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-   -   Police Cab, North Coventry, 29th Feb 1730. (https://www.pprune.org/rotorheads/315981-police-cab-north-coventry-29th-feb-1730-a.html)

HeliCraig 29th Feb 2008 18:11

Police Cab, North Coventry, 29th Feb 1730.
Hi All,

As I was lounging watching TV this evening at around 1730 one of "us" was hard at work hovering a nice shiny EC135 overhead - North Coventry / M6 J3 / Nuneaton & Bedworth.

I was just wandering whether it was the West or East Mids ASU?? We are right on the border here between Warwickshire / West Midlands and you both have the same toy to play with now!!

Just curious... it sure looked windy out there as my fence panels were bowing; although the METAR from Birmingham was 19G25; what are the operational limits on the EC135 ?

Any other info on this outing?? (Perhaps SiloeSid could shed some light!)

Fly safe folks,


SilsoeSid 2nd Mar 2008 12:03

It certainly has been a bit windy over the last few nights and days.

1500ft, 55kts in the hover over Cov early this morning, no probs, just that the required orbit got a bit oval when turning downwind!

Limit 50kts all round to start rotors but once you are up, self explanatory really, as long as you are pointing into wind it can blow up to VNE ( or other restricting IAS at the time ) as far as limits go!....in theory!
However discretion is the better part of valour and all that! :yuk:

Will try and find out more details for you as to what was going on.

HeliCraig 3rd Mar 2008 11:34

Thanks SS.

Heliringer 3rd Mar 2008 12:14

Why do you guys call it a CAB and not a Helicopter?

SilsoeSid 3rd Mar 2008 14:54

Why do you guys call it a CAB and not a Helicopter?
Maybe because we know that in reality all we are are just airborne taxi drivers!


ShyTorque 3rd Mar 2008 20:58

The best badge I ever saw was "You're being flown by Teeny Weeny Airways Taxi Service".

Regain 3rd Mar 2008 22:15

Hey, whilst we're self deprecating;

Sorry I Am Cr*p - anagram!

Skids are for kids - wheels are for tw*ts.

Sailor Vee 3rd Mar 2008 22:19

Why do you guys call it a CAB and not a Helicopter?
In the RN, all aircraft were called CABS.

ShyTorque 3rd Mar 2008 22:36

Once landed a Puma at the Bielefeld HLS, which was next to the NAAFI. We were on a VIP trip, with shiny paint, posh seats with white covers et al and our passengers for SHAPE HQ were on their way any minute.

A young squaddie doubled up to us and said:

"My Boss is a Sergeant and he says you have to gi' us all a "Cabby".

I looked across at my Wing Commander in the other seat. He was shaking his head in disbelief. :ugh:

I said "My boss is a Wing Commander and he says 'F' off"!

Squaddie, looking perplexed: "What - so you're not going to take us? My sergeant says you've got to!"

Me: "Do you know what a Wing Commander is?"

Squaddie: "Er, no?"

Me: "Try Colonel?"

Squaddie: :confused: "Oh, ****!"

And he doubled away..........!

Fly_For_Fun 4th Mar 2008 08:32

Scout Helicopter Island Taxi Service was a favourite when I was in the FI :)

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