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-   -   How do you get a Permit to work as a helicopter pilot in America? (https://www.pprune.org/rotorheads/195180-how-do-you-get-permit-work-helicopter-pilot-america.html)

BlenderPilot 21st Oct 2005 18:53

About $ 50k USD can get you a Green Card.
I have a few of friends who have decided to move to the US (legally) and the easiest way has been to invest more than 50k in a business, and that will get you a Green Card for you and your family. I have a friend who just moved by opening a bakery called "The Bread Boutique", in a year the bakery has paid itself off, pays all its bills and leaves more than 8K a month in net profit. (Its located in a fancy neighborhood)

I went to visit him and we had so much fun making large proportioned playmate baguettes!

The US is the land of opportunity for those who have the willingness and intelligence to setup a business and have the determination to work hard and make it succeed.

rjsquirrel 21st Oct 2005 19:43

B. Bousa said, ".....assorted trash.....slugs.....15th generation now living on the tit....."


B Sousa 21st Oct 2005 19:56

The US is the land of opportunity for those who have the willingness and intelligence to setup a business and have the determination to work hard and make it succeed.
Apparently RJ Squirell didnt read this.........

rjsquirrel 21st Oct 2005 21:51

My Grandfather wept when he saw these words on the Statue of Liberty. When you say "trash" in reference to another human being, it makes my skin crawl. You are a bigot, B. Sousa.

“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore;
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

- Emma Lazarus
Written at the base of the Statue of Liberty, Gateway to my country, not B. Sousa's

B Sousa 21st Oct 2005 23:11

My Grandfather wept when he saw these words on the Statue of Liberty. When you say "trash" in reference to another human being, it makes my skin crawl. You are a bigot, B. Sousa.
Its so nice to be liked........Point being you still were not there and have no clue whats going on. Dont drape yourself in the flag so easy. I did my time for it and have my opinion of what it cost me. That gives me the right to support who I think deserve it. I just prefer you be the one to support your brother "trash". I will support those who need help based on the fact they for some reason cannot help themselves, NOT because We owe it to them for sitting on their 15th generation dead ass.
You are a moron, so now we both agree, lets move on.....
Anybody else want a piece............or can we get back to the topic thread.........

SASless 21st Oct 2005 23:36

Bert dear boy,

One should not rise to the bait quite so easily. RJ...back off a bit.

The Mayor of New Orleans quite recently (along with the Reverend Jesse "Shoulda used a condom" Jackson) have decried the sudden influx of Hispanics into New Orleans. His Nibs has gone public saying the newcomers (beating the old bunch back to town) are taking away reconstruction jobs that should rightfully go to the old bunch. (Some of which are the "homeless" Bert refers to....) His Nibs did not explain why the furriners beat the Home Boys back to their Hoods but did suggest the furriners were living three families to a house and stealing jobs by doing so.

Now as an outsider to this....and having been involved in getting the fish market off the main street after one of these hurricane things.....it would seem the American way that the job goes to the first qualified applicant that shows up ready and willing to work. I wonder if living in a motel at taxpayer expense is as big a motivator as wanting to save yer money and buy a home and get a piece of the American Dream?

Seems to me....we pushed the floatsam from in front of the door, got out the shovels, rakes, brooms, and chainsaws and got back to living. Wonder what is keeping the Homey's from doing that?

tangovictor 21st Oct 2005 23:59

uk - us
I agree with blender, the only way, apart from marriage, is invest 50k in a business, which can't be just owning land.
when you consider our countries histories, its amazing, to think we are not more, hospitalable, I'd like, as I'm sure 100's more would, to retire to the US, buy a huge house, US car, move my money to a US bank, and pay my own way, ie health care.
In other words 1 way traffic, however the US Gov, say's NO
strange isn't it

B Sousa 22nd Oct 2005 01:09

, I'd like, as I'm sure 100's more would, to retire to the US, buy a huge house, US car, move my money to a US bank, and pay my own way, ie health care.
You have my vote, come on over. Im sure I will be able to pick you out of todays crowd.......
The reason you may not be welcome is that you probably (if you had the ability) not vote for the cradle to the grave Government we are getting in place.
RJS and friends would have to work for a living...
Blender was close as many of those "legal migrants" that I know work some dam long days to put their kids through college etc...Much longer than I would care for.

See Sasless, maybe we both have too much Huey time.

Attn: Grammer Police...Go for it.

BigMike 22nd Oct 2005 07:59

The bell has rung, would the 2 gentleman retire to their respective corners please...

As per my previous question, would the US guys be able to tell me what the job situation is at the moment? Is there a shortage of experienced pilots in the US? I am not looking for a job, just curious. Although I would like to have a look up Alaska way in the future.

Cheers BigMike

TheFlyingSquirrel 22nd Oct 2005 09:01

Yeah, but the Brits will not scrub floors for $5 an hour ! I guess this is the problem.

Nigerian Expat Outlaw 22nd Oct 2005 11:03


Is that 50k US$ or £ ?



velboy 22nd Oct 2005 11:33

Just so you know...

