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-   -   Rotorheads Desktop Calendars (Archive Dec 03 - Dec 05) (https://www.pprune.org/rotorheads/206812-rotorheads-desktop-calendars-archive-dec-03-dec-05-a.html)

rotorrookie 1st Sep 2005 19:48

great pictures......it's difficult to decide which one to use :ok:

Heli-Ice 1st Sep 2005 23:10

I like the one with the ugly yellow helicopter on the road.

Lowlevldevl 2nd Sep 2005 06:10

Congratulations BP! Those are all great shots but although I'm a patriotic Aussie, that 427 is going to look great on my desktop for the remainder of September.

sprocket 2nd Sep 2005 07:41

Superb! Wish I had widescreen.

Heliport 5th Sep 2005 23:09

Some more superb calendars. :ok:

Many thanks to Carlos and to those who submitted photos.


RobboRider 7th Sep 2005 12:55


I can't stand the stress of trying to decide which fantastic photo to use!


John Eacott 30th Sep 2005 09:00

October 2005 calendar
Here are this month's offerings: I'm rapidly running out of high res images to use for the calendar, so any budding contributors out there, please send your offerings ;) :ok:

Click on the thumbnail image to link to the full size calendar :)

One of the Stornoway Coastguard S61, standard and widescreen:

http://www.helicopterservice.com.au/...61%20thumb.jpg http://www.helicopterservice.com.au/...de%20thumb.jpg

and a Canadian 206, in the Mackenzie Mountains, standard screen only


(edited to correct geographical misplacement: thanks, mustfly1 ! )

mustfly1 30th Sep 2005 15:31

"Coastguard Rescue MU" is based in Stornoway

erchie 30th Sep 2005 16:38

John, sorry if im being a pest. Is there any chance you could send me a hi res image of the original? Mike Uniform is a familiar sight to us round here and a picture as good as that deserves to be seen. (If only in the office)

John Eacott 30th Sep 2005 23:33


Not my original to pass on, but if you send a PM to NRDK, I'm sure that he can let you have a copy :ok:

Travelling Toolbox 10th Oct 2005 00:58

Where's this month's wallpaper?
Morning everyone. Can someone please point me to the October wallpaper photo?



cobra427 10th Oct 2005 01:09

You can find the choices here...


Travelling Toolbox 10th Oct 2005 02:06

Thanks Cobra!! :ok:


Heliport 10th Oct 2005 08:52

Sorry, I forgot to make the calendar a 'sticky'.

Great shots from NRDK and Steve76. :ok:

Thanks to John Eacott of Helicopter Service Australia for another superb production.


BlenderPilot 31st Oct 2005 03:41

November Calendar
As always I got a great response to my request for pictures, lots of excellent pictures which if I didn't use on this calendar, will use on the next for sure.

You can see the other pictures at the pictures thread and on future calendars,

Thank you and I hope you like the calendar, this month the calendars are all in 1024x768 resolution, please tell me the most popular resolutions so that I can make more versions, also please let me know how many of you are Mac users so that I can start making versions with the calendar on the other side.




John Eacott 31st Oct 2005 04:26


Nice shots as always, any chance of 1280 x 800 for us widescreen users?

TIA :ok:

Genghis the Engineer 1st Nov 2005 16:29


I'm tempted to suggest something similar on the "Private Flying" forum covering light aircraft. Before suggesting such a thing however, I'd better be prepared to volunteer!

Given that, is there any chance of Emailing me the PPrune and monthly graphics that you use in those? genghis @ engineer.flyer.co. uk (spaces deliberately inserted to avoid web trolls, just re-type) will get me.


Pekka 6th Nov 2005 16:05

Great pictures!!!


John Eacott 24th Nov 2005 19:53

Christmas calendar photo needed....
I'm looking for a (Northern Hemisphere) White Christmas photo for the December Rotorheads calendar. If anyone has a suitable hi res image that can be used, would you e mail it to me (my e mail is in my profile) with a description and author details?

TIA :ok:

Heliport 24th Nov 2005 20:08


You'll need to change the e-mail setting in your profile.
At the moment, it's set not to receive e-mails.


John Eacott 24th Nov 2005 22:35


Hmmmmm.... profile as I've set it, allows e mails, but PPRuNe doesn't. Any clues to correcting the setting?

Anyone with a photo, send it to ****info@##helicopterservice.com.au , but remove the **** and the ##. My only guard against the address getting picked up by spambots ;)

John Eacott 30th Nov 2005 10:27

December calendar
'tis the season to be jolly, bah humbug, etc etc ;)

This month's offerings include both standard and widescreen format: I am still putting the standard at 1024 x 768, maybe a straw poll to let me know if this is still a high enough resolution for everyone? The widescreen is 1680 x 1040, which should suit most users.

