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Sign Maker 4th Nov 2004 05:13

Erm, Signmaker. Since your inconsiderate posting of members of the ArgleBargle Race team showing an inappropriate (though reasonably polite) sign one has been sacked for appearing in public without his hat, and the others have been stood down pending investigation. You irresponsible person, I hope you're ashamed of yourself.
Yes all of the race team has been stood down because one person did something wrong....

Shame shame shame.....

See the latest? A woman injured by flying debris caused by downwash at Indy has accused the sign crew. Unfortunately she couldn't recognise the difference between a green and brown Huey and a low vis grey Seahawk which was the actual perpertrator! I guess the squids are laughing it up while the Army takes the heat?
like you said.... the army is getting blamed for something they didnt do... and if the whole blow up and media coverage didnt happen over a little sign nothing would have been said about it.... she would of just forgot about it...

John Eacott 4th Nov 2004 05:37

Re the listing from Heliport: News Ltd (Melbourne Age, etc) have even captioned the offending photo "Picture: Australian Associated Press".

Can't have it both ways, fellows ;) It's either us wicked PPRuNers, or it's the Mad Murdochs. One or t'other :rolleyes:

Ultralights 4th Nov 2004 05:55

The other side of surfers flyby!
fly by at surfers, 295. the other side!


if you look closely, they got what they asked for! 2 little birds known as tits.

DualDriver 4th Nov 2004 08:04

I think this whole thing has been blown COMPLETELY out of proportion...

So the guys buggered it up, SO WHAT? It's harmless fun, and like many before have said, they're only human.

If these guys' careers (pilots and loadmaster) are ruined, the ADF is gonna have to spend a SH1TLOAD of money to retrain more and probably loose some DAMN good crew. Rap the guys over the knuckles with a "BAD BOYS" in caps, and DROP IT.

Go Boys, GO!!!

reallyoldfart 4th Nov 2004 08:54

Those are pretty strong words old chum. Are you absolutely certain it was a Seahawk??

From what I saw at the race (yes I was there on the ground), the huey hovering and lowering a person on the hoist directly over the track on both days was an exercise in absolute stupidity, considering they were so close to a huge crowd of people on both sides of the track, and also hovering over a group of motorcycle stunt people trying to perform under a Huey downwash, not to mention the numerous tents and TV camermen being blown about. Consider the results if one of those loose bits of debris they were blowing about had re-circulated into the tail rotor, because they were low enough!!

Was the loadmaster doing his job and letting the pilots (who also aren't blind) know that they were causing a great nuisance to the people on the ground??????

To quote a previous input to this thread PISS POOR S.A.!!!!

:\ :\ :\

Sign Police 4th Nov 2004 09:06

NEWS at hand.... The "show us your tits " team has been stood down for "flying" too low in the mens room.
Punishment.....only wear pants with cords and no fly for 6 months......:ok:

Army's lewd flight of fantasy
By Luke McIlveen
November 3, 2004

THE Australian Army's Iroquois helicopters are officially our most offensive weapons – but it has nothing to do with their ability to wage war.

Spectators at the Gold Coast Indy two weeks ago were shocked when one of the choppers roared past with a sign ordering onlookers to "show us your tits".

They were supposed to be looking out for terrorists, but the only targets the chopper's four crewmen were interested in wore bikinis.

Now the soldiers behind the sleazy prank have been stood down pending an investigation into the October 23 incident.

The crew of the Iroquois chopper was patrolling tens of thousands of onlookers who had crammed the streets and high-rise apartments surrounding the racetrack.

They had flown from the army base at Oakey, near Toowoomba.

Their moment of madness was captured by an outraged onlooker, who snapped a picture of the offending sign and put it on the Internet.

"An army Iroquois helicopter displayed an inappropriate sign at the Gold Coast Grand Prix on October 23," a spokeswoman for the Department of Defence said yesterday.

"This type of behaviour is totally unacceptable and will not be condoned by the Australian Army.

"An investigation is under way and the crew has been stood down from flying duties."

The picture of the offending chopper was placed on the website of the Professional Pilots Rumour Network, attracting messages of approval from many flying enthusiasts.

"Onya boys!!!!" wrote one supporter.

The chopper at the centre of the controversy – the Iroquois A2-295 – has previously served Australia with distinction in Bougainville.

The Courier-Mail

Hate to tell you bro, but the person who took the photo was far from "outraged" as you suggested. I happen to know who it was that took the pic and he was more out and out raging with laughter.....DON'T go filling your column with bullshit to make your story look better. I also happen to know the website which the picture originated a couple of days after the race, but that is not for you to know little man:sad:

Bushranger Bill 4th Nov 2004 09:26

To Really Old Fart
No really old fart - You're right............ it could have been the Sea King. From what I hear both were causing quite a lot of damage and mayhem with their version of a display. If they had some spine they would own up in order to take the heat off the sign crew who no doubt will be in enough sh1t of their own making. Of course there will never be any official fess up since they all play for the same team...... but team mates look after each other - don't they? From what I have seen and heard about the Huey hover for the winch it was quite well and safely conducted and didn't cause any damage or concern at all.

I take it from your attitude you might be a squid yourself? If so you're probably just jealous because someone else is getting all the attention even though it is negative! I'm sure the Army boys would appreciate a little support or a kind gesture right now.

The Riddler 4th Nov 2004 10:17

Nicely positoned skid there!

Giovanni Cento Nove 4th Nov 2004 11:27

And so, she did!!

