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Heliport 9th Jul 2006 09:41


Whirlygig 9th Jul 2006 09:57

Obviously a 70s photo when flares were the fashion :D



topendtorque 9th Jul 2006 12:39

Are you fishing Heliport?
I hope it's not you?
showing an extravagance that is decidely lacking in judgement.

Not a seventies photo Whirls, those T/R's came in, gad damm when?? about the very late seventies, and the d*** head driver is not real mod seventies style is he? look at the legs of the jeans (flares?) and the half bald head.

I think i read that it is G4A. The shiny bit coupled to the scat hose above the air box is a bit hard to decipher when blown up; it's about the right place for the bowden hot air cable. Also no rego to decipher.

He is possibly trying to show how to do a rearward take off rather than a quick stop, cyclic would still be well forward at that point, (not right forward which his isn't) but if he is in a quick stop, then to arrest any more descent as he would need to; well the next photo in the frame should be much more interesting!!!:{ :{

He certainly is ham fisted; anyone who is accustomed to such maneuvres would be resting his right hand wrist on his knee if indeed he wasn't sipping on the perpetual mug of coffee and; nonchalanty checking the time of the mickey mouse watch on his left wrist and; his T/R would not be raising dust vortices!!~

altogether a driver with temporary citizenship of whatever country and a fairly neat helicopter that he is about to mess up.

I hope that you'll reply that he is supposed to be some gun demo pilot, well his run has finished!

Whirlygig 9th Jul 2006 12:42

topendtorque, you don't say!

Why not try "ha ha very funny!" - How do you know he was wearing bicycle clips round his flares so they didn't interfere with the yaw pedals!



topendtorque 9th Jul 2006 12:48

Originally Posted by Whirlygig
bicycle clips

Not that old to recognise them baby, ask sas he might know!

212man 9th Jul 2006 14:05

More like a 'Quick end!'

SASless 9th Jul 2006 14:18

Could this just be a fellow that is on top of his game....ala Dennis Kenyon caliber?

Anyone up to calling Kenyon a "D...head"?

If he owns the helicopter and is on his own land and has no passengers.....what's the big deal?

Or....is this a photo of someone's first solo?

Land of LA 9th Jul 2006 15:45

Quick stop
Thats Al Broussard. He use to teach autorotation landings next to high tension towers in the mountains where you had no other flat surface to land on.
Just another way "to skin a cat" so to speak.

The Rotordog 9th Jul 2006 15:50

As Bloggs made the first test-flight take-off after the rebuild of the G-4, he immediately realized two things:
1) Fabricating the tail rotor guard out of lead pipe instead of the silly aluminum tubing that Bell called for was probably not the wisest 'mod' he'd done; and
2) He wished he'd installed that rear-view mirror mod.

jetflite 10th Jul 2006 00:43

Does anyone know if there are anymore frames to this photo, Eg; before or after ?

bwm85 10th Jul 2006 01:12

It actually looks like the B47 that featured in the IMAX film "Choppers" (or something similarly named.) Gentleman pilot in the film is doing some equally "adventurous" manoeuvres.
Jetflite - I think the next frame is probably the pilot calling the aircraft owner:
(PILOT) Bill I can't seem to open the pilots door......
(OWNER) Why's that Gary?
(PILOT) There is a helicopter on top of it.

SASless 10th Jul 2006 02:34

Another photo of Al Broussard in his Bell 47.


imabell 10th Jul 2006 02:56

it's out of the imax film "straight up".

in the film you only see it from the front

the pilot rocked the machine fore and aft over the spot untill it got to that position. there was a cherry picker with a camera on it above the bell.

so no, it isn't a quickstop or an auto or a backward takeoff. it's just a set up for the camera.

i will post the video soon.:ok:

Timbersprayer 10th Jul 2006 03:49

Actually it is Mr.Al Broussard, in his personnal B-47G-4
Yes it is the same ship used in the IMAX film straight up.
Al did the flying , and is SAG pilot.

If you look closley - some t/r vortices developing about 4in clearance at personel guard, yes it is a demo q-stop and just leveling - notice cyclic and horizontal stabilizer.
if you look closley you will also notice his legal wes-cam camera mount on the upper right cabin area - this ship was also used in the movie Rocky& Bullwinkle.
Work with AL quite often, will definately have to have beer and tell him about this thread. and no there are not any more pictures -- maneuver went as planned.:ok:

The Nr Fairy 10th Jul 2006 05:04

"Straight Up - Helicopters in Action" is available as a DVD - google the full title* to see where you can get it.

