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Helipolarbear 19th Jan 2006 14:20

Irish Helipilots Group/association
If you are a Helicopter Pilot, Student to ATPL and have or wants to have an association with fellow pilots in or from Ireland take note:

I am making my email address: [email protected] available on this thread for anyone interested in developing a Group or Association to represent the body of Helicopter Pilots of Ireland. This means membership of a registered body who will operate a democratic and supportive role on behalf of all Helicopter Pilots.

If you supply an email response to this thread with the word's 'Send Info'
You will recieve as part of a mass mailing the suggested format of the IRISH HELICOPTER PILOTS ASSOCIATION/GROUP.

Again, the intention is to unify all Irish associated Heli Pilots with a body that will speak on their behalf, represent their aspirations, concerns and general welfare in the industry. All submissions and ideas are invited and will be considered seriously.

If the interest is there it will happen for those who care about their industry, be it social or professional.

Thank You for any support given.


Helipolarbear 19th Jan 2006 18:08

Where ever you are in the World...Hover and be counted!
37 emails so far!:) Keep them coming.....there are well over 1700 licences issued. And then there are all those other ones issued by the FAA, CAA, CASA,...even NCAA issued validations to Irish Helipilot's!:) Every body is welcome!

CVR 20th Jan 2006 20:17

Well done Helipolarbear, this is badly needed in the "Irish Helicopter Scene", as it currently stands. New standards need to be set in Ireland and an association to act on our behalf can only lead to safer flying. The very best of luck........:ok:

unhappyhamster 21st Jan 2006 02:24

out of interest, how many helos are there on the Irish register ?

Helipolarbear 21st Jan 2006 09:44

Don't know the exact figure. could even be a 'State Secret', but with the N reg and enormous amount of G reg......best gestimate is 200+:) I'll try and get an accurate figure and post it!

unhappyhamster 21st Jan 2006 09:54

Thanks - Still interested to see the exact figure Mr H - Anyway, I wish you all the best with your project in the wonderful fiddly-diddly isle !

waffle 21st Jan 2006 12:24

If Helipolarbear is who I think he is...(ex US Military) I wouldnt touch it with a five hundred yard pole.

Helipolarbear 21st Jan 2006 12:39

Well Waffle, now we know we are one Helipilot less! Sorry you feel that way.:rolleyes:

ppheli 21st Jan 2006 22:57

Originally Posted by Helipolarbear
Don't know the exact figure. could even be a 'State Secret', but with the N reg and enormous amount of G reg......best gestimate is 200+:) I'll try and get an accurate figure and post it!

Yep, that figure is slightly high, but don't get put off by "State Secrets" because the whole EI register is online for free viewing here

EI- reg in Eire = 115 approx
G- reg in Eire = 40 approx
All other reg in Eire = 25 approx

funfinn2000 21st Jan 2006 23:09

count me in ,

Helipolarbear 21st Jan 2006 23:11

PPHELI....Thanks for That! Count another 14 on order and a few more unconfirmed!:)

Pink Panther 22nd Jan 2006 09:03

Count me in.;)

r22-male 22nd Jan 2006 14:59

count me in and well done

unhappyhamster 22nd Jan 2006 17:45

heli-per-person ratio...
that's one chopper, if you count them all, for every 27,000 people - that's twice as many as the UK per person ratio.

396.8T 31st Jan 2006 16:34

Waffle if you are who I think you are your name says it all!!!!

wesp 31st Jan 2006 20:42


I don't only think who he is I know him. And I think you're way out of line.

Helipolarbear very good initiative.

funfinn2000 1st Feb 2006 00:14

well i think it's a great idea there's more and more irish helipilots out there around the world that would like to come home but find it all too much hassle.

I'm teaching in florida and was @ HAI for about a year and there was lots of irish and about 3 more started .

Taking over the world of helicopters, mostly irish and norweigians in that school

mad bunch .

Choppersquad 1st Feb 2006 20:12

Originally Posted by 396.8T
Waffle if you are who I think you are your name says it all!!!!

I do not see you getting up off your ass and trying to help any pilot in ireland
not alone take on such a task.People like you who slag off others for making a effort rather than lend a hand should say nothing.
best of luck with the venture.

epecyclic 2nd Feb 2006 15:28

Anymore info on the asscociation?How many interested at this stage or any idea,s on when things might be getting started.Great idea we need all the help we can get in this country especially with the way the IAA govern things at present:ok:

Head Turner 2nd Feb 2006 16:05

Excellent project and knowing the quality of the hospilality of the Irish it will be a happy bunch of boys and girls. Pity that I'm on the other side of the Irish Sea.

