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Steve76 10th Feb 2006 04:27

Wouldn't we all?
The Strategic Defense of the Environment Group, Inc.
is searching for female helicopter pilots to be on a 207 foot research vessel.
We will be extracting a pirate sunken treasure off the coast of Peru. And will
be on the seven seas. Robinson R44 Clipper with pop up floats aboard, with
helideck and helicopter garage. A pilot-mechanic would be a super plus,
but not mandatory. Please send resumes to [email protected]

Hidden treasure me hearties ... AHAR!
Why a female? I think I know...

Good job for Mustering Guru backed up by John Abersynth I feel...

wishtobflying 10th Feb 2006 05:10

I'm wondering what looting pirate treasure has to do with saving the environment, as espoused by their website http://www.gentedelsol.org/htmls/sd/home.html - I can't imagine this is an elaborate plot to gain believers, by paying to put up a job ad on a web forum, but I'm really trying to work out the relationship between pirate treasure and saving forests.:confused:

Whirlybird 10th Feb 2006 06:46

I'm very tempted to apply just to find out what the hell it's all about! What do you think? Shall I apply and let you all know? Or am I in danger of being spirited off to the seven seas to live on a sunken wreck, never to be seen again?!!! :uhoh: :uhoh:

Whirlygig 10th Feb 2006 06:57

Cracking idea Whirly! You never know, you might get the job and love it - could be right up your street.

I am curious to know why female .... like Steve, I can guess - one of two reasons but there may be a third I haven't thought of.

Since us rotorheads all seem to know someone who knows someone else - how many female R44 clipper rated pilot/mechanics are there out there!! Just to give Whirly some indication of the odds, you know!



teeteringhead 10th Feb 2006 07:39

Could just be a pilot weight/aircraft performance thing .... ISTR some years ago sport fishing boats advertising in R&W for R22 pilots "max weight 100lbs".

Teeters has been considerably more than that since before he could ride a motorcycle, let alone hover!:(

I'd also be suspicious of the @aol.com address, which seems private rather than corporate .....

jimgriff 10th Feb 2006 07:56

Well it's obvious why they need a female pilot. They need someone to do the laundry and cooking.:D


Whirlybird 11th Feb 2006 09:04

Well, that counts me out then. My idea of cooking is to throw something in the microwave.

Anyway, I've sent them my CV, and I'll let you know what happens. Don't think I can do it though - I couldn't take my five cats. :{

Ascend Charlie 11th Feb 2006 09:07

.......... contemplates making a crude suggestion here about 6 pussies, but decides not to.....

Spunk 11th Feb 2006 09:24

What happened to those companies saying "We are an Equal Employment Opportunity Company...".

Gents, let's sue them for favouring women over men.:} (... with reference to the job offer :\ )

IHL 18th Feb 2006 04:30

The reasons for a female pilot that I can think of are:
1) The type standard for the female gender is predominately lighter that the male equivalent therefore alowing greater payload.
2) On ships space is limited; to have a properly rested pilot the pilot should have his /her own room. It would be dificult to grant such privileges to a male pilot on a crowded ship ; much easier to grant for a pilot of the female gender.

OWAP 18th Feb 2006 04:53

Point 1 - yes granted generally lighter but not always. A selection process would eliminate weight challenged persons and
Point 2 - If one can be found for a female then one can be found for a male. If there is no 'spare' room to rest a male pilot how would room suddenly appear for the female!

BlenderPilot 18th Feb 2006 05:08

Woman in the seven seas??

Same reason for a woman in space??


petitfromage 18th Feb 2006 05:37

If space is a real issue then surely any female is a liability?