295 B side.


Sign Police 4th Nov 2004 14:57

the pic dont do it justice.....the skid was miles above the light....just look at the difference in focus....:suspect:

haha, that pic is cool......there were plenty more boobs out than hers, which were not as a result of the chopper, so please dont make a story out of that

SASless 4th Nov 2004 15:04


I sent my thoughts to the e-mail adddy you provided....

Suggested an oral admonishment would adequately address the situation.....then a pint of beer all around.

Flying Lawyer 4th Nov 2004 15:56

Good thing someone posted that picture.

Now we can see for ourselves just how angry, outraged and disgusted the public were. :rolleyes:

Auscan 4th Nov 2004 16:07

Typical media beat up. Anything to sell a paper eh boys. Pack your bags for Iraq and you will come home hero's, but as soon as you have a bit of harmless fun its time to hang, draw and quater. Im proud to see 99% of the industry boys standing behind these guys.
I am sorry to see these guys suffer proffesionally for a harmless bit of fun.

whywouldyou 5th Nov 2004 02:42

My 10 Cents worth
Some have said they agree... Some have said they dont...

Morally... Ethically... Bad Taste... All In Good Fun...

What if the banner was flaying from another kind of Chooper...

Lets say the "WESTPAC Emergency Helicopter ANGEL 1" did the same thing...

They wouldn't... they just wouldn't... and WHY wouldnt they?
For the same reason the Army shouldnt have done it...

Its one of those things...
"I was only thinking about saying it but you actually went out and said it, out loud!"

We all might think of it, but would you actually do it in front of thousands of people with the digital imageing age upon us...

If it were a LINSAY FOX truck
A Woolworths Delivery Truck
A Shell Fuel Delivery Truck
A Jetstar / Quantas Plane
Ronald McDonald
A Race Car on the Track covered in Sponsorship
A Telstra Van
A Coca Cola Truck
A Fire Truck
An SES Truck
A Cop Car (POL-AIR) even
An Ambulance (WESTPAC)

What is the equivillant,

If YOU in your company car, your big glassey window filled sky scraper building, dressed in a work logo uniform with your "SHOW US YOUR T!TS" poster did the same thing again in front of thousands of people with digital imagery, in this politicaly correct world of media sensationalising...

I wonder would you be stood down, or fired on the spot, or even sued for defamation, how would your boss and his corperate image handle it.

Its OK for the Annonomus (drunken or otherwise breast deprived or breast connoisseur come enthusiast) Joe on the street to ask the question of the ladies... but really and I mean REALLY....

In this day and age your responsible and your accountable for your own actions so now you Army fly boys... You had your fun, got a good laugh out of it and blew off some steam, now face your punishment and take it like a man!


Thats my 10cents worth minus account keeping fees associated charges and GST ...it equals my 2 cents worth...

Bellthorpe 5th Nov 2004 03:39

Well, whywouldyou, if it were my crew, in my helicopter, displaying my company's logo, and I saw it on the TV coverage, I would throw a slab of Grolsch in the freezer to greet them with on their return to the hangar.

Again I say: 'well done, lads". Another blow against the dark forces of political correctness.

Tibbsy 8th Nov 2004 10:20

Try using a spell-checker
Thankyou for your enlightening and insightful comments whywouldyou.

I will defend your right to sound off until I die, but I think you should consider using a spell-checker next time as I can't really take you seriously when you talk about flying 'choopers' and 'Quantas' planes.

Yours in anneminity:uhoh: , annominoty:oh: , annernimity:{ ,

Oh bugger it!

Show us your t:mad:ts!


Harry The Mad Black 8th Nov 2004 19:28

Oh Dear, 'Why Would you', indeed. Sweetheart, I have spoken to many, many people re this subject over the past week, men, women and teenaged children, and the overwhelming response has been "SO What". The 40-60 something women I know aren't offended or even slightly upset. They think oh you naughty boys.

I have deliberately resisted the temptation to comment until YOU got onto your soapbox and started to tell us how we should think, act and behave. You need to get your head out of your copy of The Female Unuch and accept that on occasion boys will be boys. Don't try to analyse their actions or their intent, just accept that they did it. They will answer for their actions without you and your ilk calling for blood.

Oh and while I'm at it ON YA BOYZ

Av8r 9th Nov 2004 01:02

Ok Harry, lets assume for a minute that carrying and displaying that sign is acceptable behavior. All military aircraft can ‘display at will’? Maybe Customs aircraft can have it permanently sign written on?
If, in your opinion, that’s acceptable behavior by Government employees in Government owned aircraft, what sign or behavior would need to be displayed that you thought might be crossing the line?

Sign Police 9th Nov 2004 04:37

I guess the reason customs dont do it are the same reasons people walking through customs dont do it.....
If you werent there on the day, or have never been to indy on the gold coast you will not understand one of the main reasons a lot of spectators go.
The ARMY boys were as stated earlier "blowing off steam" and playing along with the majority...

BTW if it were my company chopper with sponsorship or my company name on it, think of all the free advertising i would have got....it would be priceless.

Harry The Mad Black 9th Nov 2004 09:27

Acceptable behaviour??
No av8r it is not what I would call acceptable. They were just caught up in the moment, I suppose, and made a bad call. Kick their arses (not crucify them) and we should all just get over it. In order to speed this process, I will no longer visit this thread in order to avoid the temptation to respond to those calling for blood and prolonging the agony for the lads.

I reckon that you won't find them skiting about this at work. :hmm:

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