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bugdevheli 21st Sep 2004 21:05

Can I hover indoors

Knocked up a little home-built job last week. Question is, can I legally hover it in my barn (big tall barn)?

ec135driver 21st Sep 2004 21:11


Don't want to get it wet?

bugdevheli 21st Sep 2004 21:16

Can I hover indoors
ec135. Bit worried about bits flying off

ec135driver 21st Sep 2004 21:25

Understandable, but surely it would be safer if they flew a long long way away?

presumbly the ac has no certification yet? insurance etc etc. I guess you have a licence judging by the R22 in the shot?

Could you set up a webcam and give us all a laugh!

You can probably tell I have no idea about the legality - sorry

diethelm 21st Sep 2004 21:36

Looks like a subaru engine.

ShyTorque 21st Sep 2004 21:55

Looks like a BMW K Series.

Asked 'er indoors if you can fly it indoors. She said no, she's just dusted!

Thomas coupling 21st Sep 2004 22:10

Christ, I'd rather drive a sinclair 5 the wrong way down the outside lane of the M1, I think. What will you use for a windscreen - clingfilm, budgie.

I used to fly something similiar when I was about 10, with about five lolly sticks in a disc shape, that flew indoors until it hit the fridge or TV and then it exploded into smithereens again :eek:

Ascend Charlie 21st Sep 2004 22:54

If it gets a bit out of shape in the hover, wooden tit be better if you were outdoors, to have a bit of space to gather it in? Don't want to bump into a barn wall or the ceiling or anything.

There will be lots of recirculation, so any dust or horse droppings will very quickly make visibility zero.

Lots of bolt ends hanging in the breeze from the blade grips - should sound like angels singing, as you blindly slice your way through the barn doors!:8

diethelm 21st Sep 2004 23:05

Shawn, Rich & Nick............this is a job for a test pilot.........

rotorusa 22nd Sep 2004 01:41

Looks like the view out front is somewhat obstructed. The view out the sides on the other hand seems magnificent. You'll get an appreciation for what it's like to be a fish, if nothing else.

reynoldsno1 22nd Sep 2004 03:25

Well, there's some guys down about latitude 45S who do it for a living - helping to dry out newly laid concrete floors in "largish" buildings.....honest:ok:

Specnut727 22nd Sep 2004 04:26

Some time ago I heard of a R22 being used to dry the coating on a hangar floor in Christchurch !

I assume it was legal, as there didn't seem to be any fuss when details were made public.

Not sure what permissions were sought, but it may be worth some searches.

Vfrpilotpb 22nd Sep 2004 06:30

A good name for it , possibly....

" The Thong "


Harmonic_Vibe 22nd Sep 2004 09:47

Isn't Something Missing?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but shouldn't there be some kind of mainrotor pitch-change mechanism? Or is it hiding there somewhere?


Devil 49 22nd Sep 2004 16:26

I wouldn't, unless your barn's clear at least 5 rotor spans and 3-4 times as high as your aircraft. I've never hovered indoors, but from my experiences landing in revetments, parallel and "L," I don't think it's a good idea. It kept me very busy, dealing with sudden changes in the flow as the recirculation changed.

helipedro 22nd Sep 2004 17:51

Can it fly Off-shore IFR?

CRAZYBROADSWORD 22nd Sep 2004 20:23

christ check out the machine on the right of the pic that looks realy scary.

Flingwing207 23rd Sep 2004 04:44

Are you asking "is it legal"?
Well (at least in the USA), there's nothing in the FARs differentiating between inside and outside when it comes to "in flight" and "for the purposes of flight". So if it's legal for you to fly it outside the barn, then it's legal for you to fly it inside the barn. Same goes for illegal, too - being inside a building doesn't eliminate the rules.

That brings up a side thought - those college students working on the human powered helicopter - none of them rated rotorcraft pilots, what's the call there? :8

ppheli 23rd Sep 2004 05:25

This is not the first helicopter this guy has built. Check G-BXTV on the CAA register site if you don't believe me - that was "Bug 1", and I recall "Bug 2" had a green cabin (seen at the Kilpeck fly-in some years ago, roaded in/out) so this is at least "Bug 3".

And all most of you can do is rant on about how you would not fly in it. No one is asking you to! Just because you have a bigger chopper does not give you the right to criticise someone with bigger b***s than you.

I say - let the guy fly, and to the minority that answered the "flying indoors" question, well done for keeping on subject

bugdevheli - just no standing behind horses, right?? ;)

Vfrpilotpb 23rd Sep 2004 08:08

Would this not contravene the flight near buildings rule? and if in a barn it would become a little hard to see what was around you with all the dust and hay/seeds being hoovered up and spat down again,

Do a tethered flight!


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