Quick Release 2nd Feb 2006 17:35

Ireland seems like such a small place, are there that many pilots there? what industry supports so many..... lived there once apon a time and what a great place.

funfinn2000 2nd Feb 2006 19:46

lots of irish helipilots in ireland and you would be suprised of the amount of irelands best all over the world doing what they do best flying around

Hedski 2nd Feb 2006 20:04

Great overdue initiative........... nowt like H'polar to get it going. But, if your gonna be a bear....be a grizzly!!
HT, welcome over any time, if we can visit Cumbria! :E

Heliseka 2nd Feb 2006 21:31

I think the reason why more Irish are becoming helipilots is now they can afford to with the Irish economy being as it is..You only have to take a look at Weston and see how busy it is..What do all think of the schools in Ireland?
I have had a few problems and wish now i had gone to the states ,12k down and nowhere finished.

funfinn2000 2nd Feb 2006 22:44

i spent 30k back home in dublin on ppl and hour building then i left fot florida best decision ever , having a blast , if ya want any info pm me


Heliseka 2nd Feb 2006 23:25

Thanks funfinn2000
Thanks funfinn2000... still trying to decide what to do i am just at that stage now where i don't no what to do ,but i want to finish..Seems some schools in Ireland are better than others ,not naming anyone, i just wish they were a little more profesional in the way they do things, esp when paying €370+hr.
I've talked to differant people from other schools and but don't really want to change schools at this stage and end up going backwards..
How many hrs would you think i would need to finish my ppl in the states, I have about 33hrs and soloed,or can i do this half way through, i am i just better to finish it here and go to the states at a later date to hour build.

funfinn2000 2nd Feb 2006 23:41

for 370 euros per hour you could almost get an hour in a 206 out here.
I am a CFI in florida , and depending on what school your at in ireland your ground knowledge might need work . You could be doen in about 25 hrs min. Pm me .and tell me what school yer at

Chickenhawk1 3rd Feb 2006 12:13

Hey this Irish Helipilots group sounds like a great idea, probably about time too.
I don't know how anyone would do their PPL(H) here, it's way too expensive. I'm just back from NZ where I got twice as many hours as Heliseka for not much more than they've already paid. Different strokes I guess.
Hey funfinn2000, how'd you get where you are? I plan on going to HAI in the next few months, thought you might be ideal for some insight.

Heliseka 3rd Feb 2006 12:24

Chickenhawk you wouldn,t believe ,i am org from N.Z, who did you fly with out there..I guy i no back home owns Helipro, yeah i must be made paying that here when i could go home...Did you have to convert to jaa once back or did you just hour build out there.. Once i get my ppl i def wont be doing much more flying here its way to expensive...Even instructors here say your better going outside Ireland to obtain your licence.and do the odd hour when back,

heli1 3rd Feb 2006 16:48

Irish invite to HeliDays
To all those Irish pilots with shiny A109s and S-76s..OK..and the Robbies too.Why not come over to Weston-super Mare for the International Helidays this year ? Lots of other helo people,a BBQ on the Saturday night and sea and sand to boot (or in them !).The local girls would love to see you ,and the helicopter enthusiasts as well of course.
If you want to come ,solo or in a bunch , the dates are 28th(including the flying display ),29th and 30th on the seafront.Send contact details to [email protected] and they will send you a form .Applies to Scottish,Welsh ,English and other nationalities too of course.

Chickenhawk1 4th Feb 2006 13:38

Heliseka, I did a couple of trial flights here then went out to Heliflight NZ and did all my training out there on CBis, hence the planned trip to HAI. Right now I've a NZ CAA PPL(H) but having spoken with the IAA they said I can fly with that here, just have to be checked out by a CFI. Just gonna do a few flights out in weston to keep my hand in while I save up some more deniro. Helipro fly C models don't they? If you're flying 300s here, who with?

Heliseka 4th Feb 2006 15:56

Chickenhawk,Yeah Helipro have 300c,s...they have just brought three brand new R22...
I was flying a 300cbi with Eirecopter here but they sold it about a year ago, they got a 300c in and i was told you cant solo in it as it doesnt have a low rpm horn (or something like that) and don't no if they have a new 300cbi yet as i was told they had one on order last year...Your best bet is EHA out at weston they have 2x300cbi, expect to pay about €380hr though.Nothing wrong with either school just depends what machine you fly.Eirecopter is more relaxed and is more geared up for people that have liences and just want to rent a machine.And EHA are more on the professional pilot side of things and run it more as a training school.:ok:

funfinn2000 4th Feb 2006 16:16

go with Eirecopter dude, they are getting a new 300cbi i will find out for ya . Go and see JOE you probably know him already .

B Sousa 4th Feb 2006 20:32

Irish Helicopter Pilots?? Can you imagine a party.........The Liquor Industry would go dry.......

Choppersquad 5th Feb 2006 11:19

Originally Posted by B Sousa
Irish Helicopter Pilots?? Can you imagine a party.........The Liquor Industry would go dry.......

as we say in ireland ,talk is cheap and drink is dear.

we drink with any heli pilots once their buying the pints.

B Sousa 5th Feb 2006 12:30

Next time you make it to Vega$, theres Bar in the New York New York Casino called "Nine Fine Irishmen". Nobody understands where that name came from as how on earth can you find nine fine Irishmen.....
Beers on me, give me a shout.

Choppersquad 5th Feb 2006 15:20

no problem
will not be in vegas until 2007 feb on a lads away trip. there will be ten fine irish men with me, start stacking up the pints.


robbiesrule 5th Feb 2006 15:35

When's the Pi:mad: ss up gona be!Race week:ok:

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