It was originally an IMAX film and is superb in that environment. The DVD is still ok, especially the powerline inspection sequence !

* - Googling "Straight Up DVD" returns some results NOT associated with helicopter flying, but an entirely different type of chopper !

bellfest 10th Jul 2006 05:24

if you look closley you will also notice his legal wes-cam camera mount on the upper right cabin area -
It is amazing how much those wescam cameras look like a power pole:D

Just taking the piss, sensational shot nonetheless.

XT244 10th Jul 2006 08:33

... her an another quickstop with my B47 ... for me a bad judgement :ugh:

topendtorque 10th Jul 2006 12:47

Originally Posted by SASless
Could this just be a fellow that is on top of his game....ala Dennis Kenyon caliber?

Anyone up to calling Kenyon a "D...head"?

If he owns the helicopter and is on his own land and has no passengers.....what's the big deal?

Probably no big deal Sas, except that when the T/R disintergrates closely followed by half the T/R G'box disappearing then the first person to wear a sandshoe sized piece of M/R shrapnel heading his way at 400 klicks or so is gunna be the camera man. That's probably no big deal either, cameramen around Hollywood would be a dime a dozen, but the camera might cost a bit.

Sure you can be 'on top of your game' and go that close and do it several which other ways as well, but why put a T/R is in such a high pressure erosion zone when with a couple of photo effects it could look just as good from a couple of feet up (especially if that is his game) and bearing in mind that T/R's cost a fair bit more than gold oz for oz then this dude could have done it a lot better.

and practising autos into power-tower pads hot-damm. Good fun when all your doing is showing off to the student and it may or may not fit with your statistics over there as to how many engine failures conveniently happen beside said towers. Far better to teach them how far it will go under different conditions and learn solidly that experience.
All in all not a good peer type demo for newbies!

I think Whirls was dead right first time around, he should be wearing flairs, it'd suit him. the bycicle clips would be far better suited around another part of his anatomy!:}

Kenyon? I don't see the comparison but, well anyone who can make a 269 watchable without setting it alight has got to have something going for him, but in the high experience department with just 13,000 hours over 35 years, and a mere couple of hundred students trained, he aint!
His web site also talked a bit about 'posing', maybe one day when I get to meet him I'll find out whether he is or isn't.

SASless 10th Jul 2006 14:40


What bothers you about this....the fact he is not a Brit or Shackle scarred convict from Oz? You don't care to criticize Kenyon but Broussard an American doing the same type of flying is just being wild and reckless to you it seems.

It appears to me the Old Boy (and Dennis Kenyon) knows his machine and can fly it to its limits. That is something very few helicopter pilots ever really achieve.

Read up on the discussion about the RAF/RN Gazelles that get pranged from "Fenstron Stall" in another thread. That will demonstrate my point well enough.

topendtorque 10th Jul 2006 22:07

Originally Posted by SASless
same type of flying is just being wild and reckless to you it seems.

can fly it to its limits. That is something very few helicopter pilots ever really achieve.

I think the main thing is that super critical demos without explanation only promotes inexperienced emulation - which is trouble with a capital T -

and I don't agree that flying right to the limits means eroding the T/R. e.g. reverse quick stops with the T/R right up out of harms way look far more effective for the moving visual display and are so much easier to recover from.
Prod Ned a bit he might come up with a couple of snaps to illustrate.
it's not a nice feeling when you are sitting waiting on full forward stop while the M/R is just starting to decay as you're trying to - lift - lift - as the bloody firma terror is looming closer.

You are right; very few get to learn to fly to the limits, even fewer again get to go over the limits - and recover-- and keep the bloody job in hand- that's what we used to teach operationally, makes a far safer pilot.

I'll be delighted to check the other thread asap.

imabell 10th Jul 2006 22:28

as i said earlier this is vision from straight up, the imax film.

he is wearing the same clothes in the same location and does the manoeuvre from a standing start and ends up going up and back. the vision is from the front. there must have been a photographer off to the side.

as soon as i can load the video you can make up your own minds

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