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Teefor Gage 16th Jun 2006 07:04

As long as it doesn't end up like the pure fantasy start up in "Oil Heist".
Helicopter shut down on offshore installation which is being blown up. As the installation lists heavily to one side, the intrepid pilot climbs into his machine ( an S58T if I remember) cranks it up and lifts off in the nick of time as the deck angle increases dramatically.......................
In another scenario - out intrepid pilot is performing a winching operation where he "puts the machine into auto hover and then goes down the back to operate the winch himself in order to get the last man down....."

DBChopper 16th Jun 2006 16:23

22 clipper:

My female corporate pilot in her tight fitting chauffer's uniform with her long blonde hair tucked up under the little peaked cap could probably get it airborne in no time.
It's a small point, but one I fear I must correct := . The hair should be in the form of a ponytail poking out of the back of the little peaked cap.

Or she could be brunette...


SASless 16th Jun 2006 17:29

Young impressionable pilots....now you will have fair Whirls interest!

22clipper 17th Jun 2006 06:45

Okay, so Whirls like 'em youthful & maleable eh? Never had a female instructor (in any sense of the word), in fact when I learned to fly there were no female pilots as I recall.

Pandalet 17th Jun 2006 08:18

Originally Posted by 22clipper
...in fact when I learned to fly there were no female pilots as I recall.

We're working on it, watch this space :ok:

Whirlygig 17th Jun 2006 08:30

Originally Posted by 22clipper
Okay, so Whirls like 'em youthful & maleable eh?

...hhmmm, not sure what you mean 22 clipper?! Youthful? Ain't fussy as long as they have their own hair and teeth! Maleable? Male, yes! Definitely like my blokes to be male - just a quirk of mine :p Or do you mean I want to be able to fold them up into a small cube or mould them into interesting shapes and pop them in the post box?

Seriously though 'tis true! When my father wanted me to join the RAF in 1983, there were no women pilots and, I'm sure someone will correct me, the first female helicopter pilot (RAF) wasn't until the early 90s.



finalchecksplease 17th Jun 2006 08:50

Did not realise one could join the RAF at 14 …… :p ;)

22clipper 17th Jun 2006 11:13

That should have been malleable whirls, anyone know how to invoke a spell checker in thread posting?

Landed at Wagga to get fuel the other day to hear the sweet sound of a lady army pilot in her Kiowa. Made a nice change from the gruff blokey tones that come out of most military machines.

Whirlygig 17th Jun 2006 11:17

22clipper, the spell checker (which is the ABC tick icon in the top right hand corner of the reply box) requires a download of iespell from www.iespell.com.

I DID know what you meant but I just thought I'd have a little play on words; just my sense of humour!

...and, as for you, finalchecksplease, you flatterer you!! However, you were only four years out so I'm not THAT flattered!!



gusopenshaw 19th Jun 2006 20:52

Sorry for these dumb questions, but I feel like it is the first day of school still, taught in a foreign language:

When you first press the starter button, what do you hear?

If anything, how does the sound change as you check N1, TOT, etc.?

At what point in the take-off sequence does the ship start to make noise that would be heard by guards 100 yards away?


Whirlygig 19th Jun 2006 21:32


...and yes, one of these IS my mobile ringtone but I got banned from using it at work!



rugmuncher 19th Jun 2006 21:46

Originally Posted by gusopenshaw
In the novel I'm currently writing, a onetime CIA officer escapes from his cell at a government-run, sort-of secret agent prison/hospital disguised as a hunting and fishing club in the Blue Ridge mountains of Virginia. Our man has two things going for him: 1. He is an experienced helicopter pilot. 2. One of the grass tennis courts, some 500 feet from the clubhouse where he was held, is used as a helipad, and on it is a Bell 206/L3 the spooks use for medevac.

Once he escapes, a half-dozen guards with rifles will begin searching the club grounds for him. Once they hear the rotors, they will be able to reach the tennis court in about 20 seconds. My questions to you is: In this scenario, could you plausibly get the ship started and get away, and, if so, how might you do it? Also, what might go wrong?


Why don't you give Clive Cussler a shout and ask him how things would go, or just read one of his novels (again)! especially "Lost City" where you will find that the guards won't realise what is happening until the hero is safely airborne apart from sustaining minor fuselage damage!

topendtorque 19th Jun 2006 22:05

turbine sound effects - boring

obviously what you need is a real helicopter a Bell 47 3B1 which is still fairly warm from its arrival at - the convenient location.

scene - strike up a converstaion with 'the guard', wander over to said machine and con him into sticking his head nearly into the end of the big exhaust pipe, while hero fiddles inside.

Fiddling means - master electrics on - the throttle is given three good primes - wait a half second - hit the start button - just as its going past TDC (top dead centre) of the first compression - throw both mags on.

There will be an ear splitting explosion - followed by the sound of a real engine winding up - guard will be laying flat on the ground with mild concussion - jump in - thirty seconds later as you continue winding up - lift the collective - make like you're just learning to hover - all over the flat like - the other gurads will - take cover - at that point - full throttle - cyclic forward and piss off.

Not that I ever would have done that in real life with those real helpful bloody stickybeaks!

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