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paco 26th Dec 2007 20:31

Guinea pigs wanted
I need some bodies (3 or 4) to sit in on a one-day CRM course on Jan 10th at Wycombe. It will earn you a certificate for the day!

Volunteers Please PM

cheers and HNY


Quichotte 26th Dec 2007 20:34

Some free beers and your room will be to small :)

Sorry i'm busy and have heard CRM at least 3 times in the last 12 months.

John Eacott 26th Dec 2007 20:39


Do you pay travel expenses?

;) ;) :p

VeeAny 26th Dec 2007 20:46


If I can arrange to be free, I'll be there.


jellycopter 26th Dec 2007 20:50

Is this a 'free' lunch.........?

garn 26th Dec 2007 20:57

whats crm?

ShyTorque 26th Dec 2007 21:14

Sorry, unavailable (on leave), otherwise I'd try to attend.

Whirlygig 26th Dec 2007 21:17

Cockpit/Crew Resource Management.

Phil, to whom is this course aimed? I'd be interested in coming if it's suitable for a trainee CPL!




Weee weeee weeee

BlenderPilot 26th Dec 2007 23:31

That's me!!! Can you send me my airplane ticket, car and hotel reservation to Mexico City please?

This is all the CRM course I will ever need . . . . . check out the video


SASless 26th Dec 2007 23:33

I would be a great bad example....what do you think?

ShyTorque 26th Dec 2007 23:46

Most of us who have done the FSI course have seen the ultimate in cockpit co-operation...

Lonny's favourite video:


Darren999 27th Dec 2007 01:35

CRM John Wayne Style
Cracking video Blender I roared at that! :D

paco 27th Dec 2007 05:41

Hi John - I'll buy you a lunch! :)

Whirlygig - it's a single pilot course, and you will be welcome. You should gain a lot from it. If nothing else you will meet people.

SASless - I would welcome any bad examples! :)



170' 27th Dec 2007 09:06

I'd love to come if VeeAny will pick me up...;) I'll be in my transient UK digs ...

VeeAny 27th Dec 2007 09:22


With an invitation like that who could say no.


Looks like you can count us both in if you wan't I've organised a no flying day for the 10th just in case.


170' 27th Dec 2007 09:46

Knew you'd come thru ...;) Thanks Vee...Although we better wait for Pacos' nod on the issue...He may think working with both of us together is more of a challenge than he needs for a 'test drive'.... :eek: := .....170' :E

VeeAny 27th Dec 2007 10:00


Just spoken to Phil and as long as we promise to sit at the back and be on our best behaviour we are cofirmed as victims for this course.



170' 27th Dec 2007 10:45

You mean right at the very very back?....Okaaaay! ;)

Whirlygig 27th Dec 2007 10:50

Uh-oh! The naughty boys at the back!!! If Phil thinks I'm a suitable guinea-pig as well, I'll have to watch you two otherwise you might pull my pig-tails and flick ink blots at me!



170' 27th Dec 2007 11:15


We're absolute gentlemen and your pigtails will be safe in our presence...
See you there...170'

ps...do you still have a school uniform? :O

Whirlygig 27th Dec 2007 11:23

I do have my old gym skirt somewhere but sadly I doubt I could fit into it now! :{ I went to a trendy, progressive 70s state school where uniform was very lax so no, I don't have a uniform. Best I could probably manage is my old Pony Club tie!



170' 27th Dec 2007 11:49

I understand the gym skirt issue ...Mine's a little tight as well :(

I mean Gym shorts...Gym shorts,Gym shorts....Dang it!....I haven't seen the skirt for years...Honestly!... ;)

SASless 27th Dec 2007 12:15


Would not that old school uniform look a bit.....errrr....odd worn with the Gold Lame' Go-Go boots you wear as normal daily attire?

I am afraid you would be a distraction sitting anywhere but the very back due to your Beehive Hairdo....must admit I have never seen one of those with pigtails.

That must be a fetching sight!

Whirlygig 27th Dec 2007 23:13

Sassy dahlink, if you ever show your fair, bearded mug again in Norfolk ......... :E :E .... I'll set your cat on you!!!! :ouch: :oh:

Now. I have accommodation sorted should I be fortunate enough to share the back row with VNe and 170' :} :ok:



PS - Sass love - do you ever check your emails?????

Cyclic Hotline 28th Dec 2007 05:11

These guys have it all down.:)


paco 28th Dec 2007 07:04

My training manual says something about discipline.....:)

Anyhow, I think we've got enough now, thanks - we've got a good spread of experience and I look forward to seeing you all there and listening to all the ribald comments from the cheap seats!


stevenwings 10th Jan 2008 17:24

Paco's CRM Course at High Wycombe
I found today's CRM course at High Wycombe extremely informative and enjoyable. As a recent PPL (H) with aspirations to pursue helicopter flight commercially it was also great to hear the stories and comments from the numerous experienced commercial pilots on the course. With this in mind I whole heartedly recommend the course to others. Paco thanks a lot for all your effort.

Whirlygig 10th Jan 2008 19:05

Absolutely agreed - thanks paco :ok:. The course was pitched at all levels; for those with 1,000s hours and those with only a few. Great to meet everyone, have a chat and a few laughs, learn from others experiences and mistakes!



paco 10th Jan 2008 19:29

It was nice seeing all you guys - but you missed 170's story about the heart attack (not his) in the 747 afterwards in the bar......


jellycopter 10th Jan 2008 20:32


Just got back home to Shropshire!

VMT for your invite to the course today. Did you pass?

Even though I considered myself one of the more experienced attendees it was very interesting to hear anecdotes from other parts of the globe.

Further to my tongue-in-cheek request for a free lunch, in my haste to hit the M40 I didn't offer to pick up the tab for my bacon butty. Please send me your details so I can settle up.

Once again, VMT. Thoroughly enjoyed myself.

John Jackson

paco 11th Jan 2008 06:03

Yes, I did, but you can buy me a beer next time we meet!


Plume_Tray 11th Jan 2008 17:43

Many thanks Phil - great day and I enjoyed every minute!

Excellent opportunity to meet & greet - definitely recommend it.

And I owe you a beer as well...:)

Peter Kersey

170' 11th Jan 2008 19:00

Thanks Paco...

I Really enjoyed the day!..

I Highly recommend the course for young and old. I think less experienced pilots get some really good food for thought and more experienced people get to re-visit areas generally forgotten about in day to day life...

Additionally, it was nice to meet some proon 'handles' and put a few faces to names. A couple of stalwarts even made a night of it, but somehow I'm sure your not surprised :eek: :D...Thanks again....170'

Brilliant Stuff 11th Jan 2008 21:42

I also have to say thanks to Phil for giving us his time and being so generous. I also think his idea of inviting some "experienced" guys along was ingenious because it showed us that the rule book might be black and white but life is not and what might look like a bad decision on the face of it could transpire to be inspired.

Shame I did not manage to speak to all of you, but as you well know we already stretched every coffee break to breaking point just by chatting to the person next to you.

I would have to say though the stars where Phil and 170' though the CAA chap was not going to be left behind, very enlightened chap.

We must get together again, that was simply wholesome fun.

Thanks everyone BS

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