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Gomer Pylot 7th Jan 2005 19:53

Real men know when to do as they are told!
And you may as well do it sooner rather than later, because you're going to do it eventually, anyway. As the old saw goes, I always get the last word in any argument. "Yes, dear!"

Double Echo 7th Jan 2005 19:59

Whirly girls

I know Flytest very well.. I also know he has a particular habit of bedding female pilots.

In his words "If they are in my bed, they are out of the sky"


Whirlygig 7th Jan 2005 23:31

Well now, Double Echo, it appears as if you have 3 days every 28-30 in which to get lucky with any female (pilot or otherwise) and 3 days in which you risk getting your head bitten off.

Do you know, I can't remember where I am in my cycle, is it the second week or the third? In the all the excitement, I appear to have forgotten so tell me, are you feeling lucky punk?

NIGINOO - modesty forbids me to say whether my looks match my brains (unlikely actually as I am very, very clever) but I think I am prettier than most pilots (and certainly smell a lot nicer ;))



rotaryman 7th Jan 2005 23:42

Whats the Difference between a Rottweiler and a woman with Pmt ??

You can make friends with a Rottweiler LOL:)

o.k i'm leaving..

Blind 7th Jan 2005 23:49

Hmmm I've just done some sums. The gentleman that kindly started this topic hinted that us ladies are a bit poorly for a few days a month. Shall we call a few three? Well I've flown AS332l's on the North Sea for 4 years without being sick. So thats 3 days a month I'm owed........36 days a year........let's call that a month.

So am I due 4 months off for untaken PMT leave?



ShyTorque 8th Jan 2005 09:10

Every month I tell people I suffer from headaches and stomach cramps. I become very clumsy and forgetful and I tend to drop things a lot. I also get very grumpy and tired. I know I'm being aggressive and rude, but I tell people "It's just me hormones so I can't help it".

As a strong believer in equal rights I just do it on purpose as I'm definitely NOT female....... :E

Whirlybird 8th Jan 2005 09:15

Hmmm, I think the last time I had time off work for sickness was when I had flu in....I think it was 1997!!!!!!!! How many days off am I owed? I think I'll go on a world tour.

One thing Whirlygig didn't mention was that not all women have regular menstrual cycles. I'm not talking about a couple of days different either...how about anything from 21 to 35 days????!!!! OK, now try and work out when you're going to get lucky. ;)

Whirlygig 8th Jan 2005 09:31


I'm so glad you believe in equal rights. How about, once a month, I kick you in the gonads and then you can genuinely suffer the pain! Just one of the many helpful services I can offer!!



ShyTorque 8th Jan 2005 09:57


Thanks for the kind offer but I have suffered quite enough pain already as I have been married for nearly thirty years.

(Wouldn't want Mrs. S getting jealous, that's her job ;) )

rotaryman 8th Jan 2005 12:26

Thanks for the kind offer but I have suffered quite enough pain already as I have been married for nearly thirty years.
Jesus mate! you only get 10 years for Murder!! just think you would be out by now! LOL:)

:ok: :ok: :ok: Remember! can't live with em! Can't shoot em....:E

carholme 8th Jan 2005 13:38

Flying Ladies
I have worked as an engineer (mechanic) on helicopters and fixed wing for almost 40 years and recently my partner and I bought a Beech 18 floatplane for summer operations in Canada. My partner is an ATP/IFR fixed wing with over 1000 hours on the Beech floats, over 3000 hours floats, 7000 hours total, as well she has her commercial rotary. She is without a doubt, the most meticulous pilot I have ever worked with and her care of the aircraft is second to none. She will outwork most of the people I have worked with, including me.
I have never at any time even thought of her monthly cycle with regard to her as a woman/pilot/worker. She is just good at what she does and is a real asset in our operation. I'm sure having to put up with me causes her more aggro than she needs.
Even in aviation, I'm surprized the subject came up at all. In 1967, when I obtained my PPL/CPL, I was trained by a lady pilot who was a ferry pilot during the war and I have never forgot what an exceptional person/pilot she was.


bugdevheli 8th Jan 2005 20:23

Flying Ladies
For Gods sake, are you men or bloody mice. Women were put on this earth for one thing only. They were not designed to be police constables, navvies, bus drivers,managers,refuse collectors, driving or flying instructors, wrestlers, boxers,or for that matter have any job that a man would normally do. No, they were put here in the first place to please men. the situation has been changed by men who make these silly statements ie, she knows whos the boss etc. Keep them in there place I say. Underneath you whenever possible.

