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Lafyar Cokov 16th Jan 2006 19:25

CFS Colour Scheme
Hello all - just trying to re-produce a true vector diagram and can't remember the colour for the vectors - does anyone here know the right labelling system?? I have what I can remember below - but please correct if you know better.. Yes I am anal!!!

Axis: Black?
Blade: Black?
IAF: Green (I know that one!!!)
RAF: Blue?
Tq: Brown???
Lift: Black??
Drag: Black
TR: Purple??
TRT: ???
Wt: Black
Auto Rotative Force: Gold???
Any others????

Thanks for the help.

NR DROOP 16th Jan 2006 19:39

Re: CFS Colour Scheme
From what I remember :rolleyes:

In the good old days before a black board became a chalk board the colours were:-

Axis: white - drawn thinly
Blade: white
IAF: Green ( you knew that one!!!)
RAF: red
Tq: brown
Lift: yellow - drawn thinly
Drag: yellow - drawn thinly
TR: Purpled
TRT: thick white for emphasis
Wt: thick white for emphasis
Auto Rotative Force: yellow
Rate of descent flow: Blue

You were limited by the amount of colours of chalk. When the magi-board came along white became black but the key colours remained the same.

That was a trip down memory lane - better sit down:zzz:

jayteeto 16th Jan 2006 20:47

Re: CFS Colour Scheme
:8 Nr Droop- Well done! Glad to see these things permanent in the brain cells. Of course CFS taught (still teach) a much more progressive approach, aligned to todays expeditionary forces. It is called fag packet explanations.
When one of your pilots comes to you, the QHI, in a tent in Iraq and asks you to explain vortex ring, you have the ability to explain things without powerpoint or whiteboards. :yuk:
This is supremely important, because todays young military men and women lie awake at night, worrying about principles of flight dilemas.
PS. I am mad..............

NR DROOP 16th Jan 2006 21:10

Re: CFS Colour Scheme
"When one of your pilots comes to you, the QHI, in a tent in Iraq and asks you to explain vortex ring, you have the ability to explain things without powerpoint or whiteboards"

Unlikely I am now enjoying the life of a civvy................

"Nr Droop- Well done! Glad to see these things permanent in the brain cells."

Thanks to couple of years on the Staff at CFS long before you were OC ............... mmmmmmmmmm that's got you thinking !:p

Lafyar Cokov 16th Jan 2006 21:31

Re: CFS Colour Scheme
Wow - all this reminiscing......where's Ramdog the Elder now I need him????

Thanks for the help - of course I should have asked what the CMYK numbers for the colours on Powerpoint were!!! I, of course, was a stude on CFS just before you were OC...:p

TwoSheds 14th Feb 2006 22:18

Originally Posted by Lafyar Cokov
where's Ramdog the Elder now I need him????

Oh, he's around. And watching.... :ooh:

Arm out the window 15th Feb 2006 01:14

'And the lord spake, and said that there shall only be one colour for Total Reaction, and that colour shall be purple. And verily, when the purple whiteboard marker ran out and none could be found, there was a great wailing and rending of clothes, and none could learn to fly.
Until one came who would challenge the colour code, and did say unto them: ''Use whatever colour you like, as long as it can be understood."
At this, there was great rejoicing, and they were freed for ever more from the tyranny of those who would only use the traditional way of cat-skinning.'

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