Unfortunately, citizens of the United Kingdom are not eligible to enter the Green Card Lottery.

The Green Card Lottery, officially called Diversity Immigrant Visa Program, is an official U.S. government lottery for people who come from countries with low rates of immigration to the United States.

The United Kingdom (and its dependent territories) has received over 50,000 Green Cards in the past 5 years, therefore citizens of the United Kingdom are excluded from the Green Card Lottery.


B Sousa 22nd Oct 2005 13:21

US guys be able to tell me what the job situation is at the moment? Is there a shortage of experienced pilots in the US?
Job ads seem rather thin right now.
Tour season is slow and Alaska won't be gearing up for next year until about Jan/Feb. All those seasonal fire contracts are almost over so there is an abundance of folks who may be looking to fill some part time gigs.
EMS on the other hand is always looking for pilots. New jobs etc and many unsatisfied folks who keep moving around.
I guess it depends on what is your area of experience. Remember a few of these U.S. companies also work outside the country in which case jobs are available. I have a few friends (yes RJ, I do) who are working for the Oil folks in mid Africa. Pay seems to be good, living conditions seem to suck. Try searching the African Aviation forum.
Good Luck

BigMike 22nd Oct 2005 13:49

Thanks. Nope, not looking for a job, but there seemed to be a LOT of EMS jobs advertised in recent times. So this is just due to a very high turn-over?

SASless 22nd Oct 2005 14:00

Turnover...poor pay...bad working conditions...less than enlightened management at the local hospitals...and within some of the operators.

The stress of flying at night in marginal weather conditions with less than adequate weather reporting and lots of wires and rocks to run into....adds to the problem. Compound that with some of the new cars today costing almost the same as your annual income....and trying to raise a family on yer wages....well guess there might be stress there. Add in the fact that all it takes is a squawk by a Medical Crew and you are out of that job like a cork from a shook bottle of hot champagne and you can see why there are lots of job ads.

It takes a special kind of pilot to fly EMS....what should be a really enjoyable job can oft times be anything but that.

B Sousa 22nd Oct 2005 14:14

less than enlightened management at the local hospitals
This could be translated to "The Nurse in the back (thinks she)knows more than the Pilot, therefore get another Pilot"
Nurse works for the Hospital, Pilot is a contract.......See ya.....

EMS guys?? Any comments??

platinumpure 22nd Oct 2005 15:09

Hi Guys,

I married an American girl thats how I got here. Its not really that hard to find a decent looking girl in America. I was originally on a M1 Visa and it was time to go home. She didn't want me to go, so we got married. Been happy ever since. Bearing in mind that mine isn't a fat trailer heffer.

The 50grand way seems a bit expensive. You could also loss all that money in that buisness. Even if a marriage doesn't work out, I doubt it would cost you 50 K. Still if your an ugly and boring that may be your only option. hahaha.

As for the job situation. Alaska's season is coming to an end as is fire season, so jobs up there are limited at the moment. Wait till Summer and you can get a job in Alaska flying tours. If you have more than 1000 hours Temsco will probably hire you. You won't make **** but you'll fly in Alaska. As far as the rest of the states, EMS, offshore etc are always hiring and short of pilots, really short. Not just of experienced guys but of everyone. Its not a case of will you get a job, its more who do you want to work for.

Here Sousa, I stay in New Orleans and have been out of the house until last week. My house was fine I just wasn't allowed back into the city. I wanted to be back home but wasn't allowed by the Government, even though my house and area where fine. Therefore I was forced to keep my wife in a motel while I was at work and you better believe that I am not paying for that.

B Sousa 22nd Oct 2005 15:29

Here Sousa, I stay in New Orleans and have been out of the house until last week. My house was fine I just wasn't allowed back into the city. I wanted to be back home but wasn't allowed by the Government, even though my house and area where fine. Therefore I was forced to keep my wife in a motel while I was at work and you better believe that I am not paying for that.
Lets not go there again........I worked in Slidell right after the storm, and in fact was flying there again last week. I think I saw as much of the damage as anyone. Let us say the other guy didnt mention in total what I said. YES there were those deserving help, BUT there were many more that wont get off their collective butts thus making it difficult for deserving folks to get the necessary help....
You may be a lucky one to find that that house of yours may be fine and only burglarized by a few when you get back. Hope it works out OK for you.

BigMike 22nd Oct 2005 16:03

So now the Medical team is second guessing the pilot? Oh boy, that has to be fun. Maybe they should hire Nurses to do the flying if thats the case...
Does this mean the pilot can give an opinion on the condition of the patient?

I understand all the adds now... "you got that number for the truck driving school? I think I might need it..."

B Sousa 22nd Oct 2005 17:28

So now the Medical team is second guessing the pilot? Oh boy, that has to be fun. Maybe they should hire Nurses to do the flying if thats the case...
This has been brought up many times and it does weigh heavy on EMS Pilots. They have a huge load. First flying the aircraft , many times in the night to some very dangerous places, add the pressure that if they dont go that someone may perish, then throw in the politics. None of these do well for the accident rate in EMS. The latest one to typify this example is posted here.

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