NickLappos 8th Jan 2005 20:51

I hope you are wearing rubber soled shoes, because God has read your post, and She is mighty angry!

Thomas coupling 9th Jan 2005 00:23

Whirlygig, you've hurt my feelings now! I'm gutted that you could possibly think I had anything but praise for the fairer sex.
I think the least you could do to make amends is to give me your mobile number so that we could discuss this further...........
trust me, I'm a pilot :E

I remember a harrier pilot chatting a hostie up at an airdisplay we were in, in Jersey some years back.
He'd been eyeing her up for ages and eventually after a few beers, walked through the crowded room up to the crowded bar pushing lesser mortals aside, until he was next to her.
In a loud, deep voice (trying to speak above the noisy room) he looked her straight in the eyes and said:
"How do you fancy your eggs in the morning sweetheart"?

And she responded with:

"Not fertilised by you thanks sunshine"

and carried on chatting to the barman :ok:

SASless 9th Jan 2005 00:52

I wonder if the ladies ever considered the sheer anguish we men go through.....they just do not seem to give a second thought to the Pain of Conception we must endure. There just isn't any justice since we gave them the vote.....since then it has been down hill all the way.


Corr 9th Jan 2005 07:57

flying ladies
Just use the standard retort...why should I lower myself to be equal ??!!

Whirlygig 9th Jan 2005 09:11


Glad you're back - did you have a good Christmas? Now, I know you're not really hurt because you have ever such broad shoulders ;) If I can take the flak, so can you!! Trust me, I'm a pilot :ok:

SASLess - this must be similar to the pre-menstrual tension that many women go through each month. "Am I pregnant? Am I pregnant? Phew! No. Thank God!"



ShyTorque 9th Jan 2005 10:19

"this must be similar to the pre-menstrual tension that many women go through each month. "Am I pregnant? Am I pregnant? Phew! No. Thank God!"

Now there's a coincidence! That's exactly what many men go through, too. "Is she pregnant? Phew, no, Thank God!"

Rwy in Sight 9th Jan 2005 21:29

Funny thing that this thread appeared just now. I had a conversation with a lady some two days ago.

She is not a pilot but she stated that women make less good pilots because during their period they tend to be very short-tempred or getting angry much more easily. Obviously her not being a pilot her argument does not hold a lot ot water but nervertheless it does show something...

I believe that often PMS or dysmynoria are merely excuses, and a woman that is happy about herself doesn't really suffer.

Any comments from the ladies
Rwy in Sight

Whirlygig 9th Jan 2005 22:21

Any comments from the ladies
Whaddya think I've been doing for the last three pages?

she stated that women make less good pilots because during their period they tend to be very short-tempred or getting angry much more easily
Oh pur-leeze. IF (and I mean IF) this comment really did come from a woman she must be very, very young. Women who come out with crap like that are doing the rest of us (herself included) no favours whatsoever. SHE might not make a good pilot because SHE gets short-tempered but, as I have said oft enough, it can affect women in different ways and affect the women diferently at different times especially as you get older (ahem).

I have my own personal considerations to make at particular times (I'm getting coy in my old age) but, I can promise all you blokes, getting short-tempered is not one of them.

I believe that often PMS or dysmynoria are merely excuses
Oh no they are not. If a woman suffers from these, it ain't fecking funny and it has nothing to do with how happy they are with themselves but a hormone imbalance.

Now, I am normally pretty laid back and rarely rise to the bait but Rwy, this post takes the biscuit. Comments such as those from Bugdevheli are simply treated with the contempt they deserve and are so predicatable, it's sad. But your post, recounting what a female friend has said just makes me want to groan inwardly.

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