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BRL 6th Apr 2005 19:57

Have one for me you lot, I am off away tomorrow until Sunday night to celebrate my birthday.

Have fun and take some pictures............:)

Whirlybird 6th Apr 2005 20:07

This Whirly is working on Saturday...well, instructing anyway, not sure if you call that work or play. :) Dunno about the other Whirly, but since I'm providing her free ticket - if I ever get my promised pair of them - I suspect whe'll want to stick to Sunday too.

Flying Lawyer 7th Apr 2005 10:14

I'll be there on Sunday.

Look forward to meeting any fellow Ppruners who are around the Breitling Bar either before 2 pm or after 3 pm.

VeeAny 7th Apr 2005 13:43

I'll be there most of tomorrow (Friday) . In the bar at 1100-1300.

I'll be the one pushing the noisy (but very pretty) baby.


Whirlybird 7th Apr 2005 14:18

Right, it looks like Sunday's midday meeting in the Breitling Bar will consist of....

Flying Lawyer

Any more????

leemind 7th Apr 2005 14:27

I was planning a Saturday morning trip, (without alcohol, since I'm flying in the afternoon) but all this mention of beer is pushing me towards a Sunday lunchtime trip... (Airfair, what airfair??... burp...) :D

DBChopper 7th Apr 2005 16:41

Well I'd be interested to put some faces to the Whirlies and FL, so I'll try to pop over and say hi after I've finished playing with the simulator.


ShyTorque 7th Apr 2005 17:27

<I'll have one for you ST - triple industrial strength gin that has just been shown the tonic bottle be alright for ya?>


Ta, but if it's only industrial strength and has tonic pollution you'd better make it a double!

Have a good day, all! I'll rattle the windows as we go over.

Pat Malone 8th Apr 2005 06:58

I'll be on the AOPA stand (F30) for all three days, any any rotorhead who wants to drop by will be made welcome...

TheGimp 8th Apr 2005 11:50

I'll be in the bar on Sunday. You'll be able to recognise me easily - I'll be on the floor surrounded by empty bottles and exhausted bar staff :bored: :yuk:

Whirlygig 8th Apr 2005 20:52


I quite clearly stated (and you copied) TRIPLE measures. Now, if you can't take it and can only manage doubles?.... you shouldn't be messing with the big boys (er... girls...).



ShyTorque 8th Apr 2005 22:35

:O Er thanks, I'll just have to try harder. HIC!! :\

TheFlyingSquirrel 10th Apr 2005 03:15

Went to show on Saturday - was a little dissapointed - not as I thought it would be - About 20 static exhibits of various aircrarft from a Navy Lynx to a Rotrway Exec. I've no idea why Cabair thought it appropriate to have a Bentley on their stand - God knows what that was all about ! If i'd paid the £14 admission and not climbed over the fence, I reckon I may have felt a little gypped ! Sure you may find more to do than I did, I guess i'm just plain f****ng miserable !

rhmaddever 10th Apr 2005 15:47

Have to agree "TheFlyingSquirrel" - went on Sunday - I was also a little dissapointed, I didn't go last year so can't compair,

Thankfully I also had complimentary tickets,


Pat Malone 10th Apr 2005 19:15

I think Cabair's decision was something to do with the fact that it costs about £8,000 to dismantle an aircraft, transport it into town, rebuild it, then repeat the performance three days later, on top of your stand costs, which are considerable. Even better, Cabair sold the Bentley - at £115,950!
From the point of view of exhibitors the show was damned good. At least 12 aircraft were sold, I'm told - and this is new sales, not show announcements. I know of two R44s, two Cessna 182s, a Schweizer, and a Lancair (at half a million dollars) that were signed for. Every exhibitor I spoke to had three good days, and what was particularly encouraging was the number of non-aviation people who'd come to have a look. We desperately need to get new blood into general aviation. Everyone who was selling PPL packages reported good trade.
The seminars were mostly excellent, especially Flying Lawyer's, although the acoustic problems of last year have not been properly addressed and must be. There are a lot of people working extremely hard to make the show a success and they've done a fantastic job. I don't know what you expect if you think the show was poor, but the general aviation industry desperately needs the Fly! show and I for one hope it continues.

TheFlyingSquirrel 10th Apr 2005 19:24

fair comment Pat - I think the most important thing I saw was the on Diamond Aircraft stand and the piston engine that can run on Diesel or Avtur - that's what GA needs - desperately ! Kind of still don't get the Bentley bit, sold or not ! The A109 was on display was flown to the car park and then pushed through the doors ! The other helis were low loaded from local fields with their blades removed - I presume you're refering the 8k to the FW's?

DBChopper 10th Apr 2005 21:48

I thoroughly enjoyed it!

Hi to the Whirlies - nice to meet you both and sorry it was only a brief chat, but I needed to get away sharpish after my stint. I met many people over the two days I was there who were new to flying, numerous kids who were far better that the qualified pilots in the sim (!), and loads of thoroughly nice people who fly things (even some of those odd fixed-wing types)!

Hey Pat, perhaps we'll even manage more than a passing "hello" next year... ;)


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