 2008 16:28

I thought it went on all the time at Booker; there's a clay pigeon club on the north west corner of the airfield!

paco 27th Jul 2008 18:26

This was someone from the noise sensitive area who put a round through the stabiliser. Leon is getting missiles fitted.......:E

4ero 28th Jul 2008 04:51

The cops must have just asked the local gunsmith if anyone had been in to buy a silencer

Noise sensitive and psychopathic what a terrible combination. Another fool spoiling it for everyone. This must result in a jail sentence.

iainms 28th Jul 2008 05:58

Should I sit on my helmet from the Golden Ball to Xray ?:eek:

206 jock 28th Jul 2008 08:35

Please tell me it was this idiot:ok:

Helicopter Noise Coalition - Home

Interesting poll numbers now:D

Need money 28th Jul 2008 10:07

You sure he wasn't just shooting at those pesky squirrels ! ;)

Heli Teli 28th Jul 2008 10:24

Need Money

Would that be twin or single????:D

topendtorque 28th Jul 2008 12:28

You sure he wasn't just shooting at those pesky squirrels ! ;)
bloody 'ell, someone better slip round real quick and make sure me ol' mate nigelh is all ok.

semirigid rotor 28th Jul 2008 14:04

Joking apart guys and girls, this is kind of serious.
I believe (just a rumour), that the person arrested was something to do with an anti noise coalition against Wycombe Air Park.
Did the moron not think that if the helicopter crashed (due to the pilot being shot) it just might be on top of somebody completely innocent?
If nobody is prosecuted, what kind of message does that send out to the anti everything league?

birrddog 28th Jul 2008 15:10

irc1804 Good Call
There is enough on the telly these days as it is that make me throw up without any additional assistance!

flight beyond sight 28th Jul 2008 15:36

The incident is under the control of the Thames Valley Police. They will make an announcement once their investigations are complete. It is important to realise that the matter is being taken very seriously and could carry a life sentence. And just in case you're interested, A109C now sporting two bullet wounds, from a high powered rifle.

ShyTorque 28th Jul 2008 15:43

There is a silver lining to any cloud. Hopefully the actions of this criminal idiot will now make locals think twice about how they associate with the anti-noise lobby.

Need money 28th Jul 2008 16:13

OK my apologies for the joke - and I understand A109 now NOT sporting any holes...was all fixed asap

Taff Missed 28th Jul 2008 17:34

Noise stats
I see that 69.1% of voters haven't had a noise event. You don't think that people from this forum would go onto the site and vote that way do you??:E


Agaricus bisporus 28th Jul 2008 18:21

from a high powered rifle.
Fabulous, even legendary journalistic nonsense-expression, isn't it?

To the media, rifles are always "high powered", aren't they?

Anyone ever seen a press report of a "Low powered rifle"? After all, no one here uses pipsqueak little pop-guns like .22s, do they?

Pavlov rules, OK?

(Let's face it, they'd be reported as "bullet holes from a high-powered rifle" even if they'd been made by an air gun or a catapult!)

MartinCh 29th Jul 2008 01:41

I'd suggest police plant some covert agent into the group.
This is getting serious. People shooting at aircraft? That's terrorism.
Don't we have some first-hand experience of doing so in the past?
USA should show the UK police how THEY TREAT such cases.

Joking OK if nobody hurt, but could have been.

That :mad: doesn't realise if he (or she?? to be equal gender opportunities to be violent psycho) actually made the chopper enter some emergency procedure he in theory might see his big yard as the only possible auto/emergency landing spot and thrash his house? Or his family's.

minigundiplomat 2nd Dec 2009 19:36

We are always looking for new areas to test the miniguns.......:E

SASless 2nd Dec 2009 22:29

With all the gazillion hours of flying by helicopters in the UK and one takes two hits....what's the beef about? It is a very remote chance of occurrence is it not?:E

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