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Stan Switek 22nd Aug 2006 04:08

190 mph indicated at about 50' agl near Mono Lake in a SA341 Gazelle.

arkright 22nd Aug 2006 09:40

squirrel speed
can't blow wind up to many backsides but thought 210 knots gs in a as350ba complete with dart skibasket with a good katabatic blowing and indicating 110 knots was a good effort at time(antartica 6-7 yrs ago).

arkright 22nd Aug 2006 09:44

just read p o dust devils on previous page and had a feeling of deja vu,thats was where above took place,must be the spot for speed.

PO dust devil 22nd Aug 2006 09:54

Down toward that black ridge and a quick dart toward TNB.....ahhhhh that Italian tucker.......bellisimo

arkright 22nd Aug 2006 09:57

3 cheers forpepe and antonio,hnz don't know how many pilots went back for the good food and fine?wine

PO dust devil 22nd Aug 2006 10:03

Little off topic but non c'e problemo......Just spent several weeks with Benny Mangione and Aldo (the paramedic/ cleaner). Antonio cooking in Napoli and Ischia (sp?)


biggles99 22nd Aug 2006 17:18

Hey Biggles99 - When you clocked 200mph in the R22 was the aircraft pointing directly downwards at the ground at the time?
Was this speed encountered during a Michael Fish style unpredicted weather phenomenon?
My little R22 used to get overtaken by cars on the motorway most days.
Are you sure you weren't looking at kph?


hi SB
no it wasn't! (vertical)
and i'm pretty sure the cyclists would have been passing me had i done a 180.
all a long while ago.....

ShyTorque 22nd Aug 2006 19:59

223 kts in a S-76C, chased home by an incoming Typhoon.

Mind you, the groundspeed outbound was only about 80kts. We "civvies" were asked by an embarrassed RAF Sqn Cdr if we could pick up some "observers" from a very small rocky island in the S. China Sea asap. They had previously placed the men out there and the typhoon changed course towards the island - meanwhile their only remaining Wessex had just gone u/s.....oops!

On arrival at the island I couldn't get the aircraft on the ground for a while due to extremely strong updraughting - our S-76 was hovering at about 5 feet with the collective fully down and the Nr kept going to the top limit in the very strong turbulence over the only possible landing place, on an into wind rock slab. As soon as the aircraft wheels touched, three very grateful soldiers did the quickest embarkation ever and we were up and away!

Whirlygig 22nd Aug 2006 20:03

Originally Posted by ShyTorque
223 kts in a S-76C, chased home by an incoming Typhoon.

What, you mean the Eurofighter? That wasn't very sporting of them!



ShyTorque 22nd Aug 2006 22:55

Originally Posted by Whirlygig
What, you mean the Eurofighter? That wasn't very sporting of them!



Methinks you know exactly what I meant, m'dear! :)

This was back in the days when Eurofighter hadn't even been christened the "Type Hoon"

bladepitch 22nd Aug 2006 23:15

in a 44 astro with fixed floats. 135 kts. our current astro (in awesome condition, treated well by the japs who owned it last) will bust that by about 15 kts with half decent bum wind. in case anyone is wondering VNE for 44 with fixed floats at SL is 120.

SASless 23rd Aug 2006 00:27

Nick can appreciate this one...

ILS into West Palm Beach...S-76...

Approach...Delta 451 (Boeing 727)....can you increase speed...following traffic overtaking you.

Delta....Roger Approach.....we'll speed up a bit.

A minute later...Delta could you speed up some more...traffic still overtaking.

Delta....Roger Approach...we'll give you all we can.

A minute later...Delta can you give us some more...traffic still overtaking.

Silence....then Approach....what kind of traffic is it that is overtaking us?

Approach....A helicopter is behind you on the approach and overtaking you.

A long silence....Approach did you say "helicopter"....?

Approach....Yes, it is a Sikorsky...a very fast Sikorsky.

Me....Approach, 76GT visual with the jet....we'll slow down and follow him in.

Aser 23rd Aug 2006 21:51

200kts level flight, wind 40kts , sadly limited by VNE
On the ILS limited by FM to 140 IAS :{

Davey Emcee 23rd Aug 2006 23:10

I was overtaken by a pickfords truck on the M3 when flying a Bell 47 if that's any good

212man 24th Aug 2006 09:33

"200kts level flight, wind 40kts , sadly limited by VNE"

and vibration levels by the look of it.....;)

delta3 24th Aug 2006 09:43

GS in R44-II
Fastest 169 knts GS, (145 knts 2 hrs average)
Mind you also managed frustrating 40 knts GS over some mountain ranges in turbulent conditions.
Conditions : Mistral winds southern alps.

Surely not as fast as Sasless story, but on one approach to LFML (Marseille Provence) in descent to Robbie really smoothly wanted to maintain 130+ knts IAS without any excessive power, and I had the feeling I was overtaking a 737 on final, but that probably is a boys perspective (dont know approach speed of 737, and the 737 was not asked to speed up). At least it gave a good feeling ...


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