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Martin1234 26th Sep 2005 15:10

Can anyone shed some light on the mysterious courtesy buses running from Cambridge train station to/from Helitech? I can't find any information on the web, nor does anyone answer on the phone number listed.

Tony Chambers 26th Sep 2005 18:24

i will be visiting on the Tuesday now so i can drop a few lines when i return.

md 600 driver 26th Sep 2005 20:05

i am going tuesday steve

Heliport 26th Sep 2005 21:44

According to the HeliTech website, a free shuttle bus will operate between Cambridge Train Station and Helitech at peak times.

Hilico 27th Sep 2005 21:25

Was there on the Tuesday from 10am until kicked out by half-five. An astoundingly interesting and brilliant day. It was more brilliant than last time, because I deliberately talked to as many people as possible. As a result:

I tried out a 206 sim with surround-vision. Now bear in mind that most of what I know about flying a 206 comes from this website, I knew to press IDLE REL before winding the rpm up. I also managed to crash at the bottom of a full-stop auto, but as the instructor kindly noted, I almost didn't. There were at least three sims at the show, as opposed to one last time, and they were at least two generations ahead. It's worth a visit to try these alone.

I got to use a virtual-reality system. This looks like a cycling helmet with NVGs on the front and looks even more daft. 'Now if you look left, you can see the cockpit, and right you can see the tail'. A magnetic sensor picks up your head movements and translates them faithfully. 'Blimey, so I can!'. 'Now if you look down, you will see the winchman at the bottom of the cable. No, you have to lean forwards to look over the door frame.' 'Blimey, so I can!'.

By this time, I can see out of the corner of my eye a knot of interested spectators. The kind of spectators that nudge each other and snigger.

'And if you look underneath the fuselage, you can see the cargo hook waggle when the pilot does the check. No, lean forward a bit more'. So there I am sitting in an office chair, wearing the cycling helmet from hell, head between my legs and exclaiming 'crumbs, I can see it waggling!'.

I got to meet the designers of 'chip detectors that bite back'. These chip detectors aren't simply magnets to pick up pieces from the oil flow. They don't even simply light up when they catch something. No, they're connected to a bank of capacitors, so when something completes the circuit, bang! go the caps and vapourise whatever-it-was. Now if they don't pick anything else up, you don't even see a light on the panel. If they do pick up something else, the system thinks - hmm, one might be spurious, two could be enemy action - and only then does the panel light come on. Cuts the likelihood of spurious indications (and casts new light on the chip-detector thread of a couple of months ago).

I got to talk to the Chief Engineer at Sennheiser headsets. As I arrived at the stand, Carolyn Grace was revving up her Spit outside and you couldn't hear yourself think. 'Wouldn't it be a great gimmick,' I shouted, 'if you had the headsets rigged up so your customers could talk to you easily on them!' 'They are rigged up,' he shouted, and we duly donned a pair each.

But best of all, I got to meet Sasless. The Huey is indeed attracting attention; he had seen at least three groups of people catch site of it and march straight up without even glancing at the fleet of aircraft parked to their right. I even got to sit in it. I thought he meant the back - 'no no, this seat!', opening the P1 door. I tell you, I felt as though I was five years old again. Partly because of the 'look at me ma!' factor, but mainly because all the controls were too far away for me to reach.

Then he slid the armoured panel forward. The one that stops bullets. It was at this point that I realised - no, appreciated - this was a fighting machine. The names of the aircrew painted on the door sort of emphasised that when I read them. I said I'd wanted to fly helicopters since I was three, and if I'd been 18 and someone had said they'd teach me at no cost as long as I understood that when qualified they'd send me into a war zone, I'd have signed right up there and then. Some people certainly did that. But, 'If I knew then what I know now, well, I'm not so sure...'

We shook hands when I left. I didn't call him 'Sir' by accident.

Whirlybird 27th Sep 2005 21:41

Having looked at the TAFs, I've decided our little C150 won't much like the forecast high winds, rain, and low cloud. But I'm still going tomorrow, as one of the flying mags wants an article, so I'm getting up early to drive there. So look out for a shortish blonde woman who might be scribbling notes, and come and say hi. And I hope to meet SASless and the Huey and anyone else who's around at noon, as suggested way back on this thread.

See you all!

Flying Lawyer 27th Sep 2005 21:55

Tips to see:

The Huey - and SASless obviously!

The CueSim simulator. It's awesome, as our American friends might say. :ok:
I flew it for about 10 minutes and it's an amazing bit of kit - as it should be @ £600K!
If you can, try to get to fly it. But, even if it's fully booked, it's worth going inside the stand just to see the visuals.
The CueSim stand is near the in the middle of the pavilion near the entrance.


tall and tasty 27th Sep 2005 22:05

Had a brillant day and met some fellow ppruners, hi to those I did meet.

The big boys like McAlpine/Rolls Royce and Thales had impressive stands, smaller ones just as informative. I unfortunately did not get to see the outside displays but did hear them, including missing SASless and the Huey. Enjoyed catching up with a dear friend on his stand and his fantastic MD. The evening party was fun and another opportunity to see other exibitors and meet them and to see the static aircraft displays in the old Hanagar.

