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ppheli 27th Feb 2008 08:48

and just to prove LT was in Houston (where she expressed an interest in buying a VLJ manufacturer)......


Brilliant Stuff 27th Feb 2008 09:48

I am sorry but she needs soemone to dress her properly before they let her loose on the public. IMHO.

malabo 27th Feb 2008 12:39

No, she wants to dress that pornstar look, part of her strategy to distract the rubes. As for adding credibility to MD as a serious player...her company, her strategy.

From the "New York Observer" interview, October 15, 2006:

She’s a woman operating at the highest level in the male-dominated sphere of “boys’ toys,” and within another male-dominated sphere—finance. And in the world of girls’ toys, too: She embraces stiletto heels (her newly arrived pair looked six inches), revealing décolletage and lots of leather.

But both ultimately have reference to her position in a man’s game.

“I always show cleavage,” she said flirtatiously. “You’ve got to give men what they want. And I’m trying to keep their eyes in my eyes. So at least they’re up here,” she added, gesturing in the general area of her eyes and breasts. “I hate when people don’t make eye contact. I can’t shift them the way I need them if they’re not looking in my eyes.

“I’m not trying to seduce men to get them into my bed,” she said. “But am I trying to seduce men and mesmerize them as I move my cause forward? Yeah.”

Brilliant Stuff 27th Feb 2008 17:18

Fine I am happy to agree with her ideas, and yes she does need to use all the tricks she can to get people to take her seriously, but in that picture her breasts are basically without constraints. You can dress classy but in that picture it's seems to look more cheap. But hey what do I care. Kudos to her though for what she has achieved up to now. Bringing MD back from the brink was a herculean task.

EN48 27th Feb 2008 18:45

I was there the day this photo was made and observed first hand. Definitely not attire befitting a serious CEO, or even a classy, appealing woman. Too tight, too short, more revealing than most want to know, at least in public. Suggests cheap hooker, not classy, sexy woman, IMHO. This may be her "strategy" but in my opinion it works against her. My reaction overall: "You've got to be kidding!"

EN48 27th Feb 2008 18:59

Be assured that these photos are quite flattering and taken at perhaps a much younger age. When I saw these prior to HAI I was thinking "wow!"

On the other side of the coin, if she were male instread of female, few if any would be commenting on her (his?) appearance. Unfortunately for her, this style of dress ( at HAI) provokes comments, which may well be part of the "strategy."

Brilliant Stuff 27th Feb 2008 19:19

Nothing wrong with age. And the other two pictures show her more akin to her achievements. But she can afford a bra which is all I was saying in the first place.

EN48 27th Feb 2008 19:31

Nothing wrong with age.
Exactly! I know women in their sixties and seventies who I consider to be beautiful and appealing, but they dont dress like this. More in an understated, sophisticated style.

For those here who consider discussing a woman's appearance inappropriate, all I can say is that men are programmed this way; some just keep it concealed better than others! Survival of the species or something like that.

diethelm 27th Feb 2008 20:49

As far as I am concerned, as long as the parts show up she can walk around any way she wants.

heli1 29th Feb 2008 11:35

Of course what you can't see very well in the Houston picture is the pure diamond necklace and ear rings she was wearing...must have been at least 200 on the string and enough to keep the mines in production ,never mind MD.

The problem now with MD is more the image and comments made by LT than the good work done behind the scenes to get the company back on track..and not helped now by her threats to relocate if she doesn't get the lease she wants at Mesa .

500e 29th Feb 2008 21:18

The lady must be doing something correctly how many of us manage 20B$ ?
MD is back to some form of order not perfect but moving forward,how many others (men) tried.
For me I am with EN48 on ladies, but have known a few slutty looking types as well, most were real nice when you got to know them, and as diethelm says as long as the parts turn up
PS I was told if you cant say something polite don't say a thing, I think it is the angle of the photo :E

Fly the dream fly 500

turboshaft 29th Feb 2008 22:30

$20B? And I thought the VH-71's run-away inflation was bad enough :E

Patriarch's funds are closer to $6B.

So are the reports of zero AOGs and 95% fill rates true?

Heli-Ice 29th Feb 2008 23:06

Does a poster of Lynn Tilton and Nigella baking a chocolate cake together, come with a brand new 500? :E

Encyclo 29th Feb 2008 23:35

I was there the day this photo was made and observed first hand. Definitely not attire befitting a serious CEO, or even a classy, appealing woman. Too tight, too short, more revealing than most want to know, at least in public. Suggests cheap hooker, not classy, sexy woman, IMHO. This may be her "strategy" but in my opinion it works against her. My reaction overall: "You've got to be kidding!"

I agree 100%. Also saw her walking through the Houston halls and almost :yuk::yuk::yuk:. This is not about being sexist or being against MD (I'm a big fan of the "Hughes 500D" which I've had a lot of fun with when I was younger)... I was just thingking of the folks at MD that look to her as their leader :ugh: and the one that controls the destiny of their fine products.

Cyclic Hotline 2nd Mar 2008 20:35

Maybe she misunderstood the MD operators requests to "show us your parts"? :eek:

Phwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwoaaaaaaaaaaar - thats all I can say - and I saw her there too in real life. :ok:

Still wouldn't have a MD product if you gave it to me for free.

IntheTin 2nd Mar 2008 21:15

Is the aircraft that bad or is it a combination of everything else that goes with it, support, maintenance, parts etc........?

Regain 2nd Mar 2008 21:22

Well, I guess I'm a shallow Hal. You get my vote Lynn. Maybe, if you are are reading this, you'd like to pop out of my fantasies and whisk me away on your corporate charger. Anyway, back to reality..........

Avnx EO 25th Mar 2008 21:13

Where will MD Helicopters land.
Reports in the Fort Worth Star Telegram on Sunday were that Alliance Airport (Just North of Fort Worth) is out as the new location for MD. Something about not liking the idea of being on the same airport as Bell. They had 5 other possible locations mentioned: Dallas Executive Airport, A place in Sherman Tx. Oklahoma City and Shreveport La. (all still pretty close to DFW.) And I think there is still another location in consideration in Az.

It would be great to see MD move into the area,:D With Eurocopter, Sikorsky, Bell, and ASW-100/170 and several completion outfits all in the area, this is becoming the “Mecca” for rotorcraft. Which means you develop a great talent pool in the area that can go from one to the other without moving across the country. It's good for the companies, and good for the talent.

But in the end, I don't understand some of the candidates that are being considered. I know you want to move out of cities that structure their tax laws on the basis of your inventory value (Which is why you don't want to be in Fort Worth or Dallas proper.) But why a helicopter company would locate itself in a backwater.:} I would think being close to a major commercial airline hub would be a must for the business. Easy access to travel for customers/vendors/ employees - plus for good AOG support, shipping out parts, etc. Hope MD makes the right decision.

Anyone got a buzz on where it's settling out?

500e 27th Mar 2008 11:22

Emailed MD 2 days ago regarding problem, had reply by mail within 1 hour,
requesting phone No so as to discuss we emailed information required and had phone call within 20 minutes.
The quick helpful response gives a customer a feeling that his problem is their problem and together it can be corrected.
Thanks to both AOG, & FT.:ok::ok:

turboshaft 13th May 2008 15:16

So after all the hype, MD is staying in Mesa. Still, at least this means they can meet that delivery target of 250 aircraft... :E

MD Helicopters to stay at Falcon Field

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