The snow scene is courtesy of Ron Kellenaers, who took the AS532UL Cougar as the opening display of the 2005 Axalp fire power demo. The LtSt6 Swiss Air Force Cougar fired off 128 flares in the one pass: more photos are at Ron's site, www.sgniederrhein.net.

http://www.helicopterservice.com.au/...ma%20thumb.jpg http://www.helicopterservice.com.au/...de%20thumb.jpg

The Antipodean offering comes from Whangaruru, Northland, New Zealand; the photo is by Neil Wellwood of one of his R44's spraying gorse, and the pilot was Steve Pascoe, co owner of TwinCoast Helicopters.

http://www.helicopterservice.com.au/...44%20thumb.jpg http://www.helicopterservice.com.au/...de%20thumb.jpg

To download the required image, click on the thumbnail, and the full size image will be displayed. Right click on the full size calendar, and Set as Background to put it as wallpaper on your monitor :ok:

rotorrookie 30th Nov 2005 11:12

Wow this photo of the Cougar is just beyond........ :ok: :ok: :ok:

flyer43 1st Dec 2005 04:43

December Calendar
As always, the pictures are superb and I enjoy having a monthly calendar on my desktop.
Just one minor point this month - December seems to have been shortened this year? :\

John Eacott 1st Dec 2005 05:08

December seems to have been shortened this year?
:\ :\ :\

Oops: I'll fix it later, in the middle of a film job ATM ;)

Personally, I blame the proof readers......... :rolleyes:

John Eacott 1st Dec 2005 07:29

All fixed: my sister's excuse was "tell them it's a December leap Year". Is that good enough?

:rolleyes: ;) :p


flyer43 1st Dec 2005 07:43

What excellent and speedy service!!

Actually, I thought it was another of those sneaky "stealth taxes" creeping in. By shortening each month the government could squeeze an extra month into the year and make some more out of us......??

Brian Dixon 2nd Dec 2005 17:59

Just wanted to say thank you.

I really look forward to the new calendar.


brit bus driver 5th Dec 2005 19:01

Fantastic! Anyone offer a similar service for us mere FW types? (though I now have the Swiss one as my wallpaper!)

Jordan3054 7th Dec 2005 15:46

The missus just saw the wallpaper and said
"oh its one of those boat plane waterfall things isnt it?"

Just had to laugh

skydriller 11th Dec 2005 14:47


Im afraid I am only getting Red crosses.........and page unavailable..........I know Im leaving it a little late in December, but have only just got back home from offshore.

Any Ideas??

Regards, SD..

skydriller 12th Dec 2005 10:26


Thanks to whoever fixed it!!

Regards, SD..

BlenderPilot 27th Dec 2005 15:37

January's Desktop Calendars
I am looking to see if the calendar fits the different resolutions in your screen, especially if the widescreen users think it looks OK in their computers. If everything goes OK I will work on more calendars with the other pictures I have recieved.

I will try to add a couple more before the end of December

Please tell me if you like the new way of setting up the days in the calendar of you prefer the old way.

And Sasless & BigMike, I promise that as soon as I get a chance I will make a calendar with the hangar staff! :)


DOWNLOAD HERE 1280 x 1024 Version

DOWNLOAD HERE 1024 x 768 Version

DOWNLOAD HERE 1680 x 1050 Version

DOWNLOAD HERE 1152 x 864 Version

This is another version in 1024 x 768 and 1680 x 1050 only so far

DOWNLOAD HERE 1024 x 768 Version

DOWNLOAD HERE 1650 x 1050 Version


John Eacott 28th Dec 2005 22:33


The 1680 x 1050 works fine for me, cheers. Not too sure about the change of calendar layout, but it should work as long as it doesn't interfere with a cluttered desktop.

Thanks for your efforts, I look forward to the final offering :ok:

SASless 28th Dec 2005 22:41


Now if you need help moving the "birds" (British Usage here)around for that other calendar.....please feel free to call for assistance!

Have a good New Year BP!:ok:

IntheTin 3rd Jan 2006 11:17

January Calender

Been away over Christmas and New year and had no access to a PC.

Was there a January Calender posted?

Also really like the new look. Adds a splash of fresh paint to the site!:ok:

Whirlygig 3rd Jan 2006 12:07

Re: January Calender
It was around the top of page 3 this morning!



IntheTin 3rd Jan 2006 12:45

Re: January Calender
Love page 3 me.

Thanks for that Whirls. :ok:

SASless 3rd Jan 2006 13:00

Re: January Calender

Why on Heaven's Earth would you be looking at page 3? You gone to modeling now and are looking for you piccies?

Whirlygig 3rd Jan 2006 13:30

Re: January Calender
I love you guys - I can feed you the lines and you never fail to disappoint! :ok:
Now, where are my other Kings of Smut!? :p

As for modelling? Well, modesty forbids but I did succeed in putting together a rather nice model of a Chinook! :8



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