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Sabre Zero 1 7th Jul 2005 10:16

London explosions
Anyone involved with HEMS in relation to this? :(

(edited by Sabre Zero 1 to remove stupid speculation)

SASless 7th Jul 2005 11:19

It was only a matter of time....prayers for those harmed!

wishtobflying 7th Jul 2005 11:49

MILAN (Reuters) - A previously unknown group claimed responsibility in the name of al Qaeda for a series of blasts in London that killed at least two people and wounded 185, the Italian news agency ANSA reported on Thursday.

The "Secret Group of al Qaeda's Jihad in Europe" claimed the attack in a Web site posting and warned Italy and Denmark to withdraw their troops from Iraq and Afghanistan, ANSA said.

The claim could not be verified and did not appear on any of the Web sites normally used by al Qaeda.

Sabre Zero 1 7th Jul 2005 11:58

Whoever is responsible, and for whatever reason, it was indeed only a matter of time.

A very sad day!

R22DRIVER 7th Jul 2005 12:33


My condolences to the families involved and my support to all the police and medical staff involved in the clearup.

:( :sad:


InTgreen 7th Jul 2005 13:43

Squirrel dude.... don't over react old chum. Let the dust settle, let the boys and girls of the emergency services do what they have practiced for, and hope this event will not be too expensive in life. When the London situation is in hand, then the inevitable fingers will be pointed. I don't support Our Tone that often, but if the PM stays in London all the time 'just in case' then it would affect the Govt, and these terrorists would have a small victory!
As for controlling the news, I would like to echo another comment on a different thread. The BBC's report of 'Scenes of Chaos'. From the T.V. pictures, it looked to me as though the emergency services really had as much control as possible over the situation. Credit to the public as well from what we have seen.

Fingers crossed for all.:(

on21 7th Jul 2005 16:52

Just been watching the bbc news and it looks like G-PIXX is out and about, they have just been doing an interview whiles airbourne. Nifty bit of kit.

eoincarey 7th Jul 2005 22:27

Flying Squirrel

It sounds a little bit like you're talking out of your arse. With the greatest of respect, we do in fact have a democracy, a fully functional one. Would you care to explain your comment that our democracy is "bollocks"? I see no evidence of martial law being declared, no media clampdown in force, no British "gestapo" out on the streets rounding up ne'ersayers or "suspected terrorists". In my opinion, the media has reported the events accurately and succinctly, with no obvious undue pressure from Downing Street. They have done a marvellous job of keeping us informed of these tragic events, and it is unfair of you to condemn their reporting today as biased and unfair. In addition, it sounds from your post as if you really would relish the opportunity to "smash the local paper shop up". Would you not think the government to be wise if it controlled the flow of panic causing information, so as to prevent hysteria, and to allow the emergency services the best environment possible in which to do their important work?

In addition, I do not believe your comment that "they knew it was going to happen" to be fair at all. Do you have any factual basis for this, or are you suffering from verbal diahorrea? Contrary to your supposed belief, our intelligence services actually work for the interests of the British public, and do not engage in fanciful schemes to allow such atrocities to happen. If they had known about it, they would have acted on it, but as they did not, then there was nothing they could do.

Your comment that it is merely a case of "getting it out of the way" I believe shows great disdain on your part for the British government and the intelligence services. I do not often agree with the actions of this government (especially in the events surrounding the death of Dr David Kelly), but I cannot believe your claim that they just wanted to "get it out of the way". It is ridiculous to assume that the British government would barter like this in human life, and you also seem to infer that the government almost wished for this to happen, which is totally illogical.

As for your last comment that the "economy is now wrecked", I find to be non sensical. Are you an economic analyst? Do you possess a finely tuned insight into the workings of the British economy? Or are you, as I suspect, just speculating about things you know nothing about? I am not an economist by any means, but I would find it hard to believe that the entire stock exchange would collapse because of todays events. When I checked this afternoon, the London Stock Exchange was quickly recovering from its morning fall.

So please, Flying Squirrel, before engaging in this sort of scaremongering and gossiping, think before you speak.


AlanM 8th Jul 2005 06:24

Was manic on 125.62 today - not least because of the increased security type helicopters, 5 medevac helis, police and news gatherers but because there seemed to be a higher level of people escaping the city in helicopters.

No, Brent - Battersea, no H4 and as we went to Easterlies no H3 and delays on H10. (Five holding on H10 waiting a gap from the Heathrow deps at one stage)

Thanks to all the crews who understood the delays and extended routeings. Not one person complained. Thank you.

Nigerian Expat Outlaw 8th Jul 2005 07:10

People's resolution, bravery and public spirit has shone through. The emergency services have reacted and continue to act flawlessly.

My deepest sympathy for those killed and injured by such cowardice.

I cannot help but feel a swell of pride in being British when I see how people have handled such an outrage.


paco 8th Jul 2005 16:48

I just got this from a contact in Transport Canada:

"P.S. If you are in the UK right now, please know that our thoughts, sympathy and admiration go out to the people in London."

My reply was that Hitler had already tried bombing us into submission, and he was a professional - these guys have got no chance!


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