Won't be there until Thursday now and promise to be on my best behaviour :E being the last day

Highly recommend it to anyone who wants to go even if you are a rookie to the industry. Most companies are very friendly and willing to take the time to chat about their product and give you freebies.


hemac 27th Sep 2005 22:24

Unfortunately, due to pressures of work, I am unable to attend Helitech; and I'm gutted.

A picture speaks a thousand words, perhaps a few of you visiting tomorrow and Thursday could take a few snap shots so the rest of us can see what we have missed out on.

I will definately be attending next year, come hell or high water.


tall and tasty 27th Sep 2005 23:26

I will definately be attending next year,
hemac next one is scheduled for 1-2 Oct 2007 ;) . Shame you can't come I will try and get a good photographer I know up there to post some for you


Genghis the Engineer 28th Sep 2005 06:38

Had a great day there, although unfortunately couldn't make the 1200 RV due to suddenly being in the middle of an impromptue meeting. The only "known PPruner" I talked to was G-KEST who I traded some usual banter with.

Other than that, got there at just after 10am, roughly co-incident with Genghis.Sr (who consults to a firm supplying refuelling kit these days and had come to check out the opposition), then spent a fascinating morning up and down the halls. Interesting to see the number of sims springing up, although clearly a few were as yet uncertified and probably uncertifiable - but a good clue of a way in which the helicopter market is shadowing the FW one.

A remarkably number of people there I knew, if not Ppruners, and had several impromptue but very useful meetings: this really is one of the strengths of Helitech.

After lunch (and the wind had dropped a bit) strolled outside to admire the exhibits and add to my photo library. VERY impressed by SASless' Huey, a lovely piece of restoration. I noted the representative of one Vietnamiese company inspecting it with what could best be described as morbid fascination.

And finally, around 3pm, G.Sr and I decided to have our annual free stroll around the museum. Reading the details of the new hall they're building - that's going to be hellishly impressive once it's finished. About 4pm, saw what looked suspiciously like FL's Gazellicopter departing.

In the meantime, on a FW note, some enjoyable warbird "displaying" going on all day, which only added to the feel of the day. One, non rotary, photo I took yesterday posted below with no apologies. I believe the aircraft is Caroline Grace's Mk.9T.

Overally, the best Helitech yet (of about 5 I've attended) and worth a day of anybody's time - whether they're fixed or rotary in their disposition.



And on a more rotary note, due to overwhelming demand from Hemac :O , some of the more interesting rotary photos I took yesterday.

On display at the show....


Bell 47

Flown in
Westland Wasp


And a couple of oldies from the museum

Cierva C30A

Focke-Achgelis FA330 Gyroglider

All (c) me, but I don\'t care, feel free to borrow any of the photos. You can download bigger images
here. For anybody with interest in such things, the photos were all taken with a Yakumo MegaImage 410, handheld and set to 4MPix; the indoor ones used the built-in flash. Actually taking photos at Helitech is quite hard, as much of the flying was into-sun, and the static displays are so close together it's hard just to get one (and a whole) aircraft in-frame


md 600 driver 28th Sep 2005 11:22

tall and tasty
dear friend on his stand and his fantastic MD

was that a fantastic managing director or md helicopter

Fake Sealion 28th Sep 2005 11:36

T & T.....

Yes....I am as baffled as MD600 driver?

"Fantastic MD" really does have 2 meanings at Helitech !
Explain yourself?


ALL MD's are fantastic aren't they? Henri-Marie Coanda is the daddy !


HeliEng 28th Sep 2005 11:52

Will be in attendance on Thursday.

If anyone flying from the South Coast, would you like someone to share costs???

Please PM me!



Whirlygig 28th Sep 2005 11:54

I will now be going on Thursday too! 12.00 at the Huey?



tall and tasty 28th Sep 2005 12:02

Fantastic MD" really does have 2 meanings at Helitech !
apologise to those I did not make that clear to...........

MD meant Managing Director

Whirls hope to see you on Thursday

TnT ;)

VitaminGee 28th Sep 2005 15:47

. " ooh I don't like the upholstery. "
they've obviously never travelled in the back of a Sea King then!:E

Genghis the Engineer 28th Sep 2005 15:58

For that matter, they should have had a good look in the back of the Huey a few hundred yards away.


Capn Notarious 28th Sep 2005 18:15

. " ooh I don't like the upholstery. "

Was taken from my original post, deleted and a waspish comment that I had overheard.
This was the best Helitech so far, I was in Redhill 1995, not missed any.
I counted 30 plus helicopters on the far side of the field. Registration spotters would have needed telescopes, some dictate others have note books. There is almost the ornithologist attitude about them, but has any one of you seen a female spotter?

WASALOADIE 28th Sep 2005 18:22

I'll be there tomorrow as well. Looking forward to meeting some fellow pruners. Initials AP.

See you there

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