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B Sousa 15th Mar 2007 04:39

"You obviously have not been to school in the U.S.A. lately"

I think your right on the money there. In any major city that I have seen they take anybody breathin air and call them a "Teachers Assistant." Most of those have little or no education.
People dont send their kids to school to learn, they seem to send them there to get rid of them for a while. Hey, its a free lunch. Metal detectors in school? So they wont kill each other, let alone the teachers??
When I was in High school we left our rifles in the truck so we could go hunting as soon as school was out.............AND nobody stole them either.

Red Dawn, coming to a town near you ......sooner than you think.

ToTall 15th Mar 2007 17:59

How many of u guys did manage to start flying right away after ur training and how many had to work as a CFI/II?

tcfix 19th Mar 2007 06:04

Never taught
Never taught, never will. Lucky for the rest of you. :ok: :ok:

Pekka 19th Mar 2007 08:44

I was very lucky. I took my CPL-H course (30h) on the MD500C (I got a HU300 price on the MD500 because al the HU300 at my school was at maintenance). 3 months after ended cpl-h course, I had heard about a company that had a 500D and only one pilot and it vas flying too much for just one pilot. So I jump`t in my car, and the rest is history. When I started I had only 185h, I got to do al the ferry flight and sightseeing tours. And the best of al, I get paid.
:} :ok: :ok:

RW-1 21st Mar 2007 14:43

Well damn, look at the time that has flown, it says last visited on 25th November 2004, must have slept from all that Turkey .... :}

My story is atypical, depending on how one sees it.

Got CFI, school had no students at the time, taught ground, occasional flight.

School goes under, nothing to do for a while, (now) married, and with 18mo daughter, decided that it was time to get back into the game, kept my CFI certificate, and began instrument training in the R-44.

Possible job opening in area, hour drive there and back, but solo commercial work in 22, so my 225 weight NOT a factor there. If I get the offer, I'm taking it, been wanting to work since I started training in 1999.

So if that happens, I'll build time, still go get my instrument rating and CFII, and be set when my hour numbers improve.

There are ways to get ahead without strictly flight training, but they are few and far between.

You have to have three things, patience, perserverance, and the right attitude, which to me has been not wanting to kill and keeping a smile on your face the whole time that has passed. :yuk:

Bert, how's Vegas still going for ya?

ToTall 21st Mar 2007 16:18

Good luck with ur job hunt. :-)

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