12 pairs on everyhing (cant wear the same thing twice in one week now can we?) "Just in case" items not applicable to the tropics...like jackets, hats and gloves! There is after all a 1:25,000 chance of a blizzard. Shoes.....how many? (see jetblast thread). Novelty and sentimental items (photos of said 5 cats!), nonsensical fluffy toys. Toiletries, make-up.....Apricot moisturiser SPF15 for the morning, something with anti-wrinkle at night (salt air, sun...nasty stuff that!). Hair products.....its been in a helmet all day dont you know? Personal massagers.....Oh yes, I believe you!
Suitcase! Entirely impractical for getting up and down gangways onboard....but, rucksacks wrinkle my blouses, oh and by the way.....could you be a nice chap and carry this for me?
Damn forgot my passport and wallet.....you dont mind paying do you? Forgot my sunglasses too, let 'us' buy them first?

OWAP..."weight challenged persons"......come be a man, say it.......................................................... ...........................................................y ou know you want to.......................................................... ..............................................who ate all the pies?..........................................oh yes, the fat man did!


PO dust devil 18th Feb 2006 09:12

Maybe AM is producing another series of unforgettable adventure documentaries (Come on .....we have all been glued to those adventure storylines) and needs a girl pilot to pose around in swimwear and even fly a bit as well. Wasn't it a former Miss somewhere who was injured in a one car crash scene in his documentary and had to be repatriated to the first world from Guatamala or somewhere? I recall one documentary I think made by AM where a dog fell or jumped out of a fast moving car accidentally, tragically, and it was reputed (aussie folklore/legend has it at least) that this accident took a number of takes before the dog gave the required credible performance for the producer/director. Great viewing however.

I know a number of women pilots (and some men also) who would far exceed these task requirements........what a shame it has to appear so cryptically and dodgy in a clearly sexist way. My best advice......send in a decoy first, keep an eye out for hidden tripwires and a jolly roger. ARRRH.

Oh yeah, by the way, which part of the environment is being saved?


Whirlybird 24th Feb 2006 07:27

Well, I applied. I have no intention whatsoever of taking off for the Caribbean, seven seas, white slavery, or whatever, but I was...curious. I just received a reply; this is it....

Dearest XXXX,

thank you for your CV., Woudl you please send a more detailed and revised version with FAA or JAA certification,

Example: Licence: JAA Frozen ATPL
JAA Multi-Engine Instrument Rating and CPL (First time IR and CPL)
FAA CFII – Certified Flight Instructor Instrument

and all parameters Eurpean style, picture etc..

Is your address in Britain or what country, please advise of aas much detail as possible. More info will be sent to you soon.

You are now on the front line.


Kamalino Benjelloun

President and CEO of the Strategic Defense of the Environment Group

It gave the company's address too; it's in Arizona.

Now, why do I find this whole thing deeply suspicious? And what front line am I on? :confused:

whoateallthepies 24th Feb 2006 08:15


I won't be applying.

Whirlybird - When they start the letter "Dearest" then four kisses that seems friendly enough.


SASless 24th Feb 2006 12:19

Arizona based you say?

Hmmmmm....women only it says?

Remember the jerk who sued Hooters because they for some odd reason only hire pretty young things as waitresses....and got a settlement out of it?

Here we go guys....class action lawsuit time.

On second thought....the mental image of of Nick Lappos in a thong scares me!

Now fair Whirls....ah...that would be a sight to behold....complete with hiking boots and banjo to finish off the outfit.

Simon853 24th Feb 2006 12:24

I can't imagine Whirls wanting to work anywhere that they don't have fine ales on tap.


Whirlygig 24th Feb 2006 18:40

You're absolutely right Simon! Although I have heard that Clint Eastwood's bar in Carmel, the Hog's Breath Inn does a rather fine ale - microbrewery round the back I believe.

But, it is my helicopter ambition to never fly anything that requires carb heat so no Robbies for me!!



SASless 24th Feb 2006 20:12

Whirls.....did the man say fine males on lap....or is my Chinook ravaged ears deceiving me?

imabell 28th Feb 2006 03:19

po dust devil,

the story about am and the dog is true.

i was the cameraman on that television series and as i and a few of my colleagues were owed substantial amounts of money by that bottom dweller i did an expose on his ethics that aired on national television. needless to say we are not the best of mates

i don't regret it for a moment.:E :E

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